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/lit/ - Literature

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3654856 No.3654856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/ it appears we have been entered into a Minecraft map where almost every board is allocated an island to inhabit and is given resources which are synonymous to the board's common theme. Would any of you actually want to participate in this? I think we would prosper well obviously being the most intelligent board. And through good leadership and cooperation we could end up becoming pretty powerful and dominate. What do you think would be our strategy for survival?

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/implyingyourgroupisbetter

Map Progress: http://mapfag.tumblr.com/

I have put myself forward on the Steam group to be the leader of our board. I will obviously relinquish that position should a more competent candidate arise.

>> No.3654859

thats dumb and we shouldn't do it

thats my vote anyway

>> No.3654884


/v/ or /tg/ will win that. why bother?

>> No.3654891

Well we can ally with various other boards, it's not every board for themselves.

>> No.3654934

let's build the library of babel

>> No.3654944

Good plan!

>> No.3654996


>> No.3655011


Resource and population imbalances will kill this off before he even becomes much of a thing.

>> No.3655035

This board is 18+

>> No.3655055
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>Implying videogames are for children

>> No.3655063

Alliance with /diy/, and /tg/.

Hope for the best

>> No.3655064

we're dangerously close from /pol/ though

>> No.3655066
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>> No.3655069

They'll be too busy building furnaces to care.

>> No.3655083

we know for a fact that /pol/ has an annoying tendency to invade other boards to "spread the word"

>> No.3655087

I suggest you take over islands /d/ to /s/ while every other board will shit fury over /mlp/.

>> No.3655093

/wsg/ will be an island of contention depending on the relationship between /lit/ and /pol/. How is that? Im sure two iconic boards would not merge fully unless it benefited reaching the southwest edge of the mainland.

We're also gonna have to annex /u/ & /d/ eventually, but I fear /lit/'s niche is diplomacy, we can't play the numbers game on our own.

>> No.3655117

Yeah we'll have to rely on superior strategic planning and diplomacy. Hopefully we can outwit other boards and pit them against each other while we move in to take land.

>> No.3655121

>annexing anything
/lit/ is like that autistic yet attractive girl that impresses everyone but that no one dares to hit on

>> No.3655123

Which is why we'll be stealthy as fuck.

>> No.3655135

not /lit/

go away

>> No.3655136

What is this game? Is it like sim city / command and conquer type of thing?

>> No.3655137

I've had a girlfriend like that
she managed to be even more autistic than me
shit was definitely not cash
She was a lit major
But she couldn't possibly have been /lit/, because she also liked fantasy, you'll probably argue that /lit/ doesn't actually hate it save for a vocal minority, but what I didn't say is that it includes twilight

>> No.3655138
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>implying video games aren't for children

>> No.3655143

>she was a lit major
If you had been a lit major you would know lit courses are full of retards

>> No.3655150 [SPOILER] 
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Go away

>> No.3655171

video games have stopped being for children and geeks since the emergence of the social media generation
protip: if feminists lay a claim over something, then it's mainstream and socially accepted

>> No.3655180

Hey, I have an idea: /lit/ could conquer /r/

>> No.3655182

How many boards are in this? I only go on /p/, /lit/, and /wg/

>> No.3655189

All the main ones. Naturally a lot of boards won't actually do this; just the populous ones. This gives us an opportunity to spread as we don't start with a very large island.

>> No.3655190

>playing minecraft

>> No.3655198

Why don't us and /tg/ start an alliance?

>> No.3655200


Man children count as children though.

>> No.3655199

Would make sense as our themes do tie in a bit.

>> No.3655207

If /lit/, /tg/, and /co/ and banded together, we could isolate everything to the south and conquer it.

>> No.3655216

you mean 90% of the western world (yes that includes females)?

>> No.3655220

its just going to be a big shit show of all the kids on /b/ running around fucking everyone else's islands

>> No.3655227

OP here, I've made a Steam group for our faction.


>> No.3655245
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>90% of the Western World plays video games

>> No.3655250


>> No.3655292

Do you actually have to buy the game to join? I have a pirated version

>> No.3655296

No, a pirated version will do just fine.

>> No.3655324

/tg/ guy here, I have nothing against an alliance between our two boards. The rest of the members seem to be okay with it, too.

>> No.3655327

Excellent news, I have successfully negotiated an alliance with /tg/. Currently trying to negotiate an alliance with /co/.

