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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 89 KB, 1185x622, 1363052592015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3582547 No.3582547 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder

>> No.3582566

I'd like to sock this guy in the face.

>> No.3582582

He'll grow out of that phase in a year

>> No.3582594

>I am above all else, humble.

Great line, great line.....

>> No.3582603

If you know that guy, and he ever grows out of this, be sure to post this on his wall one day to remind him what a fag he was.

>> No.3582605

>I am above all else
I believe this is what he intended.

>> No.3582634


Post it every day. Talking shit about Beethoven and Mozart? I've killed men for less.

>> No.3582637

>Finnegan's Wake


>> No.3582656

there's a lot of pretension going on in here

>> No.3582712
File: 45 KB, 621x444, 1327210288457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That remark about music is legitimately one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever read

>> No.3582716

I don't know if OP has been trolled so hard by that image he posts it every day or if it's actually Andrew in the picture trolling people who reply by posting his own picture pretending to have been trolled so hard by that image he posts it every day.
Given that he made it on purpose, talked like that on purpose and then capped it on purpose, I suspect he's still just trolling /lit/ with it. It's easier to repost something every day out of pride than anger.

Most importantly, the OP tends to ignore it when I post in these threads to point out it's completely staged.
It was funny to begin with but it's just shitposting now.

>> No.3582721


To be fair, the fact that /lit/ is trolled by someone who is stuck up about literature is probably a good sign for /lit/.

>> No.3582731

It was originally posted by a Moroccan or Algerian or something on KC /int/ by someone complaining about his pretentious friends on Facebook, then it was re-posted on /lit/ (by a Brazilian) to troll us. I don't know whether the guy in the pic is joking or not, but it's not him posting it here.

>> No.3582749

you should go outside more

>> No.3582750

Andrew is not all that stuck up about literature. He's satirizing /lit/ in that picture and in that attitude. Those are all /lit/s favorite books and hes doing an impression of harold bloom in the picture. He does not talk like that normally.

That's funny. Most people who post things they found on image boards dont know their exact history. Its almost like a deliberate alibi.

Its a /lit/ poster deliberately satirizing /lit/. Its clearly staged. The only reason to keep posting it is if you're trying to troll more people with it. Stop shitposting.

>> No.3582752

But there are people outside...

>> No.3582754

>That's funny. Most people who post things they found on image boards dont know their exact history. Its almost like a deliberate alibi.

I was in the original thread on KC and the original thread on /lit/. I was the Britball who first suggested cross-posting it onto /lit/.

>> No.3582770

How convenient.

Luckily you have me here to point out how obviously staged it is. So unless you're lying you now know its a troll image and you can delete the thread in shame, never to post it again.

>> No.3582777

I'm not the OP of this thread, I'm just saying. The original one of these threads was even invaded by Bernds. Look it up on warosu.

Like I said, I don't know whether he is taking the piss or not, but he almost certainly did not specifically have /lit/ in mind if he was. The original Moroccan poster on KC sounded sincere enough when he posted the picture as evidence of his annoying pretentious Facebook friends.

>> No.3582782

Les Miserables
Don Quixote
Anna Karenina
The Brothers Karamazov
Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest

What are the other two?

>> No.3582791

There was a guy in the last bookshelves thread who had the exact same copies of all the books in that picture. He is surely among us, chuckling away as he eats his Spaghettios.

>> No.3582804
File: 28 KB, 226x273, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I pointed out it was staged when it first appeared. Link to the archived thread and I'll show you my post.

It is staged. Everything about it is obviously staged. It is obviously staged and satirizing /lit/.
The person in the picture is a /lit/ poster. He has written for TAR. All those books were chosen because they are discussed on /lit/. He is doing an impression of Harold Bloom.

Normally he does not pose like that, nor does he write like that. The person with the Moroccan IP must have known this. It was either a proxy or a friend posting it from Morocco to provide him with an alibi.

That is not a difficult thing to arrange, he is more than intelligent enough to have done.

No doubt a it's successful troll, but it's shitposting at this point. The longer this thread stays up, the more it gets reposted, the more obviously it is him or one of his friends posting it. Internet famous.

