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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 415x637, plath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3679351 No.3679351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw getting medically retired from the army for schizophrenia, so that I will getting disability payments, SSI, and BAH from my GI bill that will likely total in 3k per month for doing absolutely nothing

HA HA! Time for the writer's life!

I plan on going to school for English and maybe philosophy just to enhance my writing, but overall I'm already confident in my abilities and will hopefully be writing fiction for a living within the next five years.

What should be my first steps in becoming a full-time ne'er-do-well? Should I buy a beret? Smoke cigarettes? Procrastinate and attempt suicide? Alcohol? The possibilities are endless!

But seriously, writer's life thread. Share your experiences.

>> No.3679366
File: 108 KB, 739x481, lit living.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the literary life, friend.

>> No.3679369

First, acquire a fedore; second, attack religitards at every opportunity; third, experiment with homosexuality.

Actual writing isn't necessary.

>> No.3679373

>why can't i hold all this jelly

>> No.3679375

I live the writer's life, too, but I hate writing except for therapeutic purposes.

>> No.3679385

>writer's life
>share your experiences

you won't have any on that lifestyle.

That said, luckily you have life experience in the army to write about, OP.

>> No.3679386

>muh literary life!

>> No.3679391

You asked a tongue-in-cheek question; I anwered it in the same mode. If you're not partial to fedoras then get a beret (red or a black one).

Also, how does your schizophrenia manifest itself?

>> No.3679393

that's cool OP, but 3k a month is far too much for one writer to live on

want to be my patron?

>> No.3679395
File: 406 KB, 551x516, 1342637774099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, good one.
Go to school for Accounting or something else highly employable, Minor in philosophy or audit the classes. Join Debate clubs and improv groups, start learning how to organize your thoughts.
Start gathering material together in a notebook, first think of a theme, then find everything you can associate with that theme, emotions, anecdotes, thoughts, quotes, jokes, all kinds of shit, then brainstorm on that shit until you have a premise, a dramatic question, some kind of nugget you can spin a story around,
Then once you've got a plot organized, (centered on a protagonist who experiences a significant change in his life,) outline the shit out of it, and then write a first draft, making sure to fill it full of imagery and shit.
Than proofread that shit, edit and polish it until the story in your head is the story that comes across to the reader. Then market it to a publishing company, and market it to the consumers. upsell the shit out of it.
Then wash, rinse and repeat.

>> No.3679397

have you ever written anything while having a schizottack?

>> No.3679404
File: 44 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wasn't even me


my schizophrenia is pretty minor, just random minor hallucinations that cause me little trouble and sometimes I forget where I'm at or freeze in awkward positions for hours on end, kind of like a sloth

also one time I flipped out and stabbed myself in the neck with an x-acto blade, pic related

>> No.3679405

He still paints despite being forced to wear crocs ;_;

>> No.3679406

>you are either employed or you have a boring life

laughing aristocrats.exe

>> No.3679410

You think he's ever gotten a bad review and kicked the shit out of a critic?

>> No.3679411

The guy gets 3k a month for life, why would he become an accountant?

>> No.3679422

>"Hey /lit/, the gubmint are giving me all the free money I need"
>"OP you should go to accounting school so you can make money"

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.3679424

actually I've already written a chapter and a half, I was already writing and reading how-tos/a few basic lit theory books for the past six years now, and I am of the opinion that my work is quite entertaining if nothing else

everyone I let read it likes it, I was even in a weird situation where some ghetto ass black dudes said "hey, what you doing on dat computa" and I showed them my work, they read all five thousand words I had done at the time and said "dayum, he sho can write tho"

granted my current novel is a grimdark post-apocalyptic dark science fantasy with a psychotic mutant as the protagonist but I plan to write more serious things once I'm established and have the knowhow/freedom to write beyond entertainment

no, I typically don't even remember who I am in such situations

>> No.3679427

So he can have a source of income after the government screws him out of it.

>> No.3679444

>but I plan to write more serious things once I'm established
best to write your genre-shit under a pseudonym then

>> No.3679446

well hopefully I can make a living writing speculative fiction, I don't plan to live on the government dole forever, I would feel somewhat guilty about doing such a thing

consider it the state's investment in the arts

like I said, hopefully it will only take me five or so years tops

>> No.3679462

>stabbed myself in the neck with an x-acto blade
Hey that happened to me in high school.

