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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 500x251, keep kharm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3586011 No.3586011 [Reply] [Original]

That is it.

>> No.3586046

I will. I said I'd scan it today if that other guy hasn't delivered.

>> No.3586050

Bless you oh merciful one

>> No.3586064

What OCR software do you have? I appreciate you doing this but if you're going to do it then do it right. Make sure you proofread every page because OCR can be unreliable.

>> No.3586069

Yeah, that's why I was excited when original OP was doing it because he wasn't just going to do a PDF scan, he was going to make a legit edited ePub.

>> No.3586073

Just buy the damn book then!

>> No.3586080

>What OCR software do you have?
None, but I can easily pirate some. What one's the best to use?

If anyone else has OCR software and is good with it, I can always upload/email the scans.

>> No.3586077

You don't understand do you.

>> No.3586081

Someone buy the book for me and I'll scan it.

>> No.3586085
File: 382 KB, 528x538, littlebookofkharms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3586089

If someone buys me a scanner, I'll scan my edition

>> No.3586095

ABBY FineReader is the best OCR software. Thank you, if you actually do this.

>> No.3586100

Get "ABBYY finereader express". You can scan the whole book then highlight everything and import it with one click. It outputs as either a word document, pdf, or html file. I use it to fix the spacing on pdfs every time calibre fucks with me and puts in symbols and triple spaces.

>> No.3586112

Can someone explain what all this Kharm stuff is? Bit late to the show.

>> No.3586118

Someone dig out the Kharmsian tale of Iranman for this poor fellow.

>> No.3586123
File: 30 KB, 342x568, dkharms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will be forever remembered as a cunt.

>> No.3586127


Scum. Sub-human scum.

>> No.3586128

Found it on piratebay with serial. It's downloading now. Will it recognise Russian words?

>> No.3586164

Pretty sure it will. The thing is you have to go page by page and proofread the results because OCR isn't 100%, guaranteed to be misspellings and mistakes. You'll essentially end up 'proof reading' the entire book. It's a commitment.

>> No.3586175

If someone provides scans, I'll OCR and proofread the whole thing.

>> No.3586176

If I can output as a word document that will highlight the majority of the errors. Then I can save as a pdf from word?

>> No.3586177


>the majority of the errors

and then some. word is not a reliable spellchecker

>> No.3586188
File: 17 KB, 352x384, tribe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me free the little man from inside the boat!

>> No.3586195

Yeah, I'll do that. I just tried converting with ABBYY reader and it was horrible. It recognised almost every word, but the formatting was all over the place. For the whole document, it would need you to reformat every heading and paragraph.

I'll scan it, but the ABBYY stuff looks like it would take ages. I only tried one output though.

>> No.3586198

sounds more like a distributed job for /lit/. post scan to a google doc, we could do an edit thread, then finalize and post in that thread

>> No.3586200

Sounds like a terrible idea.

>> No.3586209
File: 80 KB, 649x535, top lel 100 percent laffs REKT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He clearly wrote this as a reply to his own ego

WRITER: I'm a writer.
READER: In my opinion you're shit!
THE WRITER stands for a few minutes, shaken by this new idea, and falls down in a dead faint. He is carried out.

>> No.3586214
File: 104 KB, 1011x607, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have InDesign. I can correct all formatting with a few clicks, and its spellchecker is god compared to word's.

Pic related. I got it up and running.

>> No.3586215

Post a screenshot of how it turned out.

>> No.3586262

Here's the test page. I haven't changed it, this is exactly as it came out of the OCR. It saved automatically as a rtf (rich text format) so it could preserve everything from the original scan.


As you can see ABBYY works too well. It has a separate formatting for each paragraph so you can't override and edit in bulk.

>> No.3586279

It seems to want to open the document for you. Just click edit or download, and it will keep the original formatting.

>> No.3586287
File: 120 KB, 595x857, 525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Working paragraphs in ID is easy as pie. Only thing tricky would be, for example, leaving the first paragraph without indent. I don't think there's some automatic process that tells the program to do it automatically, so you have to create a paragraph style and manually apply it to every first paragraph. It's nowhere as time consuming as it sounds.

Anyway, the formatting is easy. It's editing what will be time consuming. Specially on things like the misspelled Russian names, where you need to compare to the book. I don't speak Russian and can't really guess what it says.

>> No.3586296


it's tai pei, you moran

>> No.3586299
File: 596 KB, 593x965, scan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the original scan for that document.

I can go through the first OCR and pick out mistakes, but i'll also upload the scans in a zip so you have the original images.

