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/lit/ - Literature

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3583916 No.3583916 [Reply] [Original]

Are you lonely? (I'm going to assume that since you're on 4chan, most of you are)

How much human contact (the face to face kind) do you have on an average day? Are you OK with this? How do you cope?

>> No.3583919

I don't have any experiences of not being lonely to compare the way I feel now to, so, I don't know.

>> No.3583923

i work with people all day, live with my boyfriend and try to hang out with friends as much as possible i'm always lonely for whatever reason

>> No.3583931

There's a different between human contact and actual meaningful human contact. Maybe there's not enough of the latter in your life?

>> No.3583935

>ey bb u want sum fuck

>> No.3583936

In the past few months, I've spoken a few words to cashiers here and there while grocery shopping, and I see the other person I live with for about an hour every few days. I do not get lonely and I am very content with this arrangement.

>> No.3583938

even though I think we are all alone from birth to death. I can't even begin to describe the euphoria I get from someone else's touch

>> No.3583939

where do i find meaningful human contact?

>> No.3583940

Your boyfriend isn't fulfilling your sexual needs. I bet that lazy bastard doesn't even give you a good rimming.

>> No.3583952

Why ask here?

>> No.3583957

none, I'm perfectly content with it

>> No.3583958

Not on 4chan.

>> No.3583960

To be perfectly honest, I don't know. There are two people I chat with in my daily routine who will probably never know how important they are to me and how devastated I will be when they eventually move on to somewhere else. But on the other hand, I'm very productive in terms of reading and writing when I'm alone at home.

>> No.3583991

90% of the time I'm not. 10% of the time I get horribly horribly lonely.

>> No.3584021

Everyday? Daily.

Right now, I'm in the library, finishing up some Graduate maths HW with a friend of mine. I'm browsing /lit/ during small breaks.

>> No.3584029

I'm not incredibly lonely. I see people every day since I live with them and since I'm still in school (law major hue hue).
I actually am schizophrenic and hear voices, and one of them is my boyfriend.

>> No.3584067

Well I work on the school paper so I see those people a lot, and my girlfriend when we don't have shit going on.

My really close friends go to college one town over, so I see them once, maybe twice, a week.
I really enjoy alone time, though. I think it's important.

>> No.3584091

I'm really lonely, videogames used to help, but now they just bore me. Books help at college whenever I don't have class (2 or 4 "free" hours everyday), but don't help at home.
I really crave some human contact, and whenever I hang out with some "friends", I feel so damn alive, and for a moment I think I'm real.

>> No.3584137

What's he like?

>> No.3584154

people all on my dick everyday

>> No.3584156

Yes I am lonely. But for me it is the fact that I don't really have someone to talk deeply about my passions (literature, art, writing, philosophy).

Overall I have a lot of face to face contact. I have a circle of very good friends and meet them at least every weekend and hang out with them, often also in the evening on weekdays.
I really love my friends, they are amazing people, but I can't really talk with them about the stuff I am interested in, at least not on a deeper level and that is what I am missing.

>> No.3584157
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He's perfect for me. Doesn't bother me when I'm busy, and likes all the things that I do (since he has to see the world with my eyes anyway). I've always imagined him as a character from Morenatsu, pic related

>> No.3584162


where do you live?

>> No.3584177
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I wouldn't say I'm lonely. I talk on Skype A LOT and I have a wonderful family, for the most part.

>> No.3584205
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well played

>> No.3584233
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Yes I'm damn lonely. I wish I could imagine myself as someone in a Hemingway short story but I don't really have the dignity. . .or anything else.

>> No.3584248

lots, i go to school
yeah i guess
too much social interaction is awful, i like being alone

>> No.3584268

Guys I never shitpost since this is the off-topic thread and you guys are my bros can you help me maybe

Things feel through with this girl, and I just now realized I'm attached to her as fuck

I need to never talk to her again, because literally all I could get out of her is sex, that's all I wanted at the start, to get laid, and then I got fucking attached as shit and now I'm all "I love her" and it's awful, and I want to spend time with her and stuff and talk to her even though she and I have very little in common and she's not that interesting, I want a relationship and shit now and fuck that

She's replying to texts but I can tell she isn't interested at all anymore, I really fucked things up last night when I was drunk, worst feel ever.

