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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 165 KB, 640x1097, atlas-shrugged-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3621484 No.3621484 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that you guys hate the greatest book of the modern era?

>> No.3621485


>> No.3621490

What do you expect from brainwashed liberal fags?

>> No.3621488

No I quite enjoyed 1984 actually. Why do you ask?

>> No.3621494

If you've actually read it then you could tell me what happens on page 207

>> No.3621501

Why the fuck would I know that? I read it in pdf, do you honestly think people buy books in this day and age?

>> No.3621513

Sexy time of course.

>> No.3621540

Oh boy

>> No.3621550
File: 204 KB, 333x890, The greatest novel ever written.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roark's speech was better than Galt's

>> No.3621560

try harder

>> No.3621574

How many books have you read?

>> No.3621585

>babby's first brainfart

"Fuck you, I got mine" isn't literature.

>> No.3621586

Dagny at here desk, exhausted from trying to keep her company going, thinking about how the worlds going to pot while a stranger we will meet later in the book stands outside her office

>> No.3621590


Stalinist dystopias seem a little outdated compared to the Brave New World we're living in today.

>> No.3621591

naturalistic fallacies be all over this motherfucker.

No, come on. Let´s be serious. This book shouldn´t be considered literature at all.

>> No.3621593


You don't buy books, therefore nobody buys books? I have a Kindle, and still buy actual books. I have a shelf of them, actually.

>> No.3621610
File: 352 KB, 500x498, penguin cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is the best Rand critics can come up with

second hander detected

>> No.3621615
File: 95 KB, 620x410, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>MFW anyone stupid enough to subscribe to Rand's beliefs would undoubtedly be the shittest-tier of such a society.

>> No.3621627
File: 72 KB, 400x290, problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody deluded by religion
>nobody expecting handouts from other people
>keep what you earn and what you own

what a terrible society
truly, the bane of civilization

>> No.3621630

but i want your monnies

>> No.3621633


>failing to realize that the middle-class was the result of secular socialism

>> No.3621635
File: 83 KB, 447x331, 1300116881834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the middle class arose from secular socialism, as you believe

then the middle class should be growing exponentially, since we are at a point in history where the government is far larger than any other at any point in time.

>> No.3621637


Rand tries to promote the idea of an "utopia of greed", in which every rational man and woman gets to earn the fruits of his or her work. Sounds good right? Well, if you look closely, you will see that the kind of society proposed by Ayn Rand would be a society full of idealized egomaniacs who all want to be an economic and societal winner. An Utopia of Greed would destroy itself within a few years.

>> No.3621638


Aside from the fact that post-war secular socialism has been steadily eroded back to the christian fundamentalist robber-baron system we have now.

>> No.3621642

I enjoyed the long ranting of this crazy lady about how money is the NOT the root of all evil.. and how all humanitarians suck and Mexico and all other nigger countries suck and will never develop (lol)

And how great rich people are and why we need them to be rich...

Can't say I agree with all of it but I can respect her point of view... But that's all u get from me... I recommend u ctrl+f root of evil on the PDF and read that long rant --and another 30 page speech by john galt towards the ending why rich people are cooler then u (I understand it will be out of context but... Just do it -google John galt radio speech cuz it summarizes her point of view) rest of the book sucks the hardest of dicks cuz it's boring.

- loved her making fun of hippies..

Why u think u think
my heart is a milkman.

>> No.3621649

>a society full of idealized egomaniacs who all want to be an economic and societal winner

Are you joking? Galt could have become dictator of the world in Atlas Shrugged but he refuses it.

>Aside from the fact that post-war secular socialism

There's more corporate and statist socialism than there has ever been. Don't try and delude yourself into thinking the people stealing from you are somehow different when they call themselves christians instead of liberals.

>> No.3621653

So bioshock would happen?
I don't think so..

But most people are egomaniacs(most) we think of ourselves.. We people are greedy already ... But that don't happen in the real world...

So are you saying only lazy people who are moocher are keeping the world working?

We need poor people so rich people can exist.

>> No.3621655


We already had that world. Pre-depression USA was that very world. and it's clear that any removal of regulation, unionism or safety nets would quickly see society revert to the prior oligarchy serviced by a sea of serfs lucky to get paid in scrip.

>> No.3621659


Funneling tax-payer money to the military-industrial complex and the banking system isn't socialism.

>> No.3621660

>mfw no-one ever distinguishes between different kinds of "big" government

Are we talking "big" in terms of programs and services that actually benefit people? Or are we talking "big" in terms of money being thrown at corporations that are already rich, flushed down the toilet in the Middle East etc.

>> No.3621663


>> No.3621686

To actually respond to OP it's very easy to look over her ouevre as great literary works of merit. For one, there's too much purple prose. She feels the need to describe everything, and sometimes that works if you're Flaubert and a master of language. When you're Ayn Rand you inevitably end up pissing off the reader by taking pages to describe something a more economical and concise author could do in a paragraph. Furthermore, her characters are just flat stereotypes, typically defined by one of two traits. Not only that but the one or two traits fit into Ayn Rand's overall "philosophical" message. There is little to no MEANINGFUL character development. And since she's trying to fulfill her wet dream of a society, the characters are caricatures, which lends to poor psychology of them.
So basically, she can't write her prose well. Her characters are basically designed to strawman the leaches and they don't lend themselves to good or enjoyable storytelling.

>> No.3621688

why would they? the whole point of demonizing big government is just to cut taxes.

Do you not understand politics? The point of saying "big government" is intentionally to be reductionist and to reduce any and all opposition to your tax cuts to a hated strawman.

>> No.3621739


A trillion dollars of welfare every year on the federal level is pretty substantial.

>> No.3621800

>Are you joking? Galt could have become dictator of the world in Atlas Shrugged but he refuses it.
A government based on freedom, founded and supported at first by a Cincinnatus and various philanthropists, to escape an overbearing and autocratic government.
Last time that happened it didn't last a century without succumbing to the most vicious civil war yet seen, and then it got hijacked by greedy special interests and an ennui-prone population.

>> No.3621801

isn't that fascism

>> No.3621806

It' almost mercantilism.

>> No.3625059

>John galt radio speech
Its not a rant as to why rich people are cooler. Its a rant against anti-intellectualism that happens by people in the US.

>> No.3625096

Couldn't remember what was it about ... But I found it was one of the more interesting things that happens in this book, the speech is very long... so, it felt like a rant cuz he went on for so many pages repeating the same thing over and over it became so boring I forgot what he was going on about but it was interesting to for the first few paragraphs.
So, this is all I remember of it.

It was VERY long ago I read this book ...
so it's hard to recall even the interesting bits..

>> No.3625335

Its the best scifi book EVER

>> No.3625374

Why do rich people need to exist?

>> No.3625456

because poor people that are good at doing things have to eventually become rich people. otherwise no-one good at doing things would do anything

>> No.3625634

It depends on what we're talking about here, if we're talking about great innovators and geniuses like Einstein or Newton or Tesla, they weren't motivated by money at all.

If we're talking about some guy who's really good at crafting or some other physical work, then yeah.