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3604598 No.3604598 [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a fantasy novel about a necromancer. Not an evil, insane sorceror, just a guy who can raise the dead. Like;

>he is a very low-ranking healer
>he gets involved in a war/humanitarian disaster
>he finds he can resurrect the dead
>a part of the magic is that the "brought-back" are bound to his will
>they seek him out and ask him if they can do anything for him, give him favours etc
>then it gets sinister; they ask him what the meaning of life is, start worshipping him
>as the war progresses, the ranks of his "brought-back" increases (but become more standard zombies because he doesn't have the time to resurrect them properly)
>he's a good man forced to do evil shit

>> No.3604601

Sounds like a bunch of shit that has been done before, and probably done better.

>> No.3604609



>> No.3604611

You should probably turn it into a series of short stories, would be more pleasant. No one wants to read a 7 book series.

>> No.3604612



>> No.3604615


Oh, christ no. I'm not GRRM.

>> No.3604620
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>then it gets sinister; they ask him what the meaning of life is, start worshipping him
>as the war progresses, the ranks of his "brought-back" increases (but become more standard zombies because he doesn't have the time to resurrect them properly)
>he's a good man forced to do evil shit


>> No.3604625


Ugh, no. I'm thinking more 'life of Brian' - "how do you want us to fuck off, Lord?"

>> No.3604637

>I'm going to write a story based on Guild Wars but it'll be original honest
Fuck off.

>> No.3604645


lol, nopes. I've never played guild wars, are you a player?

>> No.3604650

I'd read it OP.

>> No.3604654

No, I'm not.

My point is that you're idea is fundamentally devoid of any imagination, and that it will never be anything more than mediocre, and even that will require masterful prose. It is a fundamentally piss poor, dull, overplayed story, and you are a fucking moron,.

>> No.3604656


Thanks. How do I not make it dire, generic fantasy trash? What do you, personally, hate in fantasy fiction?

My pet hate: the "small folk" being ignored. There's a bit in one of the ASOIAF novels where a village gets pillaged and Tyrion (who is supposed to be sympathetic?) says basically "sucks to be them". I care about the little guy

>> No.3604660


What's lacking in your life, poster? You've not seen my writing. I could be amazing! (though it's unlikely). Basically you're biased by your own hate. :P

>> No.3604662

I hate generic fantasy fiction.

Your idea is as generic as it comes, and will never be anything more.

>> No.3604665

No, I'm biased by the fact that I'm aware your idea is awful.

>Essentially calling me 'a hater'
>using emoticons
You are a moron.

>> No.3604667


You're not very bright, are you?

>> No.3604668

I'm exceptionally bright, which is why I can tell you that your idea is uninspired beyond belief.

>> No.3604669

I'd read it, tbh. Even if it is fairly cookie-cutter.

>> No.3604672


Prove it.

>> No.3604675


In my experience you see the most incisive intellects in those who are humble. You? You just seem like a faceless 15-year-old bragging.

>> No.3604680

Prove what? That I'm intelligent? Or that your idea is boring?

Regardless, why?

The former needs not be proven, the later is self-evident.

What little experience you must have.

>> No.3604681

>implying originality matters more than quality of execution
kill yourself

>> No.3604683

Who was bragging? I was telling OP how terrible his idea was in order to prevent him following his silly little path. You're the one who brought up my intelligence.

>> No.3604684

A 15-year-old? Nah, not bitter enough.

>> No.3604686

I mentioned that in my first post, calm down.

>> No.3604687


What makes you think you're intelligent? You could be lying. Tell us about what you do :P

>> No.3604691

That has literally nothing to do with this thread. Go back to writing your ludicrous little fanfiction.

>> No.3604692


not OP, but this. I'd rather read a fantasy novel with a hackneyed fantasy story that is well-written, well-characterised and interesting (Prince of Nothing) than something which is "LUL HI-CONCEPT" but with crappy prose.

>> No.3604695

That goes without saying

>> No.3604699


>> No.3604701


So you're in school. That's great. If you were doing anything exceptional with your life, or if you had made some great achievement of intellect, you'd be throwing that around like a retard with cereal.