I have this "pull feeling" towards texting her even though I know I shouldn't, and now I'm all hyped up and feeling awful and zgzgxgs, and this feeling is exactly why I don't want to be attached to some girl

It's like that nietzsche quote "ah women, they make the highs higher and the lows more often" and I'm not down for feeling all these fucking lows

Venting this here helps a lot but should I text her? Like honestly, should I still try for a relationship or something?

>> No.3584277

I can't even measure by day... An average of twice a week. Not even joking

>> No.3584284


Rimming, the solution to loneliness.

>> No.3584286

Actually, scratch that. An average of 1.5 would be more accurate

>> No.3584298

First thing, we all go through shit like that. I had a smilar thing with a girl I was friends with and never had any feelings for her, but after a while I noticed there was something, even though I didn't want that.

My advice would be, don't message her for now. I can see by your post, that you are in an emotional turmoil and if you start messaging with her now, you will most likely end up posting the 'I love you' thingy which will totally fuck things up. For now, don't try to write her anymore. If she is interested in you, she will probably message you at one point, if not well fuck it then.

Back when I was in that situation, I cut contact with the girl completely. Deleted her on facebook (yes I know...) and delted her number. I would say, if you won't to get rid of your feelings for her, the best thing is to get rid of all means of contacting her. And also delete all of her pictures and conversations you had with her.

>> No.3584313
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Not really able to say much other than my feels are with you bro.

>> No.3584321

Alright, I won't message her back, if she doesn't message me tonight or tomorrow at all I'll just say fuck it. Spoilered because this is mostly just my way of getting my thoughts on the situation out, /lit/ is my therapist, nobody should read this, etc: Honestly, I'd been picturing her as something far greater than what she is, and she would only hold me back, and besides she lives too far away from me and I'd barely get to see her even if things did work out, we'd only continue to skype and that gets boring, especially when she shares next to none of my interests. I guess I just like her a lot for no reason and that's the worst way attraction could turn out, she could literally add only drama to my life and take away my time, and sometimes we'd have sex. Sucks that I couldn't work out though. It also sucks that I pictured the whole thing of me and her being much more than just a week or so of infatuation. I thought we'd watch movies together and make memories and stuff but it just isn't possible. Really, really wish it could have worked out. I honestly forgot what it was like to have some kind of love shared between me and another person
Thanks a lot though man, I think you really helped me.
I really appreciate it.

>> No.3584344

Yes. I'm unbearably, profoundly lonely, which a few girlfriends and scores of friends haven't been able to get rid of, at least for long, anyway. There's no compromise with loneliness. Spending time with someone who half understands you doesn't take away half your loneliness - it just makes you lonelier.

Fuck, I feel I could do so much more if I didn't spend half my time wishing I had somebody to share my thoughts and experiences with.

>> No.3584353

I live with my mother and that is about all the human contact I get some times. Other days I go out to the store. Some times I even go and visit a friend where she works

>> No.3584354

i see people heavily a few days a week (for more than 4-5 hours, excluding work) and not at all another few days a week. I'm fine with it - i do a lot of math in my free time keeps things going.

>> No.3584371

I feel like I'm one of the only people on 4chan who is not lonely and who is completely happy with his social situation. I'm around a lot of people about half the time, but even when I'm alone, I never feel lonely. Tell me, /lit/, why are you guys like this? What stops you from grabbing happiness by the balls and forcing it into submission?

>> No.3584411

In truth OP, yes an no.

I spend a lot of time with my girlfriend, talking about whatever and we have sex regularly.
I also hang out with my friends at College and we played tabletop/video games a lot and often drink too much on the weekends at the local up the street. So I'm not lonely in terms of whether I see people, because I do.

But, you see, I'm lonely on a deeper level.
I know this sounds bullshitty, but hey...
I read extensively, mostly to widen my perspective and gather thoughts and ideas and opinions on stuff I find intersting.

