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File: 40 KB, 484x578, Heidegger_1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3682773 No.3682773 [Reply] [Original]

Today, however, it may be possible to think all this in a different way, at the moment of a radical eclipse of Nature itself: Heidegger’s “field path” is, after all, irredeemably and irrevocably destroyed by late capital, by the green revolution, by neocolonialism and the megapolis, which runs its superhighways over the older fields and vacant lots and turns Heidegger’s “house of being” into condominiums, if not the most miserable unheated, rat-infested tenement buildings.

Checkmate, Heideggerians.

>> No.3682782

I just took a dump, and it gave this satisfying 'squiggy' sound as it slithered out my anus.
Nice and clean.

>> No.3682806

Every now and again I have a perfect dump. I'll reach down to wipe, and find it came out so perfectly that my asshole is completely clean.

>> No.3682828

>not being able to instinctively feel whether your dump was perfectly clean
>wasting precious toilet paper
do you even anus?

>> No.3682832

>>wasting precious toilet paper
Yuropoor detected.

>> No.3682850

>toilet paper


>> No.3683534

he's right

>> No.3683542

>>not being able to instinctively feel whether your dump was perfectly clean
>>wasting precious toilet paper


>> No.3683544
File: 46 KB, 857x793, Close EP 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a dump so clean and pure that your asshole feels cleaner after than it was before you sat down.

>> No.3683574


I love that feel. Very appropriate convo for a Heidegger thread too.

>> No.3683652

Marxism and Heidegger, are they compatible?

>> No.3683704
File: 158 KB, 419x600, bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In Latin it is called "munda sordida faecem disponendi" and Menippus of Gadara had it carved on the basin he used during his trip to Alexandria.

It signifies the ability of the body to randomly grace us with a pleasant oxymoron which, otherwise, grants a glimpse of autarkeia.

Overall, I call it a clean shit, and it is a delight.

>> No.3683724

Eat your German sausage.

>> No.3683746

That's only early Heidegger.

>> No.3684519

No........ certainly not Marxism proper. I guess the closest thing this has come to realization is Foucault, but thats moving farther away from realization than towards it...

>> No.3684554

Only the National Socialist Bewegung is compatible with the greatness of Heidegger.

>> No.3685740

Yeah, those 3 lines totally 'checkmate' the entirety of Heidegger's Phenomenological Thesis.

You fucking pillock.

>> No.3685786

what was your last dump like?

>> No.3685806

Swift, small, dense and hard. 6/10.

>> No.3685823

I had a dump this morning, it was one of those that comes on strong suddenly.
At first I thought I was in trouble... possibly diarrhea, but it proved to be very pleasant. Moist with a slight acidic burn at the end.

>> No.3685838

>the anal ytic tradition

>> No.3685842

>actually taking the time and effort to refute heideggerians

horse was born dead man, let it rot in peace.

>> No.3685853

Nope, still kicking. Anyone posting on 4chan should know that.

>> No.3685963

Heidegger severely critiqued Marx.

>> No.3686478 [DELETED] 

Wasn't this guy a Nazi?

And you people still think he's well read??

Wow, I didn't know /lit/ was so edgy. Yeah, keep telling yourself Hitler is cool kids, you'll go far in life.

>> No.3686482

Wasn't this guy a Nazi?

And you people still think he's worth reading??

Wow, I didn't know /lit/ was so edgy. Yeah, keep telling yourself Hitler is cool kids, you'll go far in life.

>> No.3686520

argumentum ad hominem.

>looks like we've found ourselves a downy

>> No.3687230

He was a Nazi member for a couple years until 39. Boohoo.

Not as bad as Paul de Man.

>> No.3687246

>He was a Nazi member for a couple years until 39.
Not even vaguely true I'm afraid, though his involvement in Nazism shouldn't be a reason to discount his work. The big thing was that he betrayed his mentor and many of his friends, since it's not clear why he was such a big fan of National Socialism beyond its promise of cultural revolution. But, hey, if Arendt can get over it.

>> No.3687261

Foucault consciously spread AIDS. Heidegger is nothing.

>> No.3687269
File: 405 KB, 1000x752, Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right about one thing. Heidegger IS nothing.

>> No.3687276

not really.
two of the least compatible schemas out there, i think.

>> No.3689070

He was a provincial not a Nazi.

>> No.3689740


>> No.3689812
File: 394 KB, 1022x1368, 1332727334961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German idealism is one of the greatest heaps of shit that ever slunk its slimy way into intellectual discourse. It is perhaps, only dwarfed slightly by the gargantuan mountain of garbage that is post-modernism.

>> No.3689816

>you will never be transformed into a neverending roll of toilet paper in the bathroom of a 12 year old girl whose parents become suspicious that they never have to change the roll and accidentally discover your magical properties and reveal you to the nation on CNN as some kind of entropy-defeating fantastical shitcleaning device and you eventually get stolen from the laboratory where scientists are working on you day and night to unlock your secrets and sold to Ellen Page at a secret jewish auction and she uses you for the rest of her natural life wherein she looks exactly the same and never visibly ages a day and has no idea that you are fully sentient

>> No.3689824


heidegger called for a radical reevaluation of a culture he found sick. that it is still sick is not a refutation of a cure left unused.

>> No.3689829
File: 19 KB, 300x420, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3689839

Carl Schmitt was nazi as fuck and still one of my favorite political philosophers. Step it up, nigga. You don't need to be a fanboy to appreciate intellectual contributions.