You? You're a keyboard gangster with nothing. I won't say die in a fire, but I wouldn't advise you to avoid any :P

>> No.3604703

Most people who call themselves smart aren't. Please try and curb your arrogance.

>> No.3604705


It's not even arrogance, arrogance usually means you have something but are too confident about it. This guy? He's just pulling credentials out of his ass

>> No.3604708

>So you're in school
What a stupid fucking conclusion.

Not quite as bad >>3604703

Jesus, do any of you fuckers live int he real world?

>Pulling credentials out of his ass
Nobody at any point in this thread has pulled any credentials.

>> No.3604712


Everything you've said so far doesn't seem to indicate "exceptional" intelligence. Sorry, bro.

>> No.3604716

That has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.3604718

The thing is, show some humility. Do not go around telling people you are smart, demonstrate it with your words and actions. I could tell you all the things I have done, or even claim some great intellect, but really it doesn't matter as there is nothing to back it up. It's better merely to speak and claim nothing.

Now, lets move on; your idea seems as if it has been done before, but you could change it up in some way. Provide us with more details.

>> No.3604720


But you made an assertion and now can't back it up. We're not bound absolutely to the OP. We can go on tangents. What are you, autistic? Is that what you mean by "exceptional" intelligence?

>Not even OP or anyone else, just hates arrogance

>> No.3604722


wait, is "exceptional intelligence" guy the same guy as the OP

>> No.3604729

>Implying I'm arrogant
OP implied I was an idiot for criticising him, I assured him this wasn't the case. I'm not particularly bothered if people don't think I'm intelligent, because that's not why I posted in this thread. This wasn't about waving my intellectual dick around, and it isn't now.

OP's idea is uninspired and will go nowhere, lest he inject it with something interesting.

>> No.3604731


Retarded idea. Borrowed it from WoW?

>> No.3604732

I think so.

>> No.3604738


still, "exceptional" intelligence? I want to hear more about this. You could be someone who could do the world a great service!

>> No.3604734

No, it isn't. OP is the guy using ":P" in every post.

>> No.3604737

"intelligence guy" was basically saying "your story will be shit because i'm smart and i can tell it"

>> No.3604740

That's not what he said at all and you know it. Stop it, OP.

>> No.3604742

Name some books that have done the same thing as OP. Also, you're being a bit of a dick. It's not exactly the most unique thing, but not every book has to be completely new. There is so much out there today that it is hard to have something completely new no matter what.

No, doesn't appear to be.

>> No.3604745

>I'm exceptionally bright, which is why I can tell you that your idea is uninspired beyond belief.
Stop trying, intelligent guy.

>> No.3604747

OP here, I've not actually commented for a while, I wasn't the :P person

My concept is pretty shit, I'll admit. But thanks for the reasonable types in here.

>> No.3604748

Just the idea of a necromancer, healers, resurrecting the dead, being brought back against their will, "then it gets sinister", just reeks of a shitty fantasy video game.

I mean shit, OPs picture is taken straight from a shitty MMO.

>> No.3604749


That's an exceptionally intelligent discourse.

>> No.3604750

OP, everyone hates your shitty fucking idea. Stop character assassinating in an attempt to divert everyone from that fact.

>> No.3604751

Your concept is not shit but not very original.

>> No.3604752

This entire thread is terrible, and every last one of you should kill yourselves.

>> No.3604753


OP here, that's not me... I've said like 3 things

>> No.3604755


>"exceptional intellect"
>his favourite adjective seems to be "shit"

>> No.3604756

>It has a necromancer and healers
>Therefore it is generic shit

Serious? I mean really?

>> No.3604759

I'm not the sharpest of individuals, but at least I attempt to communicate without sounding as if my vocabulary stopped expanding sometime during high school.

>> No.3604760

Yes, because every person criticising OP in this thread is the same guy.

Nice one.