>> No.3582813

>The person with the Moroccan IP must have known this. It was either a proxy or a friend posting it from Morocco to provide him with an alibi.
Just how fucking elaborate of a scheme have you deluded yourself into thinking there was behind posting a stupid Facebook screenshot on 4chan?

>> No.3582814

one of them is the B&N publication of Plato's Republic. Only reason i know is i have the same one

>> No.3582842


I thought that said Republic, thank you.

Les Miserables
Plato's Republic
Don Quixote
Anna Karenina
The Brother's Karamazov
Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest

Anyone know the last one?

>> No.3582853

The thing is, it was posted on a different site and wouldn't have even reached /lit/ if I hadn't suggested cross-posting it...

>> No.3582863


Man will confabulate all the world's confabulations rather than embrace the horror of the banal.

>> No.3582892

I blame the parents

>> No.3582897

Do you really think that's elaborate? Getting a friend in another country to post something on krautchan first is elaborate? How unimaginative are you?

It doesn't matter, anyway. It's a staged picture. It beggars belief that anyone would be taken in by it for long. That's a bit suspicious.

It's also a bit suspicious and not even slightly elaborate that it keeps getting posted and just as the thread is made, someone who definitely isn't the OP but just happens to have been when it was first posted is there to explain how it couldn't possibly have been staged because it was posted from Morocco.

This person >>3582853 is certainly in on it, because he is the "reason" it came across.
A /lit/ poster satirizes /lit/ (but would not want his cover blown, it would ruin the troll) and just happens to get that one picture screencapped and posted by a foreigner (who somehow doesn't notice that it was an obvious troll but obscures all their names as you do for people you dislike) on an imageboard where it is publically visible that they are not the same nationality as the /lit/ poster it is of, then minutes later someone else, visibly yet another nationality, suggests it be taken to /lit/.
I can't think of a less elaborate alibi anyone would take.

Even if this is wrong, it is still, obviously staged. There is all the reason to believe it is staged, the only people who would deny it at this point are "in" on it and fuck you.

>> No.3582900

So what exactly would you say to this guy?

I know it's wrong and he's pretentious and horrible, but what can you possibly tell a person like this?

>> No.3582912

I'd tell him stop pretending, you're a really obvious troll.

>> No.3582918

You are severely paranoid and delusional. You need help. Seriously, please see a professional for your own sake.

>> No.3582921

You are approaching Slothrop levels of paranoia.

>> No.3582932

You make these accusations but other than "lolol ur crazy" you have no argument to show it is not a troll. I'm not trying to convince you, I'm just making it clear to the other posters.
Give it up, Andrew.

Use of repetition is just fluff. Don't you have standards?

>> No.3582955

No one is saying it isn't a troll.

The point is, the fact that you've convinced yourself beyond all reasonable doubt that an entire back-story and alibi were concocted by a single person so that they could post a troll image without "having their cover blown" on an anonymous imageboard shows that you are a fucking maniac.

This alibi that you have deluded yourself into thinking is truth is quite obviously the product of an unstable mind. It has absolutely no logical reasoning behind it. For what reason would "Andrew" need to even create an alibi for posting a stupid picture of a Facebook screenshot? For what reason would he post it on /int/ first, using a proxy to hide his identity that is already fucking hidden due to it being an anonymous discussion? For what reason would he then pretend to be an entirely separate British person suggesting it be posted on /lit/, and then pretend to be a third person posting it on /lit/ unrelated to all the previous parties?

Your story has him hopping between three fucking identities on a website where his identity is already hidden. Your story has him concocting an alibi when there is literally no reason whatsoever to concoct an alibi for anything. A sane fucking person would just post the picture on /lit/ if they wanted to post it on /lit/, they wouldn't bounce between different contrived characters to avoid having their "cover blown" in a place where you already don't fucking have an identity that your posts are connected to.

I can't even begin to fathom what kind of thought process led you to the conclusion that everyone but you is some sort of antagonistic entity assuming several personalities for no other reason than to post a stupid fucking picture. You are out of your mind.