>> No.3679472

My friend was telling me about Slyvia Plath's oven death and I didn't really believe her but huh

>> No.3679485

dem legs and feet man

mmmm hmmm

>> No.3679490

>writer's life thread
I think you mean degenerates life thread. People like you do not belong in society. Euthanasia comes to mind.

>> No.3679506

I'm sure the guys who commute an hour back and forth to the 40 hour a week drudgery-fest have tons of interesting life experience right? In contrast to the guy who has literally all day to do whatever he wants.

>> No.3679511

>all genre fiction is bad because it isn't serious and deep
Good writing is good writing.

>> No.3679512

You could omit "ever gotten a bad review and" and the joke would get across just the same. 1/10

Those work on your art pics always really annoy me, I'm not sure why. I guess, if someone actually gets motivated by batman pointing at you with a smug stern expression with a banal motivational slogan, and you are actually susceptible to it, there's very little chance your 'art' is actually worth working on. So repeatedly posting motivational pictures and circlejerking over current projects in a community is just a way to delude yourself to keep working. Pretty fucking stupid, the tasteless art school generic who isn't even intelligent enough to be pedant.

>> No.3679516

You should write fiction targeted at black men and raise a generation of black intellectuals.

>> No.3679521

>muh productivity

>> No.3679525

It's more of a "support yourself you goddamn leech" thing. OP appears to be faking schizophrenia.

>> No.3679530

OP is a worthless, parasitic, sack of shit. He should kill himself for the betterment of society.

>> No.3679534

>muh 300K starting
>muh engineering degree

>> No.3679537

Have enough money from financial aid and loans and shit that I don't have to do anything this summer and can still life reasonably comfortably.

Gonna finally nail the hole in the coffin of learning French well enough to pick up a novel and read it, also gonna do some writing, and loaf around reading in parks and buses etc. Looking very much forward to it. Why would anyone want to work a job or some shit if they could get by doing nothing a reading all day. How is putting on a uniform and making money for some ass hole more "productive" than reading literature and learning languages.

>> No.3679547

OP is mad because he has deluded himself into believing his life is worth living. When faced with the truth all he can do is respond with "muh X"

This is so so sad

>> No.3679549

You're adorable.

It's like you think you won't ever have to pay back your loans.

>> No.3679552

Uncle Sam thanks you for your undying devotion to contribute to society.

>> No.3679553

>Why would anyone want to work a job
Degenerate detected.

>> No.3679555


>> No.3679556

So the reason you work is so that you won't be labeled a degenerate? Is 40 hours a week really worth that?

>> No.3679561

Psst. One doesn't have to work 40 hours a week if one doesn't want to.

>> No.3679562

>So the reason you work is
When did i say that? God you are dumb. You really are subhuman trash.

>> No.3679563

Hey I know full well what I'm getting into, just enjoying the relative freedom while I can. I'll graduate with a degree to teach mathematics with a high GPA, and also having passed certification tests to be qualified to teach history, english, physics and french. The teaching market might not be cheery right now, but I can realistically say that if anyone out of college is getting hired at a good school(and they are), I AM going to be one of them.

So I'll have a nice government public school job, paying back the loans WILL suck, but I'm 23 now and I worked my ASS off at shitty jobs from age 17-21, at one point going to school while working 3rd shift at a shitty convenience store for a year. FUCK that life, I'm taking out loans, mortgaging my future income for a couple years, in exchange for a period of time where I have no worries and can read and relax all day. I've made the trade off rationally and it's worth it.

>> No.3679566

Define 'worth'

>> No.3679567

One doesn't have to work at all if one doesn't want to.

le deal with it face.mobi

>> No.3679568

Are all laborers this bitter?

>> No.3679574

Are all degenerates really this dumb?

>> No.3679576

yes. work doesn't just coarsen their hands, but also their minds, turnind it into a repugnant, scabrous affair. let him rot

>> No.3679577

worth: determined of a slave by the master

>> No.3679580

Spoken like a true degenerate

>> No.3679583


>> No.3679586
File: 12 KB, 175x234, 1864c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow dude, glad to see you clearly value the art form

I mean this post right here may appear to a pleb as pure explanation, but little do they know that you're practicing and refining your fiction as you post!

>> No.3679587


>> No.3679588
File: 78 KB, 576x432, ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry you won't notice us.

>> No.3679592

>I work b-because I want to and not because society pressures me!

>> No.3679595

Your worth is determined in your boss' eyes.

