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3657262 No.3657262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm doing it /lit/. I'm writing the satire that our society needs write now. Post anything ITT you would like to see in a book with this title. I will include a special thanks to you all for any contributions I decide to use. Here is a brief sketch of the plot thus far.

>The main character will be a white male, and he will fuck up everything he does. Meanwhile, the side characters will be females, blacks, transgenders, and they will all be incredibly wealthy and obsessed with material goods. A bunch of doctor women, transgender lawyers, black politicians, etc, all contrasting this white male who is a complete loser. He is an adopted child, his parents are an Asian couple who are very upset that he never tries hard at anything. This is just a sketch, but I want to obliterate this fucking "privilege" shit that's been going on recently. It seems its human nature to try to blame shit other than yourself on your losses.

>> No.3657264

>The white privileged male will wallow in his shit, and not blame anyone but himself for his failures. Why? Because he is the superior, white privileged male.

>Also, the Asian parents adopted him precisely because they read in a scientific journal that "white males are the most privileged in society" and they admit that to him near the end of the book.

>It ends with him revealing that he is actually suffering from Gender identity disorder...but that's a lie. He only becomes transgender to avoid the burden of being a White Privileged Male. Then, while still being a useless sack of shit like he was from the start of the book, he begins to blame the White Privileged Males of society for his situation.

>Satire of "privilege", satire of "gender identity disorder", satire of this obsession with wealth (that is the core of this privilege thing).

>> No.3657268

**right now. Oh my, what a grammatical typo!

>> No.3657273


>> No.3657276

i certainly hope you'll be include some kind of pedophile accusation, affirmative action, maybe a rape allegation or two, and the loss of custody over his children

>> No.3657278

In an ironic twist, the straight white male of the title turns out to be a blonde, blue eyed Hispanic lesbian who was raised by polish immigrant adoptive parents and is unaware of her mixed race heritage ( her real mother was a light skinned African) and she is passing as a male because she is practicing and taking hormone treatments before surgery.

>> No.3657282

Yes yes! Keep it up, these are the sorts of things I need to keep in mind. I'll be publishing it anonymously or maybe under a pen name, because I don't want my entire writing career to be destroyed.

>> No.3657283

Have a wise asian buddhist monk mention something inane about color. 'Its not about the colour. Its whats inside of you. Five dorra okey?'

Make him blind to the apparent differences between his multicultural peers. You can have fun here.

>> No.3657284

>white privilege isn't real

haha oh wow

>> No.3657286

Haha, I don't think you read the whole summary because I've already got an ending sort of like that figured out. Being a straight white male is such a burden, the protagonist lies and says he suffers from Gender Identiy Disorder, and becomes a MtF in the end. Then he wallows in pity and does NOTHING, just like he did throughout the plot of the book before, except now all of the side characters (black lawyers, female doctors, transgender politicians, etc) give him a pat on the back and say, "Now now, it is the white privileged males who made you like this! You don't have to blame yourself!"

>> No.3657289

It is going to be my privilege to write this book and inform people like you about it. You think white privilege is real? You're racist.

>> No.3657296

>First world countries

>> No.3657299

you know, this would probably make somebody rich if it were done in real life for a year by a journalist.

remember "black, like me"?

whwere a white guy pretended to be black to go undercover and see what it was like to be black in the south during the civil rights movement?

have a real life butchy dyke of mixed heritage develop a fake ivy league background and go undercover in a corporate environment as an intern. see what it's like to have the straight white male privilege and whether it actually helps her get ahead.

>> No.3657302

Also, is there any academic literature on this "prvilege" phenomenon, or are people going around and spouting these "tumblr truths" as if an educated person invented them?

Tumblr will also play a large role in the novel.

>> No.3657305

no, I understand. You think you're funny. You think you'll write a really present, relevant satire of gender, race, and cultural relations. But what you're doing in all this is sidestepping actual issues in favor of one-sided caricatures

>> No.3657306

I think this has been done.

>> No.3657307

also, it might point up for her the dog eat dog competition there is between straight white males at that level to gain any of the perceived "privilege".

>> No.3657309

link me!

>> No.3657317

this. OP you're just a hack. but don't let that stop you. go ahead and write a novel. heck write a series. get a commentator spot on fox news. run for office. and eventually i will gun you down as you give your first speech.