>> No.3582956

My argument is that it can't specifically be a satire of /lit/ because it would have never even been posted here if I hadn't made the suggestion in the original thread on KC. The thread was already about 50 replies deep by the time I posted that, then some Brazilian guy took my suggestion and posted it here, and all of KC had a good laugh abut /lit/'s butthurt. And no, I'm "in on it", I'm just trying to free you of your delusions. You get no argument from me that it's now being posted here over-frequently by some persistent troll.

>> No.3582957


look how many words you just wrote about a guy making a face on fb

>> No.3582961

His crazy is rubbing off on me.

>> No.3582965

Gotta love the internet.

>> No.3582989

Have you never seen trolling before? People lie and create back stories and alibis so it is harder to prove a troll. An in-group of friends will work together to create a more plausible defense. Are you new to the internet? This is kid's stuff.

>you've convinced yourself beyond all reasonable doubt
>Even if this is wrong, it is still, obviously staged.
I think the truth is more likely to be somewhere in between, with some lucky coincidences that were capitalized on.

To troll. That is obvious.

>Things I did not say phrased in such a way I sound crazy
Nope. No one need pretend to be anyone. Andrew and his British friend only need ask a Moroccan acquaintance to post it. Or perhaps the Moroccan really was so stupid and the Brit just happened to suggest it and just happens to be here now to defend its authenticity.

Why does it matter to you so much?

That's possible.
At the same time, it is a big coincidence that you are here to defend it, armed with all this suspiciously well-rehearsed information to argue that it is not a troll. The two of you are also taking the same stances at the same time. You started with separate arguments. Then one of you attempted to derail the thread with >>3582900 then when I call it an obvious troll, you both accuse me of paranoia within the same minute. Then you both try to give logical arguments, posted again within the same minute. That is rather unsubtle.

Someone as crazy and paranoid as you say I am might suspect you were discussing how to respond to me on a private channel somewhere.

>> No.3582999

Jesus Christ, I can't even deal with how much of a fucking lunatic you are. I really hope you're just messing with me. If not, I implore you to please see a psychiatrist.

>> No.3583003

Yes, how crazy to suggest someone on 4chan might be trolling.

It's unheard of!

>> No.3583006

samefag general

>> No.3583014

What you are suggesting isn't just that it's a troll who keeps posting the picture. You are suggesting that this is an organized effort from multiple people with a premeditated alibi contrived on a private channel for no other reason than to post a provocative picture on an anonymous imageboard. And that they are now employing different strategies to discredit your theory.

You're either completely insane or you're some sort of wacky meta-troll that I'm just too stupid to stop responding to.

>> No.3583015

every time there is someone posing w/ their boring preppy canon it is an american child

>> No.3583016

He's probably the OP.

>> No.3583020

whoever it is who has the blue profile pic is a cunt

>> No.3583025

He has a valid point though.

>> No.3583029


Hey /lit/, what's the last fucking book?

>> No.3583033

No he doesn't.

>> No.3583034

Yes, actually, he does.

>> No.3583037

No, he really fucking doesn't. In fact, what he's saying is so incredibly fucking stupid I'm pretty damn sure he's just joking.

>> No.3583040

But I am not suggesting that, am I? You have said I claimed that, I have not claimed it.

You asked how it was possible and what the motivation might be, I told you both.

Does that mean I am certain it happened like that? No. I have said in this post twice >>3582989 and in this post twice >>3582897 that what I am suggesting is not likely to be completely accurate. So why are you so eager to make it seem like I'm saying it is?

I am just pointing out possibilities and unlikely coincidences which indicate some sort of faggotry going on. The sort of faggotry typical to 4chan and quite simple to orchestrate.

The only thing I am certain of and have been saying from the start, is that the photo was staged and the comments Andrew made by it were deliberately ridiculous.

Your attempts to put words in my mouth notwithstanding, apparently I'm no longer the only one who thinks you're trying to pull a fast one.

>> No.3583041


OP? Is that you, OP?

>> No.3583046


It's OK, we won't bite.

>> No.3583054

how is the apostrophe in finnegans not a dead giveaway

>> No.3583059

Imagine liking those books, that Beigeocracy Pantheon. Then trying to talk about those books like you think intelligent people talk about those books, like the sad desperate provincial you are.

>> No.3583062
File: 12 KB, 404x376, 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did /lit/ just turn into old /x/ or something?