None of my friends think to way I do or even read for that matter. This probably sounds pretty fucking arrogant, but I'm intellectually lonely. No one wants to hear me when I talk about the cool stuff I discover in novels or even in /lit/.

The only person who almost challenges that intellectual loneliness is my Lit tutor at college, but he's a bit of an unapproachable e/lit/ist and it'd be weird If I said, hey lets both put time aside to talk, but the College might get the wrong idea...

Anyway, thanks for listening.

TL:DR - Have friends & Girlfriend, but no /lit/ contact makes me feel isolated.

>> No.3584414

>Are you lonely?
>How much human contact (the face to face kind) do you have on an average day?
Chill with friend every other day, was too social the past few years, so I'm taking a break from life, right now.
>Are you OK with this?
Ya, I was perhaps more 'lonely' when I spent more time with others. Would like more of my friends to watch football, so they would join me for games, but Americans just don't understand the beautiful game.
>How do you cope?
Spend a lot of time reading, take solace in understanding that my desire is always already more the other's desire that the desire for the other, anyway.

>> No.3584421

Also consuming psychotropic substances, the constant sense of a consuming love will in every case make you feel less alone.

>> No.3584424

I am quite lonely, I spent nearly two years in complete social isolation. Only spoke to my family and you dear anons.

When I started school I didn't hesitate to begin to talk to people again, it makes me feel better, and I learn quite a bit. Sometimes I find myself wandering around campus feeling like I have no place to go or belong to. So I retreat into a secluded corner of the school I found and just sit down and write, or even sing sometimes.

So most of my time is still spent alone, though I make my interactions count for something. Feels good man.

>> No.3584442


Not arrogant. Right there with you. Love my girlfriend and my best friends...

but I can't connect with any of them on a literary level. And literature is my greatest love. And for that, i'm lonely.

>> No.3584447

I'm in a bit of a dilemma, most of which is probably psychological.

I've had serious relationships, but my last one kind of blew up in my face and left me with the revelation that I'm not a very good person, at least when I am given the power to fulfill my desires. So I approach women/people differently, more distantly, unable to give my former passionate self to anybody for fear of things blowing up in my face again. And anytime I think of being passionate, I ask myself if I'm lying and cannot answer.

So, that's where I am. It's a very bizarre place to be. I'm physically and academically at the top of my game, but socially number than I've ever been. I feel jaded and often feel like I can anticipate where things are going to go with other people, and it doesn't help that I'm usually right. So it leaves me waiting for some great person to come and save me, which is a weak position to be in.

>> No.3584448
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>Are you lonely? (I'm going to assume that since you're on 4chan, most of you are)
Eh, yeah. Apathy abounds, however.

>How much human contact (the face to face kind) do you have on an average day?
Not much. Outside of going grocery shopping or going to school, I have one friend who I hang out with on occasion. Social anxiety always grips me, and I do classic avoidance behaviors. It's like being in a mosh pit all of the time -- you feel like there's so much chaos and threatening energy around you. And so you'd rather just stay home.

>Are you OK with this? How do you cope?
I'm not okay with it. I've always just sort of embraced the pain and let it soak into my skin. But I eventually will overcome it.

>> No.3584451


Don't worry man, >>3584156
here. I have the same problem as you have. Like I posted I have friends and socialize a lot, but it is the same as you, I have no one to talk to about /lit/ and overall art related issues.

>> No.3584470

None. I used to see people and they made me feel lonely. Now their absence make me feel blessed.

>> No.3584472

Most of us are socially passive introverts, which is why we come here. There are no obligations and expectations that might make us uncomfortable. Building relationships requires a lot of effort over time, which is difficult when you have this sort of disposition.

>> No.3584555

I'm not depressed, sad lonely, at least not yet. I'm more, somethings missing in my life lonely.

I still live with my parents, so I see people everyday. I have a gf, I see her as well. Not many friends though, in fact no friends at all. I'm not too worried about that.

I cope by waking up at 12, clicking around on the internet, watching a couple movies, promising my parents everything is going to be ok, and then going to bed and promising myself tomorrow I'll work hard and fix everything.

