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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 127 KB, 516x826, 19th century tyler durden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3633879 No.3633879 [Reply] [Original]

>Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization, and later it also destroyed for us the whole harvest of Mohammedan civilization. The wonderful culture of the Moors in Spain, which was fundamentally nearer to us and appealed more to our senses and tastes than that of Rome and Greece, was trampled down (—I do not say by what sort of feet—) Why? Because it had to thank noble and manly instincts for its origin—because it said yes to life.

So /lit/, why aren't you a muslim yet ?

>> No.3633973

Because I am the Unique One unburdened by spooks.

>> No.3634015

apropos of my ancestors being shat upon by le 500 years of muslim infestation, plenty half cut beans with drops of blood to bury somewhere in the mountain to ward off turks. defying the laws of nature. fucking turks, i bet they raped the shit out of my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, pounded that pussy raw, and still not muslim, still-not-muslim notwithstanding,i bet they popped that pussy nice and deep like, i mean shit, i wouldve too considering that she was probably substantially less decomposed back then

>> No.3634028

because Hinduism and also Buddhism. And Shintoism, but less so.

>> No.3634036

That's it, /lit/ is over, /pol/.2 now

>> No.3634047


blatantly misreading freddy is categorically /lit/-core idk what youre talking about

>unique one
>not in employment, education or training

>> No.3634053
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>> No.3634056
File: 136 KB, 500x750, goatner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know me so well.

>> No.3634059


Is it possible to be not be NEET and like stirner?

>> No.3634063


It is also clearly a troll thread to spur up hostility. The fact this thread will generate a fuckton of responses shows how much /pol/ has infiltrated this board.

>> No.3634069

Because Nietzsche was wrong on this topic.

>> No.3634073


Is it possible for Jozeph Ratzinger to not have buttsex with hundreds and hundreds of pre-pubescent boys?

>> No.3634075

is it possible to not misread nietzsche without reading the historical baggage before him?

>> No.3634081

the cosmic consciousness is closer than you think.

the meaning of life is very phallic, this is as much as I can tell you.

God is terribly perverted, bordering onto sick. every cultural movement is a reaction of this.

what is bourgeois neo-liberalism but an attempt at a cocaine-fueled separation from the absolute and sickly mind of Deus..

freud was not that far off, he just did not know Who he was diagnosing..

>> No.3634088

Yes, but Stirnerism and NEETdom go pretty well together. Stirner was a NEET for a large part of his life. So was Nietzsche. So was Schopenhauer etc. Most worthwhile thinkers are NEETs.

>> No.3634091

There has been no empirical evidence of that.

>> No.3634101

>Philology professor
top lel

>> No.3634129


that would of course be begging the question on those for whom it was empirically evidenced, so like, chek ur epistemic privilege bro

>> No.3634133

/pol/ hasn't invaded /lit/ lelel

>> No.3634135

Works written as a professor:
The Birth of Tragedy
The Untimely Meditations
(part of) Human, All Too Human

Works written as a NEET:
The Dawn
The Gay Science
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Beyond Good and Evil
On the Genealogy of Morals
The Case of Wagner
Twilight of the Idols
The Antichrist
Ecce Homo
Shitload of Nachlass

Nice try though.

>> No.3634147


damn it goats, stop corrupting the fucking youth #hemlockgang

>> No.3634149

Academics are effectively as isolated from society as NEETs.

>> No.3634153

I'm not sure he would qualify as a NEET, he retired early because of his health yes. However, NEET generally does not refer to this, but to someone who has done fuck all with their life.

>> No.3634162

what if those from whom it was empirically evidenced secretly plotted against the pope? that is to say, lied unanimously about the reciprocal sexual acts and his tendencies of pedophilia?

>> No.3634168

Nietzsche is really silly sometimes with his critiques, Muslims have more in common with Christianity than with Greece/Rome, they're basically Christianity sans Jesus and live their whole life submitting themselves to an otherworldly principle. Islam literally translates to 'submission' - how is this dearer then Greek/Roman civ is beyond me.

Sometimes I think he was just saying shit to piss people off honestly.