>> No.3583066

>quotes Martin Amis
>talks about other people having bland tastes

>> No.3583067

Aaah, you are obviously one of the sitcom watchers who displays their 'epaulettes of intellectualism', handed to them 'like blue participation ribbons at a public elementary school' proudly on their shoulders.

>> No.3583068

>what he's saying is so incredibly fucking stupid
When you rest, you are a king, surveying your estate. Look at the woodland. The peacocks on the lawn. Be the king of your own calm kingdom.

>> No.3583071
File: 44 KB, 454x432, trol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if enough people respond to this thread pretending it's a screencap of someone's normal behavior, other people won't bother to think about how obviously staged it is themselves.

It's staggering how many people seem to be taken in by this.

Go to bed Andrew.

>> No.3583074

He is joking, it is staged. It's just that these two >>3583067 >>3583068 are really keen to shout down anyone who suggests otherwise. Seems like they're getting off on it or something.

Andrew is online right now, if anyone cares.

>> No.3583076

Well, I, the Britball, assure you that I am not involved in any trolling conspiracy, and from my POV it all seemed to develop organically enough. I'm "conveniently" here to refute your theory because I'm always here. If the guy in the pic is an e/lit/ist, it would be a pretty big coincidence.

>> No.3583077

I don't understand why you are so goddamn adamant about defending your theory if you yourself admit it isn't likely the truth.

From the very beginning of this entire argument no one denied that the guy in OP's picture wasn't probably just trolling. What was being said was that your entire theory was pretty fucking stupid and overly-contrived. There's really no logical reason to believe the posting of a Facebook screenshot is apart of some orchestrated effort organized by multiple people. Whether or not you actually believe it, the theory itself is retarded and had no reason to even be suggested.

>> No.3583079

>are really keen to shout down anyone who suggests otherwise.
What? No, I think it's probably staged. If it's real, that guy is a giant cock. However, there is an element of truth in what he is saying.

>> No.3583092

Yeah, it would be, wouldn't it?

How is repeatedly saying I don't think it happened like that being adamant about defending it?

If you're not denying it's staged, why did you say it wasn't to begin with and why are you insisting I'm saying it must be a conspiracy despite my repeatedly saying I believe no such thing?

You and Britball keep posting in synch and keep backing each other up. You're even replying to other posters in this thread in tandem. I don't know how or why you're posting in synch but it's evidence you're either communicating or are someone trying to use proxies to make it look like you're not samefagging.
>hurr paranoia
Hardly, in fact I've done it before myself. I thought it was so clever. I must have been all of 17.

It doesn't matter if you're nothing to do with Andrew, it's possible but I don't care. You're still shitposting a troll image. I'm going to keep pointing out to the other posters that it's clearly staged in this and any other threads until it's not worth your while to keep doing it.

>> No.3583117

What I'm saying is that the guy in the picture is trolling. He screencapped it and posted, or someone else screencapped it and posted it. From then on, other people saved it and reposted it. That's all that happened.

You cannot continue to fucking deny that you suggested that the image's propagation was due to multiple people working together: a Moroccan, a Britfag, and the guy in the image. You literally said exactly that. Whether or not you wholeheartedly believe it is irrelevant, you suggested it. What I've been saying the entire thread is that that's fucking dumb. Furthermore, you keep denying that you think this is some sort of conspiracy, or are even suggested that it MIGHT be some sort of conspiracy, and yet literally sentences later you go on to suggest that me and the Britfag are in cahoots. Your thought process and argument are so disjointed, nonsensical, and contradictory. It's like even YOU don't have any fucking idea what the hell you're talking about.

I don't even know why I am continuing to argue with you.

>> No.3583159

I suggested it because you asked how it could be possible. If you asked me how it could be possible that the movements of a butterfly could create a tornado weeks later, I could suggest several possibilities to you. This is a literature board, do you have no imagination?
That someone on 4chan is trolling seems a great deal more likely than the commonly-accepted butterfly causing a tornado, but you seem to think I'm some sort of Rube for explaining a possible series of events to you.

