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3566857 No.3566857 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking for a few days about a novel idea. I've never written a novel but I've written a bunch of short stories. My idea has to do with a character that is a NEET (kind of like on Welcome to the NHK).

He lives at home and claims benefits from social security for disability (disability fraud: saying he is disabled when he's not and getting money for it). His parents also give him money to help with rent and groceries.

there are people that actually do this right? They sit at home all day and falsely collect social security money? I've been doing some research and found some people that were arrested for it, but nobody is actually talking about how it works.

Anybody have any insight on the idea of a NEET and how it all works?

>> No.3566878

He'll need a medical certificate obviously to apply for a disability allowance. Its pretty hard to fake symptoms, maybe mental illness is easier

>> No.3566888

Just have his parents give him all the money. He doesn't need to be relateable to anyone but asshole college kids, anyway.

>> No.3566895

Here's an idea for you OP.

He claims he has autism, and constantly laughs at the fact he's beat the system, but the more the book goes on the more you see he actually really does act autistic, and probably is.

>> No.3566897

Then in the end, he knew you were there the whole time and only wanted to lel trick you into believing he was autistic. :)

>> No.3566907
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OP, are you kidding me?

Have you even been to /jp/?

Probably not. Go to /jp/. Do not post. Do NOT post anything about your novel idea. Just lurk regularly. Find the NEET threads. Look at any of the threads and start reading. I'm not kidding. The reason I say not to post is because the posters there use irony and all sorts of weird passive behavior as defense mechanisms to further their own isolation. They'll let you believe anything you want so that they can stay inside their little NEET world without being disturbed. But if you lurk long enough, you'll see them lower their guard and you'll get a feel for their real personalities.

The weirdest and most fascinating shit of all is the homosexuality that begins to flourish in that sort of culture. Imagine: a bunch of men who love little girls but will never interact with real women. They only have other men with similar interests to confide in. What difference does gender make if the only representation of yourself is an avatar of a cute girl? Or what if you dress up as a girl and pretend? Very late at night I've seen them make threads with limited text; only images of Touhou's. Hidden in the spoiler texts, they post links to videos of men cosplaying as touhous having gay sex. I'm paranoid as shit to post links after I got banned, but just google 【女装注意】普通にフェラ【フラン】 and click the fc2 link. There are threads like these that pop up at random times of the night. It's like a little secret signal to the others. You'll have to learn to pick up on these things.

This, OP, is the can of worms you'll be opening if you want to research the NEET. Not to mention the recent trend in meth. I hope you're prepared.

>> No.3566908


You get into an accident and you just keep getting the checks. The insurance company or your employer will investigate after a prolonged stay on social security. That's pretty much it, man. You just collect checks.

>> No.3566914

Not OP, but this gave me goosebumps.

>> No.3566919
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>mfw one of the first threads on there

>> No.3566920

holy shit man, I had never really checked out /jp/ before. I just went there, and the first thread is sex life improvement. I never knew there were so many mods for fleshlights and body pillows...

>> No.3566921 [SPOILER] 
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Just think, Anon:

The behavior that cultivated this lifestyle has started finding its own roots in the West. Pic related.

>> No.3566925
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>Never go to /jp/
>go now
>First thread about how to fuck a pillow better
>Never again

>> No.3566930
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Its called Supplemental Security Income (SSI), AKA autismbux.
Basically welfare money for people with disabilities. The amount per month varies on the severity, the average I've seen on /jp/ is around $600.

This is the famed "Uncle Remus" guide, it provides methods for NEETs to get on SSI
You can find more info by searching for SSI or autismbux in the archive.

Also this person might be relevant for your research:

>> No.3566951

>What difference does gender make if the only representation of yourself is an avatar of a cute girl? Or what if you dress up as a girl and pretend? Very late at night I've seen them make threads with limited text; only images of Touhou's. Hidden in the spoiler texts, they post links to videos of men cosplaying as touhous having gay sex. I'm paranoid as shit to post links after I got banned, but just google 【女装注意】普通にフェラ【フラン】 and click the fc2 link. There are threads like these that pop up at random times of the night. It's like a little secret signal to the others. You'll have to learn to pick up on these things.

Somehow utterly hilarious and strangely chilling at the same time.

>> No.3566953
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That is a very fascinating thread you posted.

I keep laughing at the shut-ins who are so socially anxious that they're nervous, to the point of nausea, of 'pretending' to act socially anxious so they can receive government aid. That is really fucked up to me.

>> No.3566954

It reads like a creepypasta.

>> No.3566956

This is good story fodder, but I feel like you'd have to be one to be able to write it.

