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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 220x330, 220px-Derek_Walcott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3655469 No.3655469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there some kind of multi-kulti conspiracy to get this shit poet Walcott on every single god-damn syllabus on earth?

Honestly, it's so formuliac and gay
>Muh mixed-race africanism
>Muh lack of national identity/homeland
>Muh mixed-raceness
Repeat ad nauseum.


Meanwhile some guy in his basement never got a break even though he could shit better poetry than Wallshitt.

>> No.3655490


I am fucking tired of you, mullet trailer park pieces of shit. Nobody with a brain gives a flying fuck about your retarded, childish hurr durr negroes and jews hurr durr

Go back to /pol/ or to suck Aryan cock at stormfront, mother fucking retardo bred by siblings.

>> No.3655507

Oh dear, the butthurt...amazing!

>> No.3655534



How old are you? Grow up, kid. Seriously. One day you'll see clear. There is nothing funny about "raiding" other forums. There are thoughtful people here who are genuinely interested in having an intelligent discussion about literature. If 4chan has a board for your type, stick there. There is a fucking world out there and even if in here you feel badass opening your bottled frustrations, anger, and insecurities, out there you would get bitch slapped if you were for a second behaving like in here.

Seriously. Grow. The. Fuck. Up.

>> No.3655566
File: 486 KB, 300x169, 9x8G2W0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3655622

fuck off nerd stop talking for this board.

why would you even make this thread other than to argue about blacks?

grow up.

>> No.3655641

I'm not the guy you replied to but this kind of attitude is what makes you numb to criticism and prevents you from noticing you look retarded as fuck.

>> No.3655695

>engaging the retards

>> No.3655715

lol can't hear you over the butthurt? Why don't you pull some lines of Walcott that prove he is super mega wicked awesome and thus justifies his nobel prize and being on every syllabus ever.

>> No.3655750


I feel you bro.
Take any English course and you will inevitably have to read some shitty book that is only on the syllabus because it was written by some disenfranchised shitskin/woman/fag/whatever that is from whatever shit hole or time period the professor specialized in.

>> No.3655760
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 5bt8U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, some empathy.

>> No.3655820

Of course, it can be argued that Walcott is undeserving of the Nobel Prize. Also, I have yet to read any of his poetry in any of my literature/poetry courses, so I'm not sure he's on every college syllabus.

However, I would hesitate to say that he's failed at his art. His sense of sound is tremendous, and his ability to create setting without straining description is incredible. No, he may not be dealing with such heavy topics as some other writers of the West Indies, and much of his work is deeply personal (it's sometimes a stretch to understand what we are meant to feel in his poetry), but he has a greater grasp on his form than a great majority of other contemporary poets.

Plus, having met him, I can say that his intelligence is staggering in person. He's also a very sweet man, and though in his later years, is able to deliver a powerful reading.


>> No.3655862

a valid point. and as far as being in college curricula, he's a bit more accessible than a lot of arguably better poets from the early twentieth century, and even from the nineteenth. he does interesting things with basic images and clear premises,

I can't comment on his worthiness for a prize, but his stuff would be a good teaching tool.

>> No.3656699

I second this. I was just going to mention something about this individual being from /pol/.

Please escort yourself off of /lit/ as no one here wants to deal with your redneck, ignorant views regarding white oppression, Obama's socialist plan to take over the US, and how black people are inferior.


>> No.3656721

have any of you even read omeros

it's extremely high quality poetry

>> No.3656721,1 [INTERNAL] 

Shit thread, but holy crap /lit/ is so brainwashed.
>b-but ur aa redneck
>b-but black people do not on average have inferior IQs than other groups

And then this guy:

I think I should get /pol/ to raid this board.