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/lit/ - Literature

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3570327 No.3570327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How long did it take you to see through leftist talking points and become pro-life, pro-personal responsibility, fiscal conservative?

>> No.3570333

>pro-personal responsibility
>fiscal conservative

At the age of 18, I'm already to old to fall into that bullshit.

>> No.3570335


>> No.3570336

Leftists aren't really liberal. They're just slightly liberal rightists.

>> No.3570342

Most people get more rightwing as they age, once they lose the childish idealism. Nice try though.

>> No.3570347
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>> No.3570354
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>he's still not a Fascist

>> No.3570358
File: 189 KB, 480x672, adolf hitler the hero the world needed but didnt deserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all arguments against Hitler can be summed up as "his actions cause chemicals in my brain to make me feel a way I don't like"

>> No.3570361

You could make arguments for the latter two, but why on Earth would anyone be pro-life?

>> No.3570362
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>> No.3570365

>people disagree with me as to when a child has a right to life

>> No.3570368

don't feed the troll you idiots

>> No.3570372


But legalized abortion reduces crime and poverty.

>> No.3570378

Killing all poor people would do that as well.

>> No.3570384

but there's a difference between a poor person and an unborn baby. mainly the fact that the baby isn't alive yet. and that the poor person is already alive

>> No.3570394

>Everyone is the same

>> No.3570399

>but there's a difference between a poor person and an unborn baby

Can you name a difference that isn't subjective/arbitrary?

>> No.3570410

neural development
the baby actually is alive, but has no consciousness

>> No.3570413

>neural development determines a child's "right" to be born

Can you prove it? At what stage does it gain this right, and how is this stage not arbitrary?

>> No.3570423

so? they lose their childish idealism and gain childish opportunism(if rich)/nonsense(if poor)

>> No.3570439

Surely then a newborn baby also lacks consciousness? Would it be OK to kill one?

>> No.3570440

>i am a middle-class white male hear me roar.

>> No.3570441
File: 391 KB, 745x787, 1360840916372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only straight white males voted, every president would be rightwing. At some point you have to admit your party is the party of blacks, gays and women.

>> No.3570446

>thinking white male is an insult

>> No.3570450

If you're actually from Finland, you don't know what rightwing is. You don't have a rightwing.

>> No.3570457

I'm talking about America.

>> No.3570460

Never. I'm apolitical. Politics is but one big joke. Why take it seriously? Get on my level OP.

>> No.3570461

Then you don't know what a leftwing is for the same kind of reason.

>> No.3570462

I don't yet know. How long did it take for your Alcheimers to progress?

>> No.3570464

Statistically straight white men overwhelmingly vote conservative.

>> No.3570465

Do you have 58 other pictures of Hitler with Children? That's a lot of pictures.

Also I'm a socialist, fuck you OP

>> No.3570466


>> No.3570469
File: 30 KB, 550x581, hitler with girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was a good person.

>> No.3570470

You sure are a cheeky lad.
White males are embittered as a matter of culture; prone, more than any other demographic, to instinctively emptying their wallets at every uttering of the words, 'hard-line approach.' That's why they turn to the right.

>> No.3570479

A. I doubt it
B. Clit is neither homophobic nor particularly racist, although we do have a small misogyny problem. Regardless, people who are all of:
1. White
2. Male
And 3. Straight
Are a pretty small minority in most countries. Lrn2 democracy.
It wasn't meant as one.
That's a Swedish flag.

>> No.3570482

Hitler's loli.

>> No.3570483
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see >>3570464

>white males are so dumb xD
>leave it to use women and minorities to run the country

>> No.3570484

A. You are not making any point.
B. In America, yes.

>> No.3570489


>> No.3570490

>You are not making any point.

My only point is that if you're a leftist, you are statistically the party of dark skins and hormonal women.

>> No.3570492

/lit/ has read a lot of literatore, be they fiction or non-fiction, that surely they would have some definite opionons about economics and social issues.

Those things are discussed in great literature, right?

Otherwise this board is just a huge circle-jerk of half arsed namedroppers and grammar nazis.

And that can't be true, can it?

>> No.3570493

what would be the problem then? but anyway that´s bullshit, most of the people don´t really vote for the party that would be more convenient to them.
plus, you admit to be an insecure phaggot, how can you think to have a lucid point of view?

