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3626554 No.3626554 [Reply] [Original]

I was talking about the inherently-flawed nature of science and logic yesterday and I got into a circular explanation of my point. It was circular because my definition of knowledge was data without inference, which is bullshit.
I am just a little confused in the short-term and I am sure that after a few minutes of reading my books I will have cleansed myself of that misconception, but I don't feel like reading right now, so I figured I should just ask for a quick answer from the internet.
>tl;dr I am having SERIOUS confusion as to what knowledge is. I need a definition of knowledge that is in line with perspectivism.

>> No.3626560

Look up 'deductive reasoning', then look up 'inductive reasoning'.

>> No.3626562

Just use e-prime.

>> No.3626566

I know what deductive and inductive reasoning are, but am I not right in that even deductive reasoning needs inference? It can't require a priori knowledge because a priori knowledge doesn't exist. So that means it that knowledge only becomes knowledge after you apply a priori belief?

>> No.3626578

But that doesn't affect this situation much, does it?
This is frustrating as fuck...

>> No.3626582

just ask jeeves.

>> No.3626589

is fine with me

>> No.3626603

Knowledge is human understanding. How we get the new information is through interactions. Do we gain knowledge from outside(external) or inside(internal)? Or from both(combination of both)? Or neither(we don't have any knowledge)? Or None of the 4 above?

>> No.3628576

Sounds like you have way too much free time on your hands.

While we're on this topic, scientifically, how many gallons of semen do you think philosophers have spilled thus far?

>> No.3628681

>a priori knowledge doesn't exist

I mean it's not reliable or absolute truth in that the premises are usually based on induction or common sense but yeah it works so y not.

>> No.3628686
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I laughed out loud internally

>> No.3628694

Justified True Belief.

>> No.3628699

Diogenes alone has spilled enough on the floor

>> No.3628707

>Sounds like you have way too much free time on your hands.
Thanks, you've just dissolved every philosopher in a vat of your own shallowness.

>> No.3628709

>a priori knowledge doesn't exist

Fucking liberal arts majors.

OK. I'll make this so simple a dead baby could understand it.

There's a mathematically proven best way to learn. Dumbed down, it's called Bayesian induction. Where's the a-priori knowledge? You use a mathematical artifact called a universal prior, which is exactly what it sounds like. Then you adjust the prior after the fact of learning new evidence.

We call the result "the scientific method." If you want to learn some details, check out the application of Kolmogorov complexity to AIXI.

>> No.3628717
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logic justifies logic. it can only explain itself. science requires constants and variables whether they're measurable or not. like it was said earlier, e-prime is the only way to fly against science (if you insist on confronting something that can only explain itself).

>> No.3628719
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Somebody discovered LessWrong, congratulations!

You sound pretentious. Like, really pretentious. Also, your post isn't entirely right.

>> No.3628724

Knoweldge = expirence
Just reading shit = gathering information that may or may not be useful to you, it must be applied either way to be of any worth.

If you read about milking cows, you only have fragments of information regarding extracting milk from cows, meaning you don't know shit until actually start milking cows.

>> No.3628726

Knowledge is the visible excitation of understanding, just as flame is to fire.

It is the extent with which we're able to reason with language.

Really, though, your definition for knowledge will depend on your definitions for related concepts. Language has a much greater need for context than specificity.

>> No.3628731

It looks like a self-help cult. Care to justify your bullshit?

>> No.3628753
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fucking hard science majors.

I'll make this so simple a dead baby could understand it.

In this thread, we are not discussing how to do science or learning, niether of which is not concerned with reality or objective truth.

We are ultimately discussing the possibility of knowing what is real or not. Science can't help you do that, and the OP is right in that logic alone cannot get you to knowledge in the sense he is trying to conceive of it.

Where he is confusing himself is that he's looking for a definition of knowledge that fits perspectivism, when perspectivism essentially holds knowledge to be a meaningless concept.

>> No.3628758
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Not really. It's focused around rationality, not really self-help BS.

>> No.3628761

oh fuck me. I meant to say "neither of which is concerned"