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/lit/ - Literature

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3604639 No.3604639 [Reply] [Original]

Do you sometimes wonder how smart and interesting you would've been if your parents had been smarter? My mother didn't finish high school, My father has two PhDs in mineral chemistry and doesn't know or care about anything outside of his field. They are both religious to the point where they view the world from a religious stand point.
I wish I had well-read parents.

>> No.3604647

The funny thing is that it's precisely this mentality that is keeping you back, not the kind of books your dad likes.

>> No.3604649

If you think you need better parent to be smarter then you're not trying hard enough. Read more, think more, practice the consequences of your thinking in daily life, use critical thinking, and stop blaming your parents for your plight (if there's really one). They didn't rape, abuse or mentally screwed you, they probably did their best, so be thankful and start working.

>> No.3604673
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i hope my son isn't an idiot like you, OP.

>> No.3604678

there is a wonderful autobiographical article by isaac asimov in which he tells that his parents,though not exceptionally gifted(in fact kinda average people),worked their ass off to allow him and his siblings to study.
btw degrees are not necessary related to intelligence.

>> No.3604679

But OP does have a point. Imagine if you were the son of Sartre and de Beauvoir, wouldn't you be some sort of literary genius?

>> No.3604689

Nope, the greats rarely have great children. Everything backfires and people react against their parents by doing the opposite. It's all supreme shit.

>> No.3604690

Neither of my parents graduated high school, yet here I am doing pretty good with my academics and *I* like to think I'm interesting and super clever.

But really, I don't believe there is any correlation between your parents' education or how "well-read" they are and your intellect/appeal. If anything, that thinking would hold you back from becoming as smart as you can be.

>> No.3604744

One can hardly deny that growing up in an atmosphere of books and literary preoccupations certainly draws you towards reading. When I was a child, my dad would often hand me classics such as Chekov and say "try reading that, it's good". I have read Kant, Nietzsche, Descartes, Dante (all his works, twice), Molière, Melville, Chekov, Orwell, Boulgakov, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Pouchkine and many others by age fifteen, not least because we had a big-ass familial library and my parents were literature enthusiasts.

>> No.3605288

My parent's lack of education is what inspired me to read and learn

My mother was a college dropout and my father couldn't afford any post secondary

>> No.3605300


You are free to mold you experience once you leave the womb.

>> No.3605301

I hope that some day you realize how stupid your sense of superiority is. You should be thankful for every good thing your parents have done for you and help them as much as you can.

>> No.3605306

OP's picture = beginnings of a gang bang.

>> No.3605324

Neither of my parents have higher education and they're under middle-class.

I learned to read when I was 3 years old and got straight 10s(or A:s for you Americans) throughout school and now I'm in an uni studying a degree that accepts 5% of applicants every year to it.

Well that came out with more braggadocio than I intented but I guess the point got across. I attribute my superior intelligence to being given a lot of mental stimulation as a child. My parents took me everywhere and I met all kinds of people. But I was never forced to study anything.

>> No.3605346

Do you go to Penn?

>> No.3605356

All the people claiming that someone's parents have no effect on their intelligence need to shut the fuck up. I agree that no one raised in a situation where they had access to a library and at least semi-reasonable parents should complain but to claim that there is no difference in effect on a child's intelligence between college professors parents who brought their children up on literature and lower class parents who have never read a book on their lives is ridiculous.

>> No.3605360

>>>> lebbit/r/atheosm