>> No.3584586

Looking at these posts makes me realize that I'm basically another lonely kid in what must be many legions of unrequited souls.

My experiences are basically what most of you have: brief interludes of human contact, punctuated by a sense of deep unease and self-hatred. I don't have Orwell's power of facing, or any real way to combat a malignant self-pity.

I'm reminded of a quote I heard somewhere: "Language is a cracked kettle on which we bang out tunes for bears to dance to, while we need to move the stars to tears."

>> No.3584596

I sing, too. Fatuous comparisons to caged birds aside, it does bring me some measure of comfort.

>> No.3584616
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Sometimes. Roughly one day every fortnight I feel completely and utterly terrible and have to talk myself out of suicide.

I get human contact from my family every day but it's just meaningless smalltalk e.g.
>"how was your day son"
>"apply to any jobs today?"
>"yeah, a few"
>"that's good, we're having chicken for dinner"

>> No.3584617

I am sometimes lonely, but I prefer to be alone.
I talk to my mum sometimes during the day, depends how much she is at home. And I see people in Church on Sundays.
I'd like more human contact, but I really want it to be with someone worthwhile. I can't wait to live alone and then slowly begin to share that with someone else, who is socially inept as I am.

>> No.3584621

I think part of the answer to the loneliness here is in how many people just posted their problems without reading or responding to anybody else's. .

>> No.3584627

Apt. What do you think the basis for that is? Inability to empathize? Unwillingness?

>> No.3584628

Nobody likes a pity party unless they're the guest of honour.

>> No.3584631

Well, part of that self-pity comes from the fact that not a single person here is unique in their experiences. We can't even be unique in our wretchedness.

>> No.3584632

We're simply just answering, OP..

>> No.3584637

Without wanting to sound teenage-girl-edgy, every single person is unique in their experiences. It is our emotions that are in congruence.

>> No.3584641

No, but i do get bored often.

>> No.3584643

Homework/assignment threads make me cry huge tears of loneliness and futility.

>> No.3584644

They're so similar they make no substantive difference. For instance, if I told you about my particular almost-failed love interest in high school, numerous people would attest to having the same experience.

For people like us, I believe there is very little difference between the similar situations that bring about similar emotion. Are they unique? Yes. Is that uniqueness of any consequence? I think no.

>> No.3584647
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>tfw you refresh this thread every minute or so, hoping somebody replies to your post and you possibly exchange emails becoming great friends who fill the void in each other's lives.

>> No.3584649

Again, it's hard to be friends with people who are basically YOU with some minor inconsistencies. I have a feeling that we relish this loneliness, that we cling to it like tics to a deer. It gives us a definite identity. Something tangible.

>> No.3584651

I think if both parties were willing to explore their feelings on the issue with hope to improve then something beneficial can come from it all.

>> No.3584655


If everyone had a friend like themselves, loneliness wouldn't exist.

>> No.3584656


>> No.3584657

>not using the auto refresh feature
Are people on /lit/ seriously this pleb?

>> No.3584658

That's the only way you can make it out of something like this. I stumble sometimes myself but it's the general idea that counts, treat it all as a learning curve.

>> No.3584659

Bullshit. I'd hate to have a friend like myself.

>> No.3584661

I couldn't be friends with a person like myself.

>> No.3584664

Recently lonely, its horrible. I had the best girlfriend but we had to break up because we'll never be able to be with each other. It sucks because we still love one another. I was lonely before but it never bothered me because I was used to it but now I know heaven and I'm in hell.

I'm just going to read a lot, take pleasure in misery by thinking of myself as stoically taking this burden, and I'm going to escape. I'm very sad though.

>> No.3584662
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I attend my University's Philosophy Society every week and talk with people for several hours but that's about it. What I really want is to start interacting with all sorts of strange people in odd social circles which are far away from the "norm". I want to hang with bohemians and schizophrenics and circus people and exist on the fringes. I've been with mainstream people with mainstream ideas for too long.