>> No.3634176


'from whom' referring to a markedly different group than 'for whom', i'd refer you back to the original post with directions of le "lr2 reading comp above levels of a cleft pallate dumpster baby" and consider the empirical evidence as revealed to the little boys in le form of joe's wormy pope-dick

>> No.3634180
File: 45 KB, 802x759, nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in education, employment, or training. It's as simple as that. The working life was merely keeping him back in developing his thought. It's fatal to any sensitive and fertile mind. Great minds have no business dulling themselves with labour.

Don't be alarmed, most of them are too spooked to embrace Neetzscheanism cheerfully anyway.

>> No.3634181


Stan you should keep joseph ratzinger as your permanent trip. It makes everything funnier.

>> No.3634183

haha nice try
you're still speculating though

>> No.3634184



At least they're working and contributing to society via intellectual output

>> No.3634186

Don't take the tenets of Islam literally but rather look at the type of man it produces. There's something to be said for that type of man to be more life affirming than the Christian type.

>> No.3634190

>Not in education, employment, or training.

Does this mean old people who have retired are NEETs, the upper class who lounge about are NEETs?

NEET carries negative underlying connotations as well as the obvious outward acronym.

>> No.3634192

>Great minds have no business dulling themselves with labour.

>Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off—then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.

>> No.3634198

>Great minds have no business dulling themselves with labour.
So, great minds lie in their beds all day every day? Mental labour is also labour.

>> No.3634199
File: 12 KB, 569x255, nietzsche on work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Properly retired people are more like horses put out to pasture. They're worn out. Nietzsche retired at 35 though, that doesn't really count. What he did was basically the equivalent of going on disability benefits. Lounging upper class members are certainly NEET.

>> No.3634200

In America kebabs run convenience stores and sell smut.
In Europe they bomb and rape.
In the Middle East they tend to get mowed over by Western powers due to inferior science/technology, clannish/inbred social structure and little resources beyond oil.

Not sure I've met the 'good product of Islam', though I am not Islamophobic.

What I imagine is that Nietzsche thought they were more warlike and therefore better. As a Spaniard obviously I don't agree with him.

>> No.3634204

They are free spirits and free thinkers. Any sort of structure, discipline, context, demand or paycheck ruins this.

>> No.3634206

What's with all this NEET bullshit cropping up lately? Get a job or go back to school.

>> No.3634209

Have you heard of the economic downfall of 2007/8?

>> No.3634211

le epic utilitarian protestant face .jpay
>stem forever
>lib life
>be useful
>lots of money
>objectively better
awwwww yeah

>> No.3634213


Blame joseph ratzinger >>3634047 for bringing it up for the exact purposes of trolling /lit/'s myriad of NEETS.

>> No.3634216

economy hasn't been this bad since 1979.

nineteen seventy fucking nine.

>> No.3634219



>> No.3634221

Yes, I've heard all the excuses.

>> No.3634224

>plenty half cut beans with drops of blood to bury

I've heard that one, your're supposed to use your own blood and put the bean back together, I'm all about those superstitious cures for everything. Does your shithole country have ones with horseshoes and stepping on feet?
Mine does.

>> No.3634244

>being NEET by circumstance instead of by choice

why can't i hold all of this slave moralissimo.mp4

>> No.3634245


yeah we have a few. and i was overstating the role the beans played in fighting off turks haha. my great-grandpeeps were with Skanderbeg during the League of Lezhe in 1444

>> No.3634249

writing great works of philosophy takes work
writing great works of philosophy disqualify you as a NEET
>identifying as a NEET
>identity politics

>> No.3634260
File: 1.72 MB, 390x264, base.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've drank plenty of 140 proof moonshine raki in cloudy plastic waterbottles from your ancestral lands.


>> No.3634265

Writing does not equal employment, salty lips.

>> No.3634272

NEETs are untrained and have no experience, always
they will not ever produce anything worth anything
those works were produced after much scholarship and work, which NEETs do not do

>> No.3634277

So the only way to be a worthwhile thinker or writer is to have a formal education and a job? Lel, life disagrees.

>> No.3634284


haha, yeah dude i had some last night actually. whenever people visit from the homeland we get them to pack at least 10 large coke bottles full. most the time assholes at customs take them.

i'm wondering about the cloudiness you mentioned though...it might have have been ouzo. was it slightly sweet?
also raki my grandpa makes is like 160 proof, he squeezes the grapes with his fucking feet and cooks it in ancient wooden-brass barrels like in the old days despite the fact that he's rich enough to buy anheuser-busch

>> No.3634294

are you a NEET?
do you write great works all day?
or do you spend all day shitposting on 4chan?

