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File: 8 KB, 200x258, 200px-Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3648286 No.3648286 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a monist/nondualist/pantheist?

Einstein, the Vedas, Schopenhauer, Emerson all agreed, need I go on?

We are all one /lit/.

>> No.3648315
File: 14 KB, 200x258, baruch seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I am not one

>> No.3648340

None of those worldviews have any implications. They're just security blankets for people who can't into proper quietism/scepticism/epistemological<wbr> nihilism.

>> No.3648353

I just masturbated and put my fingers up my ass...
So did you...

>> No.3648352
File: 12 KB, 245x300, 245px-Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_Ren%C3%A9_Descartes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dualism

>> No.3648387

>Implying these people's opinions make me want to agree

>> No.3648399

Parmenides shows is this is undeniably true.

>> No.3648413
File: 159 KB, 282x318, laughing muhammed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So these doofuses got together and decided they were going to where the same outfits when they got their picture taken? How lame is that.

>> No.3648414

how so?

>> No.3648423


Think about it. Mind must be part of the One, because mind clearly exists. Therefore, the mind is also one.

>> No.3648476

>not wearing matching outfits with your bros
I feel sorry for you, you have never experienced true friendship.

>> No.3649672
File: 70 KB, 567x851, IMG_37161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been attracted by this kind of thought, if anything it is a very aesthetically pleasing view, but I think that it has a lot going for it. I think that I would provisionally subscribe to some kind of Neutral monist/dual aspect panspychism in the vain of Russell, James, Chalmers and Strawson. Not like they all agree on exactly what they mean but somewhere along those lines.

Also the Upanishads are pretty cool and I like the idea that the oldest philosophical texts were right all along (in a sense) - it's pretty poetic. And it does have parallels in Buddhism with buddha-nature, alaya-vijnana and dharmakaya and all that.

>> No.3649681

Dood, Spinoza was a panENtheist. But you're right, he's yet to have been proven wrong.

>> No.3649738

it's all empty breh

don't get coaxed into pangod psychenism

it will shatter

>> No.3649746

>not an enlightened unlimitist (like monist but better)
>mfw when I seriously hope you guys don't SHIGGY that much my jimmies

>> No.3649753

As >>3648399 noticed, you forgot Parmenides, OP. Movement is an illusion, so are negativity and difference (and as a consequence, identities). You will never walk past a turtle, cause you're never walking and there's no such thing as a turtle, except that turtle is you, OP.

Go away, you filthy turtle ! But you can't, cause you can't move

>I am a turtle and I must run

>> No.3649764


>why can't I hold all this bullshit?

>> No.3649778

>because I'm too weak to recognize the genuine strenght of my own creative impulse. I'd be better off leaving this place, that is, assuming one could leave a place and that there is more than one place. It sure must hurts to be a faggot, na ?

>> No.3649806
File: 129 KB, 546x715, nagarjuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emptiness and buddha-nature can co-exist within the two truths doctrine,I think even the Prasangika Madhyamikas have a place for buddha-nature, it's just said to be empty like everything else, and yeah I agree.

>> No.3649810


>thinks he's saying anything at all
>hasn't even danced with watershed

>> No.3649917

>what is epistomological nihilism
>wikipedia is good for broad strokes
>Thus extreme skepticism is the only philosophy which embraces Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem (as well as Tarski's Undefinability Theorem which states truth cannot be defined within any logical system) and recognizes the limitations of all logical systems.
Well, I'm convinced.

>> No.3650501


Story of my lives.

>> No.3650512

While I am religiously a polytheist
Philosophically the idea of the Platonic "one" which is all things, really does get me going in a good way. Us, the universe the Gods, the spirits all part of the "one"

>> No.3650513

Are you one of those retrograsping neo-paganists?

>> No.3650533
File: 38 KB, 170x227, Deleuze2[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There has only ever been one ontological proposition: Being is univocal... from Parmenides to Heidegger it is the same voice which is taken up, in an echo which itself forms the whole deployment of the univocal. A single voice raises the clamour of being.