>> No.3657318
File: 54 KB, 400x300, pew-race-wealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The median wealth of white households is 20 times that of black households and 18 times that of Hispanic households, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of newly available government data from 2009.

>> No.3657324

Hahaha post a link to your source, mate.

>> No.3657328

You need to write this because you know the ideas of hetero-nomative, white, and male privilege are right.

If you could actually challenge the criticisms, you'd present evidence and form a reasonable critique. Instead you act like a passive-aggressive child, sticking your tongue out at the islamolibrulcommufemmifascinazi machine that is oppressing poor defenseless straight white men, boo-hoo, and forcing your poorly written, poorly thought, unoriginal shit onto our board.

Stop projecting, grow the fuck up, and leave.

>> No.3657331

it's a sizeable link: google pew research racial wealth gap, or try this:


>> No.3657342
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There's been some academic work on the subject. Mainly by the usual suspects however.

>> No.3657343

> He is an adopted child
> his parents are an Asian couple
I guess two Wongs don't make a white eh?

>> No.3657344

Have you heard the song American Tune by Andrew Jackson Jihad?

"I'm a straight white male in America, I've got all the luck I need"

>> No.3657347

Wow. I have checked my privilege, why so upset?

The preface to the book will explain that it is actually written by a female to male transgender, and black to white (like MJ) student at an unnamed Ivy League University. Here is a brief sketch:

>"Since my change, I have noticed that I have still retained my 4.0 at this unnamed Ivy League school. No change in how I was treated occurred--that is, referring to my grades and in turn my future career.

>I am writing this book to explain to you all that I have not gained any privilege. I worked hard as a black woman, and now I am working just as hard as a white male. If you work hard and meet the qualifications to get a job, you will get that job. What more do these privilege spouters want besides money and a job, after all? There is more to life than a 4.0 at a Ivy League university. But anyone can get a 4.0 here if they simply try their hardest.

Hahahaha, good one anon.

>> No.3657350

Never heard it before. If my book gets made into a movie, I'll have that play at the opening credits.

>> No.3657356

OP confirmed for fedora

>> No.3657360

Pretty sure that's where it came from. You might want to actually research it before satirising it.

>> No.3657362

He's got to be a conservative who believes his success comes solely from the 'sweat of his brow' and not the fact that he grew up in a stable family with parents able to afford his education.

>> No.3657366

do you listen to andrew jackson jihad by any chace?

>> No.3657368
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Pretty much yes. A mullet-sporting, trailer park-living Cletus, nothing else.

>> No.3657369

missed that post.

>> No.3657372

>academic work on Tumblr

Da fuck. Citation? (genuinely curious)

>> No.3657380


Go for it.

>> No.3657381
File: 23 KB, 431x480, B1XBjSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too on the nose, unsubtle. You're obviously not a very creative guy.

You're against blaming others and taking responsibility, but isn't the story blaming others, at least pointing the finger?

The political action of those who aren't straight white males is pretty relevant and righteous, when you study history. Besides, its not a huge force. No one likes a story that disses the underdog.

The asian parents would have made damn sure the adopted kid would be getting straight A's growing up. His failure would have to come after he left home - actually a phenomenon - you look at high achieving kids that become adults like asian pianists and andre agassi, and the failure hits like a ton of bricks when it does.

In summary, its a stupid idea and you'd be silly doing it, but you probably won't anyway, because it'll be too difficult and you'll also grow up.

>> No.3657388

/pol/ means academic work on 'privilege', I think.


>> No.3657392


>tumblr warriors

>> No.3657399


>> No.3657402

see, now i think i should resent this, I lived in a trailer park for eight years, i've had both a mullet and a dodge charger, and I have relatives named cletus and hiram and silas, and I'm a straight white male.
I was also one of the founding members of my college's gay and lesbian group (real gays were afraid to sign the petition because of discrimination, so a bunch of blacks and rednecks had to do it for them) and I've also won international recognition for my school in two separate fields of science (and yeas, I've seen October Sky and Apollo 13, I'm aware of the hillbilly scientist stereotype too--and it is a bit more accurate)

>> No.3657403

>guaranteed virgin
>not guaranteed to be attractive, smart, funny, good with kids...

>> No.3657406

>had a dodge charger
Get another one, goddammit. You owe it to yourself.