>> No.3570496
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>this denial

>> No.3570497

What's your problem, man?
/pol/ is the racism/homophobia/misogyny board. We really don't care about the race, gender or sexual orientation of those who vote for our parties. Your entire argument is based on the false belief that the opinions of straight, white men are somehow worth more than other people's.
It's been said before, but I'll say it again:

>> No.3570500
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>your entire argument is based on the false belief that the opinions of straight, white men are somehow worth more than other people's.

Are you going to tell me to check my privilege next?

>> No.3570499

>living in murika

>> No.3570501

denying what?

>> No.3570503

how can liberals be against the death sentence but pro choice?
Genuinely interested.

>> No.3570505
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>> No.3570507

We don't consider undeveloped foeti people.

>> No.3570510


>> No.3570511

Can you name a difference that isn't subjective/arbitrary?

>> No.3570514

scientist would also tell you that there isn´t good and evil and if they both get killed it doesn´t really matter

>> No.3570518


>> No.3570521

"Life" doesn't exist in the real world, you've been tricked by an infinite ruse

>> No.3570526

If we include the Jews in their population, then they're the most informed of all demographics. They do, though, have a cultural propensity (I'm talking Anglos here) towards pessimism and acrimony; the expectation that the 'hardest choice' will prove necessary.

>> No.3570528

Fetuses are life, but their lives are not considered equally valuable to actual people's lives.
>> 3570507
We are capable of feeling and reasoning on a level completely different to theirs. Their minds are not more developed than those of rats.
> inb4 hurr, that's subjective
Everything is. You use your brain to make distinctions instead of just relying on axioms.
>> 3570514
That really depends on what you consider significant. Objectively, it doesn't matter if the universe ends.

>> No.3570530

I'm begging all of you /pol/ halfwits to please return to your own board. No one wants your shit here.

>> No.3570538

>Talking about politics with Americans.

Retards, pls.

>> No.3570540

>Fetuses are life, but their lives are not considered equally valuable to actual people's lives.


>We are capable of feeling and reasoning on a level completely different to theirs. Their minds are not more developed than those of rats.
>mental development determines a child's right to live

[citation needed]

>inb4 hurr, that's subjective

At least you admit your entire argument is based on arbitrary conclusions.

>> No.3570546

Undeveloped foeti are smaller than people.

>> No.3570548


as long as it took me to finish reading atlas shrugged.

>> No.3570556

saying that right and left are the same it´s pretty fascist

>> No.3570565

Most people are moronic knee jerk reactionary liberals as youth and then turn to become moronic knee jerk reactionary conservatives in adulthood.

>> No.3570573


This is bullshit, and none of it belongs here. Get to fucking /pol/.

>> No.3570596

which part of his post? I don´t judge people based on their intelligence, but I think most of the people are idiots
and I think that´s exactly what /pol/ can´t understand, they see blacks acting like animals but they don´t realize whites are doin the same

>> No.3570598

It's like you made your entire sentence out of buzzwords.

>> No.3570605

He's right though. Both sides of the American political spectrum are equally stupid.

>> No.3570609

I know, I just feel like it could have been worded a little more creatively.

>> No.3570612

Modern 'conservatism' is liberalism with a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance. Reagan's only talent was bumper-sticker sloganeering. He was a stupid hack, like all of you filthy moderns.

>> No.3570634

>Anonymous 03/17/13(Sun)12:29 No.3570450
>Replies: >>3570457 >>357
It's not an insult to you, it's an insulation, against everything outside that ego-wrapped bubble you call a brain, it's ignorance of or direct support of privilege and oppression, within the narrow confines and outdated notions of [I]I'm a normal everyday white guy and that's ideal[/I] but perhaps that image isn't working for you like you thought it should, so you troll and lurk on 4chan and belie the changing landscapes of diversity, rallying for the destruction of all things colored in your monochromatic worldview. humanity and technology and the future are leaving you behind. So wet your lips with the thirst for blood of your forebears that caused so much carnage and loss from similar close-minded ideologies, rage against the tyranny of change that threatens so dearly what small advantages you have, shout it all against a greater expanse. you lack the consummate courage to escape the confines of your creature comforts, so lounge in your couched position of superiority, clutch and cling dearly, for your thrones are coming down along with your majority rule, your aging senators, and old ideas.

>> No.3570648

why not?