>> No.3679596

Why couldn't she be barefoot in that picture? ;_;

>> No.3679601

>noble defender of the country has fallen ill
>lel he should die

Is this how you reward your anti-communist buffer?

>> No.3679605


>> No.3679613

Spoken like a true slave.

>> No.3679618

ITT: Degenerate drains on society get mad when the cold hard truth is presented to them. Its so sad that people can delude themselves into believing a life of unemployment is worth anything

>> No.3679622


>> No.3679625

Are you mad?

>> No.3679627


>> No.3679629
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1366167633531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the state extracts wealth from workers to fund me sitting around on my ass and fapping all day

>> No.3679630
File: 68 KB, 600x449, muh face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-edgy edgy upstanding 300k a year neo-con


>> No.3679631


Stay upset at reality.

>> No.3679633

Stop fucking linking posts together you goddamn degenerate

>> No.3679634

But no one is mad, anon. You're the one who's jelly of other people living the good life. An aristocrat's life is truly a thing of beauty

>> No.3679635
File: 60 KB, 800x738, iktf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3679637


>> No.3679638

This is how medieval peasants justified their lifestyle.

>> No.3679640


>> No.3679643

Congratulations, OP. I'm in a similar situation to you, although I get paid for convincing my doctor that I have depression and can't work. Welcome to paradise. I've been living the glorious lifestyle for a few years now, so I'll share an average day with you:

>Wake up around 1pm, take a xanax for the headache, have a cigarette and a cup of coffee.
>If it's Sunny, I'll sit on the beach with a fellow 'depressed NEET', smoke a joint and discuss epistemology.
>Spend until 5pm doing free online courses, reading non-fiction, and practising French.
>After 5, I'll open a bottle of wine and retire to the conservatory to smoke a cigar and read some fiction.
>About 7, I'm starting to feel a little merry and I'll go and have a shower.
>8pm I'll go to a bar and mingle with my poor wage-slave friends and other NEETs
>about 10pm, the wage slaves have to go home because of work tomorrow, but the NEETSs and I are just getting started.
>Either a warehouse rave or copious amounts of drugs at someone's house.
>Recently the drugs have turned to downers, and we pass around heroin with classical, jazz or blues playing until the early hours.
>If we go to a rave then it's psychedelics or MDMA.
>At some point, usually 3/4am, I manage to get home and crawl into bed.
>Wake up around 1pm, take a xanax for the headache, have a cigarette and a cup of coffee.

>> No.3679644


>> No.3679647

Serious question to all the "NEET master races" out there:

Your whole lives are contingent upon a government hand-out. Doesn't it creep you out that that hand-out can vanish tomorrow? Also, I'd like to ask: why do you guys seem to have such animosity toward people who work and earn a wage? Don't you realize the only reason you have a hand-out to begin with is because of the taxes of people who work? I mean, you call them "wage slaves" but their wages pay your existence, so how does that make you above or superior to "wage slaves"?

Serious responses only, please.

>> No.3679650


>> No.3679652

Lol, it doesn't matter what you think. You're the one being forced by the government to pay for my degeneracy. Make sure to get some sleep tonight, you don't want to miss work in the morning do you?

>> No.3679654

I feel wonderful today. Haven't worked in three years. Been collecting SSDI the whole time. Those who view me as a degenerate do not matter and are not a part of my glorious lifestyle.

>> No.3679656


>> No.3679657

Actually, most NEETs lifestyles are contigent upon their mothers hand-outs. Your thesis is flawed.

>> No.3679659

>so many things for 3k a month
lel america

>> No.3679660


>> No.3679662

Odds are in our favor.

>> No.3679664

>Doesn't it creep you out that that hand-out can vanish tomorrow?

No. The same could be said of your job.

>> No.3679667

OP just write this for 1000 pages seriously

your novel will be celebrated as a culturally signifcant critique of the modern lifestyle that celebrates the absence rather than the presence.

>> No.3679672

<mfw being a degenerate doesn't make me mad in the slightest

>> No.3679676

>drains on society
your malthusian is showing.

>> No.3679680

>The same could be said of your job.

But I could then obtain another job, which is similar to what I was doing before. You guys would have no option but to work for money. What, then?

>> No.3679681

Yes, but a job only represents the desire for a particular skill or talent.

That desire will not disappear. Engineers, accountants, lawyers, mathematicians, doctors these are not useless things. Depressed manchildren who self-identify as insane and describe themselves as writers despite never having put ink to page are. however, absolutely useless.