>> No.3586301

>Who's the best alt-lit writer and why
Daniil Kharms, obviously.

You can even tell that Lin jacked his style in Richard Yates.

>> No.3586342
File: 75 KB, 420x648, 525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sample page.

I skimmed through the spellcheck and there's still the thing about page and margins size to adjust. But here's a good idea on how it'd look.

>> No.3586347

Is this still PDF?

>> No.3586350

You're really good with indesign. Might I ask what you work with?

>> No.3586351


This is a master indesign document. It can export to pdf and the file will look exactly like that. (It can also export to epub for those who have a disdain for pdf, but there I can't make any promise or guarantee about the output quality.)

>> No.3586353

No, they're turning the book into a series of animated gifs.

One gif presented to /lit/ every day for the next few months.

>> No.3586355

epub is preferable, but if PDF is of better quality then who are we to complain.

>> No.3586362

I couldn't wait any longer. My copy came in today and I've been reading it. Love it so far, reminds me of when I first discovered Kafka.

>> No.3586369


Here's this page as PDF for proper preview purposes.



I prefer PDF because of the design aspects. Epub is convenient but, well, it's designed to be convenient, not good looking.

But it's no problem for me to produce both versions, so that's what I'll do.

>> No.3586372
File: 29 KB, 400x400, face of orgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it's no problem for me to produce both versions, so that's what I'll do.


>> No.3586374

It seems like a lot of /lit/ has bought this already. Maybe the people who want it should just buy the physical book, and leave Iranman as the only person without one.

>> No.3586378

Cant we just be a nice board?

>> No.3586381


Well, it takes like three seconds to export a PDF, and about four and a half for epub. I'd like to see a wanker saying it's too much trouble to do both.

>> No.3586389

Never mind your work then. Could you please e-mail me? I have some questions regarding InDesign and typography general.

Mail in header (not my proper one)

>> No.3586392

I just downloaded it and converted it with calibre. Apart from the pdf page as the front cover, it formatted into an epub perfectly. The only thing is the page number. I don't think you need to manually include it.

>> No.3586393

Oh hai, Iranman.

>> No.3586399


Will do.


It's not "manually", it's a little box that automatically adds the current page number. This is an old template I used just for test purposes. But I do like to have page numbers, even in ebooks. But fear not: it does not export to epub because it's not actual part of the content.

>> No.3586431
File: 84 KB, 583x879, 525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I like this one. Size, margins, balance, font size, etc.

What do you guys think?

>> No.3586438

As beautiful as it is, it would look a lot nicer with the other pages attached to it.

>> No.3586519

Funny how Iranman has been begging for this book for about a year and then this week Kharms just explodes with popularity and is now the biggest writer on /lit/. What happened to make Daniil Kharms book so desired?

>> No.3586521

We are all Iranman!

>> No.3586544

I'm pretty sure he wrote that comment because his sarcophagus looks like he's emerging from a giant vagina. but way to stick up for Kharms, yo.

>> No.3586573
File: 254 KB, 500x574, iranman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Iranman is our messiah and martyr, he suffered to bring us the word of Kharms.

We may never know what punishment he suffered in the process at the hand of the persian government but we will always remember his sacrifice.

>> No.3586617

Is the InDesign guy still here?

I have scanned and OCR'd the first 50 pages. Do you want me to upload them now so you can make a start? It's easier to do them in bits, and i'll scan the next lot while your doing that.

>> No.3586628


Still here.

Sure, I suppose we can speed things up that way.

But could you post perhaps an image of two from the actual book? I'm very curious about how they format the stories, specifically the ones that read like a play. I'm doing tests with one of the stories posted in an earlier thread and I can't get it to look good enough. I'll post a sample in a few.

>> No.3586635

How anyone can't see the exclamation point is beyond me.

>> No.3586658

If anything, Kharms' head is the clitoris of a vulva. The point is obviously an anus.

>> No.3586659
File: 89 KB, 1158x881, 525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what I mean. I'm not entirely happy with how the right page looks. I've never formatted a play before...

>> No.3586662
File: 665 KB, 982x880, 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But could you post perhaps an image of two from the actual book?
Sure. There are a few different formats they use for different sections. Most of Kharms' regular stories are like pic related. Then you have the biography which has indented paragraphs, the plays have weird line breaks and different font sizes, the notes have italics.

I'm zipping the first fifty pics now, and will mediafire them. Obviously, being scanned images they are quite large, so that's another reason to split them.

>> No.3586666

awww shit. I saved them with exif orientation tags. It's easier to rotate the images in preview than save them properly. I guess 4chan doesn't like exif orientation.

