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/lit/ - Literature

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3589351 No.3589351 [Reply] [Original]

>work at a publisher's
>new manuscript comes in
>start reading
>it's sci-fi
>and into the garbage it goes

>> No.3589353

What hilarity!

>> No.3589365

SF/F authors, being possessed of higher than average IQ than the general authorial populace, would typically use an agent; were they attempting to break in via slush pile, they would target SF/F specific publishing houses.

I call baloney on your tale, sir, and submit that it is an invention based solely on the Penn Jillette homeschooling forced meme from /pol/ and not your actual experiences.

>> No.3589396
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What's so bad about sci-fi?

>> No.3589404

>implying anyone important enough to make decisions about what manuscript does and doesn't get published would browse 4chan
>implying an entire genre can be bad

Yeah whatever, dude

>> No.3589405


nothing OP is just reposting a troll.

>> No.3589407
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>> No.3589414
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Sci-fi sucks, bro.

But, yes, OP is a troll reposter.

>> No.3589448

>work at publishers
>only ever really correct spelling errors.

Not much else we do generally. Used to be that editors could completely change a novel, many great pieces of literature have been heavily altered by editors. Nowadays it is just correcting grammatical errors and punctuation.

>> No.3589450

>many great pieces of literature have been heavily altered by editors


>> No.3589457


Hard to point to examples but here's an article on the matter.


>> No.3589466

>Throwing away the 1984 manuscript

>> No.3589474

Nineteen Eighty-four (not "1984") is Futurist literature, not "science fiction".

>> No.3589477

>Throwing away Ray Bradbury, H. G. Wells, and Authur C. Clarke

>> No.3589479

Meh. It's not like the book really helped us.

>> No.3589480

Bradbury was a straight hack

Wells was Futurist, not sci-fi

Clarke was a Savile-tier boy molester who moved to Sri Lanka to fulfill his fantasies

>> No.3589481

Nope. 1984 is sci-fi.

Enders Game is alternative-planetary literature, not "science fiction".

>> No.3589483

>Throwing away Kurt Vonnegut, William Gibson, and Philip K Dick

>> No.3589488

>Throwing away Frederik Pohl, Aldous Huxley, and Robert Heinlein.

>> No.3589491

Throwing away Isaac Asimov, George R. Stewart, and John Wyndham.

>> No.3589493

Huxley sucks.

>> No.3589495

>Throwing away William Golding, Anthony Burgess, and Gene Wolfe

>> No.3589498

Sounds good. Gibson and PDK are, despite the best claims of their apologists, pure junk. Vonnegut wrote one good novel. Then just became a grouchy crank who thought that every belch he erupted was worthy of being printed. No, sir. I wouldn't care if Vonnegut completely disappeared into the trash-bin of oblivion.

>> No.3589500

>implying all of this shit shouldn't be tossed in le garbage

>> No.3589502

>Huxley sucks.

I'm totally convinced. Very cogent argument!

>> No.3589503

>Throwing away Alfred Bester, William S. Burroughs, and Charles L. Harness.

>> No.3589509

ITT: OP gets fired when the rival publishers pick up all his rejected manuscripts.

>> No.3589513
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>Jackasses implying that Vonnegut, Huxley, Golding, Burgess, Burroughs
>Couldn't be bothered to actually to put down their usual fantacrap and actually read these authors' works.

>> No.3589517


>> No.3589521

Sci-fi is going to come back with a vengeance within the next twenty years, and you are fucked when that time comes around.

>> No.3589531

>Into le trash it goes


>> No.3589543

This. Sci-fi, the literature of technology rather than characters, will become the only form of literature after the singularity

>> No.3589658