>> No.3584668

A good try. But the one immutable fact is that nobody makes it out of this. Learning curves implies that people like me can learn.

>> No.3584669


Well, both of you are obviously worthless people. I think, he meant more of a person with goals, aspirations, thirst for knowledge having an intellectual friend like themselves.

>> No.3584670

romanticizing fringe people/homeless/poor is pretty lame and mainstream
mostly they're dumb but fun

>> No.3584672

Yeah but think about the incites and excitement. I would agree many of them are dumb.

>> No.3584674

Just because you can't get along with myself doesn't mean you're worthless.

>> No.3584675


grow up.

>> No.3584676

There's a difference between someone like me and someone who has the same goals, aspirations etc. I'm drawn to those people who embody the present, who are actors rather than observers. Intellectual stuff really doesn't play into it for me as much as some.

>> No.3584677
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I get so lonely baby
I get so lonely
I get so lonely
I could die

>> No.3584678

If you want to stay there then you will, but don't try to tell me that it's impossible to change. I know that to be 100% Bullshit.

>> No.3584680

I'd speak with you, you lonely bastard, delivering the full packaged service of camaraderie for free!

>> No.3584683


I'm referring to the eccentric and interesting people on the fringes and not the dangerous and violent.

>> No.3584684

We'll see.

>> No.3584686

>btw i`m a grill xD

>> No.3584690

Sure it does, look at how you wrote that sentence.

>I'm drawn to those people who embody the present, who are actors rather than observers.

Worthless and pretentious.

>> No.3584696

Lyk dis if u cri evry tyme

>> No.3584710

Hey anon.
Sorta same problem as you. Ended the casual relationship I had with my girlfriend before we left for college, regretted it deeply for the following months.
It took me a while to realise, but the problem was that I was remembering only the good parts. It's almost cliche, but there was no other explanation. From what you wrote it seems like you must have this problem too. I won't say to try to counter that by thinking about the bad, but it just helps to understand what's going through your mind.

>> No.3584724

Just saying. Posting in this thread and staying passiv isn't the way to find people to talk to.

Seriously, start a skype group or an irc channel or whatever with other people on here who are lonely and start talking with them. Setting up such stuff doesn't take more than a few minutes.

>> No.3584725

enough. maybe a little less than average, but I work at a university, have quite a few friend groups, and live with my girlfriend. sometimes I go a day without leaving the house here and there, but it's rare.

>> No.3584726

I hate people, but I want company. When I get it, which is rare, I begin to get a nagging feeling after a while, and when they leave I'm so happy and then an hour later I'm lonely again. Just broke up with a girlfriend of nearly 3 years; don't really care to ever have a true relationship with another person again. Since then I spurn my family, extended and otherwise, and have begun to burn bridges with close friends for no real reason. I make appearances in town for groceries and amenities but filled with loathing the whole time and ready to get home. I sit here, read, and watch movies. It's altogether releasing and awful at the same time.

>> No.3584727


Will* see.

>> No.3584730


When does it end?

>> No.3584746

I have been through a very similar series of events over the past few years.
I've learned that maintaining friendships is vital and worth it even if they are only slightest bit pleasant. Burned too many bridges, now I have very few friends and it's terrible, I always feel desperate for meaningful interaction. I'm beginning to realize there is probably something wrong with me and my expectation of friendships/people in general, idk

>> No.3584750
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>tfw (21) trying to climb out of a 4 year hole of isolation not knowing if I'd even enjoy what I'm going for.
>tfw every time I'm outside I go on autopilot and totally feel like another person than that of when I'm alone. Once I get comfortable I act like every other normalfag. I just go with the flow and talk talk to keep the conversation going talking about random shit for laughs. Problem is I'm not sure if I truly enjoy this as I feel I'm just trying (i do effortlessly, but still) to keep the other person engaged in convo or whatnot.
>tfw not sure how will I ever meet / show the real me to my waifus and if they'd ever love me for who I am beneath

>> No.3584753

we live in an inhibitive societal structure. take risks. as many as you can. regret what you did, instead of didnt.

