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/lit/ - Literature

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3576415 No.3576415 [Reply] [Original]

>talking to someone online
>say I like poetry
>''are you a girl?''

>> No.3576431

>We are in the time of the beautiful ones

>> No.3576441

I used to get people thinking I was a girl online all the time.
It's funny how much nicer they treat you until they find out.

>> No.3576447

That is the gayest thing I've ever read.
>And I read party monster.

>> No.3576451

I'm nonplussed.

>> No.3576455

Homophobes son

>> No.3576456

saying publicly that you like poetry is just asking for that

>> No.3576460

No, it's not. At least, it shouldn't be.

>> No.3576463

>walk into shakespeare lecture
>only male in room

>> No.3576466

How is this bad

>> No.3576470


>No, it's not.

join us in the real world m8

>> No.3576472


I was more trying to explain why people would have that perception. English literature is pretty much dominated by women at a tertiary level.

>> No.3576473


I'm gay

>> No.3576475

Do tell us more about the way the world shouldn't be.

>> No.3576495

The ''real world'', unlike 4chan, isn't predominated by ignorant late teens neckbeards, so such things don't happen very often, not outside of highschools anyway.

>> No.3576518

Joyce in this pic looks a lot like Dr. Strangelove

>> No.3576573

I think you're both right, just being a little narrow minded.
The "hurr poetry is for gays/girls" attitude is very common in the "real world".
Do you think it's possible that what you mean by the "real world" is more academic, high brow or open minded than average?
I inhabit a number of different social circles or "real world"s and the ones who don't perceive poetry as having those connotations are the majority.

>> No.3576582

the ones who do*
You know what I'm saying.

>> No.3576618

>using predominated as an adverb
>using late-term fetuses in an informal sentence
fucking neets man

>> No.3576646
File: 326 KB, 1076x800, kafka18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the deep south and virtually no one in my town has higher education, except maybe the highschool teachers (there's no college here so anyone remotely interested in studying moves away in their late teens), and I've never heard that ''poetry is for girls'' bullshit in real life. Everyone I've told about my interest in poetry and literature from here was nothing but impressed, in fact it seems that the more uneducated and humble the person is, the more they are impressed by my ''intellectual'' interests. In their heads, poetry and philosophy especially are very fancy and exclusive to super clever people.

The only people who really look down on such things are ignorant and arrogant teenagers and young adults. Actually, I remember being largely admired and looked up to in high school for being an ''intellectual'' (despite failing two years consecutively), I remember bringing poetry books to class and having people come to me fascinated asking about it, teachers complimenting me, loud bullies talking to me gently and with respect, etc. It never crossed my mind that people could be mocked for reading poetry until I came to 4chan. The thing is, the people who typically visit 4chan, that is, 16-22 year old male social outcasts who only read fantasy and sci fi and whose only hobbies are videogames and anime, are ignorant, but are still arrogant and still think they're smarter than everyone else. They're sort of in an uncanny valley between the common ignorant folk and actually educated and intelligent people. They're more articulated and arguably more intelligent than most people their age, but still not actually as smart and knowledgeable as they think they are.

>> No.3576643


you're living in a fruitcake bubble of ignorance

go to a party and start talking poetry and we'll see how much game you have with the girls there after. normal people aren't exactly going to fucking high-five you if you bring up poetry, they'll regard you with a mix of pity and indifference.

>> No.3576647

Just to clarify, I don't put myself among ''actually educated and intelligent people'', I've failed high school, I don't have any higher education, I don't know shit about sciences and even though i read a lot, my vocabulary and language skills are limited and my knowledge is nothing in comparison to actual scholars, but I realize that and try to be humble, so I put myself slightly above the previously mentioned ''4chan people''.

>> No.3576648


>try to be humble
>I put myself slightly above

just stop posting your brain is a fucking abortion

>> No.3576652

>fantasy and sci fi

>> No.3576667

Putting myself slightly above the way below average doesn't make me less humble.

I'm referring mostly to the community of places like /v/ and /r9k/, the stereotypical 4chan people.

>> No.3576742

Expecting the world to pat you on the head because you read poetry seems a bit naive to me.

>> No.3576762

Well, I don't do that.

>> No.3576772

I don't know who you were talking too OP. Whenever I talk to people about stuff like literature and poetry I never get that shit, be it online or irl.
Seriously the last time when I might have gotten strange looks about me liking some poetry was probably in middle school or high school, but those are normally the 'dumber' people or simply people who want to make fun of someone.

>> No.3576777

I'm the same, that's why I was so surprised when I got that reaction more than a couple times online.