>> No.3657413

i have a sweet vintage Studebaker Lark convertible, better for stargazing and drinking wild turkey on the backroad's with my hot biologist girlfriend.

>> No.3657429

>tfw jelly

>> No.3657433

OP, this novel is immature. Show us a piece of your writing. I'm betting it is not very good.

What evidence do you have that white privilege does not exist? You are white person. Obviously you have a harder time seeing it.

Read some W.E.B Du Bois.

>> No.3657434


>> No.3657443

Don't you get it? Saying a race is inferior is racism, but saying one race is superior is not racism?

>> No.3657452

>Show us a piece of your writing. I'm betting it is not very good.

Also, I can smell your bias from miles away. You are ready to hate what I post regardless of what I post. My book will help you remove such biased ways of thinking from your mind.

>> No.3657455

>What evidence do you have that white privilege does not exist?

I have evidence non-whites and women are given a leg-up in society. Do you have evidence that all white men have this privilege, and can you tell me exactly what this privilege is?

>> No.3657458

OP here. Does anyone have any academic materials they can link me to yet? Surely there is a book or article written by some Gender Studies major on this "privilege" phenomenon.

>> No.3657465

It should include the main character being denied access to a fairly nice college due to the last (or one of the last) spots being taken up by a black transgendered mentally handicapped lesbian whose taken full advantage of affirmative action. The white guy now goes to the shittiest community college in the state.

>> No.3657472


>> No.3657478

doing your research for you is not our job, my good friend

>> No.3657481

You know. I didn't even think of searching wiki for it because I thought something so unscientific would never have a real wikipedia article about. My God.

>> No.3657484

I can't believe this is an actual thing.

>> No.3657489


>blaming all your problems on da jooz
You do realize this is just as bad as blaming everything on white people, right?

>> No.3657491

He should have his children taken from him by his ex-wives new transgender, prostitute husband, and he is forced to pay huge sums to them to keep the couple in the life they are accustomed to.

This can be the reason for his poverty.

>> No.3657493

Believe me. I don't need your help to do my research. I'm white.

However, I'm mainly asking if there is a single book or article that people consider the magnum opus of all the "research" into this privilege phenomenon. I've searched for articles myself, I have accesses to scholarly databases after all...but can't seem to find one "central" article on the subject.

And that's a frightening thing. A concept that evolved out of a bunch of girls who likely dropped out of college on tumblr is being hailed as a truth. I heard my professor use the word privilege in this context in a lecture the other day, and that is what sparked my idea of writing this novel.

>> No.3657500

That doesn't seem satirical.

>> No.3657501

This sounds both interesting and amusing, and i seriously hope you actually complete it.

It would probably sell quite well if you marketed it at the people you're satisfying. They're so oblivious that they'd probably think you were agreeing with them.

>> No.3657504

Thanks for the suggestions, but the point of my novel is that the main character is NOT being held back by any outside forces. His shitty life situation is purely due to his own lethargy, lack of motivation and general laziness. AS IS THE CAUSE OF ANY RACE OR GENDER NOT BEING SUCCESSFUL.

>> No.3657506


>> No.3657507


>Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe, white people are poor as shit, have awful health and are looked down upon by the rest of Europe.

>> No.3657508


Start with "The Souls of Black Folks"

>> No.3657509

This makes sense.

An Oblomov for the 2st century.

>> No.3657510

but that is all untrue

>> No.3657511

The entire thing is hilariously retarded.

>> No.3657513

I forgot my last greentext:


>> No.3657514

>implying the lethary, lack of motivation, and general laziness is not often caused by shitty socioeconomic position that came as a result of failed Reconstruction and de facto racism

>> No.3657517

Thousands of authors write behind pseudonyms, and some of them even create an entire character in surrogate in order to achieve greater sales, and to make a point.

>> No.3657518

>And that's a frightening thing. A concept that evolved out of a bunch of girls who likely dropped out of college on tumblr is being hailed as a truth. I heard my professor use the word privilege in this context in a lecture the other day, and that is what sparked my idea of writing this novel.

I think you're a bit biased and ignorant. There is skepticism and then there is faux-skepticism.

I have no idea of the position of white-privilege in Academia. However, I do know that I'm not knowledgeable enough in the subject to take a position.