>> No.3584755


>> No.3584756
File: 17 KB, 386x383, brograbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's comforting to know that countless people are going through what I am going through, some experiences almost exactly similar to mine
some of us will manage to learn something from all this i'm sure
hope all of you can be content with your lives someday

>> No.3584757
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>I hate people

mfw I'll never understand people like this. Why don't you try articulate a adequate reason to 'hate' people. Why would you give a single fuck about what anyone else does? You obviously have some self-loathing that you project onto the world "...a sign of inward weakness, they fear their own slave soul and shroud it in a royal cloak"

>> No.3584765 [DELETED] 
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I don't think that I've ever felt loneliness, only boredom. Most of my time is spent trying to make people stay away from me, not move towards me.

I'm seventeen years old, and I don't really want a girlfriend. I don't understand the feels that people get. I don't really care for my friends at school. I wish I could be left alone more often.

The neediness of some people bothers me. I hate having to hang out with my friends every single day.

I keep up a nice facade, though. I wish I had the courage to end my friendships, but I couldn't stand the drama. Just ten more weeks left, then they'll all fly away to college and leave me at peace.

>> No.3584863
File: 471 KB, 380x285, original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lonely lonely all the time at the station on the bus at work in the grocer at a friends at home doesnt matter lonely lonely everywhere

>> No.3584898

"When evening comes, I go back home, and go to my study. On the threshold, I take off my work clothes, covered in mud and filth, and I put on the clothes an ambassador would wear. Decently dressed, I enter the ancient courts of rulers who have long since died. There, I am warmly welcomed, and I feed on the only food I find nourishing and was born to savor. I am not ashamed to talk to them and ask them to explain their actions and they, out of kindness, answer me. Four hours go by without my feeling any anxiety. I forget every worry. I am no longer afraid of poverty or frightened of death. I live entirely through them."

>> No.3584914


None. Yes. It not (necessarily) something you have to "cope with" (I actually had to cope with the opposite)

>> No.3585711

I have no desire to rule dickface but rather to avoid arrogant cocks such as yourself who endeavor the delusion that they have some clasp or handle on the world when in reality they are just as lost as any other. I don't pretend to know anything I do not.

“When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities”

>> No.3585714



>> No.3585834

Same! I'm usually fine on my own, except for those nights when I feel like shit and everyone else is busy so I just drink until I feel too dizzy to be sad.

>> No.3585891


What do you mean when you say "eccentric" and "interesting"?

>> No.3585895


>I'm seventeen years old

Yeah, you have never known loneliness.

>> No.3585898

Nope, not lonely.

I see at least one person every day because I'm rooming with another dude. Most of the time I hang out with my good friends once a month at least, and that's enough for me.

>> No.3585915

are you me? same age, same everything

>> No.3585943
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>this thread

>> No.3585959

I only see one other person daily. This as been the norm for me since I finished college. So...like 2 years. For those wondering I have a wonderful wife who keeps me alive.

>> No.3585960
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I'll seem arrogant as fuck, but I talk to a lot of people and there all awful. Hence the fact I keep myself from their influence by staying alone. It is great, cause Solitude is bliss, I'm free to read books.

>> No.3585964

my wiener

>> No.3585967


But, yeah, I'm lonely. Maybe I like it this way. I recently broke up with my long term girlfriend and I'm "regretting" it now. But, it's helpful to consider that this is just one of many days and situations in my life. The water keeps flowing, ya' mean?

>> No.3585968
File: 1.01 MB, 2400x3138, George_Gordon_Byron,_6th_Baron_Byron_by_Richard_Westall_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only see some people at work and that's it. I have one friend but we don't see each other that much because we are too busy.
Right now, well I feel okay. But I will feel like shit once my parents are dead.

>> No.3585976

Why are you assuming I'm a troll ? Does my logos disturb you ? Yes, I'm a horrid person, the kind of person you hate. But comprehend I'm just an idiot who doesn't appreciate the social game. I only like it with people I esteem highly.

>> No.3585980

>Are you lonely?
>How much human contact (the face to face kind) do you have on an average day?
As much as possible.

