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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 640x667, TS Eliot Epstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3659601 No.3659601 [Reply] [Original]

I can't fucking stand poets, /lit/.

All of you so-called poets and poetry worshippers make me fucking sick.

Creating statues and sculptures of writers who make up random shit, and praising each individual word like it's gold. It's fucking writing, nothing else, they aren't contributing to society in any productive or meaningful way, just writing random bullshit in a pretty way.

Why the fuck does this faggot, or any other high-school favorite, deserve a fucking mold of himself, like he's a timeless god to be worshipped?

>> No.3659607

> they aren't contributing to society in any productive or meaningful way

This is a good thing.

>> No.3659609

Eliot is plebshit.

>> No.3659611
File: 7 KB, 200x200, old man laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich old farts need whimsical, fluffy riddles and rhymes to dawdle on during their second childhood.

>> No.3659621

once had a lit teacher rant about how brilliant the love song of j alfred prufrock was for 2 hours, putting his own personal theories behind every word

>Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
>The muttering retreats
>Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
>And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
"such eloquence of oyster shells! it really captures the texture of the piece!"

>The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,
>The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes
>Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
>Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
"the deliberacy of yellow! so poignant! he says it twice!"

>> No.3659623
File: 414 KB, 924x1768, Babe_Ruth_statue[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking stand sports players, /lit/.

All of you so-called sports players and sports watchers make me fucking sick.

Creating statues and sculptures of players who chase a ball around, and praising each individual game like it's gold. It's fucking playing, nothing else, they aren't contributing to society in any productive or meaningful way, just playing random bullshit games in an entertaining way.

Why the fuck does this faggot, or any other high-school favorite, deserve a fucking mold of himself, like he's a timeless god to be worshipped?

>> No.3659627

how edgy, OP

Now gtfo

>> No.3659628


Just sounds like pleb nonsense to me.

>> No.3659631
File: 292 KB, 1600x1067, plums[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you haven't had some poetry feels yet. Go on, try some. They're delicious, so sweet and so cold.

>> No.3659633


Cause getting 714 home runs is a better feat than writing about yellow window panes.

>> No.3659634

Oooooohhhhhh he hit a ball! A lot! WOW!!!!

Thanks OP! I totally get it now!!!! xD

>> No.3659640

Poetry is worth more than anything a STEM graduate has ever put out.

>> No.3659642


I remember once my teacher claimed she was a huge F Scott Fitzgerald lover, so I copypasted one of his more obscure writings and turned it in.

She said it was rubbish. So I told her F Scott wrote it, and she immediately changed her opinion and told me how fantastic and well thought-out it was.

I got a poor grade, but it was nice proving what a hypocrite she is.

>> No.3659638


I don't like either too much

>> No.3659643


714 home runs nigger. I bet you can't even do 1.

Meanwhile anybody can write about window panes.

Come at me nigga.

>> No.3659644

You say on your computer.

How's that Langston Hughes processor holding up?

>> No.3659646

I was going to write a note about how poetry has some artistic merit...

[/spoilers]And then I remembered that poem about being a dick and eating all the plums[/spoilers]

>> No.3659647

is just as senseless and achievement. besides, juggling words requires more capacity than you would believe. sometimes reaching very complex levels. it's a nonsense you don't like, so you dismiss it as shit, yet support nonsense that entertains you. why? well because it does something for you, the same as poetry does for poetry lovers

>> No.3659648

Gotta love false equivalence
>well YOU can't do any better!!!!!!
>oh btw this only works for MY side of the argument silly ^_^

>> No.3659653

>praising each individual word like it's gold.

that's the pleb/poseur approach to poetry. if that is how you are reading or understanding poetry, then you should read more before coming on here spittin your ignorant views

>> No.3659657
File: 29 KB, 400x400, t.hanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Super complex bro.

He said yellow twice. Must have taken him years of brainstorming to originate such broad views.

>> No.3659659

What would you have poets do, if not write poetry?

>> No.3659660

I just picked up a tennis ball and hit it with a pencil.

10/10 best baseball ever babby ruths new top dog

>> No.3659663

Get a job, fucking hippie fucks.

>> No.3659666


o god you poetry fags are the worst

the absolute worst

>> No.3659668

not the guy who dismissed homeruns, because they actually seem like something hard as hell to achieve lots of work. the same for invested poets that take what they do seriously

>> No.3659669

they do have jobs though anon-kun, they're poets! ^_^
Are you just "mad" that some people are willing to pay money to read their most intimate thoughts, while you would actually have to pay other people to get them to sit still and read yours?