>> No.3655352

I'll try to ally with /x/

>> No.3655365

We should ally with /sci/ and /k/ to take over one of the larger boards with our brilliance and weaponry, and then set up Plato's Republic. From there, our /k/ auxiliaries will conquer the rest of the map. We will, along with /sci/, become true philosopher-kings.

>> No.3655385

/k/ is in with /pol/, and they have some sort of mega alliance going on. I wouldn't want to get tangled up in that.

>> No.3655389


>implying the definition of playing 'videogames' has changed beyond console fags (itself a growing demographic) to include every pleb who plays 'angry birds' or 'farmville'

>> No.3655390

Just tried /k/

>> No.3655401

They call it "vital space"

>> No.3655396


>allied with /pol/
>having anything to do with /pol/

U 'avin' a giggle m8?

>> No.3655398

We're best keeping our alliances small and consolidated. As to avoid a democratic and bureaucratic nightmare. /tg/ and /co/ should be our main allies for the time being.

>> No.3655399

/x/ has almost accepted

>> No.3655402

What does this game do? I mean, what's the objective, to conquer territory?

>> No.3655404

hello guys
I recently finished reading "the picture of dorian gray" it was fucking lovely

so, how's it going?

>> No.3655410

dunno bro i havnt played minecraft since it was in beta

>> No.3655416

Minecraft is basically realistic lego

>> No.3655419

I'm all for this. there is similar talk on /tg/, so if we can keep everything small and connected we might avoid world war 1.

>> No.3655424
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>/mlp/ ambassor

>> No.3655425

it has a lot of crafting elements too
a great electronic toy for aspies if you ask me

>> No.3655428

oh, come on, why the hate?
I wasn't going to ask for an alliance, you already seem cool enough to be bothered

>> No.3655429

>dat diplomacy

I think we can unite the entire chan to eradicate your existence

>> No.3655430


Why can't we ally with /pol/? We can use their fanaticism and zeal to our advantage. If anyboard's good at persuasive oration, it's going to be /lit/.

>> No.3655433

that can be tried, but I've yet to think of a reason of why would /lit/ hate us personally

>> No.3655434

except /pol/ is likely to be stuck in a giant war, and being honest here, /lit/ will be too small and just end up getting annihilated.

>> No.3655437

/pol/ and /k/ against /b/ is going to be a nightmare. /b/ will most likely have a civil war of their own. We're better keeping a southern united front with /vg/ protecting our interests in the East when the /mlp/ shitstorm begins.

>> No.3655438

because not hating you would make everyone hate us. when in Rome, and all that.

>> No.3655439

Against /lgbt/ and /mlp/ probably. /pol/ are allies with /k/, /int/ and /x/.

>> No.3655442

Like i said before, we should claim /r/ before someone else does

>> No.3655444


Except who was it that said /lit/ needed to be on the front lines? As I said, we'll be the philosopher-kings, they the auxiliaries. I think the partnership could be mutually beneficial. We need the manpower, they a strong, rational leadership.
In any case, we should put our wits together with /sci/.

>> No.3655450

There isn't a thread on /sci/

>> No.3655451

yep, that's exactly what /vp/ said to us

but to be honest, only /v/ and /pol/ hate us (and not really considering some shit of /mlpol/ I've yet to comprehend) since /b/ is not playing at the end

/mlp/ is the highest force, and we actually like /lit/. I understand that being allies would be a suicide note, so neutrality would be the best thing

>> No.3655457

Server isn't up yet

>> No.3655454

Wait, is there even a server yet

>> No.3655455

We have to be careful on endorsing wars event hough it would be good to see /bgt/ and /mlp/ go.

>> No.3655459

orators get in here now we must sway them

>> No.3655460

it IS up, it was posted in /mlp/ a while ago

want the adress?

>> No.3655462

Remember fellow /lit/ee's. Join our Steam group for updates on diplomacy!


>> No.3655471


really lebensraum amiright?

>> No.3655467

Really? I thought map guy had still a lot of islands to design

>> No.3655472

This looks terrible, and I'd like to formally decline your invitation on behalf of the entire board.

>> No.3655476

/finance/ here.

Since there's no established currency, I say we don one of the upcoming altcoins for big transactions.

>> No.3655479

You guys are fucking children

>> No.3655480


Ill be joining when I get access to my pc

>> No.3655482

but for some reason there is an adress up with people joining n shit


now that I look at it, I think is just a trial server, just to see if it holds people, like a beta

>> No.3655483

Pls go back to your quarantine.

>> No.3655484

Wouldnt it be the wisest to ally with both /k/ and /fit/?