>> No.3585994

can you break down the meaning of logos for me? Not a one word definition, but instead a etymological explanation?

>> No.3585997
File: 428 KB, 721x1004, another lonely night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I get by.

>> No.3586002

I want to read some Foucault, lit. What should I start with?

>> No.3586027

I mostly just live in my head. It's not so bad, after a while your imagination gets so vivid, you can almost feel the manikin you conjured up in your head hug you, sometimes I can even hear it talk.

>> No.3586226
File: 1.05 MB, 1871x2846, alone-together-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3586232

I'm alone. But not lonely.

>> No.3586288

If I were to die in my apartment, nobody would know for days. just like your divorced parents

>> No.3586310
File: 97 KB, 900x553, The Blind Poet Sheep and his Numerous Shepherds That See.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not nearly Lonely enough, is this single sheep. You have to beat all of your Shepherds with a stick; to steer them away to their own path.


>> No.3586321
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1200, Adolf on the Roses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sir, you baawww quieter than all the other shepherds, so they won't hear anything; they'll mistake it for their voice.

>> No.3586333

I'm not particularly lonely. 4chan is an old habit from when I used to be. I spend about six hours a day with another person and we also spend the night together.
I'm okay with it, even though it used to be easier for me to actually be alone before they were around. Constantly being around someone obviously also means that you have to compromise. I sometimes even miss being all by myself and getting drunk in the morning.
But I wouldn't want to miss them.

>> No.3586343

this was okay for a pop-psch book, by which i mean pop psychology and not pop-psychedelic

>> No.3586397


The loneliness was so much easier before, because the caring of another person didn't really develop - so it wasn't really loneliness.

Now it sucks when you're away 'cuzz of that person that probably has the same problem as you.

>> No.3586406

>If I were to die in my apartment, nobody would know for days.

There have been cases of old people in Japan who have passed on and not been discovered for months or even years.

That idea is frightful.

>> No.3586415

Why? Because corpses are precious?

>> No.3586517

I'm kind off a social camel. I fill up my social hump with friends on the weekends and I'm pretty much good. Even though I barely talk to people in my classes for more than 5 minutes, that's enough for me. I'm naturally introverted. I don't want a girl friend or and STD but I don't want someone to touch my penis, so yeah that can be frustrating.

I cope largely by reading. Duh.

>> No.3586527


Oh wow. Sorry: I don't want a girlfriend or an STD but I DO want someone to touch my penis

Then again, maybe I subconsciously don't.

>> No.3586541

I'm alone most of the time, but I never feel lonely.

>> No.3586600

Count yourself lucky.

>> No.3586638
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you know that /lit/ will never fund itself to buy a big house/ranch so we all go live there "sect style" and be all intellectual and bro with no worries.

>> No.3586759

I'm in highschool. I've social anxiety so I've distanced myself from most people. I've two friends, one I get coffee with afterschool most days. He also has strong anxiety. The other I don't see often outside of school because he is a "cool" "art punk" and wants to go to places I am scared to go. I usually don't go out on weekends (except to meet my first friend (and sometimes his friends) for coffee (caffeine helps my anxiety (Adderall helps it much more (but I can't find it anymore)))) unless there's a good movie playing wide release I want to see. Sometimes I'll go up to LA when a good movie, show, exhibition is happening.

I'm not really lonely, but the last time I had a girlfriend was a few years ago. It was nice, she was open to most of my interests, so I had a friend who would accompany me to whatever "weird" thing caught my attention and the sexual closeness was very fun. Since breaking up with her, I only get to see movies or galleries when it falls into one of my 2 friend's interests, which isn't often. I wish I had a new girl, one who dressed well and didn't have boring taste.

>> No.3586783


Mexico, loneliness is so fucking awful here, since like 90% people have lots of friends, and many good friends.

>> No.3586793


what sort of retard is on that pic? I lol'd xD

is it a metaphore?

>> No.3586888


We are way too presumptuous in this regard. We wholly disregard all conceivabilities but the prominent one. Of course, being lonely isn't the sole constituent of being interested in discoursing literature.