>> No.3659670


Post a line of subjectively good poetry, and give me your reasoning why that particular line is beautiful and complexly unique and illuminating.

Please, I'll wait.

>> No.3659672

Does getting a job immortalise you? Do you get a bust to yourself? Does it earn you any more merit than the wage slaves surrounding you?

>> No.3659674




>> No.3659683


So writing a 15 second line about yellow window panes immortalizes you now?

Good lord, I can't even comprehend this madness.

>> No.3659684

so after thinking about one specific poem you find no merit in you dismissed all of poetry? niiiice

>> No.3659682

>productive or meaningful way

do go on

>> No.3659681

you know. people always say this shit. I don't agree with what he said, but if I had no computer I honestly wouldn't care. Now that I have it I love it. I stopped having a tv when the last one gave it's last effort three years ago. Not a day of missing it. No videogames since 6 years ago when I moved out of my parents' house, not a day missing them. If there were no computers, we would live without them, simple as that, pal

>> No.3659690

I didn't mean the thing posted above, what gave you that impression? And yes, balance of meter, feet, rhyme, coherence, significance and imaginery can be really complex. Not all poet are good poets, not all baseball players are good ones either

>> No.3659692

Better yellow window panes than a wasted life being a wage slave.

>> No.3659693

That's not how technological advancement works. People learn and create, then teach and their students go on and create. Saying "lyl all STEM is useless" is stupid.

>And yes, balance of meter, feet, rhyme, coherence, significance and imaginery can be really complex. Not all poet are good poets, not all baseball players are good ones either


>> No.3659695

Teen Claims Death of Poetry In Year 2013

the poets song rose and bled
for no one, those cut-blade teens
of glasséd screened knowledge,
bereft of wonder, hovered over red cross squares,
lived never challenged

Someone add on to/fix this up

>> No.3659696

probably because you're a nerd

>> No.3659700


I just don't see how rhyming yellow with yellow is significant or paints good imagery in any way.

Maybe I'm too pleb to understand it, but the best "poetry" seems overly pretentious tongue-in-cheek flamboyancy.

>> No.3659703

>implying writing about yellow window panes will free you from being a wage slave
>implying all workers are wage slaves

>> No.3659699

one uses a face "you poetry fagS are the worst, the whole of you huurrrr"

>> No.3659706

is that what you call your microscopic dick?

>> No.3659725

I agreed that it's stupid, and I know technological advancement is not about a single object but the knowledge invested in discoveries, that in turn produces more and more advancement. What I'm saying is that portraying STEM people as better because they are more "useful" is just as retarded, and many people out there hold that position of superiority

>> No.3659727
File: 52 KB, 364x366, hank-hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sound like a gargantuan faggot.

>> No.3659732

I agree that it's given too much attention, but poetry can and does have a beauty to it. The trick is finding a poet you like and letting that introduce you to the wider world. Don't jump into the deep end.

>> No.3659736

Are you serious? I wasn't talking about those verses posted, as I already said... that analysis seems retarded to me too, but then, your professor sounds full of shit. I'm tlking about poetry having merit. Not THOSE verses having any

>> No.3659738

If usefulness means nothing, then how in any way are you better than a stoner sitting in his pajamas in his mom's basement, making macaroni pictures of out his own semen and dry noodles?

>> No.3659743

>rhyming window-panes with window-panes


>> No.3659746

boy you guys are really obsessed about those windo panes...

>> No.3659748


Such non-conformity! Such a rebellious nature! Such deep arrogance!

Quickly, let's cast another bust and jerk over his grave!

>> No.3659752

>Watching plebs circle around each other in a ancient, cosmic dance. This battle is as old as time itself. Sure hope you guys settle it.


>> No.3659763

I didn't say usefulness is meaningless. Just that it varies to me a lot. The research itself is useful for all the possibilities it gives, but arts are useful in a very different manner apart from the traditional senses of utility.

>then how in any way are you better than a stoner sitting in his pajamas in his mom's basement, making macaroni pictures of out his own semen and dry noodles?
why would I care about being better than him, why would I pay attention in being better than others rather than better than myself (paying attention to other merits and learning those values that I feel more comfortable with).