>> No.3679684

Then I guess I'll work or kill myself. Until then I'm going to not work.

>> No.3679687

>wanting to be "useful"

>> No.3679698

This thread has convinced me to push for legislation restricting welfare to those who only absolutely need it.

>> No.3679699

I want to be a night auditor. You basically run the front desk of a hotel overnight. You just run some shit on a computer every once and a while and otherwise just do whatever you want, fuck around on the internet, read, whatever.

>> No.3679703

I love how people on this site brag about all the free time they'll have to read, write, study languages etc.

Excuse me, but the only thing that everyone on 4chan has in common is that we have free time to waste. That's why we're here. If you value free time so highly and shirk every responsibility in your life to maximize your "free time" then your free time should exist for something larger than 4chan. You claim it does, but your very presence in the argument rules out any truth in such a claim.

Posting on here serves only one purpose: procrastination.

The problem with your free time isn't quantity. Adding more will not solve your problems.

>> No.3679704

Lel, stay mad you filthy utilitarian. No one cares whether some goblin with an engineering degree considers them utile or not. Stay anuspained

>> No.3679707

You silly. Soon working will be optional ( only for those with an interest in a field and want to do research) as almost every production method is automated, and the unemployment reaches tipping point. This is the final decade for wage-slavery.

>> No.3679710

There are lots of jobs like this. Many security guard position are like this, as well as all overnight front desks, like Kinko's.

If you want to get paid to read, you can easily get something.

>> No.3679711

4chan is a pristine necessity
a privilege
a work abstraction by hermeneutics why differance lacanian post-solipsism hipernihilism kafkaian stranger
now check or die!

>> No.3679712

Oh, but where did I claim that I prided myself on being useful? That I identified myself solely as an engineer, an accountant, a lawyer?

Nowhere. I did not make such a claim. My usefulness is not why I get up, nor is it why I go to bed.

My usefulness is entirely selfish and is built out of my own goals and aspirations, not society's.

My job does not define me as you appear to allow your own unemployment and uselessness to define you.

>> No.3679713

>wasting time isn't the glory of life

>> No.3679717

I'm useful to you in having something to respond to.

>> No.3679723

Yeah I'm gonna start searching soon. I've got an Associate's degree in Accounting, so maybe that will help since a night auditor is in some way an "accounting" job.

>> No.3679725
File: 61 KB, 424x270, NEET4lyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the Neets!
We are the Neets!
We are, we are,
we are the Neets!

>> No.3679726


Bro you realize that schizophrenia just gets worse and worse right? I'm actually worried about you and I don't even know you.

>> No.3679731

i just slack through my obligations while staying very efficient
not that hard

>> No.3679733

Are schizophrenics as sex maniacal as bi-polars?

>> No.3679737
File: 661 KB, 592x848, 1366504930341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still 'get jobs'

>> No.3679742

Neets are life artists. Oracle-like.

>> No.3679755

>I mean, you call them "wage slaves" but their wages pay your existence, so how does that make you above or superior to "wage slaves"?
I don't consider myself superior to them, I just believe I have the superior life style.

>why do you guys seem to have such animosity toward people who work and earn a wage?
I have no animosity whatsoever. All the animosity is being directed at the NEETs by the wage slaves. I'm far too happy to harbor anger towards anyone.

>> No.3679760

to be sure, a substantial period must be devoted towards leering over that precipitous chasm, gazing into that mesmerizing event horizon, le staring contest with that infinite pool of inspiration, sorrow and celebrated madness...talking of course about "the void".
start taking copious amounts of drugs, engage in obscene behavior and criminal recidivism, for the hell of it, embrace fear hatred envy lechery, get tattooed the following from zarathustra "Do we not feel the breath of empty space?", on your chest, or side-rib, together with illustration of a flayed squirrel and that of a 15 century compass (POINTING SOUTH), you know? And brood, all fucking day and night, sit perched on your balcony like some braindead retard, rolling balls off some prime molly at 5 AM and just brood like the weight of the entire world rests on your forebrow. repeat. read. repeat. see that your edge is razor sharp.
then you might be ready to be a writer of this postmodern age.

>> No.3679763


>> No.3679767

So we're "mad."

>> No.3679768

How am I >>3679723 a drain on society when I'm talking about trying to get a job?

>> No.3679770


Hold on, is this a NEET thread?
I thought it was steps to becoming a writer.

>> No.3679773

It was a giddy troll fuck-up. My apologies.