>> No.3586668


not sure if unrotated or part of the absurdism

>> No.3586672

Are they all upside down?

>> No.3586675


>> No.3586681
File: 43 KB, 500x375, russian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Semyon Semyonovich

>> No.3586682

If you have a corrupt and filth ridden mind, yes.

>> No.3586687

You can see the cheeks underneath.

>> No.3586692
File: 1.05 MB, 1040x1457, 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them are upside down on a laptop. I scanned one page at a time, so the right hand side of the book are naturally upside down. As I cropped them for OCR I just pressed 'cmd+r' and saved with exif orientation. So half of them will be upside down when uploaded to 4chan, but they are all the right way round on a laptop.

>> No.3586770 [DELETED] 

>mfw this is my master page
>i have no face

Don't try this at home, kids.

>> No.3586772 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 1135x868, 525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I forget my image

>> No.3586773

Okay, here are the first 50.

The pics and text document are all zipped inside one folder. All of the picture files have been numbered to correlate with their page number, and the text file should open in word with everything on the correct page – so you'll get 50 separate pages. All with book formatting retained.

Page 2,3, and 4 are the same. 2 and 3 were blank, so I had to duplicate page 4 or everything would have been set back two pages, and I would have got confused. Apart from that it OCR'd quite well. I made some corrections, but the only thing it seems to cock up are the occasional Russian names.


>> No.3586775

how many pgs. total?

>> No.3586782


Thanks. I'll revise the text anyways, since I tend to read while I format.

Will update with results. Also, I'm taking this name to avoid confusions.

>> No.3586791

>how many pgs. total?
First 50 out of 287.

>> No.3586844
File: 43 KB, 1126x858, 525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm. Just to be sure, nobody is expecting a 100% faithful, verbatim copy of the book, right?

For example, in acknowledgements there's two paragraphs per page, but in my version it's more like two and a half on the first page.

I can make an effort to make the pages sync up. But, then again, you might as well just read the scans if that's what you want...

What do you guys say.

>> No.3586847

Holy shit, /lit/s collaborating on a project.

>> No.3586857

Do you mean you're making the book shorter? TBH pic related looks perfect, and I'm going to be happy with any readable e-book.

>> No.3586863

I just wish we had an epub

>> No.3586866


If you want just focus on an epub and I could do a pdf.
That way you won't have to fuss about the accuracy.

>> No.3586874
File: 49 KB, 525x782, 525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it's looking like.


Well, more like, in the original book a page ends in

"between two grown men that ends with one of them beating"

and in my PDF it would end "between two grown men that ends with one of them beating the other to death with a cucumber, as".

Slight discrepancies like that. Might not seem like much, but they can add up. Though not a lot, since most of the texts are less than one page short, and I suppose those are the ones that matter.


There'll be an epub at the same time the PDF is produced.

>> No.3586899

>but they can add up.
As soon as you build up an extra sentence, just take the bottom line one off and put it on the top of the next page. It doesn't matter if a few words are in the wrong place.

>> No.3586970

Introduction done. (about 30 pages). Whew.

>> No.3587018

Pages 51-100.


>> No.3587023
File: 83 KB, 1042x848, 525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pages 41 and 42 in the book. The discrepancy is due to the "notes" section, which I left unedited at the time. (Too burned out from the introduction; I'll get back to them later.)

So far it's looking good, and now I'll be working at a faster pace because the stories are short and don't need as much revision.

>> No.3587218

Finished up to page 100.

While scanner continues, I'm gonna back to the notes from the introduction.

>> No.3587239


The entire book is here >>3587204

>> No.3587265


wait, what?

>> No.3587269


Read the thread.
Get books.

>> No.3587304
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3587479



I've finished pages 1 to 100. If scanner anon wants to continue, I'm game. If not, well, I guess that's it for this time around.

>> No.3587530


You could just use the pdf to finish an epub version.
A lot of people around here prefer epub's for their ereaders.

>> No.3587580

For the ones who've read this book, is it actually good? I want to buy it but I want to know if its actually worth it. I don't care about an ePub because I want it for my personal library. I love Kafka is that helps.

>> No.3587584

It's worth the 12 bucks. The book cover is awesome and the stories inside are fantastic. Yes they're weird but that's the point. It's a great book that you'll be recommending to your Kafka loving friends.

>> No.3587913

You can carry on if you want to. I had a feeling that the other Anon would post halfway through once he saw what we were doing. Either way his pdf is images, so you could make the text based pdf and epub still.

Here is 101-150:


For some reason 27 other people downloaded 51-100.