>> No.3634312
File: 93 KB, 454x590, cyrenaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it was proper raki. The drink itself was clear as water, it's just that the bottles themselves were of the dissolving throwaway variety. It adds to the charm though. I'm familiar with the whole ouzo/absinthe/pastis/sambuca/Turkish raki stuff and this wasn't like it. Which is confusing, since the Turks call their ouzo type stuff raki, while what the Albanians call raki is basically more like grappa or l'eau de vie or pisco or proper Austrian schnapps.

I've had both legal and moonshine booze from all over Eastern Europe, but this stuff was my favourite. Like grappa and very much unlike the poisonous sweetness of ouzo it has a certain healthy feel to it. I believe they gladly drink it with breakfast in Albania and I can see why.

The vilest and strongest stuff I've had was something between 170 and 190 proof bottle dissolving sickly light yellow piss from the Siberian countryside. 3/10 would die again.

>> No.3634318

I mostly sit and bum around all day and amuse myself. I don't care for greatness. Associating greatness with your brand of conformism is nonsensical though. A lot of the greats were supreme idlers and loafers.

>> No.3634324


yeah its brutal,
i usually mix it with apple or grape juice,
otherwise guaranteed ulcer

>> No.3634326

oh you shit your life away right?
>Associating greatness with your brand of conformism is nonsensical though.
nietzsche wasn't a conformist, but he wasn't a NEET
>A lot of the greats were supreme idlers and loafers.
which "greats"?

>> No.3634333
File: 1.74 MB, 3888x2592, goat smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stan pls. Embrace the ulcer, it's your heritage.

>> No.3634344

>oh you shit your life away right?
There's no such thing apart from perhaps spending it in a way you dislike. I have already arrived where I want to be, I suckle the teat of the people in the sweet pastures of Pan and surrender myself to self-enjoyment in whichever whimsical way I please.

>nietzsche wasn't a conformist, but he wasn't a NEET
During the most important and productive part of his life he was neither in education, employment, or training. Deal with it.

>which "greats"?
schopenhauer antisthenes diogenes crates bion epicurus zeno aristippus baudelaire rimbaud van gogh etc etc

>> No.3634355

ITT: NEET's trying to justify their laziness.

>> No.3634357

Laziness is its own reward.

>> No.3634369

>During the most important and productive part of his life he was neither in education, employment, or training. Deal with it.
he was a highly trained philologist and a genius
you are not

rhetorician. underwent study under socrates
wouldn't know about him except for Laertius. also didn't suckle from the teat of the state like you

the rest produced much work in the form of art and documents. work. etc.

you are pathetic. deal with it

>> No.3634372

>As a Spaniard obviously I don't agree with him.

but their blood runs through your veins

Egilona got the business and so did your granny, bitch.

>> No.3634376
File: 1.99 MB, 295x216, s9b1e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I suckle the teat of the people in the sweet pastures of Pan and surrender myself to self-enjoyment in whichever whimsical way I please

Goddammit I envy you, you magnificent goat bastard

>> No.3634379

NEETs should be systematically exterminated or made into slave labor for the state

>> No.3634381
File: 111 KB, 550x413, 1365286222593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should stay where they are, we need something to laugh at.

>> No.3634387

Because to do so would be to succumb to the mad and illogical teachings of religion and throw away my own sense of ethics and beliefs for an outdated and contradictory set.

>> No.3634391 [DELETED] 


that sounds compelling but i'll pass. don't get me wrong i can outdrink anyone in shots of raki, your throat gets fried after the first one and you can't feel much after...its just that im not fond of internal bleeding

>> No.3634394

you can be a NEET and produce things, leisure =/= doing nothing

>> No.3634396
File: 95 KB, 491x660, fishing for snatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was a highly trained philologist and a genius
Still a NEET.
>you are not
Never claimed to be.

Schopenhauer taught for five minutes and spend the rest of his life living le literary life NEET style. Antisthenes was a student of Socrates, which is like me being a student of the wino in the park. It's very informal and incomparable to modern academic education. Diogenes begged from people in the street and stole from temples and was the most delicious rogue of them all. If these people lived those kind of lives today they would all be considered eccentric NEETs, bums, trust fund kids, welfare recipients and general bohemian lumpenproles.

