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File: 224 KB, 600x544, clowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3576686 No.3576686 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Try and make others cry with poetry.

Doesn't have to be original.

>> No.3576699


Fuck you bruv

>> No.3577009


>> No.3577034

what the fuck does that picture say?

>> No.3577046

It's a post-modern critique with a dialectical approach to Sartre's being-in-itself.

>> No.3577048

>I am the rain cloud dropping the rain
>I am a sad cloud dropping the sad time
>I am so sad; so sad as the moon
>time to rain... time to rain... now

loses some meaning when interpreted

>> No.3577072

I am the ran clowed droping the ran.
I am a sad clowed droping the sad time.
I am so sad so sad as the moon.
time to ran time to ran now.

>> No.3577076

His laying portrait keeps me wandering at night
His eyes look, stare and glare
As my eye sheds what it holds tight:
A dying father’s watery bulletin to his sleeping son

>> No.3577080


Either written by a kid or by a special needs guy.

Either way, sad as fuck.

>> No.3577082

>watery bulletin


>> No.3577085

>Either way, sad as fuck.
I know that ran bro. I know that clowed.

>> No.3577159


>> No.3577178

>teachers in charge of not fucking up your ideas
I fucking hate teachers. I remember we had to write a short story, so I wrote a robin hood-esque story. I was so proud of it. Especially the dialog, which was full of grammatical errors BECAUSE THEY WERE FUCKING MEDIEVAL FUCKING HICKS. When she hung it up on the wall I discovered she'd CHANGED THE FUCKING GRAMMAR OF THE FUCKING DIALOG! Oooh. I didn't do anything because I was like, 11 and a bitch, but I should have punched her in her clit. Fucking hate that shit.

And OPs poem is beautiful.

>> No.3577219

What's the term for purposeful misuse of grammar in writing again?

>> No.3577235

Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would
take me
Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my hand,
In the moon that is always rising,
Nor that riding to sleep
I should hear him fly with the high fields
And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land.
Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,
Time held me green and dying
Though I sang in my chains like the sea.

>> No.3577239

ITT: People not understanding that at times it's necessary to conform in order to further your own interests.
/lit/ pls

>> No.3577240

yeah, if you're a bitch

>> No.3577244


Poetic license?

>> No.3577245

Or if you actually want to achieve anything in your life, but each to their own.

>> No.3577248


>> No.3577249

yeah, maybe i want to achieve not being a bitch

>> No.3577250

>implying achievements are worth anything if they're compromised forms of your original vision

>> No.3577251

That's good, meanwhile I'll achieve something tangible.

>> No.3577254

achieve grammer

>> No.3577255

>Implying conforming means compromise

>> No.3577256

>implying it doesn't

>> No.3577257

My grammar is perfect. Your spelling, on the other hand...

>> No.3577260


>> No.3577261

>comma splice

>> No.3577263

>Implying I can't exercise creative license on the internet

>> No.3577265

>perfect grammar
>creative license
pick one

>> No.3577266

I choose to pick both.

>> No.3577276
File: 26 KB, 400x349, 1362942870531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A dying father’s watery bulletin to his sleeping son
>watery bulletin

top lel

>> No.3577280

the goal of this thread is to make people cry. tears of laughter count.

>> No.3577291

My girlfriend just left me now
I am now so sad
A bloo bloo bloo bloo blub blub

>> No.3578065

we asked for tits
or she would gtfo
called us btards
but we are bros
drove her to suicide
but no one knows
that we still wanked

>> No.3578086

christ fuck now im fucking tired my thoughts
have changed from i wish i was dead to does b&q
sell rope the disability advisor kicked me off
benefits bcuz i wouldnt apply for shitty
jobs she said ive got ur signature for when ur famous
the cunt fuck her and its 6 weeks til cbt
still my best friend doesnt get my texts now
ive got depression funny my mum wants
my brother to curate me an exhibition ha
she thinks ill be famous from my art would you
believe it positive thinking she calls it my
god all she ever wanted was a nice family
and this i wont get to see the far north
shell be devestated i hate you
i hate you you cunt this was
your only fucking chance and
youve fucked it for god sake

>> No.3578092

Yo, motherfuckers, I'm a stone-cold baller
All the prettiest bitches shoutin' holler
Tryin' to acquire a bit of my hard-earned dollar

Bitch, you know I gon' fuck you next
Gon' shag you hard until your neck breaks
'Cause I'm the best, don't even lie
Nigga I pop you, careful or you gon' die

Straight rollin' downtown with my motherfuckin OG's,
We see some little nig hanging out wearin' low jeans,
Drive up, real cool, we say "whussup, beeyatch?"
He says "know, man, jus' tryin' get some snee-yatch."

W'see whut the boy means, ask if we wanna ride,
Bitch says yeah, hops in, real motherfuckin' sly,
We cruisin' fo bitches, straight slappin' 'em hos
We the richest mo'fuckers in town, errybody knows

S'all goin' cool till this bitch gets antsy
Li'l mo'fucka tries to get into my bitches' panties
I get mad, pissed, quick pull out my glock,
Little shit just stopped her from suckin' mah cock

Pop the nigga right in his little head,
brrap brrap, yo know mo'fucka's dead
Bitch start's screamin, she covered in blood
Nigga's brains splattered all over mah hood

Get in, real cool like, drive away
Leave the body, yo, po-lees comin' this way,
Ain't gon' get caught over this shit, not today

>> No.3578415


>> No.3578479
File: 798 KB, 200x200, s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you are smarter than a child

>> No.3578507

Crawwwling in my skiiiin
These wouuuunds, they wiiiill, not heAWL!
Fear is how I faaaall
Confusing what is reeeawl

>> No.3578742

For sale:
Baby shoes,
never worn.
(It died)

>> No.3578763


h8 me

>> No.3579963

God damn that marker/commenter (teacher?) has horrible handwriting.

>> No.3580063

Enallage, but i think there's a better word for it that i've forgotten.