Art and science provide different things, both valuable and somethimes they do so together in coordinated proyects. It's all good. None of them is the stoner you portray

>> No.3659766

are you using your asshole professor as a mold to all poetry lovers? cause I got to tell you, man... that method won't get you anywhere near truth

>> No.3659800

Called Homosexual on the Internet by Anonymous Commenter

The cold had breathed its chill upon my back,
the run by car's rush, and starsky's visage bloom,
with salt begun to freckle skin, I returned
to cartoon boards of green under Happening's watch,
We're named.

Ran out of steam. For every poem I finish I've got a hundred of these half of nothings

>> No.3659809

OP, you sound a lot like communist, that was their set of arguments before and now

don't do that, just ignore poetry there are much better things you can focus on

>> No.3659817


This is the only logical course of action.
It also happens to be what the majority of the world is now doing.

>> No.3659818

You're a liar.

>> No.3659828

Nigga I liked this little poem.
>lived never challenged
this line especially

>> No.3659841
File: 1.18 MB, 209x180, 1364088613490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mon visage quand

>> No.3659870

Sounds like a clean cut case of you reading shitty self important poetry. its the 90% rule, its kind of like horror film. A majority is piss but the good shit makes it worth it.

pro tip: The stuff they serve you i school is often crap.

>> No.3659885

See, what I’m going to do, right, is communicate via text, except in this special way that only certain people will get. I don’t want to just like… you know, type it out as if we were speaking, or tell you a story, or whatever because like… I just have this special like… mind-space, right, or mind-cloud, like ok picture a regular mind, and then picture one that’s slightly bigger and better, but kind of like tragic? Anyway, its good to type stupid shit like a fag. In short sentences. Recapitulating each unparsable moment. Waves crash on a crying Mexican woman. Corrito guandalte she cries to the sun. Mechanical bird

>> No.3659908

You've got some interesting ideas towards the end that I'd really like to see developed. Maybe cut those lines out and make them into their own poems?

"Recapitulating," "waves crashing"

I like the sound of these together. I can see some kind of Carl Sagan influence here

>> No.3659964

You can ridiculize it however much you like but the truth is that yes, as in many other passions it takes a lot of familiarization to enter and understand some of the poetry, yet when you do it is rewarding and sometimes beautiful. If there was someone who had a far more extense vocabulary than you, and he were to use it (correctly), blaming him for using it, ridiculizing him, is retarded.

Poetry can be a niche thing just as wines, or food, or sports (for those that follow scores closely and know the history of teams and tournaments). If I don't understand a sport I won't go ahead and write "See, what I'm going to do is play, except I'll create a very specific set of rules that uninvested people won't get[...]". I Wouldn't do that because it's an infantile, resentful attitude

>> No.3660008


Fuck you read Bukowski.

>> No.3660032

You resign above people who "worship" poets as taking silly things too seriously.

Yet, you equate "having a mold of himself" with being "a timeless god to be worshipped."

Your behavior is identical to what you're condemning, it's just pushing from a different direction.

Yes, some people welcome art into their life in place of god, and defend its sanctity with pomp and pretense.

But we're not all like that. Some people just... like it.

>> No.3660094

wait until you actually understand it


>> No.3660111


OH GOD, OH GOD. Stop now before I stab myself in the fucking face.

>> No.3660120


That's all bullshit, bro.

Professional wine tasters, people that "consume" poetry, etc... all a bunch of hipster faggots.

No, you can't taste apricots. No, that one word there doesn't hint at Autumn 1914 and, yes, you are the wealthy and more annoying version of an autistic sperglord.


>> No.3660119

if i carried on would you actually do it?

>> No.3660132


if you kept being a pretentious douche about it? Maybe.

>> No.3660147
File: 9 KB, 202x250, sadbeckett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it pretentious to point out that not liking one of the greatest english poet is a crime

>> No.3660154


>wait until you understand it


>not liking a certain poet is a "crime"

this is just....this is what is wrong with the literary community.

>> No.3660156

take your bien pensance somewhere else, or tell me why eliot's poetry is bad poetry.

>> No.3660158


I never said Eliot was a bad poet.

pensance is not a word.

just because a poets writing is convuluted and it takes a while to understand it, does not make it good and just because someone does not like it, does not make them a


or a criminal, in any sort of literary sense.

>> No.3660171


Oh wow. If you're going to use a term to sound even more like a pretentious faggot at least use it right.

>> No.3660204 [DELETED] 


>> No.3660210

>sous entendu i'm not using it right
>sous entendu you have the faintest idea of what youre talking about