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/lit/ - Literature

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3576340 No.3576340 [Reply] [Original]


the kid is making the first steps to enter the crisis existencial hole

poor kid

>> No.3576342

I'd like to fill up his hole.

>> No.3576345



Leave this place.

>> No.3576354


"they might all have the same perspective as we do on this"

good god is this kid cute

>> No.3576347


fucking perv

>> No.3576355

This was nice, it put a smile on my face.

>> No.3576359

D'aww, reminds me of myself when I was his age :')

>> No.3576363

great background music

>> No.3576366
File: 81 KB, 604x595, 0Iwv0EByJ0Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the video somehow >implying hes smarter than the average kid?
because i don't see that
if the comments weren't disabled i'd call him a faggot

>> No.3576367

That's not how I interpret it. I think you're projecting.

>> No.3576368


Calm down, sport.
No need for all that edge.

>> No.3576369


was the kid "trained" by his father (maybe who's filming him) to say that?

>> No.3576372

inb4 thousands of comments saying how this kid is the next Nietzsche, the next Sartre, the next Camus (lelelxdxd).

>> No.3576373

I think it's just implying that
>kids are smart

>> No.3576374


another kid

>> No.3576376


It's obvious he's rambling off the top of his head. Like when he interrupts a point he's making to state a new thought he just came up with.

He's probably had a lot of older figures in his life who gave him the benefit of not treating him like an idiot incapable of thinking, and because of it he's grow quite bright.

Some of his loftier cadence was cut short when he made points of stating that he might be wrong and he doesn't know etc. He's able to caveat himself out of humbleness while talking about large topics like this. Pretty damn impressive for a 9 year old.

>> No.3576389

>He's probably had a lot of older figures in his life who gave him the benefit of not treating him like an idiot incapable of thinking

This, mostly. Most parents talk down to their children until they're about age 22. Rather than instantly treating them like equals who are capable of thought, they talk to them as one might talk to a dog. Most children don't know how to respond except by automatically conforming to this "dumb animal" status.

I've been around parents and their children just about all my life, and the "do you want to get your shoes on?! Aw, my little guy wants to get his shoes on. Come on, let mommy help you get your shoes on." bullshit is just about across-the-board.

>> No.3576390

>It's obvious he's rambling off the top of his head.
So you're saying he IS the next Nietzsche. Hohoho, oh the gaiety I have.

He hasn't grown bright, he's just become a sponge for everything older people say. Besides, only people who are published are truly "bright".

I hope that you get cancer for describing a child's voice as "cadence" or talk about how is able to "caveat himself out of" something.

>> No.3576391
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Yes you're right we should obviously stop helping children in any way. In fact, we should throw them into a gigantic pit when they are born, and the last say 100 children remaining are allowed back into society.

Since children have cognitive capacities that are completely equal to even Einstein's, this should be no problem at all.

Thank god you are anon, you really know what's up.

>> No.3576395


You have some self-esteem issues you still need to work through, don't you?

>> No.3576400
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>> No.3576404

Reducto ad absurdum.

>> No.3576405

Not that guy, but he's obviously not saying we shouldn't help our children. He's saying we shouldn't talk to them like they're morons.

Why does /lit/ have such horrible reading comprehension?

>> No.3576407

He will never live that down.

>> No.3576408

>Why does /lit/ have such horrible reading comprehension?

Because most of them don't even like to read.

>> No.3576411

>Reducto ad absurdum.
>If I use big words than people will think I'm smart.
It doesn't even matter if you're right, because you'll only lose.

That's not what he's saying at all. You just lack the reading comprehension skills to realize that.

>/lit/ being this easy to troll

>> No.3576413

/lit/ likes arguing

>> No.3576416


>jokes on you, I was only pretending to be retarded

Wow, you got me. You're very good at pretending to be retarded. Congrats?

>> No.3576418
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>>/lit/ being this easy to troll

lol look out this kid means business

>> No.3576422
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>still falling for it

The best part of this is that you guys take it so seriously and pray to god that this is your chance to fuck shit up on the internet, and then fail miserably in your attempts to become masters of the universe.

Don't you kids have school to go to?

>> No.3576424


You need to work on your baiting you lack subtletly. This is "junior's first day on /b/" level game. Shameful.

>> No.3576426
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/lit/ used to be so civil.

What happened?

>> No.3576429


Teenage angst.

>> No.3576432


>> No.3576433

that little faggot is too erudite for his age.

it's an obvious act, because no 9 year old is able to hold a 4+ minute conversation without committing a single informal fallacy

>> No.3576437

>the kid is making the first steps to enter the crisis existencial hole

>the kid is reading a script his dad made for him in order to get youtube-hits

Fix'd it OP

>> No.3576454


I'm looking forward when this little white urban faggot realizes that he is only a product of bourgeoise, neo-liberal dogma, and that knowing your pre-determined fate and fulfilling that prophecy is no easy task

>> No.3576490


Most adults can't either.