Just accept that the greatest minds in human history didn't necessarily adhere to your particular protestant conception of the good life.

>> No.3634397


that sounds compelling but i'll pass. don't get me wrong i can outdrink anyone in shots of raki, your throat gets fried after the first one and you can't feel much after...its just that im not fond of internal bleeding

>> No.3634400

> leisure =/= doing nothing
yeah except that it never does
now fuck off you pathetic child

>> No.3634404

can you even a sentence

>> No.3634406

That guy seems to not care about that point anymore, it appears to me, that he has become frustrated and fallen into desperate attempt to shame his opposition, as seen in >>3634400

>> No.3634408

I like to drink it in managable gulps with large meals like you do with vodka. It's great for digestion.

>> No.3634413
File: 35 KB, 460x314, Pg-32-mecca-main-getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh muslims are great warriors they conquered so much so fast they must be masters
>not realizing Islam is the most herd religion possible

Just look at them, a giant mass of human sheep

>> No.3634427

> frustrated
not frustrated but pretty satisfied that it's come down to pretty obvious samefagging and other shameful horseshit typical of NEET cripples

>> No.3634431

read this

>> No.3634440

Hey goat, I'm really enjoying this Diogenes book you (?) posted awhile back. Anyways, what should I read relating to pan/dionysus/goat stuff?

>> No.3634441
File: 8 KB, 200x311, diogenes-cynic-war-against-world-luis-e-navia-paperback-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.3634446

NEETs are intellectual cripples and don't have academic pursuits. they spend their time shitposting on 4chan

>> No.3634453

>Schopenhauer taught for five minutes
his whole life
>Antisthenes was a student of Socrates, which is like me being a student of the wino in the park. It's very informal and incomparable to modern academic education.
reminder that socrates had a family and held numerous teaching positions
>Diogenes begged from people in the street and stole from temples and was the most delicious rogue of them all. If these people lived those kind of lives today they would all be considered eccentric NEETs, bums, trust fund kids, welfare recipients and general bohemian lumpenproles.
yeah and they'd be thrown in jail. again, you wouldn't be able to idolize him if you didn't know about him, in which case you need someone to write about him. enter laertes, trained scribe and scholar.

m8 you can waste your life but it is wasted.

>> No.3634454

It's not just Muslims. That is what the majority of religion tends to amount to; a shepherd who leads his sheep by the paws of his trained and obedient dogs.
Logic is the enemy of faith; human ego, the center of religion.

>> No.3634460

What does it matter to you how one chooses to live his/her life if not harming you?
If one finds happiness and bliss in living separate from the expectations of a society, what possible concern does that have with you?

>> No.3634462

>intellectual cripples and don't have academic pursuits
literally the same. minus the diploma.

>> No.3634466

NEETs admit that the world is the fine the way it is. i don't think the world is fine the way it is and that people could use my help. i help people through work.
NEETs can feel free to not do anything if they can get away with it but it is a decision and one i, and most people, look down on, and for good reason.

>> No.3634471

It is not any single person's responsibility to fix the world or to better society.

You do not have to share the belief, but in the end a human life will amount to nothing and what truly matters is how happy that person was throughout theirs. That's all humans tend to strive for in the end, happiness and satisfaction.

>> No.3634472

given the current world as it is in which you have to undergo some form of training and hold some form of job in order not to just do walk-in volunteering or whatever

>> No.3634474

>It is not any single person's responsibility to fix the world or to better society.
not what i said. it's accumulative, and some rests on the individual.

>what truly matters is how happy that person was throughout theirs. That's all humans tend to strive for in the end, happiness and satisfaction.
you'd have to be pretty pampered and disconnected to think that most people are even able to be happy and satisfied.

>> No.3634476
File: 43 KB, 967x236, goatism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cynic mediafire thing is mine yes, glad you enjoy it. There really is no specific pan/dionysus/goat stuff to be read apart from general myth and lore. At least not in the sense that I use them. it's merely a fitting archetype I appropriated to refer to a certain unspecified life of roguish poorfaggotry that comes naturally to me and is influenced by en ever changing handful of philosophers and fictional characters. I like the imagery of the sort of lewd pastoral fringe creatures living an uncomplicated life of simple pleasures in a life affirming way while being a bit trickstery in an innocent sort of way. Goats and goaty horned gods seem to have always been associated with this. The goat and the satyr are images that capture some general sentiment towards life that's hard to express in clear and concise concepts.