>> No.3657519

Pay attention to the 'history of the concept' section. Seems there's a lot you're missing out on.

>A concept that evolved out of a bunch of girls who likely dropped out of college on tumblr is being hailed as a truth
See >>3657472 as a starting point. This idea did not start on tumblr any more than racism started on /pol/.

>> No.3657521

>A concept that evolved out of a bunch of girls who likely dropped out of college on tumblr is being hailed as a truth.

You're a funny guy.


>> No.3657522

We know that. We know that the entire thing isn't as simple as "hurr durr white privilege" but it's satire of the people who don't.

>> No.3657523

>implying working hard to get a 4.0 and writing a spectacular college entry essay can't get you into any college and land you any job you want

It's all about effort.

>> No.3657528

>Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe, white people are poor as shit, have awful health and are looked down upon by the rest of Europe.

>white people benefit from beyond those commonly experienced by people of color in the same social, political, or economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc).

>in the same social, political, or economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc).

Can you read? This is a literature board you know.

>> No.3657531

Bro, some people go so such shitty public school that even working hard and getting a 4.0 would leave them unprepared to succeed in a good college

And there is little motivation to do well in your studies when you're focusing on working to support your family and avoiding gang violence

>> No.3657540
File: 190 KB, 373x327, NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL EGGY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't /pol/ just stay out?


If a mod doesn't delete this damn thread in a few hours I'm shit-posting it to death, so tired of this shit and you dumb assholes always replying.

>> No.3657542
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>Mfw the protagonist is going to have a 40+ speech a la Galt at the end of the book about how everyone around him is a hypocrite and a phony and how white males are the foundations of civilizations and blah, blah, blah

If you're going to present your thesis, do it subtly. At this point your story isn't a satire; it's a sledgehammer.

>> No.3657547

This is quite a reasonable discussion, though. At the very least, some people may have learnt that the concept of 'privilege' did not in fact originate on tumblr, which is a net gain for humanity.

>> No.3657548

But it's a /lit/ thread in every single way. I'm sorry that it upsets you, but maybe you should just leave the board if that's the case.

>> No.3657549

/pol/ would eat this right up

>> No.3657557



White privilege functions differently in different places. A person's white skin will not be an asset to them in every conceivable place or situation. White people are also a global minority, and this fact affects the experiences they have outside of their home areas.

>Nevertheless, some people who use the term "white privilege" describe it as a worldwide phenomenon, resulting from the history of colonialism by white Europeans.[50][51]

In some accounts, global white privilege is related to American exceptionalism and hegemony.[52]

Alik Shahadah claims that the image of Africa imposed on the world are those created and controlled by white forces and that globalization is therefore in his view not only an imposition of products but also of ideas and ideals, at the expense of the broader human diversity.[41][42]

You knew what I was saying. Fuck off.
Facists pls go.

>> No.3657559

It's going to come with the subtlety of an Ayn Rand novel at the moment. Except it will be MR whining which is insufferable in itself.

>> No.3657561

That paragrah is for


>> No.3657567

Can you even read? That's not how its going to end. The protagonist becomes a MtF transgender, and does not change a AT ALL. Still sits around doing nothing lazily. Before, his black lawyer and female doctor roommates would yell at him and say, "Why aren't you taking advantage of your privilege!?" But then at the end of the book they come up to him crying, and pat him on the back, saying "We didn't know that you were going through something like this! It's okay, we understand why you are so lazy now. Life is so tough for you!"

And inside the protagonist's mind, he's like "Finally. Now I can be a lazy piece of shit at peace."

Just a rough sketch, but it will be fully fleshed out later.

This privilege shit is so unscientific, and so absurd, that a satire doesn't need any subtlety.

>> No.3657569


>> No.3657571

>This privilege shit is so unscientific
Have you read through Du Bois etc already? I'm impressed.

>on my /lit/

>> No.3657572

>But it's a /lit/ thread in every single way.
>my sides

>> No.3657576

OP here. My employment privilege is requiring me to leave this thread for a few hours. Be back later.

>> No.3657577


Like I said: a sledgehammer, not a satire.

I hope you at least have good prose.

>> No.3657580

he doesn't

prove me wrong, OP. Let's see a sample

>> No.3657584

Maybe you should consider joining Big Money Books Inc, OP? I think you'd fit right in.

