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/lit/ - Literature

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3648364 No.3648364 [Reply] [Original]

>That one book you can never seem to find whether it be physical or PDF

what's her name /lit/?

>> No.3648367

Billy Piper, and what?

>> No.3648380

The Penguin Book of Classical Myths had turned out to be a Kafkaesque effort to obtain. My local library's copy has been listed in the system as "in-transit" for over a year, and the copy at my uni's library has all but vanished.

>> No.3648390

Myth and Maneater: The Story of the Shark.

Unless I'm willing to pay £50+ for a copy from Amazon, which I'm not.

>> No.3648689


>> No.3648712

'The Beginning Was the End' by Oscar Kiss-Maerth.

It was a motherfucker to find, but eventually I came upon it in a charity shop one morning while in St. Andrews.

>> No.3648717

Its on Amazon.

Might have to buy this...

>> No.3648724

Most Joseph McElroy.

>> No.3648728

I am about 80% sure that I just saw a copy of that at a thrift shop.

>> No.3648734

Arthur Machen - The Great God Pan
in german and physical

>> No.3648802
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Well count your blessings, it's a bitch to come by.

>> No.3648833

Rose Bonbon by Nicolas Jones-Gorlin

The book is about a paedophile and murderer, who speaks in the first person about fondling children and killing them. It went on sale last week, but has now been withdrawn from bookshops all over France.

Can't find a digital copy for the life of me.

>> No.3648856

Fucking everything roman that isn't the main authors.

I dare you to find anything outside the Internet Archive (fucking crappy OCR's anyway, most of the words are gibberish) by Appian of Alexandria or Dyonisus of Halicarnassus or Ammianus Marcelinus or Pliny the Elder or Pausanias or Cassius Dio.

>tfw multiple unobtainables

>> No.3648973

I know it's there, I've just been trying to avoid buying it since I just bought a couple other books I needed for class.

>> No.3648983
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Holy God, have you scanned it? I'd love to read this. Been searching for it since the late 90s.

>> No.3648991
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There's a coffee-table style book of Henry Darger's work that includes some excerpts of the fabled "In the Realms of the Unreal," the only time any of it has ever been properly published, but it costs like $500 on Amazon.

>but mfw I just found out it's in my university's library

>> No.3649044

Oh there are a good few

>Irene's Cunt - Louis Aragon
Louis Aragon is an extraordinary writer and this book seems right up my alley. The last time it was published in English was by "The Tears Corporation/Creation," a publisher that works mostly in subversive/deviant/ero-guro works. They've been out of business for some time, and it seems that even when they were in business (ie when the one guy that ran the place was actually alive) they scammed the shit out of both writers and buyers. Some day.

>O Tribe that Loves Boys - Abu Nuwas
There is a .pdf floating around but I'd love the physical copy. A book of ancient Sufi poetry concerning the pleasures and perils of pedophilia. Exceptionally difficult to find in any language.

>Leopoldina's Dream by Silvina Ocampo
A writer up there with the likes of Clarice Lispector and Bruno Schulz. An exceptionally hard book to find.

>Satan's Diary by Leonid Andreyev
there are some collections of his stories floating around, but his longer works are entirely out of print in English. *sigh*

>Asia & Haiti by Will Alexander
I've seen him, and this particular collection, referenced in all the right places. How they got their grubby academic paws on it is obviously beyond my means though.

>> No.3649045

I have a whole list, OP. Four big items:

1. Leon Bloy, "Disagreeable Tales" -- English trans. (might not exist)

2. Gustav Meyrink -- everything, except for "The Golem," which I own

3. Giovanni Papini -- any English translation of his stories (again, might not exist)

4. Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, "Cruel Tales" -- a 1985 Oxford translation exists, but I haven't been able to find it.

If anyone knows where I can find any of these, please let me know.

>> No.3649062


>> No.3649069

something wrong with this?


>> No.3649083

I was planning to scan both Irene's Cunt and Leopoldina's Dream. Are you not capable of getting either through inter-library loaning with the library? I would offer to scan them now, but as the semester's about over I won't have access to that stuff again until late August. Even if you were only meaning you wanted physical copies, both need to see a wider audience.

>> No.3649094

Inferno by August Strindberg. I had a copy but lost it in a move. Evebln used copies are expensive.

>> No.3649095

>500 dollars

Jesus christ. Are we living in the middle ages? It's a fucking book just print more of them.

This could be an ignorant statement considering I've never heard of "In the Realms of the Unreal" but fuck it.

>> No.3649111

Spanish translations of Lautreamont (I know its online for free), Guimaraes Rosa, Pessoa, Manchette, Buzzati, and a lot of surrealist shit.

>> No.3649115


>> No.3649117

dhamil karms - today i wrote nothing

>> No.3649119

i dont have a library

>> No.3649123

Manchette shouldn't be all that hard to get. He's in print in English and French at least.