>> No.3634484

>his whole life
But that's wrong. Go read about him.

Read that article yourself. Having some students in a public meeting place isn't exactly like having a position at Harvard.

>yeah and they'd be thrown in jail. again, you wouldn't be able to idolize him if you didn't know about him, in which case you need someone to write about him. enter laertes, trained scribe and scholar.
They were persecuted in their own times as well, so that's nothing new. Plenty of crazies still on the loose though. I have nothing against scribes and scholars by the way.

>m8 you can waste your life but it is wasted.

>> No.3634490

>you'd have to be pretty pampered and disconnected to think that most people are even able to be happy and satisfied
As long as there are humans, there is suffering. That's never going to change.
>not what i said. it's accumulative, and some rests on the individual.
So... it's not what you said but it's EXACTLY what you're saying?
No person is naturally tied to societal affairs, it's not any single person's job to live anybody else's life but their own.

>> No.3634496

>>Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization
No it didn't. 'Ancient civilization' is alive and well in India.
Enjoy your shit sandwich. Like, literally.

>> No.3634500

you can defend your laziness and "shrinking from society" as a basic right all you want, but if you're not living totally apart from society you're a parasite and nothing more. face the facts. like i said, if you can get away with it go for it but most people can't do that, and you probably just live in your parents' basement, etc.

>No person is naturally tied to societal affairs, it's not any single person's job to live anybody else's life but their own.
that's not at all what i said.
reminder that NEET scum can't into reading comprehension because they're pampered retard jackasses

>> No.3634506

>face the facts

you argue like 13 year old girl

>> No.3634509

if you reap the benefits of society without giving anything back, you're a parasite. if you are allowed to do so, you're extremely lucky and i would personally blame whoever lets you get away with it.

>NEETs faced with reality
get a grip, you're a petulant child.

>> No.3634512

>you can defend your laziness
>you probably just live in your parents' basement
Wow, those assumptions.

>Face the facts
>subjective view
Hah, the ignorance.

>reminder that NEET scum can't into reading comprehension because they're pampered retard jackasses
>Another baseless assumption
>Assuming I'm claiming that you said something I believe
>No actual argument, just logical fallacy

This is just sad.
Before I go on, what EXACTLY are you trying to say?

>> No.3634519

And they're parasites, because?
Not all NEETs are on welfare. Not all welfare recipients abuse the system.

Unless you're suggesting they're parasites in another way, which I then say to you: enlighten me.

>> No.3634522

>you're a parasite
pretty sure i'm a human, dude.
why so butthurt though? why are you parroting the social dogma, baby?

>> No.3634526
File: 51 KB, 1280x960, 44345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3634530

>NEETs are useless to society
No shit. That's bad, how? Not all people feel burdened to contribute to society, and it's not any person's responsibility to.

>> No.3634534

did i strike a nerve?
i'm saying grow up you piece of shit child.
if you think herp le net lifelylstlyl is at all defendable you have a lot of growing up to do. it's just more horseshit solipsism.

if everyone believed this shit there would be no society and people would still die in their early 30s hobbled with chronic debilitating diseases, etc. shit quality of life
>but muh subjectivism muh nihilism
>herp derp life doesn't have meaning
you people should be shot.

>why are you parroting the social dogma, baby?
not parroting it at all, just saying it exists for a reason.

>> No.3634537
File: 66 KB, 370x383, Che.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty entertaining to watch an idiot bicker.

>> No.3634539
File: 243 KB, 665x915, jesus_buddha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEETs are useless to society

>> No.3634541

hey i agree with you man

>> No.3634542

hey thanks man
post some reaction images. seems like a good idea. makes an argument click you know what i mean?

>> No.3634546

whoa hey this stuff makes a lot of sense
i'm with you guys
when should i start posting reaction images?

>> No.3634549

any time man
oh and make sure to include some ad homs in there too makes you look really intelligent

>> No.3634562

I am so fucking happy that I'm a welfare NEET. I honestly couldn't have picked a better career.

>> No.3634568

me too man. i love reaping society's benefits and not working and generally being a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.3634570

>grow up
From what? My beliefs? Or are you assuming I'm a NEET because I'm defending NEETs?
I just love these insults, keep going!

