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/lit/ - Literature

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3594747 No.3594747 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get all the joyce fans buttmad by doing a close reading of a passage from Ulysses. This will invariably expose joyce fans for the poser frauds they really are. Here is a passage chosen at random:

A phenomenally beautiful tenor voice like that, the
rarest of boons, which Bloom appreciated at the very first
note he got out, could easily, if properly handled by some
recognised authority on voice production such as
Barraclough and being able to read music into the bargain,
command its own price where baritones were ten a penny
and procure for its fortunate possessor in the near future an
entrée into fashionable houses in the best residential
quarters of financial magnates in a large way of business
and titled people where with his university degree of B. A.
(a huge ad in its way) and gentlemanly bearing to all the
more influence the good impression he would infallibly
score a distinct success, being blessed with brains which
also could be utilised for the purpose and other requisites,
if his clothes were properly attended to so as to the better
worm his way into their good graces as he, a youthful tyro
in—society’s sartorial niceties, hardly understood how a
little thing like that could militate against you. It was in
fact only a matter of months and he could easily foresee
him participating in their musical and artistic conversaziones
during the festivities of the Christmas season, for choice,
causing a slight flutter in the dovecotes of the fair sex and
being made a lot of by ladies out for sensation, cases of
which, as he happened to know, were on record—in fact,
without giving the show away, he himself once upon a
time, if he cared to, could easily have. Added to which of
course would be the pecuniary emolument by no mean.s
to be sneezed at, going hand in hand with his tuition fees.

>> No.3594750
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LOL! Tediously purple as fuck! Verbose and annoying! Let me say the same thing but with fewer words: "There was a guy with a tenor voice, which is rarer than a baritone, who could probably make money from his singing. This singer also had a bachelors degree, which would likely aid him later on in business dealings. He will also probably get a lot of sex from the fame inevitable from such a career. Aren't I stupid and gay for making you read a page of gay shit that took less than a paragraph to explain? Why the fuck are you reading this you stupid poser?"


>> No.3594753

That's not a close reading, that's just a paraphrase.

>> No.3594757
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Lol so buttmadd!!

>> No.3594766

I looked this up and apparently it's supposed to be verbose and annoying. But I guess that's just seeing clothes on the naked emperor, or wathever

>> No.3594773
File: 243 KB, 471x266, CRY_SOME_MORE_by_Digicaek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I looked this up and apparently it's supposed to be verbose and annoying.


>> No.3594777

this thread is really dumb and void of any critical thought

>> No.3594778

This is that Joyce fella I've been hearing so much about? God damn, that was horrendous.

>> No.3594783

I know right? Everyone in academia sucks his cock for no reason other than the fact that everyone else is sucking it too. Expose fraudulent academia today!

>> No.3594790
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>> No.3594794
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LOL EVERYONE! That gay butthurt faggot was so gay and butthurt he deleted his post! Bwahahahhaha

>> No.3594796

>so much bad vibration
>a picture of a clown

fuck this I'm outta here

>> No.3594798
File: 322 KB, 720x474, hahahha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3594801

Wait a minute, I can't even find that post in the archive. What is this trickery...

>> No.3594808

I don't know man...but the guy wrote something about me smelling like shit. So buttmad.

>> No.3594817

After reading it over a few times I guess I get it. Reading it out loud helped make it make more sense too... I guess I can see what people like about this guy, its sort of the same feeling as solving a puzzle. Granted, it would do more for the story itself if he wrote it in a way that was more easily understood, but then it would lose that sense of accomplishment for the reader...

Or something like that... Its kind of annoying but might not be so bad once you get use to it.