>> No.3679774

fuck, santa, you're purple prose is getting out of hand. die pls

>> No.3679776

The slave laborers got mad, I guess.

>> No.3679778


>> No.3679785
File: 65 KB, 499x491, Deal_With_It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the end of capitalism is upon us

>> No.3679787

An under-aged banned Neet has turned on us.

>> No.3679788


you little faggot, take notes whenever i speak

>> No.3679790

Neets are just ahead of our time.

>> No.3679791


>> No.3679792


>> No.3679796



>> No.3679798

I might just go full neet for that very reason
bipolar II don't fail me now

>> No.3679799

lel. how's that gay porn movie coming along. have you already taken the 500 cocks you promised? i bet you have, and i bet you did so with a smile on your face

>> No.3679800

OP here, it was originally a writer's life thread but a bunch of edgy factions destroyed it

there are two main factions of internet kids on 4chan:

>the conservative financial alpha dog, in college to become a productive citizen. he has a six pack and regularly fucks all kinds of women and regularly dispenses advice that he himself does not follow, because in reality he's just an average kid who is lucky enough to have his parents or the state he so despises pay for his college. he screams his righteous message from a soapbox not because it is what he is, but because it's what he aspires to be and thinks everyone else should follow accordingly

>the NEET degenerate, who are for the most part sincere, but deluded by thinking they have escaped some sort of slave collectiveness and are holier than thou for having seen through the illusion of society by not working. most of these faggots are pretty much the waste of space everyone considers them to be, their pastimes consisting of anime, drugs, and tfw no gf

this website is generally toxic, but I enjoy it. sort of like booze, I know it's bad for me but fun in small amounts

>> No.3679805

why do we commend being ahead of your time?

Being ahead of your time only makes you uncomfortable, depressed, alone etc. Basically everything that we strive to avoid in our day to day existence.

When we define life as existing only for the self (which we must acknowledge) then we can make the claim that the era to which one belongs is ultimately pointless. No one era is superior to any other and so it can be said that being ahead of ones time is just as good as being behind ones time. Or belonging to a time that will never exist.

All have the same result: isolation and alienation in a society which you do not belong.

>> No.3679807

Are there any NEET britfags that can some /adv/ to an aspiring NEET?

We have jobseekers allowance, income support, housing benefit, disability allowance, free council housing... and other welfare schemes, but what is the best package to get? I'm currently on my last year of uni (degree only done to avoid work), and the prospect of employment is getting dangerously close. I'm thinking of going down the usual 'can't work; depression' route. Is that the best way?

>> No.3679810

what do you expect from some braindead uncouth little faggot not used to seeing prose not written by tao lin? le control alt delete

pretty good, thanks for asking

>> No.3679811

But you are a NEET degenerate and mentally defective to boot (shizophrenia).

>> No.3679813

Being alone is an achievement for the soul. It's the only way you can truly manifest as an individual.

A non-Neet lives in fear.

Medical science has advanced to take care of symptoms like "depression" and "discomfort."

>> No.3679816

>15 century compass

Haha, I know someone with a tattoo like that.

>> No.3679822

yeah, tell them that it's all existential too, and that you've read the stranger but /lit/ told you to read some other books so you need time for that

>> No.3679824

>retire to the conservatory

Oh lawdy.

>> No.3679828

So to unlock NEETmode, all I have to do is visit my doctor, tell him i'm depressed and having an existential crisis, start raving about Camus, and I get written off work for life?

>> No.3679830

yeah because then they'll think you're retarded as well

>> No.3679832
File: 358 KB, 640x433, Conservatory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have you got against conservatories?

>> No.3679834

lel, you're in full damage control now, aren't you? trying to justify your own shitty prose by citing another crappy author. purple prose vs. hyperminimalistic prose: one outrance doesn't justify another. plssssss kill urself santa plssssssss :DDD

>> No.3679842

Don't get your knickers in a twist there, Mr. 1%.

>> No.3679854


yeah im in full damage control against some little faggot who doesn't know the difference between your and youre...also, aren't you that same little faggot fan posting in threads that "santa is the best poster in this board"? no one calls me santa except you (edgy r) haha, why the sudden change of heart, you excited little pederast?

>> No.3679863


dude, i don't know what youre talking about. im not even that same guy yo, i just like tao lin, please rape my visage, santa

>> No.3679873

I'm not NEET, I will be attending higher education, which is one of the Es in NEET.

Second, like I said, I eventually plan to contribute to society via my art.