In other posts I'm actually arguing that it is uncommon.

>> No.3576785

Well I am going to put out another thing:
What kind of people where you talking too and were those maybe the typical 'tfw no gf' guys? Who were like 'Oh that person likes poetry, maybe it is a girl!!!'. Don't think that ever really happened to me, but I am only interested in epic poetry.

>> No.3576789

I'm not sure, I think one of them was, but not others.

>> No.3576809
File: 68 KB, 618x638, the-tempe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm looking for random thoughts on The Tempest. No, I'm not writing a paper on it. I have an upcoming exam is all and this happens to be one of the primary texts. (So I'm looking to explore on themes as thematic comparison would undoubtedly come up.)

We discussed it mainly as a postcolonial text and dabbled a bit on its renaissance sensibility. I guess that sounds elementary, sorry about that.

Anyways, not really hoping for deep stuff; random, even impressionistic remarks would suffice. I'll just need all the ideas I can for the test lol.

>> No.3576845

Poster you were replying to here.
You seem to be making some assumptions about 4chan users that's just as hypocritical as they would be for making the assumptions you ... assume they do ...
Yeah. Look, I'm not saying poetry IS for girls, I'm saying that the idea that poetry is effeminate is a very common perception. It's very obviously culturally regarded as something for women and homosexuals, even if it's not in reality.
Your positive experience seems to be unusual. That's great, I'm glad for you.
I agree that it should not be the case, but what should or should not be has little relevance on what is.

It's not all that surprising that 4chan gives you the impression that they look down on people for poetry or other similar things. I have a theory that many of the people who come here do so because they are or were bullied in real life, which is likely to make them over-sensitive to things they may have been (or felt they would be) bullied for. There's no point in complaining about it.

>> No.3576892

I've performed in the play maybe

thrirty times. It's essentially

about human nature, and the

different aspects of humanity. It's

not unlike Watchmen in some


Caliban is raw Id. The "half devil and half child" referred to in kipling's white man's burden. He is animus at its most basic: responding directly to the impetus of his emotional urges, incapable of restraint or refinement.

Ariel is nature: capricious, powerful, but without desire or motivation. It can be coerced, constrained and channeled, but only by art. He represents the power possible by bending natural forces to the will of men. Prospero is the superego, attempting to regulate the disparate forces into a coherent result, using magic, reason and knowledge of human nature. Miranda is the ego awakening, discovering itself as a thing separate form the family and the environment. and seeking a separate destinty.

Like in the Watchmen, and in comedia pieces, shakespeare is usin individuals to personify abstract things. the tempest itself becomes a metaphor, and the events which led him to the island in the first place are reflected by his cathartic desire to accomplish closure and return to his former nature, abandoning the power (and responsibility) that his studies have brought him by passing destiny of his daughter and his enemies out of his own hands deliberately, and into that of fate, and divorcing himself from the tools he used to accomplish it. Burying the hatchet, by drowning his book.

this might have worked better in its own thread?

>> No.3576893

I'm not really making assumptions about 4chan users in general, but this particular stereotype. Actually, I'm not making many huge assumptions, I've met multiple people who fit the stereotype exactly. Such group of people exists and what I say about it is not based on assumptions, but observations.

And I've honestly never heard of poetry being considered effeminate, so it was shocking to me. Maybe it's because of where I live, those things just don't happen here. I'm not sure I'm entirely convinced it happens in the rest of the world all that much, but it's possible, and it's entirely possible I'm wrong here. I didn't expect to have this discussion (as I didn't think other people considered such behavior normal), so I haven't put much thought into it.

>I agree that it should not be the case, but what should or should not be has little relevance on what is

Right, but it does have relevance on how we react to it. I'm not going to conform for something I disagree with just because it is the way it is.

I think he posted here by accident.

>> No.3576931


>I'm not going to conform for something I disagree with just because it is the way it is.

no one was ever saying that, they were simply getting you to accept that's how the majority of the general public feel, no one was telling you to abandon your enjoyment of poetry, just cope with the fucking reality of the situation

jesus have you crossed over into full denial now?

>> No.3576991

I really don't feel that I have to clarify this. Read the whole post you were quoting, and the rest of the posts in the discussion.

>> No.3577038

Thanks for the insights. Sadly, as

said, I did post here by accident. Was damn careless.

Wouldn't bother making the thread anyways, as I picked up several key points from your post that I could easily associate with the other text (Conference of the Birds, well, an adaptation of it staged in our uni).

>> No.3577098

IB English A1?
02-MAY-2013 AM?