>> No.3594825

The third-person narrative of “Eumaeus” is full of overused foreign phrases, clichés, and bungled sayings. It depicts the writing of a bourgeois person attempting to convey a sense of “culture” and failing through lack of literary talent or perhaps late-night fatigue. Accordingly, the fluid persona of the narrator more often picks up Bloom’s consciousness than Stephen’s, as Bloom in this episode is concerned with keeping up “educated” conversation with his tired partner and conveying a somewhat distinguished persona himself. The error-ridden and banal narrative is the main device by which this climactic meeting of Bloom and Stephen is rendered anticlimactic. Their fated father-son coming-together, which in another book would perhaps be rendered as a perfect union of consciousnesses and souls, is here as boring as the narrative that describes it. Stephen is still drunk and dazed and remains silent for most of the opening of Episode Sixteen. Bloom, far from being the idealized father figure that Stephen needs, appears hypocritical and naggingly overprotective.

>> No.3594848

>It depicts the writing of a bourgeois person attempting to convey a sense of “culture” and failing through lack of literary talent or perhaps late-night fatigue.
So, it's just Joyce being his own self?

>> No.3594856

After picking up a drunken, half-conscious Stephen and guiding him out of Nighttown, Bloom takes him to a cabman’s shelter, where the two sit down and talk. Because they (and we) are by now exhausted, this chapter is fittingly written in a style of exhaustion that recycles clichés from the daily newspaper.

The familiar language of the daily paper runs in grooves of cliché. Bloom sees himself writing a newspaper article about the shelter. Thinking he might write something “out of the common groove,” he unwittingly slides into a cliché. Having previously adopted styles far removed from the every day style of the newspaper, Joyce parodies this style to show how quickly it can run out of steam. By showing us that newspapers are often unreliable and woefully incomplete, this chapter helps us see anew why Stephen feels compelled to reject journalism in favor of literature.

>> No.3594876

Apparently Joyce's father was a tenor. Interesting little detail, I guess.

>> No.3594890

Ah, and apparently the character being described is in fact based on Joyce's father, so that makes sense

>> No.3594917

wait wait wait...
you got that out of this?
Fuck, guess I'm just not smart enough.

>> No.3594932

>It's satire
LOL SO FUCKIN GENIUS!! Literature for the soul and butt hole! Ground breaking triumph of a master piece!!

>Author's life plugged into his narrative
WOW NO AUTHOR HAS EVER DONE THAT! Amazing, original, fresh, timeless!!

Stay buttmad you frauds, this shit sucks phenomenally and you know it.

INB4 more buttmadness

>> No.3594933

Well, firstly, the passage in the OP is out of context, so you obviously wouldn't be able to figure all of that out, and secondly, I copy pasted that from a teaching company guidebook, so I'm not any smarter than you.

>> No.3594940

u mad?

>> No.3594941
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>Book needs another book explaining it in order for it to be considered good and fully comprehensible.


>> No.3594949
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>> No.3594956

No book is fully comprehensible, Anonymous. No matter how much you think you understand, there will always be more

>> No.3594961
File: 804 KB, 238x165, 82757732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what drug addict liberals actually believer

>> No.3594976

Eh, don't worry about it. It's a difficult book and honestly the book is too big and complex to have such a strange passage taken out of context to be able to be close read.

It's like trying to understand how walking works by only looking at the toes.

>> No.3594980
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>> No.3594981

>Americans in charge of the word liberal.

>> No.3594983

Well, look, it's something that applies just as well to the real world, so why wouldn't it apply to literature? You'd have to be very naive to think otherwise

>> No.3594998
File: 486 KB, 300x169, 9x8G2W0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything is subjective and unknowable
Dear god! The immense butthurt.

>> No.3595000

That's not what I said.

>> No.3595032
File: 54 KB, 360x500, tumblr_m98d0p87kX1r8z7ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's agreed, joyce is never to be mentioned on /lit/ ever again? Especially now that he has been proven beyond doubt to be a fraud, and all those who like him are also frauds.


>> No.3595040

If Joyce goes, then Ayn Rand stays.

>> No.3595045

Well, if you say so.

>> No.3595049
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It's a deal.

>> No.3595066


lel: >>3595059