I didn't watch the video yet, but as a rule it's more useful to look at what people are trying to say rather than how they're saying it.

The majority of people who back themselves into "fallacies" do so explicitly from a linguistic perspective - more often than not, the thought behind the words is sound, even if the expression is phrasing is unfortunate

Now that I've watched the video, though, it's pretty clear he's not saying anything in particular. If I had to guess, I'd say he's parroting back a Neil Degrasse Tyson documentary.

>> No.3576498

duh. why do people like you even bother?

>> No.3576501

he's right though

>> No.3576513


I think you underestimate children's capacity for pretending.

We learn how to be convincing when we're young, it's an imperative step toward sitting at the big kid's table.

To use his speech patterns as proof of authenticity is... misguided.

>> No.3576568

I don't think anyone is saying he thought of those things himself, he simply learned them from somewhere.
Kids are brilliant at learning, and are quite happy accepting things, that we learned when older and were blown away by, as simply how the world works.
It's a nice video but no more indicative of high intelligence than a child explaining God.

Notice how people in the thread were saying "Just wait until the [spurious claims!] far before anyone suggested them.

>> No.3576606

> he simply learned them from somewhere.


>> No.3576624

He reminds me of a 12 year old me, but I didn't actually talk that much.

>> No.3576625

Why has it become so 'trendy' to be narcissistic and insane?

What triggered the... 'culture'?

>> No.3576629


The Last Man, my friend.

>> No.3576635

What is this, "The Last Man"?

>Also, I feel uncomfortable putting the question mark inside of the quotation marks
>Theoretically you're supposed to, but the quotation marks were for the title, and the title doesn't include question marks.

>> No.3576664

lack of religion. not a bad thing really. Sucks tho, cause now everyone lives their lives thinking they're shit and worthless cause it's true.

>> No.3576666


>> No.3576670

There isn't.

>> No.3576675

You think it's just lack of religion? I'm sure religion has been dead (in a lot of people) for a while but the recent rise of, "it's cool to be crazy" fad is a bit unrelated.

Like, what's the obsession with having DID or the like? Why are people so into psychosis?

Also, are we being sold neurotic-images today because of the narcissists everywhere?

>> No.3576933

What a sweet little kid! I'd like to see what he grows up to be.

>> No.3576940

What the hell are you on about? Your interpretation is all fucked up.

>> No.3576956


>lack of religion
>cause now everyone lives their lives thinking they're shit and worthless

Every Catholic in the world says hi.

>> No.3577015

Are you implying that reductio ad absurdum is a fallacy?

Ever since Sheldon mentioned it and wrongly called it fallacious in the Big Bang Theory this has been happening.

>> No.3577020



>> No.3577041

>we should throw them into a gigantic pit when they are born, and the last say 100 children remaining are allowed back into society.

isn't that what we do already

>> No.3577331

I remember having similar kinds of thoughts to these when I was this age. Is it me or are kids actually smarter than adults in some ways? I think some although not all children are able to have a very wide perspective of things, more so than most adults, who are stuck in 'survival mode' of work, eat, sleep, fuck, buy.

I remember being able to think very clearly when I was ages 7 up to 14, before the fog of pubescent hormones fully kicked in.

>> No.3577870
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>> No.3577881
File: 160 KB, 899x1348, 08a_Norse Projects SS13 (RAW) 30083_LOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


child genius?

>> No.3577890

>Is it me or are kids actually smarter than adults in some ways?

They're like animals really, in the sense that they usually understand the basic concept of fairness and are become upset when things aren't fair. Which is sweet. But I think child-worship is very overrrated, since kids can be real bastards without thinking any thing of it. This kid is smart, sure, but you can see his dad has pushed this stuff on him from a yougn age, jiust like christfags do to their kids

>> No.3577919

Entertaining video. Cute kid who was very well spoken. He was able to make a coherent simile regarding the ants without going away from the question.

It did make me laugh that he pretty much managed to sum up absurdism at the age of nine.

>> No.3577924


William, is that you?

>> No.3577948
File: 136 KB, 1280x800, Black_Boy_in_class_page-bg_15490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An alternative perspective from an African American seven year-old:


>> No.3577967

shows you how deep and hard is philosophy. i give it 50 years before science kills philosophy

>> No.3577981

just shows you how childish existentialism is

>> No.3577990

Kids are a lot smarter and aware than what people give them credit for.
Too bad the school system will probably dumb him down.

>> No.3577991

Not really a bad thing that the kids dad is actually educating his kid.

>> No.3578017


> In fact, we should throw them into a gigantic pit when they are born, and the last say 100 children remaining are allowed back into society


>> No.3578024


This is water, guys. WATER!!!

>> No.3578029

i don't see where this statement comes from
science can and should inform philosophy, but it's not possible for it to replace it. what do you think the purpose of philosophy is?

>> No.3578030

>implying he knows half the shit he's saying

>> No.3578046


yeah in classical latin philosophy it wasn't considered a logical fallacy, pretty much all reductio ad absurdum is straw manned though.