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/lit/ - Literature

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3631001 No.3631001 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that arts, in general, and literature, in particular, tend to attract to its ranks the most amount of homosexuals --at least, that is, in the collective imagination?

In the perception of the masses, there is no such thing as a construction workers coming out of the closet and throwing a dildo party to mark the occasion. However, there is almost a reification of "gay" with Capote, to name one example (if not Burt Baccarat).


>> No.3631008


>> No.3631018


>>>suck dick

It is a legitimate question for those who love literature and the way it shapes us and how we shape it.

>> No.3631021

So I'm a homo?

>> No.3631022

Maybe it has something to do with angst and conflict spurring creativity.

>> No.3631040


That is a plausible theory. However, I contest that literature has more homosexuals in its ranks, without having proper statistics and comparison with other paths of human activity.

What I ponder is: why the masses assume there are more homosexuals in the arts than in other occupational branches. And, why, in the collective mind, literature seems to be viewed as more "prone to gayness". Or not?

>> No.3631049

It's pretty easy to see why. Homosexuals are ostracized throughout the high school culture and they turn inward to either not get close to anyone (thus allowing that person a window toward finding out their sexual propensities). Books are a natural, and I daresay even healthy way for a forced-introvert to obtain some sort of social outlet.

The more books you read, the more you think you have the ability to write, and voila. A homosexual in the arts.

>> No.3631052

Well, if I had to guess, I'd say it's because a gay author is more likely to flaunt his sexuality than, say a gay accountant is.It carries more weight in one field than the other.
For all I know there could be the exact same number of gay people in either industry.

>> No.3631058

As a general afterthought, I also want to include that for many people their "creation outlet" is making children and creating a family.

Gay people pretty much say bye-bye to that once they discover they are gay, so their creative outlet turns elsewhere (toward creating art). In my experience, most people who don't give any shit at all about art are family-centric. Whenever I met a woman who didn't care at all about art, I'd also find out that she has like 4 or so kids.

So there's that.

>> No.3631067
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The arts are notoriously liberal, and more accepting of queers of all sorts.

Also, gay men tend to be effeminate or at least put a higher value on being sensitive and emotional than straight men, who put a higher value on physicality. So of course gay men tend to gravitate to academic / artistic / white collar jobs much more than they tend to for blue collar working man physical jobs. And even if they don't, it's not worth fighting the biases in predominately conservative physical labor type jobs.

Except truck driving, most truckers are fucking gay whether they admit it or not.

>> No.3631074
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>>gay accountant


>> No.3631078
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That is an elegantly simple thought construction. Bravo, good sir.

>> No.3631084
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>>most truckers are fucking gay whether they admit it or not.

Please share some raunchy stories backing up this claim.

>> No.3631086

Not sure if lauditory or sarcastic...

>> No.3631087
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>> No.3631092
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OP here. Laudatory, bro.

>> No.3631105 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3631107

>Why is it that arts, in general, and literature, in particular, tend to attract to its ranks the most amount of homosexuals

Because it doesn't?

Maybe homos are more vocal in those particular professions?

>> No.3631108
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>> No.3631109

Because gays, although very fond of themselves and highly confused about their mental disorder, think they are better than everyone else and nurse resentful grudges.

It's really sad that our culture just feeds them instead of helping them get over their psychosis and disease.

>> No.3631123

>think they are better than everyone else
Oh, you big silly, we are better than you.

>> No.3631129
File: 64 KB, 452x640, P1040868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this thread.

>> No.3631130

Latent, self-loathing homo detected.