>> No.3604762


OP here. I wouldn't actually use the word "necromancy", I just wanted to explore what would happen if you could resurrect someone, how it would turn from being an amazing, miraculous act into basically a cheap weapon of war, how it would affect society, laws, religion etc. It's a generic plot, like REALLY generic, but i'm approaching it as a thought-experiment type thing

>> No.3604769

Dude, don't worry. No one cares how original necromancy is, just write it well.

>> No.3604771

With something like this you'd need to work incredibly hard to prevent it from straying into overdone tropes and cliches.

Read a bunch of novels that cover the necromancy genre, and work on identifying the recurring themes, tropes, etc.

Then when you write your piece, ensure that you stay a mile away from any of those things.

It's four in the morning here, and I am becoming jaded, aggressive and incoherent, but that is my half-arsed two cents.

>> No.3604776


No, that's more helpful than "your idea is shit and you deserve to die". I'll take that on board.

>> No.3604775

They do.

>> No.3604772


Cool, I will.

>> No.3604773

Yes they do, don't be silly.

>> No.3604779


Autists, maybe.

>> No.3604783

>Everyone who disagrees with my opinion is autistic
Are you 'exceptionally intelligent guy'?

Also you're wrong. Originality is one of the most important things in a novel, especially in one like this.

>> No.3604780

Addendum: Makes sure you write your necromancer as a human being first, and a magicky wagicky person second. The necromancy is a facet of his character, exerting influence upon it, and perhaps morphing it as the story progresses.

I'm probably not making any sense, but yeah.

>> No.3604784


oh, i'm not making him a magician. I hate magic as an inherent gift, it's super-demeaning. In my novel magic comes from artifacts made in the past when "such stuff was possible" that you can attune to with effort. He'll basically have some sort of totem or something, i've yet to map out the finer points of my magic system. But yes, it'll be a character piece.

>> No.3604793


think this started off with OP-with-stupid-idea and "exceptionally intelligent" guy arguing

>> No.3604801

I'm the guy who claimed to be exceptionally intelligent. These are the only posts I've made since then:

>> No.3604804

The thing is though, the fact that there is a necromancer does not make it unoriginal;. THat in and of itself does not damn a book. It's like saying a fantasy book is generic shit because it contains a dwarf, or some elves.

Not everything has to be completely original.

>> No.3604810


Fuck Dwarves. They're too overused. Though wasn't there a novel where they had characteristics as befitting an underground race, i.e. they ate soil for nutrients and shat soil out constantly, and were blind as fuck

>> No.3604813

The Elder Scrolls was the last franchise to do anything vaguely original with it, and even then that was "lel they're just elves"

>> No.3604815


Elves, too. The only time I've liked elves in fiction is in the Prince of Nothing series, which made a really simple and obvious plot point; a being which lived for 3,000 years would have basically dementia/mega-PTSD/depression

>> No.3604816

That was the Artemis Fowl series.

Also though, you can be unique without needing to reinvent the genre or create new fantasy races/magic styles/other bullshit. I mean really, are you trying to say someone must use something completely unknown to have a good book?

>> No.3604819


"and a Cum-Sloth will accompany thy fellowship"

>> No.3604825

>implying I wouldn't read a book with a cum-sloth

>> No.3604829


More cum-slothes in fantasy fiction!

>> No.3604835

>Chuck P write fantasy

>> No.3604839

Chuck P IS a cum sloth.

>> No.3604843

So he's really the best qualified to write about them. Maybe it could be a (what's it called when a story is fact with elements of fantasy thrown in?) -esque autobiography.

Ideally it would be a biography written post-mortem though.

>> No.3604844

What are we even talking about anymore? This got away from me about the time we started talking about cum-sloth.

>> No.3604863

I don't know, but Chuck Palahniuk can't write for shit.

>> No.3604867

Wait, we hate Fight Club now?

>> No.3604873

Film was a good film based on a mediocre book.

>> No.3604894



If you're going to pretend you're a part of this board, you should know Palanhiuk is a terrible author. There hasn't been some reversal of opinion. That's the way it is and that's the way it's always been.