>> No.3587928
File: 49 KB, 500x333, no balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3587943

>posting the English version of Froth on the Daydream
What a prick.

>> No.3588119

How's it going guys?

>> No.3588137


InDesign guy here. Went to sleep and I just woke up. Will resume work in about an hour or so.

>> No.3588140

Do it when you want :) you're making a favor to us all

>> No.3588179


based anon

>> No.3588225
File: 128 KB, 800x518, 1363988422080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 151-200, and I'll put the final 87 pages into one folder. Some of these stories look incomplete, but that's just because not all of them have titles.


Have you been reading the book as you do it?

>> No.3588251

>Will resume work in about an hour or so.

Love's Labour's Lost?

>> No.3588275

reading my physical copy now. it's actually very good - thanks /lit/!

>> No.3588277

Don't be a cheeky cunt, m8.

>> No.3588278

Finished up to page 100. Gonna take a break. For breakfast.


Been reading a bit, but mostly to spot mistakes and bad line breaks and not so much for the enjoyment of it. That'll come later.

>> No.3588279


I meant page 150. My bad.

>> No.3588316

Is it really happening this time? Hopefully this isn't another hoax ending with Anon not delivering.

>> No.3588318

This guy seems sincere. But original OP seemed sincere too.

>> No.3588319

Yeah, I think so. I downloaded one of their mediafire files, and it actually contains the scans and the OCR file.

>> No.3588321
File: 81 KB, 1055x799, 525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is legit.

I don't want to give an estimate because I don't know how long it'll take, but I'm pretty sure the book (both in PDF and epub) can be delivered today.

>> No.3588327

But it was already delivered in PDF >>3587239 here.

>> No.3588331

We want an ePub not a PDF.

>> No.3588332

Yep, 99% of us are waiting on the ePub.

>> No.3588333

That's a terrible pdf. It's just images instead of text, and looks awful on my nook – the image just compresses. We need a proper pdf and an epub.

>> No.3588334

Nobody wants a pdf. Especially one that wont convert to epub in calibre.

>> No.3588339

I'm not denying that kazooiees, I'm responding to him saying "it can be delivered in PDF and epub today", by saying that there already is a PDF. I would very much appreciate the epub, which is obviously a lot better and is made up entirely of text and not images.


>> No.3588394

>how am I going to get home

>> No.3588432

Reading through the stories I stumbled upon this gem, I don't know why it made me laugh so much.

>Eve bites off a piece of apple. The serpent claps his hands in joy.

>> No.3588447


>> No.3588496
File: 367 KB, 1614x844, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, let's do something crazy while we wait.

Here's the index of the book.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to try and crossreference its contents with the contents of the epub and html posted in earlier threads. The purpose is to find any piece that may not be included in the book. After all, the book reads "the selected writings", not "the complete writings." So maybe we can add some stuff to it and have a near complete collection of Kharms writings.

I don't have the epub link (it was called "I have Raised Dust), but heres the html:


>> No.3588541

My favourite Kharms story is The Capuchin, and having looked at the posted contents page, I don't think that ones in the book.

>> No.3588547

When you scan books do you actually scan each page or what?

>> No.3588553


you put the whole book in the scanner, like a toast in a toaster, and it does all the work

>> No.3588560

I have the old scanner with the dial instead of digital. I put the book in, turn the dial for about 2 minutes, depending on the size of the book. Still works great, better than the new ones.

>> No.3588562

Don't forget to cover the book though, leave it in there too long and the words splatter all over the place.

>> No.3588569

I hate putting my book in for 2 minutes then taking it out to realize only half the book is scanned.

>> No.3588573

That reminds me, the clock on my scanner still isn't set. Keeps blinking 12:00

>> No.3588579

In case anybody cares about such things, this is my theme for today's typesetting session:


>> No.3588582

>implying there aren't scanners that do this
Get lost poorfag

>> No.3588587


My dad works at Nintendo and he lends those scanners to Google Books.

>> No.3588594

They can buy you, your family and all your scanners, faggot

>> No.3588597

Yeah, well my dad is Nintendo CEO and he invented the Ultra Nintendo Entertainment Scanner 65
?inb4 you've never heard of it

>> No.3588600

My dad is Super Mario.

>> No.3588610

Tell him to stop stealing my mushrooms and killing my turtles.

>> No.3588614


My dad is Sega CEO and he says he saw your dad turning tricks in a tranny bar.

>> No.3588616

Here is the final part, 201-287.


Everything is finished on my end now. Time for a well earned vodka.

>> No.3588618

Haha, your dad goes to tranny bars.