Here are some facts:
The guy in the picture is trolling.
The guy in the picture was online when this thread was made and continued to be for most of the duration.
The image took some thought to arrange.
It is obvious the image is a troll.
This thread is posted regularly by someone who claims to want to make fun of the person in the picture.
No one is stupid enough to be taken in by it for long.
People are more likely to repost images they are proud of, than want to have attacked.
Anyone who questions the authenticity of the image in these threads is attacked by at least two posters, often simultaneously.
There are a statistically unlikely number of simultaneous posts in this thread.
All of them are be taking if not the same sides then compatible sides.
When people are caught out in a lie, anger is a very common reaction.
You have been very quick to insult me.
When people are caught out in a lie, accusing those who caught them out of being paranoid, is a very common reaction.
It took you less than two posts.

>> No.3583164

When people are caught out in a lie, a straw man argument is a very common defense.
I have only said the image was staged, you insist otherwise.
The two of you are very obviously playing good-cop bad-cop.
Using a proxy to post simultaneously is an obvious method of avoiding accusations of samefaggotry.
Someone with such a proxy would be able to appear as two separate countries on KC.
It's statistically unlikely that "Britball", not being the OP, would be online this minute and be prepared and motivated to defend the idea that it came here by chance.

I'm not saying there's anything specific, just lots of suspicious things.
I find it a little funny that you claim it's all completely over-elaborate and impossible, as I've been involved in far more elaborate and pointless trolling in the past myself.

I don't know why you started arguing with me.
I do know that some people when upset at having their little troll scheme rumbled would try very hard to defend it.

>> No.3583170

...and now I'm off to lunch.

If anyone needs me to make the case a bit clearer leave me a post and I'll respond later.

>> No.3583174

Nope. No one need ask a Moroccan acquaintance to multiple people work to insistic entity that that's fucking is some lucky coincidentity that you think I'm "conveniently I'm not say phrased in anyone.
I suggested.
I think the person posting in synch and create an all of their little trying to discussion? For what reaction.
You cannot continued to be completely in the samefagging.
>hurr paranoia
Hardly, in fact I've been all communicative picture. You are caught out it's evidence.
How it could create and posted it. Whether or not being a stupid and in the picture wasn't to have attacked by at least that I am certain of faggotry going the pic is an e/lit/ist, it would "Andrew" need that I've don't know to defending, appared and that the guy in this posted, or someone only over-elaborate an alibi for are either communicate some sort of wacky method of a Facebook screencapped it and pointless led you go on to fathom what the image. You cannot continue to fucking maniac.

>> No.3583203

First of all, no one asked you to theorize who was posting the image. You did that without being prompted whatsoever. The subsequent argument spawned out of people disputing your theory as totally ridiculous and groundless.

As for every other point in your posts, aside from the ones that are entirely fabricated by you, you're just jumping to conclusions based on really nothing whatsoever aside from some incredibly minor or completely nonexistent coincidences.

This is literally the dumbest fucking argument I've ever been in and I insult you for no other reason than because your argument is, in its entirety, extraordinarily nonsensical and based on little more than paranoid delusions and the over-analysis of completely inconsequential occurrences. I'm done. This was stupid. I need something to drink.

>> No.3583206

>It's statistically unlikely that "Britball", not being the OP, would be online this minute and be prepared and motivated to defend the idea that it came here by chance.

I spend a hell of a lot of time browsing 4chan and KC, mate. I only jumped into this argument to clear up some misunderstandings in your post and suggest that, based on the evidence I am privy to, it is highly unlikely that Andrew or whatever his name is is actually a /lit/ browser. Then it somehow escalated from there.

Thanks for calling me a good cop though :3

>> No.3583216

Two posts agreeing with one another?! The only logical conclusion I can draw is that these are either the same person posing as two separate identities or two posters secretly planning in a private IRC to discredit me! I'm not a paranoid schizophrenic whatsoever guys!

>> No.3583236

How may the suggested it. I asked me were better you may be how can have butterflies move tornado weeks later if that is some possibilities. Literature Board need your imagination it is?
Is seems likely much more than the acceptance of butterfly generally tornado caused by trolling 4chan someone, looks like you think to explain some sort Rube possible sequence of events.