>> No.3655487


Very good, we can have more concentrated discussions about tactics on there.

>> No.3655492

I say /lit/ acts as the wise counsel and oracles for Kings of other nations. We'll be granted protection and isolation in order to read our books in peace.

>> No.3655495

is that something bad?
nietzsche compared his superman to a child, naive,pure and free. A person who was free to only care for himself and not be burdened like the camel that represents the oppressed man

Not that I like nietzsche myself, but I think is worth mentioning

>> No.3655496

We could try /mu/....

>> No.3655500

epig meme CXD

>> No.3655506

/mlp/ won't bother you, we will gladly respect your peace

>> No.3655510

We should ally with /b/

>> No.3655512

We'll use our foresight and strategic planning to play the great diplomacy game, offering to be an intermediary between nations for negotiation.

>> No.3655513

You do not have permission to address the sages. Begone!

>> No.3655516

You have no ambition. You want to cast of /lit/ as mere seer town.

>> No.3655518

Please. I'm going to ask politely now. On behalf of the rest of the board who loathes you, I'm going to show you the door. It is not that I personally dislike you, it's that everyone else does. Try to get /lgbt/ to join you.

>> No.3655520

/b/ hasn't payed attention, they raided the thread with porn and dubs before it being deleted

I think they are not going to play after all

>> No.3655523

I doubt /sci/ even gives a shit.

>> No.3655524

Aren't we /mu/'s girlfriend?

>> No.3655525

An enlightened man needs not ambition.

>> No.3655526

Just fucking leave the board. Maybe two people on this board have interest in your autistic lego simulator, and they're probably only here from /b/ to shitpost.

>> No.3655528

yes, master

>the boards hates you
not fucking reading this >>3655451
>join /lgbt/
don't force my patience

>> No.3655538

Sort of. We bust his balls all the time, but yes. So we will fight for them!

>> No.3655537

if it bothers you so much then why the fuck do you post in here?

hide the thread

>> No.3655542

So head for a the hills, sage. This is the affairs of men.

>> No.3655543

Now the question comes...

>what kind of economy should we have?

>> No.3655546

Just fuck off and watch your stupid girl cartoons.

>> No.3655554

>being this mad
>over the internet
>because other person does something you don't like
>because of a game

>> No.3655555

Investing in the more powerful nations of course. Our citizens must be forbidden from labor as to allow maximum leisure time. If we need construction done, we import slaves from /fit/ and /diy/

>> No.3655565

>>join /lgbt/
>don't force my patience

/mlp/ is way below /lgbt/ in terms of board hierarchy. There is nowhere lower than /mlp/. You are are manchildren who watch my little fucking pony; each and every one of you should be euthanised. You are even worse than the people who watch those Japanese child porn cartoons.

In all honesty, I feel sick just knowing that I am conversing with you online.

>> No.3655558

Mostly we will not be mass-producing materials on our own. We will build diplomacy centers where we can negotiate for other nations in return for resources and influence.

>> No.3655563

DL link where?

>> No.3655572

I'm from /mu/ and I aprove this message, the guys will be so happy to know that we finaly have qt gfs
>tfw qt 3.14 gf

>> No.3655573

Now fellow /lit/erates! The question stands, what will our preferred skin be? I suggest a skin modeled on ancient philosophers such as Plato or Aristotle.

>> No.3655579

and I guess /lit/ is at the top, right?

I can't speak for the board, but you sir are the biggest elitist faggot I've yet to meet

>> No.3655582

I'd say thats about right but /lgbt/ is not too farm from them I say

>> No.3655587

Welcome to /lit/, home to e/lit/ist faggots, bastion of intellect.

>> No.3655588

How is he being elitist?

He's right, you are scum.

>> No.3655590

HAHAHA good one... I'm a /k/ommando, and we HATE /pol/ most of the /pol/ threads on /k/ are ignored by those who actually have guns.
I personally love books, but do not know about the overwhelming majority of others.

>> No.3655596

Plus if we ally with you we will be allied with /co/ /mu/ and /sp/ (/sp/ comes with /mu/ right?

>> No.3655598

>In all honesty, I feel sick just knowing that I am conversing with you online.

Hahaha. it does feel like /lit/ has been tainted by him posting here.

>> No.3655603

But you are scum, whether you like it or not. That's not really something that can be disputed.

That's nothing to do with elitism. We don't feel we're superior to you, we just feel you're inferior to absolutely everyone.