>> No.3588621

>My dad is Sega CEO
What the fuck was he thinking when he got rid of the megadrive and brought in the Saturn?

>> No.3588623


I'm working on the table of contents right now. I had a problem with the title-less entries, but I figured a way around it that is both elegant and cheap as hell. I'll get to work on these final pages when I'm done with this.

And may I say, thanks a lot, man. Really appreciate the time and effort you've put into this. You're the man. Enjoy your vodka!

>> No.3588685


"I Had Raised Dust" in epub.

It seems that most of "Events" is in here, but there are a few other small stories that might not have been lifted. Some of the titles of slightly different so maybe that's the case.

>> No.3588696


They wouldn't need to. They could just blackmail you with their gigs of personal data.

>> No.3588697

Is a full, collected PDF on the way?

>> No.3588700

Tell your dad thanks for the Dreamcast. Short lived but my favorite console.

>> No.3588705

Google doesn't keep your personal data like that, they've said so. IGo Android!!! Fuck crApple.

>> No.3588710

Why do black people love Android so much. Noticed that when I visited the states.

>> No.3588714

because its the best they can get on boost or whatever prepaid poor people plan they're on. Android is their ghetto iPhone.

>> No.3588719

>Noticed that when I visited the states.
Jesus, why would you ever go there?

>> No.3588720


Still working on the book itself. Page 240 out of 287.

When I'm done, I'll see if there's any stories that need to be added, like the Capuchin one.

Then comes another round of proofreading. Though I'm trying to edit mistakes as I format, there's the chance some things passed me by.

After that... well, it's PDF and epub time.

>> No.3588721

They pay the best

>> No.3588743

Why is this book mentioned non-stop here?
Is this the new Atlas Shrugged or the new Ulysses?

>> No.3588749

Because it's one of the greatest books ever written.

>> No.3588753

lul hv u evn red it? lel..........

>> No.3588754

It's legit good. Very funny and strange and dark.

>> No.3588755

>Because it's one of the greatest books ever written.
>one of
*Because it's the greatest book ever written.

>> No.3588761

Daniil Kharms is one of the best, maybe greatest, Absurdist writer from Russia. His stories are hilarious yet terrifying. His work is being discovered by more people on /lit/ so his popularity is growing.

>> No.3588762

those are very good arguments
i will buy 3 copies now

>> No.3588763

What fucking book are you talking about.

>> No.3588765

The anecdotes about his strange behaviour are almost as good as his writing. Like the useless machine he built out of scrap.

>> No.3588768

Is this all that /lit/ is good for? You're all a bunch of rubes. A bunch of knee-jerk chodes sitting around and waiting for the next viral youtube video to watch.


>> No.3588769

Also give thanks to our messiah, Iranman, for leading us to the omnipotent Kharms.

>> No.3588770
File: 40 KB, 303x448, 11Kaygyas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like the useless machine he built out of scrap.
Would you expect anything less from a guy who looked like this?

>> No.3588772

inb4 you're just upset we don't discuss shitty fantasy like Abercrombie or something.

>> No.3588774

You sound uneducated.

>> No.3588776

If we read the things you read you wouldn't be special any more, Anon, so don't complain.

>> No.3588777



>> No.3588778



>> No.3588788

When the PDF ePub is done make sure to include a dedication for Iranman.

If it wasn't for him none of this would be happening right now.

>> No.3588794


Thank you for your help, but please add a dedication for Iranman. That would be perfect.

>> No.3588817

Change some of the details in the copyright bit to read something like "Published in the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1979" and the translation by "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad"

>> No.3588834

can any one tell me the font the book uses?

>> No.3588838

Comic sans

>> No.3588841

you really want to suffer don't you?

>> No.3588854


The book, I'm not sure. Looks like something between times, garamond, bembo, and countless others serif fonts. Can't tell for sure.

For the PDF and the pages I've posted (well, the latest ones) I'm using Minion Pro.

>> No.3588858

Listen up. I know the shit you’ve been saying behind my back. You think I’m stupid. You think I’m immature. You think I’m a malformed, pathetic excuse for a font. Well think again, nerdhole, because I’m Comic Sans, and I’m the best thing to happen to typography since Johannes fucking Gutenberg.

You don’t like that your coworker used me on that note about stealing her yogurt from the break room fridge? You don’t like that I’m all over your sister-in-law’s blog? You don’t like that I’m on the sign for that new Thai place? You think I’m pedestrian and tacky? Guess the fuck what, Picasso. We don’t all have seventy-three weights of stick-up-my-ass Helvetica sitting on our seventeen-inch MacBook Pros. Sorry the entire world can’t all be done in stark Eurotrash Swiss type. Sorry some people like to have fun. Sorry I’m standing in the way of your minimalist Bauhaus-esque fascist snoozefest. Maybe sometime you should take off your black turtleneck, stop compulsively adjusting your Tumblr theme, and lighten the fuck up for once.