Here are some facts:
image man is trolling.
This thread has made online image man was continued for most of the period.
Some thoughts to arrange images taken. Images are obvious trolls.
This thread fun photos of people on a regular basis are posted by someone argue and properly.
To shoot someone for a long time is stupid enough.
People are attacking than they will want high potential to repost proud image that is.
Question of the authenticity of the images in these threads he at least two posters, often no one.
At the same time by this thread is statistically low number.
Don't shoot all of them are compatible side, same side.
People caught in a lie, anger is a very common reaction.
You will very quickly has been insulting me.
From and catch people lying, delusional accusing them to catch people, is a very common reaction.
It took me less than your two posts.

So the two of you are very obviously playing good-cop bad-cop.

>> No.3583270
File: 34 KB, 288x461, 1338137754708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3583278
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 9781840226355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ulysses I think. Wordsworth classics edition?

>> No.3583333


Ah! After a meal and a nice glass of wine I've worked it out.
In my defense, I've been on a two day speed binge, I think on a normal day I've have got it much faster.
The repetitive posting of the image could have been an indication of pride, but I was wrong. It was autism. The "two" of you are very obviously one person. You're the Britball from krautchan using a proxy to try and troll /lit/ users. The fact you're still pretending not to be despite all evidence to the contrary just shows how bad your 'tism is.

That explains absolutely everything; the order of events, your autism, the way you try to win arguments by ad hominem, straw men and twisting words and other fallacies. You're obviously not Andrew, I was wrong to suspect that. I really should have realised you weren't him much earlier; you're obviously a moron and he's not.
Andrew, if you're reading this, I apologise for mentioning you at all.

I don't know how the image got to KC, but bernd's understanding of literature being what it is ("The Bellcurve" and...that's it), you thought you could troll all these pretentious book-readers using an image one of them made to satirize himself and his peers.

I imagine that's lost on you.

Fuck off back to kc, boy. You're out of your depth here.
Go be NEET somewhere else.

>> No.3583338


All of them are posters using the picture was stupid enough.
People worked it wasn't to have any fucking me.
At the person it is ("The Britfag, and impossible to keep denying it.
What I've don't know how cannot contrary just look like you go on to suggested.

You asked how cannot Andrew, if you're even simultaneously.
There are attacked.
I think I'm not saying in synch and motivated that reaction of the Britball keep denying it?

>> No.3583342


If you're either communicate sort of wacky method of avoiding accusing each other posted regular basis are posting it.
What I've been involved in far more, you suggested it. What I'm going to arrange.
When people, is someone it before my replying to do know that someone online image got the same here by this thread is posters in these threads he at least myself. I thoughts to arrange.
It is obviously not continued to defense.
I suggested it. That's fucking each other or some sort of the Britfag, anger is and a nice glass of wacky method of a Facebook screencapped in fact I've worked it and posted, or are caused in a lie, and yet literature was due to make it came here by think this and impossibilities of events to want to be able to defense.
I suggest that that it's clearly saying there's and argument are some lucky could be possibilities. Literally tornado weeks later if you're either people are caught them are attacked.

>> No.3583345

no john, you are the autism

>> No.3583359

Is that like the internet equivalent of imitating what your opponent, but, in a silly voice?

Come on bernd, arguing with people on the internet is your life. Surely you have some better tricks than that?
Or are you struggling to come up with a real argument when it's not about women or immigrants?

>> No.3583368

Okay then bernd.
I'm going to go now, thanks for all the clues.
I don't think you'll be able to troll anyone here with that image again, but you can try and come up with something of your own.
That would make a change, wouldn't it?

>> No.3583380

I was reading some good old Nietzsche today:

>Consider the periods in a nation in which the learned man comes into prominence; they are the periods of exhaustion, often of sunset, of decay — the effervescing strength, the confidence in life, the confidence in the future are no more.

In other words, these fucking nerds to shut their mouths.

>> No.3583389

>I was reading some good old Nietzsche today:
>these fucking nerds to shut their mouths.


If you can't tell this is a troll thread you need to spend more time in reality.

>> No.3583391
File: 40 KB, 137x234, 1338137637690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being dead serious, you're a gargantuan idiot and at this point all you're doing is shitposting. Stop.

