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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.21 MB, 3456x2304, calle borjesson headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3615871 No.3615871 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I just read Fight Club and I enjoyed it, but it was a little too violent and down-with-the-system for me.

Can you recommend any books that are like it but less edgy?

>> No.3615878

Try his other books. Choke.

>> No.3615879

but Choke is shit.
wtf /lit/

>> No.3615881

Fine, read snuff then faget.

>> No.3615888

All his shit is pretty edge-fag.

Fight-Club is probably his best work, but I think Rant is a close second.

>> No.3615890

Choke is easily the worst fucking book I have ever read in my life. I read the first 70 pages in about 30 minutes, and I enjoyed none of it. The repetition of certain phrases and the way he constantly addressed the reader drove me insane. Also, the premise itself is such bullshit. All of Palahniuk's books are edgy and predictable, avoid him if you want to read good books. The only "edgy" book I enjoyed is A Clockwork Orange, so I advise you to check out the stickied links and look for something that interests you. Good luck.

>> No.3615924

>Fight-Club is probably his best work
What the hell man.

>> No.3615942


>> No.3615945

Well what did you like about it? Be more specific about what you are looking for.

>> No.3615968


The Turner Diaries.

>> No.3615969
File: 76 KB, 640x480, calle borjesson aka quentin far right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked that it was a short read. I like that it didn't use SAT words or Oxford vocabulary words. I liked that I learned about stuff. I liked the main character and I liked the subtle homoerotic overtones. It was very relatable.

But too edgy.

I heard David Foster Wallace wrote some homoerotic stories, but I'm afraid he might be too edgy for me.

>> No.3616090
File: 111 KB, 305x474, DanielQuinn_Ishmael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP might like the works of Daniel Quinn. Less edgy, yet more likely to fuck with your perception of society on a deeper level. Start with Ishmael. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.3616098



>> No.3616110

Deeper than Fight Club, at the very least. I'm trying to meet OP halfway here.

>> No.3616124

he asked for less edgy.

>> No.3616132
File: 55 KB, 633x527, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Fight Club is a deep as fuck modern exploration of selflessness as a way to liberation.

>> No.3616155


>Harry Potter of Cynic Nietzschean Stirnerism

nice one goats

>> No.3616174

Well, it IS much less violent at least. Whether that makes Ishmael less edgy is debatable, I suppose.

Nice cap. I chuckled quietly.

>> No.3616182
File: 57 KB, 720x540, 1363015123366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can't even blend in anymore

>> No.3616190

Siddhartha. The first half of Fight Club, the part about denying materialism, has a lot of similarities with Buddhism. Stoicism is similar, you may appreciate Aurelius and Epictetus.

>> No.3616281


>that pic

mexican hardcore gigs are the best hardcore gigs

>> No.3616285

It's okay to not blend in when you're GOAT

>> No.3616464

I like Santa Muerte's loving son in the dirty brown hoodie with the PCP laced cigarillo and the neck tattoo next to the goat the most.