>> No.3650544
File: 1.03 MB, 300x200, flicker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monism is reminiscent of dualism. It's like materialism. It suggests undiscriminity but it's very definition keeps the ghost of former divorce around, it suggest something not one, something not material etc. Even the term non-dualism does this, must do this, to be a meaningful term, but only exists by the virtue of dualist views. We need a new word.

>> No.3650546 [DELETED] 

Being anything less than what the internet calls gnostic atheist would be silly in this day and age and with my education.

>> No.3650550
File: 1.01 MB, 1544x2121, 2-closeup-of-jellyfish-blue-angels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this 20th century
Embrace the post-positionism, daughter.

>> No.3650564

Yeah everything is one! Hurray!

>now what?

>> No.3650570
File: 107 KB, 598x798, diagori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do as you please. It's like hippie nihilism.

The only interesting reaction to a monist worldview is perhaps that of the Aghori sect. They reason something like everything is one because based Shiva and therefore everything holy so we must adapt ourselves to learn to undiscriminate and see everything as holy therefore we dwell in cemeteries and cremation grounds, wear clothes of corpses, drink from human skulls, eat half burned dead people, fuck bleeding whores on top of them, eat swollen dead dogs from the river raw, get drunk, throw shit at our benefactors, high as fuck, pissing all over the place etc. in a sort of ultra-Cynical approach to overcome all sense of taboo and reach the supreme amor fati.

>> No.3650579

>As >>3648399 noticed, you forgot Parmenides, OP. Movement is an illusion, so are negativity and difference (and as a consequence, identities). You will never walk past a turtle, cause you're never walking and there's no such thing as a turtle, except that turtle is you, OP.

The fuck is the conclusion to all this?

>> No.3650631

Nothing. Statements about the nature of everything are always inconsequential since they fails to discriminate. When everything is blue, blue isn't a recognisable something anymore since it can't be placed in contrast with something else. It's for this reason that there is no mentionable difference between materialism and idealism.

>> No.3650668

you visited /b/ lately, you don't fool me

>> No.3650676

every time i see the word pantheist i think pant-heist, and what this would involve - a robbery of a store containing one half of a pair of shorts or something

i also laugh uncontrollably whenever i read about the battle of salamis

>> No.3650688

pant-heist seems more like the fat guy from jurassic park pulling a wild west train robbery being ridiculously out of breath

>> No.3650685


>> No.3650734


>> No.3650738

We see similar reactions in Buddhism. Tibetan tantra was influenced by the Indian Kapalikas, which the Aghori also come from. They would do charnel ground practices (something which is actually in the oldest pali texts) and use skull cups - kapalas, wear human skins, etc

Look into the Tibetan practice of Chöd

>> No.3650744
File: 47 KB, 500x468, 1363746590731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i also laugh uncontrollably whenever i read about the battle of salamis

That's autism for you.

>> No.3650767

Holy fuck I literally just watched that line/scene in Branagh's Hamlet

>> No.3650768

Thanks brother, I've always been fascinated by that sort of 'left hand' fringy stuff.

>> No.3650775

extreme holism is epistemic perfectionism but not practical so fuck that shit

>> No.3650784
File: 31 KB, 400x519, Ikkyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out 'Crazy wisdom' by Chogyam Trungpa

also, there's always this motherfucker

>> No.3650800

I'm very familiar with Ikkyu, he's one of my heroes. Familiar with Trungpa as well but I don't think I really like him. Too tacky, too close, too hippy. I also find the whole Shambala thing he put in motion to be shitty. I've read some work by his son who is supposed to be the sort of do-good outbalancer of his dad. And the whole Vajra Guard/personal SS/praetorian thing is laughable. They actually have fat yanks in pseudo-military attire march in front of the limousine and sing songs about the strength of the sky dragon and such. Weird little cult.

>> No.3650890

I feel you, I know that there is a lot to dislike about Trungpa, and I don't really praise the man's actions myself, however, he was very knowledgeable and wrote some great books, that one touches on these topics, Dharmakaya and padmasambhava's 'crazy wisdom'.