When people need to kick back, have fun, and party, I will be there, unlike your pathetic fonts. While Gotham is at the science fair, I’m banging the prom queen behind the woodshop. While Avenir is practicing the clarinet, I’m shredding “Reign In Blood” on my double-necked Stratocaster. While Univers is refilling his allergy prescriptions, I’m racing my tricked-out, nitrous-laden Honda Civic against Tokyo gangsters who’ll kill me if I don’t cross the finish line first. I am a sans serif Superman and my only kryptonite is pretentious buzzkills like you.

Enough of this bullshit. I’m gonna go get hammered with Papyrus.

>> No.3588866

fine, you can have the book in Comic Sans.

>> No.3588893

Final book in it's current form is 283 pages.

Technically it's done. I'm taking a break to grab some food and do something else. When I get back it's time for adding stories, proofreading and we're good to go.

I know you guys hate waiting, but I've been here working for hours and it's tiring. My hands hurt. Need some rest. So, see you in a bit.
Oh, if anybody wants to help me with proofreading to speed things up a bit...


That's a shit html version of the text. Make sure you download it, because mediafire is showing it with the html coding and stuff. You don't have to read it all; just pick a few stories, read them for your amusement, and if you spot something wrong write it down in a post.

>> No.3588903


>> No.3588980

Oh Daniil boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling...

>> No.3588985

That's brilliant. You linked to the notes from the text.

>> No.3589015

>Oh, if anybody wants to help me with proofreading to speed things up a bit...
>His father, Ivan Pavlovich Yuvachev, had been a narodovolets, a member of The People's Will (Narodnaya Volya), a revolutionary organization that succeeded on their eighth attempt to assassinate the tsar, Alexander II, and later had a go at Alexander 111
That's a lot of Alexanders

>> No.3589173

I'm back.



>> No.3589211


>> No.3589228

I fucking love InDesign's spellcheck. After adding the Russian names and words from the index (making sure they were spelled correctly), it skipped them all and pointed me at the actual errors. Shit was SO cash.


All links point to firstclass-download which is a scam site. There's already a legit pdf, though, but it's not OCR'd.

>> No.3589253
File: 231 KB, 1678x757, 1364068795994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucking love InDesign's spellcheck.
I'm in the middle of designing a business plan. How is InDesign for handling heavy image based documents like pic related?

>> No.3589273
File: 260 KB, 1227x795, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh. I wouldn't say that's heavy image based at all. Pic related (not mine, obviously, but look at the kind of things you can do. Your imagination is the limit.)

Obviously there's factors like your amount of RAM and what not. But InDesign is editorial design software. Countless books and magazines of all types and sizes are made in it.

>captcha: book shessa

>> No.3589314
File: 329 KB, 638x951, document.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I'm not aiming for anything that artistic. I was thinking of going for a minimal look with a simple colour palate. I've just managed to get my head around illustrator having used only photoshop before, and I was thinking of incorporating that 'infograph' feel to save me having to do much in Ps.

Would something like pic related be better designed in InDesign, or would it be better to do the whole thing in Illustrator? I have 8gb of RAM, so that should be enough for either.

>> No.3589334


You can do some very basic drawing with ID. But most of the time you'll find you have to make your graphics separately, then place them into your document (unlike Word, it does not store the image _in_ the document, but accessess it from the hard drive, and renders it when exporting it). Then you mold your copy around the graphics. Or viceversa.

There's countless tutorials on youtube, so you can look up what you want to do and see if it can be done and how.

>> No.3589367

>Is this the new Atlas Shrugged or the new Ulysses?

no because ALL of us actually want to read it and unanimously like the author

>> No.3589392


>> No.3589406

>being this angry about an Internet imageboard

>> No.3589409


>> No.3589412

Put a drop of lavender in your orange, and let the Kharms wash over you.

>> No.3589419

Then don't use 4chan everyday.

>> No.3589435


When you rest, you are a king surveying your estate. Look at the woodland, the peacocks on the lawn. Be the king of your own calm kingdom.

>> No.3589460

Good advice, brother.

>> No.3589465

There's more stories not included in the book than I'd imagined. I'm putting them at the very end, as an appendix.

Almost done.

>> No.3589579

Final book: 343 pages.

Working on final details before exporting.