>> No.3655608

/sp/ are our bros, so I would say yes.
I don't think many /mu/tants will play this since most of us hate vidya games (mostly because of /v/)

>> No.3655610

It does. The possibility of people like him even having the ability to post here absolutely repulses me.

>> No.3655614

I've proved myself of be an intellectual as well

I love to read and discuss philosophy with my teachers at the university

I've even wrote my own philosophy and half a book

why the fuck I'm scum?

>> No.3655619

Because you watch a show with other autists, designed for 5 year old girls

>> No.3655623

You should try witnessing it: >>>/mlp/ It's depressing as fuck.

Just scroll down the first page, and keep in mind that they are mostly males between the age of 16 and 30. It's almost enough to make you lose faith in our species.

>> No.3655625

You do not judge what you have proved, only others may do that. We are others, and we have found you lacking.

You watch a show for children. For female children. You sit in front of your TV and you, in synchrony with thousands of little children all over the globe, watch multi-coloured ponies frolick around in abject fucking cartoon fields.

You're pathetic, and any merit you may possess is overshadowed by your ludicrous fetish.

>> No.3655628

and you are discussing a lego simulator for autist

yeah, as I said, fucking elitist idiots

showing how much you read on the internet doesn't make you more intelligent

>> No.3655633

have some tact /lit/. We appreciate the grace of /mlp/'s representative; all offers are to be considered.

>> No.3655635

None of us want to fucking play your autistic game. We are not discussing it.

>> No.3655644

>I've even wrote my own philosophy and half a book
Tell us about you philosophy. I bet it's some kind of analytic epistemology.

>> No.3655646

the problem is that your misjudgment is hilarious, as you rather prefer to tell me that I can't judge my own doing when you have completely ignored them

Also, the amount of prejudge in that statement makes me think that you are just trying to reassure yourself as having a negative form to look down to and feel better about yourself

Is that bullshit? maybe, but is exactly what you are doing

>> No.3655647


What's wrong with epistemology?

>> No.3655649

>It's bullshit
>but it's what i'm doing
it's one or the other, friendo.

I don't need to belittle you to feel good about myself. I always feel good about myself.

However, you are pathetic. This is a fact.

>> No.3655651

>amount of prejudge

So you wrote a 'book' eh?

>> No.3655655

in a summary: Knowledge is memorizing
here is a very abridged and short version of one of the issues:

>> No.3655656

Also, he spelled ambassador completely wrong.

>> No.3655660

in spanish?

>> No.3655662

>/mlp/ ambassor
Are you the board that carries around those strange pillows? I get all those boards muddled. I know one pisses into bottles, and one is exclusively for NEETs - maybe that's you too?

>> No.3655664
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Well that seems appropriately retarded.

>> No.3655665

>spanish speaker

>> No.3655669

You're still absolutely pathetic, regardless of your country of origin.

>> No.3655673


>working on the assumption of God

2/10 apply yourself.

>> No.3655674

no fucking idea of what are you talking about
yeah, elitist hipster. You can't be pleased, don't know why I'm bothering

>> No.3655679


>has never taken done real philosophy

Prove me wrong brony and construct the truth table for (p→q)^( ¬p→q).

the autism will help and bronys might make good logicians [\spolier]

>> No.3655681

does insulting other person over the internet makes you feel better?

>not considering God's existence

>> No.3655684

Both 'elitist' and 'hipster' are equally valueless pejoratives, used only by people who fear those they believe are cleverer than them.

>> No.3655688

This talk of tactics and conquering is silly. Minecraft doesn't work like that, you'll run over to another island and build a dick, then someone will break it and tnt a house. The organized teams will make large towers, libraries, everyone else will break them when no one's online. The furthest genuine infrastructure goes for Minecraft is the building of mines and railroads, which won't be necessary because you'll hack in ores.

>> No.3655689

>in a summary: Knowledge is memorizing
>God wants us to reach said limit and the excellency of our capacities and he has plenty confidence that we will be successful at this in our current state. God initially settled humanity on the creation just like the pieces of a chain-reaction toy perfectly planned.

Are you trolling?

>> No.3655691


I CONSIDER God's existence, like anyone with two braincells to rub together. But working on such a monumental assumption without giving explanation is ridiculous.

>> No.3655693

between you and me, I hate philosophy

>> No.3655694

Anyone above the age of 18, who hasn't whiled away their years watching children's cartoons, has read enough books to be aware of the social and historical basis for the idea of God, and thus has discredited it absolutely.

