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/lit/ - Literature

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3592296 No.3592296 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh it's quite simple, if I don't get a job in the first year after I graduate, I'll kill myself. Suicide is always an option.
>Says most English Majors.

I'll probably do it, fuck everybody that will be "sad". Fuck, I'll probably do it right now.

>> No.3592314

Not having a job is a really dumb thing to kill yourself over.

>> No.3592317

Lots of people jumped out of their buildings when the stock market crashed in '29

>> No.3592318

>Considered this at one point during my life.
>Then I grew the fuck and realized it wasn't the end of the world.

>> No.3592320

Wrong myth is wrong.


>> No.3592324


not really. our culture worships money. to not have employment is to be abandoned by god.

>> No.3592338

There's a difference between being picky and holding out for that great job as a magazine editor and just taking whatever job in the meantime just to get by.

If you are willing to work at whatever job, it would be very difficult for you to be unemployed for an entire year.

If you're of the first kind who won't take a menial job in retail because it's beneath you, now that you have a degree, then you probably should give up the ghost.

>> No.3592343

I also want to add to this that it is far, far easier to get a job once you already have one.

What I mean is that when employers see that you've been unemployed for months, they're very reluctant to give you any sort of job just because it looks like something is wrong with you: either you're lazy, or other employers don't want you for some hidden reason.

If you've been employed--even for a week or a month--in some capacity, you're more likely to get responses to your résumé.

>> No.3592359

This guy knows what he's talking about.

OP, stop being a fuck. You probably want to be some poet or some shit but the truth is you won't get anywhere if you're not willing to start somewhere.

You can do a lot with an English degree if you know how to market yourself. Employers aren't obligated to hire you. You have to make them think that hiring you is something worth doing, especially in today's economy.

Let's stop hating on English majors:

>> No.3592369

says the guy whose leaching off his 'rents and is unemployed.

>> No.3592371

Actually I graduated debt-free and I live with my girlfriend. I've got plenty of my own money in the bank.

>> No.3592375

I should also add that I work with children who have accessibility issues so they can get a decent education. What the fuck are you doing with your life?

>> No.3592393
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>Has gf and life is going great
>on /lit/

>> No.3592438

>I'm a sad, unemployed hulk who can't bother to better his life, so everyone on 4chan is, too.

Let's call this The Sunhawk Fallacy.

>> No.3592447
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I dropped out twice and created huge gaps of nothing with a few weeks of work in between from which I've gotten myself fired and got myself a mental health problems history in addition to the physical ones. No one will employ me ever again. I'm probably going to rent some rooms by the beach and take walks and read for a decade and go from there.