>> No.3679874

You don't have to do much.

Go to your GP and tell him you're depressed. He'll refer you to a NHS psychologist, and you sit and tell the psychologist that you are depressed, suffer from anxiety and have severe agoraphobia. They'll ask you some bullshit questions about your youth, and will become satisfied once you feed them a traumatic childhood event to blame. They will sign you off work for an initial year, ask you to return in a week, and send a letter to your GP for a prescription of some drug.

You are now signed off work, and can go to the local DSS office to set up a standing order. You'll probably get income support and disability + put on the waiting list for a free house (unless you are a pregnant girl, in which case you will get a house immediately).

You now have money paid into your account to cover rent, bills, and adequate spending money. Enjoy.

Oh, you will have to go for a psych checkup every three months or so to adjust medication(it's up to you if you take or not -- some can be quite fun). Make sure to tell them that depression is subsiding with the meds, but not general anxiety and agoraphobia.

>> No.3679878

hah, stop deluding yourself santa, no one loves you, you microcephalous goblin... i suggest you find the nearest cliff and jump off of it k? thx ;)

>> No.3679881

>breaking news: the latest recipe for hot air doesn't deny that the ingredients are all hot air

>> No.3679882
File: 543 KB, 1868x1401, Shortstown_conservatory_Bedford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't get your knickers in a twist there, Mr. 1%
Most people in the UK have a conservatory. The cheap ones like this are especially popular with the working class.

>> No.3679887

>I will be attending higher education, which is one of the Es in NEET.
Most of us go to/have gone to college.

>I eventually plan to contribute to society via my art.
We all "plan" to do that.

>> No.3679890

microcephalous eh? big word there, totally makes up for you not knowing basic grammar.
and i know you love me, you little faggot..
as for the cliffs, there arent any in florida. would a balcony do?

>> No.3679891

>I'm too proud to back down so I'll just try bullshit my way out and hope that there's not a single other person from the UK on /lit/ right now

>> No.3679892


thank you le capitan du obvious

>> No.3679899
File: 634 KB, 2001x1501, Mawsley_conservatory_near_kettering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, sure, whatever.

>> No.3679902

NEET means you are not currently in education, employment, or training.

You are not currently enrolled in a university, thus you are NOT in education. Nor are you employed or in training.

>> No.3679913

Might as well add that the only board besides /lit/ to have this attitude towards being a NEET is /jp/.

>> No.3679916

fug sadan i'm sorry for making you go to the dictionary :(
and no a balcony won't do, your face has to be smashed with much greater force:DD
but it's cool, dan, maybe one you'll learn to use apostrophes and become a great writer of homosexual fiction? ;=D

>> No.3679919

>thread full of disagreement
>being able to draw an overarching conclusion like that

just stop

>> No.3679926


>When we define life as existing only for the self (which we must acknowledge),...
Wait, why is it that we have to acknowledge this?
>then we can make the claim that the era to which one belongs is ultimately pointless.
How do those two statements relate to eachother?
>No one era is superior to any other
And how did you come to that conclusion?

>why do we commend being ahead of your time?
We strive for the future, because we desire something the present does not hold.
We commend those who reach out for a certain future if we share their romance.

>> No.3679928

Hey, OP. How are the voices treating you?
Mine are not so bad today, since I didn't drink yesterday. I do want to get a job soon because I don't want to explain to my parents why I wouldn't. But I'm not sure about the whole thing yet.
Anyways, why was Sylvia wearing gloves and shoes when killing herself?

>> No.3679943


i forgive you.
glad we had this talk, i'm not gay but you've convinced me to write it anyway, you'll be a character, the little faggot fan who rebelled against his master. my forgiveness in the form of le devastating anal rape, 5 pages long.
take care

>> No.3679956

>tfw all you want is a room, money for 3 meals a day, water, and a laptop for writing and 4chan, and to be left alone until written a masterpiece or die trying
>nobody will leave you alone

>> No.3679958

stop being so insecure satan...it's okay to admit your loss :DD...good luck with your harlequin romance book :P cya!

>> No.3679959

>Wait, why is it that we have to acknowledge this?
In the past 100-200 years philosophy has widely rejected the idea that a system of ideas can provide meaning to life. Meaning has to be found within. The shift in ideas coincides with the shift away from religion, which we all know had been used to provide meaning for thousands of years.

