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3630268 No.3630268 [Reply] [Original]

Wallace beats Pynchon in nearly every way.

>more complex, and thus more engaging language
>better ideas
>non-linear storytelling
>humour works better
>more relevant to contemporary life
>not obssessed with the freaking 60s

The only thing Pynchon has is better named characters, and only slightly.

>> No.3630276

>This author can beat up that author

Grow up.

>> No.3630281

But Pynchon actually can do what a good novel does which is move you: can make you laugh and very sad or fearful at times.

Infinite Jest can only be appreciated in a 'knowing' way. Sitting in a darkened room dissecting the lines.

>> No.3630282

>Thinking he's talking about fighting. DYER?

>> No.3630284
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Go to sleep, David.

Oh wait...

>> No.3630286

if you think wallace has more complex language, you need to go back to elementary school.

>> No.3630305

He was saying that this debate is as about as useful and intelligent as two children arguing who's father could beat up the other.

>implying you are serious and not trollin me
>infinite regression of trolls trolling trolls
Just clearing it up if you legitimately didn't understand.

>> No.3630321

Well played.

>> No.3630341

No, OP's not saying they would literally fight. It's like, figurative, or something. Metaphors.

>> No.3630365

I'm sayin doe

>> No.3630368

Who is the best fighter of who we would consider known for being good writers (like excluding a boxer who wrote his autobiography or something).

>> No.3630375
File: 13 KB, 198x198, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China Mieville would kick the fuck out of any other writer.


>> No.3630431

GRRM in a sumo ring.

>> No.3630438

>non-linear storytelling
Fuck that.

>> No.3630439


I bet Hunter. S. Thompson would make Mieville his bitch. R.I.P

>> No.3630441
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>3 of the page 0 threads are sunhawk

>> No.3630444

Now I'm yet to pick up anything by David Foster Wallace, but it is just not correct to say that Pynchon does not use "non-linear storytelling". That just is not true.

>> No.3630465

>non-linear storytelling
He's referring to plot structure aside from lengthy exposition. Pynchon is pretty much linear.

>> No.3630506

Wallace is a hack who wanted to be Pynchon but failed miserably. Not worth reading.

>> No.3630507

Hemingway would shoot the both of them.

Then shoot himself. RIP in peace ;_;

>> No.3630510

In comparison to David Foster Wallace he does. not that that fact makes Pynchon in any way an inferior author.

Try reading The Pale King. That shit is mad non-linear.

>> No.3630517

lol! toasting in another epic sunhock bread! archive quick!

>> No.3630518

Why can't we have both?

Fuck you sunhawk your threads have been increasingly stupid.

>> No.3630524

I doubt it, Hunter couldnt hold his own against the hells angels wheb they were fucked up and he wasnt.

>> No.3632248

That was Hunter against multiple Hells Angels though.

>> No.3632296

cause it wasnt finished