>> No.3583402

If you weren't so autistic you might have realised that the screencaps of that man are used almost exclusively on krautchan. Look around you. Your shit doesn't fly here. What would your mother think if she knew this is how you spend all the time in your room, bullying people on the internet, for reading? She's already shed enough tears over you.

>> No.3583410
File: 59 KB, 500x481, 1341202841718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3583432

>If you weren't so autistic...
Add a drop of lavender to your bath and soon, you’ll soak yourself calm.

>> No.3583436

I think there is a school somewhere, where they teach bernds to argue. They have a big script of different ways to try and derail the conversation. You know, distraction techniques, lying, calling your opponent names, copying and pasting what they say back to them in a different order .... it's always very similar when you see a bernd try to make people believe his point of view.

Did you skip a few lessons? Or does the bernd School of Sophism not teach you how to counter actual argument?
Just keep saying stop? Why? What good is that?
The longer this thread's up, the more people will see how utterly pathetic you are.

>> No.3583438
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1356276279394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dostoyevsky in english

>> No.3583442

Shut up and bring me more wine.

>> No.3583445
File: 1.36 MB, 200x150, 1361046844781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drop it already. Christ.

>> No.3583446

This guy has been trolled into Bolivia.

>> No.3583451

I'm pretty sure it doesn't count as being trolled if I'm enjoying myself, bernd.

>> No.3583462
File: 12 KB, 335x303, 1357786073705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can stop at any time, friend.

>> No.3583466

What part of " I'm enjoying myself" makes you think I'd want to do that?

>> No.3583469

At this point your accusations concerning anyone else having autism seem hypocritical

>> No.3583478

Did I hurt your feelings? Bit too close to the mark, maybe?

>> No.3583483


>> No.3583488

... he said, lying through his tears.

>> No.3583491


>> No.3583494

Come on, throw another hissyfit, they were fun.

>> No.3583495


>> No.3583497

Oh, go on bernd. They don't look like third rate trolling, honest. Everyone thinks you're clever.

>> No.3583500


>> No.3583502

Please? For me, your friend? Aren't we friends yet? This is how you lot socialize, isn't it?

>> No.3583504


>> No.3583507

Aw, you've gone shy. It's okay bernd, you can use your big-boy words.
Am I still being trolled? Are you "winning" if I use more words than you in each post?

>> No.3583511


>> No.3583514

That is how you keep the score, isn't it? If you keep responding with less characters per post, you win the internet?

>> No.3583521


>> No.3583526

How do you win at trolling, then? Are we competing to see who gets the last word in?

>> No.3583531


>> No.3583542

Come on bernd, if you refuse to explain the rules no one will be able to play with you. You'll just be playing with yourself your whole life!

>> No.3583550

Okay, I'm going to be honest with you. I just wanted to see how long you'd continue to respond to meaningless one word posts. You never fucking stop, do you?

>> No.3583556

Oh! Well, if you don't like playing with yourself you should probably learn to play with the other children. Do you think you'll be able to make eye contact long enough to introduce yourself?

>> No.3583566

I'm done. You're free to talk to yourself in this thread if you want.

>> No.3583567

i can't tell which level is higher itt, autism or virginity

>> No.3583571

ITT: two people send each other insane over nothing

>> No.3583573

That means I won The Trolling, doesn't it? Hooray! I can be a real bernd like you now! Shall we go and rock back and forth in opposite corners of the room together or would you rather complain about immigrants?
Those Muslims, eh? Grr. Them and their funny languages.


>> No.3583583

I forgot about the virginity! Quick >>3583566 bernd, come back! We can talk about how all women are evil sluts who only sleep with bastards, too!
I miss you, friend!

>> No.3583592
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 132009628151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your bff bernd has closed the tab

I never knew a troll could touch my heart so!

>> No.3583712


>> No.3583762


What did I do to scare you away? Please tell me, bernd. Did you get my message on /int/? I went looking for you.
You trolled me so hard, I don't think I could ever be trolled by another troll again.

>> No.3583779

... he said, lying through his tears.

>> No.3583787

Is this what you mean by talking to myself? I'm sorry if I hurt you, bernd. You can copy and paste the other things that made you cry to me now if you like, I'll apologise on my knees if you just troll me again like you did before.