>How do those two statements relate to eachother?
If we agree with the belief that ultimately society can only provide a false meaning to life, then we must agree that no society is objectively better than any other. Hmm allow me to attempt to explain this:

Once you accept the fact that life exists only for itself (which is a radical reinterpretation of life when you consider the thousands of years where we believed there were gods who cared about us) then you must begin a quest for meaning, because without meaning there is no reason to live. The answer, at least in society's opinion, is to look within for meaning.

Instead of looking outward for justification you must look inward. This serves as the basis for most existential literature of the past 200 years. This also is precisely why "intellectuals" have the fewest children. They recognize that having children doesn't serve some larger purpose or provide them with meaning. The only thing they can ever hope to serve is themselves.

You exist to gratify yourself is basically the end statement, because there is no larger objective truth to which you are beholden. Nothing ultimately matters, and thus the only thing you can pursue is your own happiness. Being ahead of your time it can be said does not lead to happiness, but depression, and thus it is to be reviled not celebrated.

>> No.3679961

It's as if DFW tricked himself into thinking he was important before even bothering to write a novel

>> No.3679962

>They recognize that having children doesn't serve some larger purpose or provide them with meaning.
Eh, raising kids would gratify me.

>> No.3679968

>Your whole lives are contingent upon a government hand-out. Doesn't it creep you out that that hand-out can vanish tomorrow?
I don't see this as a real threat, there's no reason to believe that this will happen any time soon.

>Also, I'd like to ask: why do you guys seem to have such animosity toward people who work and earn a wage? Don't you realize the only reason you have a hand-out to begin with is because of the taxes of people who work? I mean, you call them "wage slaves" but their wages pay your existence, so how does that make you above or superior to "wage slaves"?
I don't have anything against working people. I just think that my life is better. Any teasing people over being a slave is mostly as a reaction to their strange sensibilities. Other than that I find the issue itself worth discussing and I gladly talk to people about why they're disgusted with the unemployed and why their life is preferable to mine, but they rarely get into it. It seems that a lot of people work, aside from money and status, because it's the thing you're supposed to do, and they seem very frustrated when another person isn't bothered by this compulsion to conform. The animosity usually comes from the working man, not the bum. I don't hate them for it though, I just feel like I'm better at the game of society since I found a loophole.. I'm smug but not resentful.

>> No.3679971

Is it so wrong that I want to support myself instead of relying on the tax dollars of others?

>> No.3679976

>simple minds, simple pleasures

>> No.3679977

>Implying reading and writing makes you a better writer.

>> No.3679982

>rely on the income of your employer

>> No.3679984

Was that really necessary, asshole? Is everyone on this board solely obsessed with their perceived intellectual status?

>> No.3679990

One is a handout, the other is a trade.

>> No.3679994
File: 154 KB, 1072x1645, novatore01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crime, begging, prison, the madhouse or death. I have a pathological antipathy towards making an honest living.

>> No.3679996

It was simply to make you mad.

You prefer biological endeavors that are prescribed for you, rather than making your own way. So what? Who cares. To each their own.

Just because I subscribe to a way of life doesn't mean that I think all others should do the same.

>> No.3679997

You pay me money and I agree to not sell drugs in order to get the same amount of money. This is an equal trade because should I go to prison, you'll be paying much more to keep me locked up.

>> No.3679998

irrelevant semantics

>> No.3679999

This is my life except I don't try to write a masterpiece.

>> No.3680000

Do you think you will you ever fully realize this desire and have children?

>> No.3680005
File: 717 KB, 320x400, atwood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is exactly what I have

>> No.3680007

>Is everyone on this board solely obsessed with their perceived intellectual status?
Is this a joke?

Look at the front page-

wait, why waste the time loading a new page? All of the evidence you need is right here in these 100 or so posts

>> No.3680017

It's not that man. I want a child because I genuinely like the idea of raising a child, not because society tells me to like it.
Doesn't exclude me from making my own way, whatever that means.

Things aren't looking good now, but I won't dedicate my life to that pursuit.

>> No.3680019

But isn't it so much more rewarding to do as you are supposed to. It's only the unhealthy tooth, finger, eyelash that is aware of itself. The healthy tooth, finger or eyelash hardly seems to exist.

>> No.3680020

This a thousand times. This whole board needs to be holocausted

>> No.3680022

Your biology tells you to like it. You're an animal. It's nothing to be "proud" of.

>> No.3680024

Thank God we have you.

