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3658272 No.3658272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is a good book that helps in overcoming a inferiority complex? In particular one that slowly creeped up on me in my teenage years. Will I grow out of it and will a book be helpful for this?

>> No.3658280


watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks-_Mh1QhMc

>> No.3658319


Yes, but in order to recommend a very good book, it is necessary to know from where that inferiority complex arose? Was it physical, emotional, etc. Is there a specific event which triggered it? etc.

>> No.3658323

Donkey Kong 64 was the greatest game ever made.

>> No.3658426

I always feel pressured to be sociable in addition to having "something" to do. Many people remarked that I was too quiet. Introvert problems I guess. No Susan Cain pls

>> No.3658430


Not enough drama. Go back to life, anon. You don't have an inferiority complex. You're just a normal person.

>> No.3658431
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>> No.3658491

The problem is that I feel less than others the moment I see them doing something at the weekend or whatever. I go out too, but I started feeling guilty for enjoying my time alone and for every day I did not plan anything. This wasn't the case years ago. I feel like I have nothing to offer although I know what I accomplished and I am generally happy with myself. It's the conception other people have about life that drags me down because I feel forced into it.

>> No.3658498

Not OP but I can understand him. Stop putting people on a pedestal OP. I had the same problem until I realized that I idealized everyone but me.

>> No.3658500



>> No.3658505

It's the rise of Social Networks and the desire of many to share their life. They want to feel important and share stuff no one gives a damn about while appearing popular and wanted, having things to do etc. Don't sweat it and live your life how you want it to be because only that can bring you happiness. Also surround yourselg with people that share your mindset in order to find your niche.

>> No.3658511

Don't get fooled by confirmation bias. I doubt anyone tells people that he feels inferior to them or is anxious about things you included. Many feel like that but you don't know that, you only know yourself and that creates a false picture.

>> No.3658520

He is too ruthless for me

>> No.3658525

But everyone seems happier and more accomplished than me

>> No.3658547


They're just faking it better. Trust me: you are a normal guy.

>> No.3658550

you're comparing your entire life to other people's highlight reels

>> No.3658555

Ok then. Thanks for the affirmation.

>> No.3658593

I want to underline this again. A friend of mine told me the same stuff as you did OP after the rise of scoal networks. They can fuck with people who don't adhere to extrovert standards even more than before they became widely used. He began saying the same stuff as you.

>> No.3658597
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>Also surround yourselg with people that share your mindset in order to find your niche.

This is a big ass problem monsieur.

>> No.3658677

>You don't like parties brah? Don't be so shy come out of your shell