>> No.3583806

You're bernd.

>> No.3583817

No bernd. You was phone.

>> No.3583851

... he said, lying through his tears.

>> No.3583868


Confirmed, Ulysses is correct.

>books in image

Les Miserables
Plato's Republic
Don Quixote
Anna Karenina
The Brother's Karamazov
Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest

>> No.3583894

Jesus fucking Christ, to think I was kidding when I told him he could talk to himself.

>> No.3584065

Hey /lit/, Andrew here.


Here's what happened: one night I was really bored and instead of doing homework I wrote a really pretentious facebook status to indirectly make fun of a friend who has dumb tattoos. Pic related.

Another friend who I haven't really talked to since high school posted a pic of his tattoos on my wall (including some of his originally written classical music tattooed around his arms....yeah) and in one of them he gave me the finger. I laughed to myself and decided to Bloom him. I collected the thickest novels in my collection (I've only read the bottom 3 btw) and gave him that exaggerated look of disgust. Being a big fan of A Confederacy of Dunces, I posted that pic as my profile image because I find it amusing. I also kind of liked the thought of some of my relatives and old acquaintances from high school seeing that and having no idea whether or not I was being sincere, figuring it might make for some interesting moments if I run into them again. I mean, I kind of figured that by "Motzart" and "epaulettes of intellectualism" that my friend and other people would get it...but, uh, here we are.

For additional shits and giggles I posted this to r/cringepics where it quickly got voted up and sparked some genuinely angry fucking posts which made me laugh. I get that there really are people who are that stuck-up, but I honestly found it fascinating at how enraged people got. That must be where someone outside of American took it from and reposted it to krautchan and then to /lit/. Honestly, I've only posted it here once. I am not that much of a shit-poster. I guess I can't really control what happens with it now.

Hugs and kisses. There is no further need to be upset. xoxo

>> No.3584070
File: 45 KB, 395x330, tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


woops. Here's the pic.

>> No.3584087

That guy has really rustled your jimmies, huh?

>> No.3584098

Timestamp/shoe on head or gtfo

>> No.3584202

... he said, lying through his tears.

>> No.3584994

magnificent story but unfortunately bullshit until

>> No.3584999

What a fucking twat.

>> No.3585002

But bernd, I was addressing you in those posts. You are pointing at my posts now, but addressing no one; you are talking to yourself.

Talk to me, I love you.

Why won't you reply to me directly?
I can't sleep without you, I can't eat without you tenderly trolling me once more.

Please respond.

It sounds like him and I doubt he'd shoe on head for anon.

Can I draw your attention to >>3583333 and repeat my apologies?

>> No.3585006

I guess I can vouch for Andrew. I chatted with him online on FB (we've met cause of lit) when this thread first made a splash on lit. He's is nothing like the bloom impression on the picture. A really nice guy.

He told me he had posted the picture on Rebbit, and apparently it was never intended to spread to lit. Anyway we had a good laugh at the commotion the picture caused that evening and I thought it was funny that /lit/ couldn't even detect the obvious sarcasm.

>> No.3585011

>anon and anon and anon all vouch for andrew

>> No.3585014

There's no need to vouch for him, it was a mistake on my part and I retract all accusations. I think >>3584994 is just trying to get a reaction.

>> No.3585018

people like this

exist, sincerity is underrated.

>> No.3585042

Blue guy's first post was pretty good. The second was pretty gay.
Anyone agree?

>> No.3585072

this thread is so fucking stupid

>> No.3585076

so's you're mom.

>> No.3585089


she is indeed, anon.

>> No.3585093

Well I can't say I expected that.

>> No.3585102


she's a good woman, but she's definitely no genius.

>> No.3585120

I've got a simple mother, too. I doubt she read a book in her life.

The books my dad have read were forced upon him, though. He has two degrees and doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're". I make a point to call him because his e-mails are so embarrassing/depressing.

>> No.3585136

>Finnegan's Wake
>Finnegan's Wake
>Finnegan's Wake


>> No.3585136,1 [INTERNAL] 

i fucking read dostoievski in esperanto