>> No.3657585

Pls don't

>> No.3657587

>Nevertheless, some people who use the term "white privilege" describe it as a worldwide phenomenon, resulting from the history of colonialism by white Europeans

This is true to an extent though not applicable to all places. Do you even know anything about colonialism and history?

>Alik Shahadah claims that the image of Africa imposed on the world are those created and controlled by white forces and that globalization is therefore in his view not only an imposition of products but also of ideas and ideals, at the expense of the broader human diversity

Charities have done their fair share of exacerbating the idea of African plight in need of money to survive and western ideals have spread through globalization and colonialism.

>> No.3657588

this is going to be the worst shit

i'm having trouble dealing with this it's so fucking bad

>> No.3657589

Make sure to start reading some Du Bois on the way, 'kay? Your satire will undoubtedly benefit from you having the slightest clue about what you're satirising.

>> No.3657593

Protip: the people who go on about this bullshit know absolutely nothing about colonialism and history.

>> No.3657600

I'll point out that Sokal in Intellectual Impostures was against Scientism as well. Rigorous empiricism can't be applied to everything but that doesn't mean that anything without it is useless.

Historians don't have the luxury of repeating experiments in controlled conditions but no-one is going to say the field is worthless.

>> No.3657603

>This is true to an extent though not applicable to all places

Sure showed me.

>Do you even know anything about colonialism and history?

Try making a point with that question.


>> No.3657606

but how are you going to satirize privilege when you clearly don't understand the first fucking thing about it?

>> No.3657609

Fucking this. At the moment it's a ham-fisted 'satirisation' of a strawman.

>> No.3657610

You're assuming that OP wants to write something good.

>> No.3657628

It means you don't have a fucking clue of what colonialism is or it's history. If you want to write satire you need to understand the ideas your satirising in detail, their context in history and the authors who wrote them.


At the moment you're writing a green text story on your own pre-conceptions of what an idea is supposed to be and a shitty one at that.

>> No.3657636

I have some bad news for you: i am not the OP. You have been talking to someone else.

you still haven't told me exactly what privilege is, or more specifically what privilege it is that straight white males of today benefit from

>> No.3657637

What a shitty attitude to have.

>> No.3657641


Not the person you responded to but seriously....get your semantics straight or your work will be shit. The ONLY way to do this is to survey the relevant literature.

Do not take any definition found on 4chan seriously. Go to the lit.

>> No.3657650


CHECK your privilege THE POSTS AGAIN

>> No.3657655

You seem to be under some notion that I need to educate you and that my ability to explain an idea such as 'privilege' has any bearing on it's validity.

If you're interested in learning about something then consider using a search engine to find the resources that will teach you. Otherwise, fuck off.

>> No.3657661

I knew it. Suck my dick, you fucking pleb.


>Yeah, what is it?

>fuck off and search yourself sagesagesage

I sometimes think you guys are all trolls.

>> No.3657662 [DELETED] 


I was giving general advice you twat. What I said applies to any project undertaken. I wanted it to be relevant to both you and OP.

>> No.3657663

I was giving general advice you twat. What I said applies to any project undertaken. I wanted it to be relevant to both you and OP.

>> No.3657666

Backpedal some more.

>> No.3657669


Conversing to arrive at shared meaning is not backpedaling.

Are you disabled?

>> No.3657677

>I j-just wanted t-to g-give you both some advice!

When did I say I was writing a book?

>> No.3657687


Work does not solely mean book. I presupposed you were a student (and likely had shitty research skills because the point you objected to was reasonable).

>> No.3657699
File: 317 KB, 1280x960, 1358526945842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fat white middle class female interested in RPGs and shipping culture I definitely have a good understanding of what privilege is and the toxic role it plays in our patriarchal culture. I am the spokeswoman for all us truly underprivileged minorities and outcasts, the social justice warrior that society needs, a strong female undergraduate voice in the blogosphere taking her stand.

>> No.3657706

Fuck off, Penny. You're more privileged than any of us.

>> No.3657720
File: 130 KB, 750x495, IMG-9821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3657726

>thinking being privileged means she's fat


>> No.3657735

She might as well be, the useless bint.

>> No.3657748


>As a fat white middle class female...
>Fuck off, Penny. You're more...