>> No.3570655

brain activity

>> No.3570663
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>> No.3570672

You mean liberals aren't leftists. Leftists are committed to abolishing capitalism. Liberals are not.

>> No.3570698

Daily reminder that "progress" is just a scapegoat for people who are unhappy with their lives.

>> No.3570712

>"progress" is just a scapegoat for people who are unhappy with their lives.


You mean a rallying cry.

>> No.3570719

>I'm unhappy
>it's because we haven't reached this arbitrary goal I created to give me hope

>> No.3570722

Well, I am pro-life, and pro-personal responsibility, and fiscally conservative. Sorta.

I'm really more like a moderate libertarian than anything. Not a "HURR DURR NIGHT WATCHMEN STATE AYN RAND 420 BLAZE IT" guy, of course. I'm more for moderation than anything.

>> No.3570757

I think the foetus should fight for its own life. I'm pro-responsibility. how can you people say they need legislation to be protected? They need to get off their under-developed asses and do something for themselves.

>> No.3570768

Once alzheimer's kicks in, just like good ol' reagan.

>> No.3570771


>> No.3570778

Great contribution. Excellent work. Thank you.

>> No.3570787

And yet there is no law that makes it a felony to kill bacteria. Perhaps you are making the argument that there should be? Go to jail then. Go to jail and never come back.

>> No.3570792

This shit is not literature, it's low level trolling, get out.

>> No.3570803

I am disappointed to see that /lit/ is actually full of retardicans.

>> No.3570806

Yes, good job. You're saving this board. Thanks.

>> No.3570811

for death penalty
>pro-personal responsibility
not for forcing everyone to get health care because those who don't drive up costs
>fiscal conservative

>> No.3570816

>It's not a /pol/ice raiding party.
They're becoming as insufferable as old /b/ with their current level cross-board of shitposting.

>> No.3570864

>Pidgeon-holing political viewpoints accoring to your own media-driven image of what it means to be right-swinging.
I am personally pro-life (insofar as the foetus is actually alive which is only after 16 weeks, or brain activity) yet abhor the death penalty. I support optional government-sponsored healthcare, as well as being for personal responsibility (bring back the friendly society model) and I agree with fiscal conservatism, though I disagree with military spending. You seem to only grasp the American Republican Conservative view and that is a crying shame because there is so much more going on.

>> No.3570870


>> No.3570992


Oh, well on the off chance you're not trolling, probably like you, say mid twenties for a year or so, except the pro life bit anyway. It's all part of growing up.

Santa for the pre-teens
Socialist for teens
Conservative (free market) for twenties
After that..

And nothing wrong with it at all. The MASSIVE drawback is they keep giving children the vote, and yep.. twenties is still there. After those you grow out of them all really; hopefully you've given up on trying to fit the complexities of life into ideologies anyway, that or you're some kind of window licker

>> No.3571076

>still believing in the left-right paradigm

>> No.3571238

This post made me mad.

I hope that there's a huge anti-science movement right before a plague. All the stupid people try to heal themselves with flowers and crystals and prayer, all the non-idiots take the proper pills, and bam, only non-idiots are left alive.

That would be great.

>> No.3571282


Do you have issues with the fact that there are innocent people who "slip through the cracks" and are put to death undeservingly?

>> No.3571286

>everyone lives in America

>> No.3571296

srs pls go

>> No.3571306

Please, please get shit like this off of /lit/

Also, way to go from one retarded standpoint to another OP.

>> No.3571308

top lel
I was a socialist while a student, then when I started working I became a communist
nice try /pol/

>> No.3571310

It's funny because our youth are typically neoliberal WHY SHOULD I PAY FOR OTHERS 420blaze it Xd who switch to centrist ideologies as they get older.

>> No.3571329


>> No.3571339

except that's wrong

>> No.3571568
File: 363 KB, 1500x928, makise-kurisu-other.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Kurisu would have any qualms with killing babies for the sake of science

>> No.3571584

where the books
where the books
where the books at

this isn't /lit/
go to the politics board
you goddamn asshat

>> No.3571612

It happened the day that I realized that, regardless of the shortcomings of the right, the left had been bullshitting me all of my life (and since I'm a white guy, holds me personally responsible for all of the world's ills since the Pleistocene).

>> No.3571613
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>99 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click here to view.


>> No.3571621

But I don't like mass murder.