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3628364 No.3628364 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most 'politically incorrect' book you've read?

hardmode: nothing prior to 20th century

>> No.3628374

Any book by Ron Paul. Guy knows nothing of politics.

>> No.3628388

The Vagina Ass of Lucifer Niggerbastard

>> No.3628397

Expect Resistance by Crimethinc.

>> No.3628401


I'm glad you're uneducated enough to not know what 'political correctness' is.

>> No.3628422

I'd heard it was a riveting autobiography. What'd you think of it, Anon?

>> No.3628424

Anything politically related by Noam Chomsky or neo-nazis.

Not implying there's an association, lol.

>> No.3628429

I thought Marx wasn't exactly politically correct, but made some good points. Bakunin more so.

>> No.3628430


Also the Unabomber's Manifesto and anything Murray Rothbard ever wrote about.

>> No.3628436

>Not implying there's an association, lol.
I hope not. Noam "Neo Nazi" Chomsky is a bit of a mouthful.

>> No.3628440

Naked Lunch. The sex bits could have been ripped straight from Gurochan. Blew my mind.

>> No.3628468

Naked Lunch is the Pinnacle of Literature. Though I guess I'm lucky no one seeing me reading it has any clue what it's about. Except typewriters fucking.

>> No.3628492
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I only read it because of its notoriety.

>> No.3628499

Does Breivik's manifesto count?

>> No.3628502

This is a silly question when there's swathes of movements dedicated to it. Go read Babyfucker

>> No.3628518

Hog, by Delany

>> No.3628519

What show is that, OP? I've been watching a couple British panel shows w/ David Mitchell recently (QI, WILTY?). Is David Mitchell on this one?

>> No.3628522

We shun plagarizers around here.

>> No.3628564

>Is David Mitchell on this one?
Sometimes. It's Mock the Week. It's a bit like a more relaxed Have I got News for You.

>> No.3628696
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>> No.3628764
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O, Marloooowe!

>> No.3628925

"No Gods, No Masters," an anthology of anarchist writings.

>> No.3628973

what is humor?

>> No.3629023

this, or bataille's story of the eye

>> No.3629031
File: 15 KB, 200x302, 200px-Ragebachman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the main character was a pretty cool guy, eh shoots schools and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.3629383

A copy of Mein Kampf in farsi

I saw it being sold on the front shelf of a bookstore (right next to a copy of animal farm) in a bazaar and felt an uncontrollable urge to buy it.

Haven't really been able to read much of it due to how shit I am at reading in farsi.

>> No.3629396

Gravity's Rainbow. There's no denying it.

>> No.3629397

The Roman, man, it's very incorrect for a book written in 1962.

>> No.3629405
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The Dream Songs - John Berryman

Also possibly my favourite book.

>> No.3629413

Scat mostly

>> No.3629423


>> No.3629429

Starship Troopers

Mein Kampf (but not for the reasons everyone assumes; there's actually very little about antisemitism and racism in the book, and a tonload about democracy, communism, and fascism)

>> No.3629433
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>implying any organisation can function without hierarchy

>implying anarchy isn't a child's wet dream

>> No.3629434

>implying Belgium wasn't an anarchy for most of 2012 and didn't function perfectly

>> No.3629438


>implying all bosses suddenly weren't bosses anymore

>implying all hierarchy was reduced to nothing because the fake government wasn't there

>implying school teachers were just regular students

>implying every single boss was just an employee

>implying Belgium didn't have any hierarchy anymore

>implying you're over 17

>> No.3629441

>implying that's what anarchy means
>implying ad hominem

>> No.3629452

Oh fuck, you might have a point. EU confirmed for possible Utopia as power are destroyed in Brussels.

>> No.3629456

>Implying anarchy means no hierarchy

Anarcho-communist shit detected

>> No.3629458


I've always thought that it was a huge mistake not to use the title: The Pussy Shithole of Lucifer Niggerbastard.

>> No.3629464


That's what it means.

One ruler

No ruler

Ruled by demons

Ruled by your mom

Ruled by my dad

>> No.3629470

Ruler != hierarchy

>> No.3629551


>>implying any organisation can function without hierarchy

Why not?