>if everyone believed this shit there would be no society and people would still die in their early 30s hobbled with chronic debilitating diseases, etc. shit quality of life
>Slippery slope logical fallacy
In fact
>ALL of these logical fallacies
>presented as facts
Get over yourself.
NEETs are okay, but most people want more in life, strive for luxuries or influence or compassion. It's human nature. No person has an obligation, every individual makes meaning of their own life and has their own goals.
This is why there will never NOT be society and government.

>you people should be shot.

So essentially...
>It's our jobs as humans to better society because there is so much suffering in society
>N-NEETs don't contribute to society
>kill them!
How are you missing the irony?

>> No.3634574
File: 26 KB, 425x315, 425.hills.conrad.lauren.lc.040709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people thinking the only way to contribute to society is by having a job

>> No.3634587

oh also don't forget to follow Kant's categorical imperative. I mean why would you want to do something unless everyone else can do it too?

>> No.3634593

>>the whole harvest of Mohammedan civilization.

And what specifically is that? The circumcision of women? Child rape? The worship of a chunk of meteoric iron lodged in a cube in the middle of a shitty desert town in Arabia? Taqqiya? Homophobia?

>> No.3634594

oh and misapplied wikischolarship, too.

>> No.3634595
File: 121 KB, 394x513, backtowizardchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, another thread about NEETs trying to justify their parasitic lifestyle.

>> No.3634598

Oh look, another thread of /pol/fags attempting to justify their extremist philosophies.

>> No.3634603

>being such a reactionary slave morality ressentiment pleb that behaviour needs justification

>> No.3634608

>people thinking the only point to a human life is to actively contribute to society

>> No.3634609

are you upset that if people all ascribed to a worldview in which everyone just "begged from people in the street and stole from temples" that there would be no society?

are you upset that people who are enormously benefited in society (ie people who do not have to work) not only feel no imperative to offer help to anything other than themselves but see a virtue in it?

>> No.3634613

>herp derp it's a good idea to work to make the world a better place
extremists! you're all extremists! fascists!

>> No.3634623

>Hey, I have an idea... let's make the world a better place by perpetuating hatred and intolerance to a group that barely affects us!

>> No.3634626

>core tenet of American liberalism

>> No.3634627

>All NEETs beg in the street and steal

>People living their own lives

How about you come back with a proper argument?

>> No.3634629

I wonder how much better this board would be if moot banned everyone who couldn't provide proof of being in education, employment, or training. Let's try it for a week.

>> No.3634631

Your logic is shit. If everyone would be a doctor life would go to shit as well. No social position can be universally applied. It's like trying to make a car out of wheels.

>> No.3634632

What the fuck?

>> No.3634636

NEET is the default position
being a doctor is not
you don't have to do anything to be a NEET except be lucky that you have people that are willing to support you

>> No.3634641

NEETs tend to support themselves.

>> No.3634648


>> No.3634650 [DELETED] 

isn't that a masonic gesture?

>> No.3634653

>not being a NEET

lol good luck with work faggots

>> No.3634654
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 1365143701617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>improve society by working

So how that new railroad metal coming along chief?

>> No.3634658

I propose to you this theory:
There are just as many selfish NEET as there are working.
Most rich should be burdened to help society in the same way you feel NEET are, yet there are still those that are poor and starving without need.

>> No.3634660

You know that our current economical system requires a percentage of unemployment to even function, right? You're better off with having a certain percentage spending but not earning than sending them to Auschwitz if you don't want inflation.

>> No.3634665

In fact rich people cutting corners and evading taxes cost a lot more money than people on welfare.

>> No.3634667

NEETs are the true revolutionaries. Protestant work ethic? Give me your money, christfags.

>> No.3634671

Swiss banks accounts and the hoarding of 40%+ of a single country's wealth is just pure scummy.

>> No.3634683

herp derp kill the rich etc.

haha! got em good


you didn't answer my question and i don't really know what you're trying to say other than trying to imply that i don't think the rich should have to help support society, which isn't what i think

>yet there are still those that are poor and starving without need.
the poor and starving part is the need..

>> No.3634688

I dunno but I just spent 8 hours trying to con people into more expensive cable, calling them while they're at dinner.

>tfw upstanding citizen earning money

>> No.3634691
File: 85 KB, 1026x263, unemp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. You need NEETs, there's a necessary part of society. Parasites have their role in life too.