>> No.3649138

Oh. That's usually how (US) academics get their grubby paws on things. University libraries with really excellent inter library loan systems. If a half dozen libraries in the USA have it, they can get it. Sometimes at a fee, but the fee is rarely anywhere near what you'd have to pay for it otherwise.

Look out for them later in the year, if you're still on /lit/. I'll hopefully do them by then.

>> No.3649141


My French is pretty basic and only three of his books have been translated into English.

>> No.3649161

You seem new here. Okay, here goes:
1. It's been out-of-print for a while.
2. It's primarily an anthology of his paintings/drawings/collages, those are always a bit pricey yes but this is ridiculous, I agree.
3. "In the Realms of the Unreal" is a 15,000 page novel that's mostly psychotic ramblings. It will never be published.

>> No.3649181
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> Leonid Andreyev
> "...his longer works are entirely out of print in English. *sigh*"

u jelly?

1918 trans.

found it in the dollar bin at a used bookstore in brooklyn

>> No.3649190

Antonio Salas - El Palestino

Only copies I can find are in Spanish.

>> No.3649193


Awesome, thanks. Last time I checked, Amazon wasn't carrying it used.

>> No.3649218 [DELETED] 

There's tons of copies of his work floating around online, I actually just bought a 1931 print of it.

>> No.3649236
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you should totally pick it up and scan it.

>> No.3649245

>The last time it was published in English was by "The Tears Corporation/Creation," a publisher that works mostly in subversive/deviant/ero-guro works. They've been out of business for some time, and it seems that even when they were in business (ie when the one guy that ran the place was actually alive) they scammed the shit out of both writers and buyers. Some day.

Well they sound found. A little searching is turning up some interesting books.

>> No.3649250

The Adventures of Roderick Random. I've looked, and looked, and looked.

>> No.3649254

Ossian by James MacPherson

>> No.3649265



Yours for $9.31 + shipping.

>> No.3649272 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 359x305, neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15,000 page novel
>15,000 page
jesus fucking christ

>> No.3649343
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and what does this 15,000 page novel consist of...?

>> No.3649344

Takin' Over by Brandon McCartney

You can get it but it's like 27 bucks :(

>> No.3649359
File: 334 KB, 1000x1000, 1355117022319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's not just a novel/saga: it is also fully illustrated

>tfw /lit/ used to know about darger but doesn't now

>> No.3649362


The concept is better than the execution.
He's like the Cronenberg of outsider art.

>> No.3649372

Little girl sex.

>> No.3649382

very true, but you can also easily appreciate darger on levels he didn't intend

>> No.3649395

Sounds sweet.

>> No.3649411

Nah I have that one. Funny tho, I live in bklyn too. I work at a bookstore. Maybe I've seen you.

>> No.3649421



>> No.3649429


Nice. Found it at Atlantic Books on Atlantic Ave., down and across the street from Trader Joe's. They've closed shop. The two guys who worked there were /lit/-grade douchebags.

Where do you work? Book Court?

>> No.3649521

Why that book?

>> No.3649536

Because I'm interested in the author and it's one of his few works before he (ironically) got lost at sea while shark fishing.

>> No.3649581


also, why do you ask

>> No.3649852

The wolfsthurn handbook of magic

>> No.3649861

The Edge of Running Water by William Sloane

I've heard it's just about the scariest thing ever put to paper but fuck if I can find it.

>> No.3649895

Interesting that a chunk of these authors are Catholic apologists.

Why would anyone want pro-Catholic books out of circulation? Hmm...

>> No.3649905

Am I missing something here? First link on Google.


>> No.3649909

I was so glad to have found the Contes Cruels that you're looking for a few years ago. Have you read Axel?

Mine is Homo Sapiens by Stanisław Przybyszewski. I found a copy on Ebay for $600 once...

>> No.3649913

Today I Wrote Nothing-Danil Kharms

Does anyone have this in PDF format?

>> No.3649915


>> No.3649919

J. D. Salinger's unpublished stories (see bottom of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Salinger#List_of_works).).

They are present in physical copies in the Princeton University library, but he stated in his will that that are not to be released until 2060.

So either they're unfinished pieces of shit he didn't want published, or masterful yet controversial works he thought the world wouldn't be prepared for until the distant future.

>> No.3650229

>wanting a PDF

Disgusting. Only epubs and mobis need apply.

>> No.3650230

Dostoevsky's Poor Folk

I know it's meant to be terrible, but still.

>> No.3650276

Are you even looking?


>> No.3650279

Everything after the first chapter of Italo Calvino's novel If On A Winter's Night A Traveller, you wouldn't even believe.

>> No.3650306

e-reader optimised Fernand Braudel

>> No.3650318

Today I Wrote Nothing being scanned and uploaded was possibly the worst thing to ever happen to /lit/.

Much like the experience of quality literature, the journey was all that really mattered. Reaching the destination only leaves us with a void.

There are no books I cannot locate or purchase, OP, but I see where you're coming from. /lit/ will never be the same. It will never be as satisfying. The journey is complete, and there are no Elven ships to sail to the moon like Tolkien envisioned. There's just shitty reality.