>> No.3589609

Ah shit, moment of truth

>> No.3589612

Get ready to party /lit/!

>> No.3589614

Don't forget Iranman dedication

>> No.3589615


Haha. This a thing everyone wants?

>> No.3589623

Yes! We need to think of future generations!

>> No.3589635

Yeah man, it'll be a cool inside joke for /lit/

>> No.3589648

Updating the table of contents to include the extra stories, plus making them clickable for the PDF (and presumably the epub as well). This is the last thing to do before exporting.

>> No.3589650

For all that is good and holy, include this >>3588817

>> No.3589660

don't do this, it's corny

>> No.3589662


Heh. But as a translator myself, I would hate to leave mister Yankelevich's out of the book.

>> No.3589664
File: 28 KB, 300x300, weird-al-yankovic-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mister Yankelevich

>> No.3589668

You should change the publishing numbers (the 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2) to 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 er I mean 7, no wait... or something.

>> No.3589674


This I like.

And fuck tables contents. My least favourite part because even InDesign can't get the damn styles right and you have to fix it manually.

>> No.3589676

It's subtle you ass.

>> No.3589677

yes please do it

>> No.3589689


>1 2 3 4 5 6 8... no, it’s 7. Or 8? Hm. 1 2 3 4 5 6. There.

How's this?

>> No.3589705

That seems good. Nice short reference.

>> No.3589712



Now excuse me while I figure out how to make the epub not look like shit.

>> No.3589728

How is "translated by Mahmoud Ahmedinejad" in any way subtle?

This is way better, imho. Subtle and smart. But it's Anon's decision, this is his baby.

Thank you both so much for doing this, btw. You are both honorable men.

>> No.3589732


Epub might take a bit. I'm gonna fix it manually using Sigil because I can't get the export settings right.

>> No.3589734

Oh shit, it's happening.

>> No.3589741

Amazing work.

>> No.3589753
File: 6 KB, 191x234, holyfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3589804



IMPORTANT: the table of contents is incomplete. There's many stories without title and I couldn't figure out how to make them show up without fucking the formatting and making the first sentence/paragraph a header.

So to read the whole thing you'll have to use the pages controls. Every story is in its own page.

>> No.3589810
File: 33 KB, 400x388, so sad frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now there won't be anymore Kharms threads

>> No.3589868

You couldn't do something like "Untitled Story 1" or similar? Thanks for the ePub!

>> No.3589874


Hm. Now I feel like a retarded penguin.

I can do that.

>> No.3589879

Epub file has been removed. I'll update the fixed version shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

>> No.3589897

You have single-handedly redeemed /lit/.

>> No.3589901

Heh, no problem. You've already done so much anyway.

>> No.3589909


You're a good person!

>> No.3589924

The saga comes to an end, after all these years. Now we wait. We wait for Iranman's translation of the work.

>> No.3589929

Can we do a Kharms read-along someday now that we all have access to this work?

>> No.3589934
File: 27 KB, 450x342, riddickulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we inadvertently fulfilled Ocranon's wish and got the book just like he promised

>> No.3589958

Epub 2.0. All stories are now indexed, even the untitled ones.


>> No.3589969
File: 17 KB, 232x173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3589999

i'm so happy
and that is sad

>> No.3590021

It's a bittersweet moment. These threads have been so entertaining, sad to see them go.

>> No.3590025

the stories are like 4 sentences long but holy shit this is entertaining

>> No.3590035

By being nice?

>> No.3590037
File: 84 KB, 605x612, worst-book-covers-titles-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.3590039

Someone.mentioned a John Kettle in another thread who sounds similar to Kharms. There is zero.info on him anywhere on the internet, but this anon has a few of his works.

This should be our next task.

>> No.3590046


I just noticed something on the PDF. Some stories use a line as section divition. InDesign didn't move them when I created the extra pages for the table of contents and they show up in the wrong pages. udfbdbflDBFIEB FD

>> No.3590049

Get your shit together anon. These problems can be fixed. I am, however, docking your pay.

>> No.3590062

PDF 2.0. Lines fixed, plus some quotation marks corrected. Old link is null as of now.


Sorry about that.

>> No.3590080
File: 9 KB, 316x208, 1337556195287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it finally happened

>> No.3590085

wahey :)

>> No.3590094 [DELETED] 


Speaking of pay—and yes, I'm aware of the irony of doing this in a thread about pirating a book—would someone particularly grateful about this ordeal be willing to shell out three bucks ($3) for an ebook? Of course, I suppose I could post it as well, so it'd be more like sharing with the community rather than just one guy.

>> No.3590108

you have my $3
where do i put it?