>> No.3634692
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this is the thing that always got to me about conservatives, it's not how much money is lost, but how it is lost. If a group of millionaire CEOs crash the banking system, bail them out they are the wealth creators, but if a few poorfags are getting welfare suddenly the entire system is going to collapse if we don't get them to work asap

>> No.3634694

Are hunter-gatherers 'NEET'?

>> No.3634703


>> No.3634704

it's not my fault you got an english degree

>> No.3634706

Trained to hunt so no.

>> No.3634710


>> No.3634711

completely different epoch in human history, not applicable, though some theories posit that hunter gatherers had more leisure time than we do

>> No.3634712

Be a man can a mystery man
Be a doll be a baby doll
It can't be fun not anyway
It can't be found no way at all
A distant man can't sympathize
He can't uphold his distant laws
Due to form on that today
I got a feeling then I hear this call

I said Neet Neet Neet
She can't afford a cannon
Neet Neet Neet
She can't afford a gun at all
Neet Neet Neet
She can't afford a cannon
Neet Neet Neet
She ain't got no name to call
Neet Neet Neet

No crime if there ain't no law
No more cops left to mess you around
No more dreams of mystery chords
No more sight to bring you down
I got a crazy got a thought in my mind
My mind's on when she falls asleep
Feelin' fine in her restless time
Then these words upon me creep

I said Neet Neet Neet
She can't afford a cannon
Neet Neet Neet
She can't afford a gun at all
Neet Neet Neet
She can't afford a cannon
Neet Neet Neet
She ain't got no name to call
Neet Neet Neet

Be a man can a mystery man
Be a doll like a baby doll
It can't be fun not anyway
It can't be found no way at all
A distant man can't sympathize
Can't uphold his distant laws
Due to form on that today
I got a feeling then I hear that call

I said Neet Neet Neet
She can't afford a cannon
Neet Neet Neet
She can't afford a gun at all
Neet Neet Neet
She can't afford a cannon
Neet Neet Neet
She ain't got no name to call
Neet Neet Neet

>> No.3634715

Having had an education is not being currently engaged in formal educations. You must thinks NEETs didn't go to preschool.

>> No.3634717

keep your shitty my chemical romance lyrics to yourself

>> No.3634721

NEET also implies no formal training for one's "job", it's where the T comes from. Ancient hunters had this via something akin to apprenticeship.

>> No.3634724

Sure is 2002 in here.

>> No.3634734
File: 2.67 MB, 3008x2000, Buddhist_monks_collecting_alms,_Laos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when NEET lifestyle is part of the culture and tradition
>that feel when people are honored to support them
>that feel when it's seen virtuous and respectful, not low and pathetic

fucking Protestantism

>> No.3634735


im confus

>> No.3634737

I'm arguing against them being labeled as NEETs.

>> No.3634738
File: 273 KB, 200x303, 92c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem white bitches

>> No.3634758
File: 25 KB, 400x327, roshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dickhole in the bowl

>> No.3634774
File: 1.95 MB, 315x210, oyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why being a monk would be hard, college bitches interviewing you for their school projects and shit, hippie chicks coming to the temple for some 'spirituality'

I'd have to become a hardcore forest monk and practice some serious thudong austerities to burn off all the karma from what I would do to them (hint: give them the D)

>> No.3635746

im converting to muslismism

>> No.3635783

I do not have an English major, but a master's degree in mathematics. I support myself by living in a cottage I inherited from my grandparents and holding sproadic odd jobs (tutor, substitute teacher, etc). I don't collect any government benefits, even though I could. And I am not bitter about the fact. I spend most of my time reading edifying things and thinking about math.
>Is there anything so wrong with me?

>> No.3635797

Because I'm not stupid enough to believe in any God

>> No.3635868


>> No.3635877
File: 115 KB, 500x335, 93633117_fe1f138789[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clergy aren't NEET.

>this is why being a monk would be hard, college bitches interviewing you for their school projects and shit, hippie chicks coming to the temple for some 'spirituality'

That's why there are strict entry procedures for visiting Mt. Athos; women are banned entirely and the number of non-Orthodox men allowed is severely restricted.

>> No.3635958

>most people look down on for good reason

Because that's what they've been told to do their whole lives, and here you are doing exactly that; blindly aping the values that another has created for you.