Maybe someday a new quest, an important one, will present itself. Probably not, though. Kharms was most likely the high point of your life, and really you should be glad because most people don't even get something that interesting in their lives

>> No.3650326

Crush by Richard Siken.
found a single copy of it on amazon and some psychotic cunt wanted 70 fucking bucks for it.

>> No.3650332

You really cannot afford to pay seventy dollars for an item that nobody else is selling?

That's the cost of a single video game + DLC. Or a fillup at the gas station. Or a premium PPV.

The main thing I'm getting from this thread is that pirates get pissy when they can't steal absolutely everything, not that prices for rare goods are out of whack.

>> No.3650589

Or he just really didn't want people to fuck his stuff up and picked an exorbitant date at which point he assumed people would have forgotten his stuff or wouldn't give enough of a shit about it to make it into a bad movie.

I always felt bad for him. Imagine writing something, and you're proud of it and you want people to really like it but then they like it too much and everybody wants to make a quick buck off of it. Pretty monkey paw, I guess.

>> No.3650593

I live off of 140€ a month, so you can kindly fuck off.

>> No.3650606
File: 52 KB, 450x504, bronte_sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Brontë siblings' childhood works, the stories of Angria and Gondal? Were never edited/printed a.f.a.i.k. I would love to look into those...

>> No.3650608


Edit: I know there are excerpts, but that is obviously not what a lit fancier truly wants.

>> No.3650609


>> No.3650616

there's a copy in my local chapters :3
>that feel

any fucking poetry whatsoever in a cheap edition.

>> No.3650632

I don't spend money on shit I don't need.

>> No.3650636

so your parents pay for everything?

>> No.3650638

is that u barn boy?

>> No.3650643



>> No.3650654

homophone detecté

>> No.3650661

tomkins duchamp bio

not that it's not available, but that it's so expensive.

>> No.3650662

My parents are poor as fuck too. But sometimes I do offer to cook for my mother, who then foots the bill.

>> No.3650670

>making your mother pay for services she doesn't want or need because her broken son would be crushed if she refused

shigs n digs

>> No.3650675

>implying my cooking isn't fucking awesome

>> No.3650678

>But sometimes I do offer to cook for my mother
Big whoop. Better start collecting crazy bux and give half of it to your dear mother. Am I the only NEET with principles?

>> No.3650683

>this is what she tells you

>> No.3650694

>implying I'm a NEET.
I'm poor, not a waste of air.

>> No.3650708

What do you do then?

I'm NEET but I spend hundreds of state euros a month, therefore doing more to keep our delicious economy and wealth going than you. It's better for the greater good to spend money you haven't earned than to spend nothing at all. As a NEET I still fulfil the holy task of our era: I consume.

I'm probably less of a waste of air than you by virtue of buying liquor and tobacco.

>> No.3651222

What's your job? Do you even have one?

>> No.3651229

Any Lovecraft's book.

>> No.3651256
File: 52 KB, 329x550, crackup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Crackup at the Race Riots by Harmony Korine. You know that movie Gummo? This book is by the guy who wrote and directed that film. It's not impossible to find, but it's overpriced as fuck because it's out of print.

>> No.3651337
File: 26 KB, 740x400, connery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristotle's Second Book of Poetics

>> No.3651373


>> No.3651401


Lazy fuckers.

>> No.3651404

>can't amazon
>can't any book store
( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

>> No.3651413

>>3651404 see >>3651401

>> No.3651426

Sir, you've just made my day.

>> No.3651439 [DELETED] 

>can't read time-stamps
( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

>> No.3651598


Thanks would have been more appropriate, but don't mention it.

And those juvenile little pictures you're doing aren't working, so why not cut that shit out, ok? Leave it for your f/book page.

>> No.3651617

>Gustav Meyrink
when I type him in german amazon, I get Angel of the West Window, White Dominican and Walpurgisnacht all in english! And I have to say you have a good taste in literature

>> No.3652331

PDFs don't require calibre, conversion, etc. I prefer them.

>> No.3652339
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>not to be released until 2060

Sweet, I'm going to live to see the Nickelodeon time-capsule re-opened AND read J.D. Salinger's lost works.

>> No.3652557

Eden Eden Eden

I have been looking for it for a while ,but it has been out of print for years.

>> No.3653229

PDFs are horrible to read on any ereader, though, while ePubs are able to be used without conversion (except for on the Kindle, where mobi can be used). Even if you have to do a mobi->ePub conversion or vice versa, your results will be much better than trying to read or convert a PDF.

>> No.3653265

I'm making a trip up there in a year to go read them. You can do that apparently, just not make any copies or bring them out of the place.

>> No.3653267

The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows

>> No.3653275

Are they available to visitors to the library? If so, it shouldn't be impossible to get some electronic versions of them out there. There's a Charles Willeford book (Grimhaven) which has family has said will never be published, but the original is in a library, and both scanned PDFs and an OCRed epub of it are on the web.

>> No.3653312

Lord Horror.