>> No.3590112 [DELETED] 




Not sure if you have a kindle, or a kindle app, so you can download the file to your computer, then e-mail it to me or upload it somewhere. Or if you want to buy it with the "give as gift" option and send it to my e-mail. Whichever you're more comfortable with. Either way, I can break the DRM so the file can be shared.

>> No.3590116 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 800x719, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, and here's this. If only to comfirm it is me making this request and not someone else taking advantage. (though technically I _am_ taking advantage, to a certain extent...)

>> No.3590125

i bought it.
Methinks you should make a new thread since it might get lost in this current thread.
thanks once again

>> No.3590140 [DELETED] 



>> No.3590166
File: 49 KB, 314x365, 1289679939237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scanbro, designbro, you're both awesome

>> No.3590168

I just realised something.
I could get sued for this since this person is small time. Why don't you make a fake book and charge me $3 for it? I know it's elaborate but I am paranoid as fuck...

>> No.3590176


I don't suppose you'll be the only person who's bought the book. But just to be on the safe side, we can give it some indeterminate amount of time before thinking about releasing it. (Or maybe not release it...) I suppose I'd look suspicious if you buy the book and the same night it goes on the torrents or something... but then again, unless the book spreads like wildfire, maybe they won't even notice.

>> No.3590585

/lit/ you beautiful machine

>> No.3590757

Oh /lit/, i am proud.

Can you imaging if Iranman, Ocranon, Scanbro and Designbro were all the same beautiful person?

>> No.3590897

Bump for glory

>> No.3590910

This explains everything:

"In the mid-1920s, Kharms and Vvedensky became involved with other young writers and theatre artists to form an experi mental theatre group called Radix, which rehearsed with Male vich’s permission in an unheated auditorium at GINKhUK. After several experimental rehearsals (their creative process utilized various intoxicants and hallucinogens), the production dissolved around the time of the removal of...."

>> No.3590948

Does this mean that Daniil Kharms is officially dead on /lit/ now?


>> No.3590969

man these are some pretty wacky stories

>> No.3590977

"OBERIU: An Anthology of Russian Absurdism" should be our next target. Would be nice to read some of his contemporaries.

>> No.3590983

I want to see "Pushkin and Gogol" performed IRL

>> No.3590985

We should compile our own Russian Absurdism book – I'm pretty sure the copyright for the original stories has expired– and publish the ebook on Amazon.

>> No.3591004

>Does this mean that Daniil Kharms is officially dead on /lit/ now?

It looks so. But we can always start celebrating his wake just like Joyce did with Finnegans.

>> No.3591048
File: 78 KB, 800x571, partizani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead? I don't think so. In fact, I don't see why we can't have more Khams-esque threads. Imagine a thread where we share and discuss absurdist stories and poetry, both from OBERIU and OC if you have it. There's a lot to talk about on this topic, and if anything, I'd say Khams only signified the resurgence of surrealism on /lit/ as there have already been a couple of OC threads.
I think the first order of business should be to pluck a grape from our eye, and compose an epic saga retelling the story of Iranman Alekseyevich, Ocranon Smentov, Scanbro Gorshkov, and Designbro Rokossovsky in the classic Khams fashion.

>> No.3591075

>Iranman Alekseyevich, Ocranon Smentov, Scanbro Gorshkov, and Designbro Rokossovsky in the classic Khams fashion.

Good potential for next absurd threads but it would take some time to OCR all of them.

>> No.3591116

Expect a week or two of keen discussion, then the contrarians will turn on him for being too popular.

>> No.3591148

I don't think so. I, for example, knew about Kharms long before he was popular.

>> No.3591159
File: 14 KB, 526x169, FireShot Screen Capture #025 - &#039;Amanda Bynes Tweets Raunchy Message to Drake I HEAVY&#039; - www_heavy_com_regions_2013_03_amanda-bynes-tweets-raunchy-message-to-drake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting into the book. Its like children's stories for adults (he also wrote children's books) The format is cool, a small prose poem thing then the next one. No one does that these days.

>> No.3591164

What does your post have to do with the one you quoted?

>> No.3591169

It's satire. The guy was saying popularity will kill Kharms. I countered with the cliché, "I knew about him before he was mainstream".

>> No.3591173


This is a good read. Perhaps it could be tacked on to the end of the PDF copy?

>> No.3592542

Oh I get it. Still isn't funny.

>> No.3592569

>It's satire
Drown in your own piss.

>> No.3592606

the tricky part is the copyright on the translations, it'd be inringement regardless :(

>> No.3592620

just when we started to get along