>> No.3680027

>tfw you don't live in a liberal first world country and thus have no chance of getting welfare or benefits

Guess I'm joining the army

>> No.3680030
File: 266 KB, 580x931, 1358357330813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3680032

u gonna get raped

>> No.3680034

sorry america

>> No.3680037

Not that guy, also NEET here. There's nothing wrong with appreciating the joys of raising children. You sound like an edgy pomo pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.3680040

Did I express pride?
Look, you're an animal too. We all are. The pleasure you get from mentally masturbating to literature is ultimately the same as any other kind of pleasure. Surely you realize this.
That I don't deny these "animal pleasures" in the hopes of achieving some sort of non-existent higher state of being is nothing to be proud of, but certainly nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.3680042

I didn't criticize it. I just don't elevate it past base animal activities.

>> No.3680043


please stop using that word
it's the fucking edgiest and gayest word ever
just say postmoderm. 6 extra letters is a small price to pay for not looking like a tool

>> No.3680045

Arguing about something so inconsequential makes you look like a tool.

>> No.3680046

So, it's kind of a neutral activity. Nothing lost, nothing gained.

>> No.3680056

It's not neutral at all. It's quite positive. You gain pleasure at the expense of time and effort, just like anything else.

>> No.3680060

You fuck and a baby comes out and you're legally obligated to keep it alive for 18 years. Congrats!

>> No.3680063

You're clearly being an asshole by saying stuff like
>You prefer biological endeavors that are prescribed for you, rather than making your own way.

Followed by edgy hypocrisy
>Just because I subscribe to a way of life doesn't mean that I think all others should do the same.

You know what you're doing. I don't have to explain it to you. Enjoy the rest of high school.

>> No.3680066

So I win?

>> No.3680067

Can we still call it po-mo if we hyphenate it?

>> No.3680070

>you sit around reading books and coming up with shitty ideas that you convince yourself are brilliant. Congrats!

Wow I can simplify shit too. Look at me!

>> No.3680072

You grab a pen and smear your mental diarrhea all over some paper. Congrats!

Just because you don't find any positives in raising children does not mean there aren't any.

You're being an unreasonable, hypocritical, and altogether vacuous douchenozzle. If that's winning, then yes.

>> No.3680074

I'm sure you think so.

>> No.3680075

>Things aren't looking good now, but I won't dedicate my life to that pursuit.
Which means you recognize that there is more to life than having children, namely: the pursuit of the self or the individual. This alone makes you less inclined towards children, and is actually somewhat to what I refer when I say intellectuals are less likely to have children.

Having a child is a difficult affair that tends to involve a lot of compromising. Compromising is the cardinal sin in modern life. We are taught to despise it, because you only have ONE life; how dare you make concessions!

So while it is not precisely the idea of raising children that intellectuals are turned off by per se, but the entire practical ordeal of actually having children involves compromise.

This is also why you see a rise in independent women seeking to be fertilized, but not hoping for any sort of father with which they would have to share the child.

>> No.3680077

See, you're not just base biology.

Feel better?

>> No.3680080

If you say so.

>> No.3680083

I called it neutral. Don't be so mad.

I'm sure fucking is fun and having a slave for 18 years gives you some joy.

>> No.3680086

b-b-but I wasn't saying that /lit/ is bad. It's my favorite of all the 4chan boards.

I was simply saying it's ignorant to suggest that people on here don't obsess over their perceived intellectual status

>> No.3680087

I am still in the US army

>> No.3680088

Guys, I think you're ignoring how hard being a NEET actually is. Today I had to choose between building a furniture fort, getting drunk, and masturbating. I ended up doing all three, but a man shouldn't be subjected to decisions like that.

>> No.3680093

People compromise when they feel there is something greater to be gained. If you compromise for the sake of continuance, then you're a piece of shit, parent or not.

>> No.3680094

Do you think that Marquis de Sade's toilet paper manuscript is sort of the late 1700's equivalent of an extremely long and involved 4chan post

>> No.3680095

>Compromising is the cardinal sin in modern life. We are taught to despise it, because you only have ONE life; how dare you make concessions!
Yeah, that's what society instills in us. Is it the sole truth?

I'll be honest: I'm almost certainly a simple-minded pleb who won't amount to anything. I shouldn't even be here.

>> No.3680097

>I call it natural now watch as I insult it using meaningless words.

>> No.3680098

>If you compromise for the sake of continuance
What does that mean, exactly? Humor me.

>> No.3680101

Thank you for taking my thoughts under consideration.