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/lit/ - Literature

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3651954 No.3651954 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss the greatest man who ever lived; Charles Bukowski.
Favourite novel?
Favourite poem?
If you had a drink with him, would he hit you with a wine bottle?

>> No.3651963

>implying Bukowski would hang out with you
unless you're a women, that's it.

>> No.3651967

>Favourite novel?
Ham on Rye
>Favourite poem?
the Crunch
>If you had a drink with him, would he hit you with a wine bottle?
I'd make sure it was a whiskey bottle.

>> No.3652001

I'm reading Come On In! just now, the poems about him replying to people calling him a genius and stuff are pretty hilarious.
I think a lot of it was written fairly close to his death. A few of the poems where he speaks about dying are oddly heartbreaking, actually.

>> No.3652041

What an ugly mother fucker

>> No.3652048

>Favourite novel?
>Favourite poem?
paris in the dark or something
>If you had a drink with him, would he hit you with a wine bottle?
no, he's dead

>> No.3652057

I always thought he was cool, but never really got into him.
But i read this recently and thought it was one of the best things ive ever read.

The Genius Of The Crowd

there is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average
human being to supply any given army on any given day

and the best at murder are those who preach against it
and the best at hate are those who preach love
and the best at war finally are those who preach peace

those who preach god, need god
those who preach peace do not have peace
those who preach peace do not have love

beware the preachers
beware the knowers
beware those who are always reading books
beware those who either detest poverty
or are proud of it
beware those quick to praise
for they need praise in return
beware those who are quick to censor
they are afraid of what they do not know
beware those who seek constant crowds for
they are nothing alone
beware the average man the average woman
beware their love, their love is average
seeks average

but there is genius in their hatred
there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
to kill anybody
not wanting solitude
not understanding solitude
they will attempt to destroy anything
that differs from their own
not being able to create art
they will not understand art
they will consider their failure as creators
only as a failure of the world
not being able to love fully
they will believe your love incomplete
and then they will hate you
and their hatred will be perfect

like a shining diamond
like a knife
like a mountain
like a tiger
like hemlock

their finest art

>> No.3652082

Edgy, but good.

>> No.3652107


>> No.3652189


What does that mean exactly

>> No.3652221

I don't know.
I hear the kids saying it and I use it.

>> No.3652233

Rebellious for the sake of rebellious. It would be a useful term if people like you didn't overuse it so much though.

>> No.3652235

not you, but >>3652221 anon I mean, my bad

>> No.3652287

i'd let the old coger pump my anus with those powerful calves of his

>> No.3652288

He's fucking terrible.

Middle white class complaining about trivial matters.

This is an easy example:
If this were to be written by an angsty teenager it would make me hate it a bit less.

He's too simple minded, egocentric, he lacks abstraction, lacks perception... too much pointing out, too much "shouting". Where is the self analysis hidden behind all his "controversial attacks" against the "conformist" society.

In my opinion he never wrote anything profound, enjoyable, interesting. Like a kid screaming "oh god, the world is so like this" and then nothing happens.

>> No.3652321
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I don't care much for his poetry. but I enjoy the insights amongst the muck of his novels. In the same way HST can provide little gems amongst debauchery

>> No.3652325

>"oh god, the world is so like this" and then nothing happens

much ado about nothing. I like writing that embodies that

>> No.3652549

dem cock boiles gettin used like a ribbed condom, enjoy kid.

>> No.3652801

he is more like a bro

>> No.3653251

Nothing more profound or perceptive than the truth.
Its pretty rare.

>> No.3653277
File: 55 KB, 800x600, Kelli-Garner-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get him. He's not a crimethinc emo. He/'s not trying to be edgy or anti conformist. He's crazy because he never fit in anywhere and abused his whole life, an alcoholic working bullshit jobs. He's usually not going for profundity. His gravestone's epitaph is 'don't try.' - great advice for the majority of /lit/ writers actually. Most peoples letters are better than their stories or poetry he once said.

He's not for you, that's cool. But know that you're misinterpreting his writing and where he's coming from.

>> No.3653408

"Truth" as in his perception of life is what he makes it out to be. Realism in literature isn't "pretty rare" it's a whole fucking genre. And no one ever painted me the truth in pretty colours, everything he wrote felt obvious to me, had no impact, but at the same time the way he wrote about it wasn't the way I could agree with him. This conformism I felt behind his "truth" is mediocrity in my opinion.

>You don't get him
>I'm gonna listen to linkin park
Disregarding that, what I implied by
>Where is the self analysis hidden behind...
If there's no critique, analysis behind his words all what is left is a mediocre, conformist who likes to complain about things everyone is aware of.

Nothing new, nothing I haven't heard already. Someone who tells things "as they are" (but then again, he's point of view... why should I agree with the way he sees his shit life?) and in turns proposes to do nothing about it, has no value.

>His gravestone's epitaph is 'don't try.'
Maximum display of mediocrity, conformism.
IT IS OK to live like that, many do and it's ok. But then being fully aware of that, what value can we expect from someone who is in no position or proper experience to pass a judgement regarding such a style of life?

>I want some eggs
>Now I don't want them

Fuck it, seriously.

>> No.3653412

What fucking terrible grammar.
I'm sorry, I just woke up with a hangover.

>> No.3653435

Sounds like you're basing your perception of Bukowski on that poem in this thread. Maybe you should give one of his novels a go. I'm not a great fan of his poetry..

You can't say 'I've heard it before' with old art. Its like saying Citizen Kane is a shit movie, I've seen that cinematography before. Well, it didn't exist before Citizen Kane.

If you're reading things for the 'value' they have, presumably usefulness, then maybe fiction isn't your thing.

I don't know why you keep harping on about mediocrity and conformity with Bukowski. He is nowhere near pretension, thus isn't trying to be either conformist or anti conformist, or championing a way of life.

Its silly to make sweeping judgments about writing or a writer you obviously know very little about.

>> No.3653445

>Maybe you should give one of his novels a go.
His novels are garbage as well.

>> No.3653455
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Yeah but you're female so you're opinion on Bukowski is irrelevant.

>> No.3653459

Well thanks for agreeing that he is trash. That's all I needed.

>> No.3653462

I'm not agreeing with you, you're an idiot, Bukowski's good.

>> No.3653464

being this pleb

>> No.3653466

>Yeah but
>Yeah but
>Yeah but
You surely are agreeing with me.

>> No.3653471
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Yeah, I never did. See what I did there? Bit confusing isn't it. You should have a lie down, put some Adele on, eat some ice cream.

>> No.3653484

>Favourite novel
Ham on Rye
>Favourite poem
Don't have one
>If you had a drink with him, would he hit you with a wine bottle?

>> No.3653492

Yeah but lulyou did

>> No.3653506

Fuck off you dumb cunt, go back to Jezebel

>> No.3653515
File: 226 KB, 770x960, you mad jimmies editon 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3654251

What a pathetic human being.

>> No.3655627

Brave to say that 4 hours later.