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/lit/ - Literature

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3673392 No.3673392 [Reply] [Original]

I realized this board must be one of the most intelligent in 4chan. So I want to ask, when did you stopped believing in children's fairy tales /lit/?

>> No.3673395


>> No.3673398

Tooth fairy - age 6
God - age 7
Santa - age 9

>> No.3673400

You'll find a fair number of religeous apologists here, I'd wager

>> No.3673402


So are you a fellow enlighten individual?

>> No.3673404

I am one of those super edgdy diests that are practicing christians for the tradition and community. So in a sense.

>> No.3673407

>Implying Sagan didn't convert at the very end of his life
>Implying Nietzsche didn't the same in his last days of insane ramblings and agony

>> No.3673412

>when did you stopped believing

I don't think you're cut out for this intelligent board.

>> No.3673417

I still believe in god, OP. I didn't know faith were measure by one's intelligence.

>> No.3673424

>were measure

Are you sure? You sound a lot like OP

>> No.3673426

>when did you stopped believing in children's fairy tales /lit/?

The first major doubts appeared as my knowledge of empirical models improved, and the possibility of a God reduced severely. However, I went into an relativist agnostic phase, as I had scepticism.

The nail in the coffin for God was when I started studying linguistics, and I learned that God only existed as a linguistic construct created by man, and the potential alternatives for anything other than what we can conceive of as being a God -- that is, existing outside of any empirical models -- is infinite.

The knowledge that the possibility of God existing is 1 in infinity was enough to stop me believing in it.

>> No.3673431
File: 1.49 MB, 230x172, at this moment i am euphoric, not because of any phony gods blessing but because i am enlightened by my own intelligence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3673435

I never said I was smart.

>> No.3673436

That I shall grant you.

>> No.3673441

When I adopted the ones for adults.

>> No.3673443

You're not the one from YouTube, right?

He's not the one from YouTube, right?

>> No.3673444

You know there's a difference between classical theism and panentheism, right?

>> No.3673445

Considering there were no bannans/oil/other publicity stunt I doubt it

>> No.3673460

oh so cool
yet another edgy teen tries to ignite a dynamite to provoke a pseudo-discourse between the anti-intellectual parties of religion and scientism

>666 posts and 69 image replies omitted. etcetc

>> No.3673464

Does anyone know if the Orthodox Church excommunicates people for unpopular/heretical views?

Basically I'm a panentheist and believe in universal reconciliation, and I'm interested in joining the Eastern Orthodox Church, but I don't want to bother if it's just going to turn ugly.

I ask here because I don't think /lit/ needs more than one religion thread at a time.

>> No.3673466

Everything has been rather civil so far, I think you are the first one to start throwing names around...

>> No.3673471
File: 158 KB, 500x400, 1224518448233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving a fuck about anything?
Pleb to da bone

>> No.3673478

idk the actual age, I was freshman in HS I think

actually I'm mostly pro religion now though

>> No.3673480

Is that Penn from Penn & Teller on the left?

Atheists are fucking pathetic

>> No.3673496

militant agnostic detected.

>> No.3673501

I fucking hate dogmatic atheists. Read a book morons, this guy is a scientist:


>> No.3673502

Whether you believe in them or not, you must acknowledge the social value of fairy tales. Please stop disrespecting them.

>> No.3673509

Christ, how horrifying.

>> No.3673512

>Putting Nietzsche with those pop-scientists/comedians.

Not cool.

>> No.3673514

Santa age 4. That was my only one. Been edgy ever since.

>> No.3673518

Everyone worships something, whether you are conscious of it or not. There is no atheism in the real world.

>> No.3673520

Dude its not like they have spies everywhere that tell them what your views are

>> No.3673525

Fuck off to /r/atheism
You epically trolled us

>> No.3673531

What makes it better is that he is a US representative who sits on the house committee for science, space and technology. He has jurisdiction over the national science foundation and NASA.

>> No.3673534
File: 1.45 MB, 233x291, 1356427648358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3673538


wow church fucking sucks man i'm so mad right now fuck this country

>> No.3673541
File: 372 KB, 477x531, BF779eI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3673547
File: 9 KB, 285x249, 1306602600022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at this three post.

Look at them.

>> No.3673555

Is got nothing do do with 'church'. Its that a scientist, who is on the US house committee with control over the NSF and NASA, is publicly telling people that "evolution, embryology, and the big bang theory are lies straight from the pit of hell". Regardless of your beliefs, that shouldn't be happening in 2013, especially not from congressmen with science degrees.

>> No.3673558

>you just think you don't believe in our lord jesus christ

Nice try.

>> No.3673583

lol fucking STEM man, what illogical faggots.

>> No.3673640

>I realized this board must be one of the most intelligent in 4chan
It would be funny if people didn't actually believe this BS.

>> No.3673661

>I realized this board must be one of the most intelligent in 4chan.

Licking Wittgenstein's ass on every occasion doesn't make me intelligent.

>> No.3673688

/lit/ is the best board on 4chan tho

>> No.3673763


That's not what he's saying.

>> No.3673780


/lit/ is promoting Ayn Rand
it should be closed for that alone

>> No.3673833

if discussing something is promoting it, there was a mein kampf thread a few days ago...
someone has to stop /lit/!

>> No.3673838

I think believing in god makes some people's lives easier and I have no problem with it, even if I don't believe.

>> No.3673889

/lit/ is probably the most stupid board on 4chan, bar possibly /mu/.