>> No.3629594

>Why not?
It wouldn't suit his argument

>> No.3629617

> Catalonia during Spanis Civil War
> Not functioning

>> No.3629620

Political Correctness is the opposite of a good thing. If there is a surefire way to make someone racist, it's through political correctness.

On OPs topic, my dad's reading all of the James Bond books, and he keeps calling me to tell me how racist they are. So, the chinese-africans in Dr. No are called "chingros" HA. Hilarious. But the guy refused to write the word fucking.

>> No.3629632

Anarchism means no involuntary subordination. Hierarchy is synonymous with involuntary subordination within anarchist discourse. There is still involuntary subordination in Belgium.

>> No.3629635

Humanity doesn't work that way. Look at the hippies. The entire movement lasted 5 years. Then they turned into yuppies, and started the "positive reinforcement parenting" thing which fucked up EVERYTHING. Fuck. Now everybody is obese. That's what happens if you try to exist without a hierarchy. It's basically this:
"what do you want to do?"
"Oh, I don't know, what do you want to do?"
"I don't know, go to the movies?"
"I don't want that. Lets go to the zoo."
And it just keeps going on and on because having choices constantly is exhausting and stressful so everybody gets high instead. And fat.

>> No.3629674


>Humanity doesn't work that way.

Anarchistic hunter-gatherers have existed as long as humans have.

>> No.3629679

I can relate. I got the Bali Bomber's manifesto in Arabic. That was just an ebook though.

>> No.3629691


It seems to be a rule that the more people there are in a group the more difficult it is to find somewhere to go eat together. The problem isn't so much finding somewhere everyone likes but people being reluctant to put forward their own desires for fear of it not appealing to most people or leaving someone going to eat somewhere they'd rather not.

>> No.3629695

Even bush indians have a hierarchy. Anarchistic hunter-gatherers have existed for a long time, yes, but not in groups of more than 2.

>> No.3629709

The Bushmen of Sub Saharan Africa don't have a hierarchy.

>> No.3629735

Bullshit. Even if it's not official, there's always someone everyone looks up to more than everybody else. There's always the popular kid.

>> No.3629747

>Bullshit. It's definitely like I say it is because I say it is.
Way to think critically and make a well though out contribution.

>> No.3629755

The San of the Kalihari desert have no rigid hierarchy. There are people who know more than others, and thus have more authority on certain subjects, but they have no authority in the sense we tend to think of. For instance, someone who knows a lot about cooking couldn't force others to cook for him. The actions are entirely voluntary.

>> No.3629792


Not only have they existed for as long as humans, they still exist today.


>> No.3629806

>He isn't agreeing with me
>He just isn't thinking critically enough

But if people look up to him, than it is a hierarchy. He is "above" those who can't cook, so they look up to him. That's a hierarchy. His opinion has more sway than others, in this instance because of experience. Just because people follow him voluntarily doesn't mean it's not a hierarchy.

>> No.3629815

>>He isn't agreeing with me
>>He just isn't thinking critically enough
It's more that you completely failed to make a point beyond "I don't like it it's wrong"

>> No.3629818

>But if people look up to him, than it is a hierarchy.
That's not even vaguely true. Also:
>it is a hierarchy
>That's a hierarchy
>doesn't mean it's not a hierarchy
Repetition doesn't magically make things true, even if you do find it comforting.

>> No.3629820

Apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong point, either.
There's always a popular kid was my point. Think about any group of people. There's always that guy that everybody follows around to some degree. Sometimes through force and sometimes charisma or knowledge.

>> No.3629823


Hierarchy in the context of a society implies authority. Stop being so dense.

>> No.3629838

AWW SNAP! Autism joke.

If your experience is recognized, then it is an authority.

>> No.3629852

>There's always a popular kid was my point.
But that's not a point at all.
>Think about any group of people. There's always that guy that everybody follows around to some degree. Sometimes through force and sometimes charisma or knowledge.
You've been reading too many self help books and not having enough life experience there. And all this still boils down to "It is like this because I say it is".

>> No.3629857
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Shockingly distasteful, I hope they ban it.

>> No.3629926
File: 144 KB, 240x320, images.mobilis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody loaned me this once when I ran out of reading matter far from any shops. It's truly horrible, and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody who isn't a gay serial killer.