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3667079 No.3667079 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you're deleting your old fanfictions because you don't want them to ever be found

It's a bid sad though, since so many people favorited them and liked them, but oh well.

>> No.3667123

you will always be shit, no point in trying to hide it

>> No.3667130

Please perform emergency anti-life procedures on yourself this instant.

>> No.3667132

Fanfictions of what?

>> No.3667160

I won't say

You'll judge me

>> No.3667163

>plan to release stories
>remember my young teen years writing erotic fanfiction on Gaia Online and shitty poetry

Feels bad man.

>> No.3667179

I remember all the fapfiction and poetry I wrote when I was a little edgy teenager who drew the anarchist symbol everywhere and claimed to be atheist and socialist.

Thank God, I grew out of that phase and came to my senses

>> No.3667190


>> No.3667221
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No, I didn't stoop that low

>> No.3667234

You stopped being an atheist? Does that mean you're religious now, or just agnostic? I'm not going r/atheism on you, I'm just curious.

>> No.3667252

I was raised Catholic, then I entered my atheist 2deep4u edgy rebellious teen phase, and then I realized how stupid I sounded

Yeah, observant Catholic.

>> No.3667265
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>then I realized how stupid I sounded
>Yeah, observant Catholic.

>> No.3667266

At least you didn't write Eragon fanfiction

>> No.3667275
File: 2 KB, 166x20, this shouldn't surprise me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to try to find my old shit
>See this

>> No.3667276

I used to write Mass Effect slash fiction.

Please don't judge me, /lit/, I was young, dumb, and full of cum

>> No.3667284

Holy fuck i found it. I thought i wrote more, I guess it was only a paragraph or two. But shit, I was 10 years old when I wrote this.


>> No.3667289

If you were young when Mass Effect came out then you're still young.

>> No.3667294
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>> No.3667295

Is it nsfw?

>> No.3667299

Nah, just full of run-on sentences and poor grammar

>> No.3667302 [DELETED] 

But Mass Effect only came out like, four years ago.

Are you 15?

>> No.3667308
File: 25 KB, 250x250, GC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, Mass Effect came out in 2007.

>> No.3667313


10/10 tour de force

>> No.3667314 [DELETED] 

Oh, really? That long ago?

Still, you're still a child.

>> No.3667320

You think that's bad?
When I was 16 I wrote "lovestories" for my first girlfriend. THAT shit was awful.

>> No.3667328

I used to keep a diary where I would write poems

I was the very definition of edgy: I think I could have cut diamonds back then

I think when I go home for summer break this time, I'll burn that god-damned thing

>> No.3667333
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>mfw going through old sex stories written mid-fap

>> No.3667335


Funny this comes up now, just yesterday I got curious and tried to find some of mine. Some of my Drizzt fan fiction. And it turns out 'some' was actually ten episodes. The silver lining to this terrible terrible fucking thing is that since like 2002 when I posted them they've been the top fan fics on the website (aside from the fucking pornfics) so even if they were just angsty fanboys/girls someone enjoyed my writing.

>> No.3667341

That's actually the exact reason I never kept a diary, because I always thought "Damn, in 5 years I'll despise the current me for sure"

>tfw realizing there are other people who do that
I feel truly connected to you, Anon.

>> No.3667342

I regret keeping a diary...

>> No.3667345
File: 20 KB, 251x239, FuckWhyNot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to write Sasuke/Itachi and Naruto/Sasuke fanfictions, and they're still up.

Not even ashamed

>> No.3667347

One rule

This board had one goddamn rule

>> No.3667351
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>> No.3667359

>because I always thought "Damn, in 5 years I'll despise the current me for sure"
I wrote journal entries acknowledging how painful and embarrassing it would be to look back at most of stuff I was writing in my journals. Now they sit in the front of the things, begging me to never relive life as a teenager.

>> No.3667369


[spoiler[I used to write Starfox fanfictions[/spoiler]

>> No.3667377

Link now.
The first longer story I wrote (and posted online) was some kind of World of Warcraft RPG about an Undead rogue. Full of 2edgy4me and what 16 year old me considered deep and cynic.

>> No.3667382

I meant RP story, obviously, not RPG.

>> No.3667397


Jesus, I wrote It back in 2004 AD...

That was so long ago

>> No.3667402

this is amazing compared to some of the stuff I've seen

>> No.3667412


>> No.3667419
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>> No.3667437
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>> No.3667520

>>3667412 was meant for >>3667397

>> No.3667564


>>3667284 here. I suddenly feel a lot better about myself.

>> No.3667581

Though I did right some edgy fantasy/short stories when I was a kid, but I never sat down to right any saucy stuff. Right now I'm considering a sci fi hard core story, a la star wars parody with the most ourageous situations I can think.
Going back to this adolescent world but with a recent, fresh idea seems great fun to me.

>> No.3667789

You realize all we wrote was yaoi and smut, right?

Ghost-writing galore

>> No.3668073


Well, maybe all you wrote was yaoi, but most of us weren't faggots