>> No.3655699

do you consider yourself to be more intelligent by being so pedant over the internet?

>> No.3655704

Absolutely was a bit absolute of me, now that I think about it. But discredited it to the extent that they wouldn't base an entire fucking essay on the assumption of its existence.

>> No.3655710

then you can't understand faith
>XXI century
>being such an atheist faggot
you need to read more

>> No.3655711

That's either /d/ or /jp/

>> No.3655712

When you watch children's cartoons do you ever think about how vapid they are? All the things you could be doing instead of them? All the opportunities you throw away by clinging to your childhood?

>> No.3655719

>you can't understand faith
Oh god, please just go. This is hilarious at this point.

>> No.3655721

the pillows (dakimakuras) is /jp/, the one with weird fetishes is /d/

>> No.3655722



0/10 see me after class!

>> No.3655741

>/v/ or /tg/ will win that. why bother?
might be fun.

what im more worried about what I'll need to download and install.
do you have the data, OP?

>> No.3655746


Went and checked it out...the brony fashion thread made me lose it.

>> No.3655751

Do I?

Do I cling to my childhood?

I do consider how retarded the show fucking is and how much hate it attracts
but let me tell you
only the stupidest guys won't realize it
and do you think I wold fucking do that without willing to deal with it?
the difference, sir, is that I couldn't give less fucks of others opinions, unlike you, who need to be constantly reassured by others praising their supposed intelligence, which is a mere illusion caused by your pedantry
good night, gentlemen

>> No.3655754

Well that was certainly one of the dumbest posts I've encountered in a long time.

I'm glad it's over.

>> No.3655763

>>not considering God's existence
You can consider god's existence, sure, but you can't work it into a hypothesis and expect credibility. Look:

I think ghosts exists. Now given this premise, I conclude that ghosts are responsible for carrying my thoughts from one part of my brain to another, and these ghosts...

Your 'philosophy' is sketchy to start with. You started in empirically based neurological models -- and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you can reinforce your axioms, with a nod to scepticism to keep the continentals happy -- but you brought in a God which invalidated your models. Not even Descartes is taken seriously past chapter 2 of meditations.

Aside from requiring a God, your knowledge of neurology is pretty weak, and you seemed to rely on a modified version of Korzybski's 'time-binding' model of humanity.

I don't know why you brought in God anyway. You weren't even contemplating any kind of dualism, and were following the Ryle school.

>> No.3655771

oh, thank you, this is actually very helpful

>> No.3655775

you don't understand faith, and so you can never understand my philosophy

I pity you, you narrow minded pedant

>> No.3655788

stop impersonating me, you pedant

you just gotta have faith

>> No.3655789
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>I humbly disagree, and I shall demonstrate why.

>> No.3655783

fuck you, you are not me

I go to bed now

>> No.3655787

But what about all the holdings to the south? We can't have a bunch of tiny island nations attacking us. We need to solidify our alliances with /co/, /tg/, and potentially /mu/ and then give everything behind our line a choice: Join us, or be annihilated.

>> No.3655796


>> No.3655798


Who's on first?

>> No.3655800

>not catching obvious impersonation

>> No.3655801

that's not what im saying.

everyone has different beliefs, and some people are simply incapable of understanding the kind of themes my philosophy deals with

>> No.3655802

download link where?
i haven't played since the beta and dunno the recipes

>> No.3655807

yeah, right, you are not fooling anyone

>> No.3655829

emmm, dude. you don't talk for the entire boards, bad luck

>> No.3655830

>everyone has different beliefs, and some people are simply incapable of understanding the kind of themes my philosophy deals with

Settle down now, L. Ron.

>> No.3655833

Honestly, I've never played Minecraft and couldn't give less of a shit about the game, I just want to be a part of /lit/'s geopolitical strategies. Shit fascinates me.

>> No.3655837

who is that?

>> No.3655853


Other than us, /co/, /tg/, /x/, and /soc/ there doesn't seem to be anybody else active, a perfect opportunity for an early land grab!

>> No.3655858


join the Steam group then! We can have a much more in-depth talks on there.

>> No.3655859

>affairs of men
top lels

>> No.3655878

We would have to build underground. an a defacto structure on the top.

>> No.3655882



>> No.3655896

speak for yourself.

>> No.3655901

mexicano o español?

>> No.3655935

hubbard, man!! for god's sake!

>> No.3655961

anybody has links to download minecraft (a version compatible with server)? I've played it before but lost it when I reformated my computer