>> No.3566959
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Well, Anon. In high school I met a guy who became my best friend because we both were the only other person we knew who went on /a/. We're years out of high school now, and anime has become his lifestyle. I've always tagged along, but anime was just a hobby. We've gone our separate ways for now, but I still talk to him on Skype on a daily basis, where he does nothing but talk about anime, as he always has done, with the same fervor of an autistic. I've seen this man finally put on a maid dress after three weeks of checking his mailbox daily. Somehow our lives are inextricably tangled, and I will still love this guy to death probably forever, even after he suffocates under the weight of his growing figure collection.

tl;dr hanging out with my friend is like constant second-hand /jp/ exposure; we're totally the same sort of fucked up but in different ways

>> No.3566976

I once had a family friend; the cutest little girl I have ever met. Her father was drug trafficking, her mother committing tax fraud. Because her father owned a business (mechanic) she (mother did the taxes) was able to lie about his income and receive low income benefits like Medicare and EMA (in addition to the tax free drug money). Eventually it occurred to her that a divorce would net her more.

The decline of my own family saw that I would never see this girl again.

I assume she (the girls mother) continued to commit fraud in a similar way her good friend my mother did - claim she was getting less child support (from father) than she was in order to get a higher child support from the government. Ironically my mother, despite winning out big in the divorce lost custody, spent all he money on drugs and wound up in the loony bin because that same bad habit triggered schizophrenia.

Of course none of this is relevant under the American benefits system.

>> No.3566979

Lots of guys on 4chan do this, /tv/ has regular NEET threads during British hours

>> No.3566991

All the threads are about getting benefits in UK or USA. God I wish I lived in the UK. Anyway I'm in Canada and I have no idea how to go about doing this. I think benefits of any kind are also temporary, which sucks.

>> No.3567061
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>there are people that actually do this right? They sit at home all day and falsely collect social security money?

>> No.3567102

thats why its unconditionally the best board, its exciting.

>> No.3567145
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Stagnant you mean.

It's also the most hostile place (unless you're a newfaggot coming to /a/) and most certainly has the highest population of genuinely mentally unsound people of any board.

>> No.3567235

i am /jp/ tier neet but i also like the books

well maybe low on the /jp/ tier list but i buy figs, panties, have a dakimakura, etc.

i think there's certainly potential for a novel about this sort of lifestyle. i've tried writing something like it myself but i'm a hack.

>> No.3567255

i know people who claim mental disability, being drug addicts and depressed and trying childhoods,

but who abuse the drugs their doctors give them, decide to take or not take drugs regularly,
and basically make their condition worse.
is this because they're addicts and their brain chemistry is to blame?


>> No.3567262

it's = it is

use the fucking apostrophe, asshole.

>> No.3567272


Have you read the NHK novel? If not, I suggest you do so. The author based the MC loosely on his own experiences. If you're interested in the inner workings of a NEET, read that and lurk /jp/. I think the most telling thing you can get out of the novel are the two author's notes at the end.

>> No.3567281

That's amazing, a kinky cyber underground on a website about Chinese cartoons.

Anymore creepy stories?

>> No.3567301

there used to be an active irc room where you could mutually masturbate, share what you were masturbating to, help get each other off via "playing pretend", etc.

>> No.3567323

/jp/ is one of the last oldfag boards. It's got the real fuck ups - touhou is cover, if you want Western image board culture and Western NEETs and the like, that's the board to be lurking on. Closest thing to Anime/Random. Many of the older posters are around warosu and ota-ch now too, /q/nazism has pushed a lot out but there's such a flood of weird shit on there that it can't be stopped entirely.

>> No.3567373

Usually if you want to steal or just copy an idea you disguise it so it is not explicitly evident.

>> No.3567507

I haven't read the novel but only have seen the show. That's a good idea.

I'm not necessarily trying to write anything entirely similar to NHK other than the fact that he's a NEET. There's going to be a real plot going on and everything but I see how that would be a good thing to study if I'm going to be making the main character similar to Satou

>> No.3567554

professional NEET reporting in for a confessional. Hope you find this useful, OP.

-There are three things that scare a NEET.
1) having our government funds cut off.
2) when the doorbell wakes us up at noon and we have to answer the door.
3) When we have to leave the house for something.

-We are pretty content in our lifestyle. We have found a way to survive by expending the smallest amount of effort possible. We have won.
-We have won, but we are not content. There is a constant sense of something missing, but we will never look for it unless forced.
-Days blur together. I rarely know what day of the week it is, and spend 95% of my life in bed with my laptop.
-I never open the curtains. As I rarely leave the same room, the windows condense up, and mould growing in the room is a real problem.
-Every month or so I get a burst of motivation and clean the entire apartment. Up until this point, I have been carving out a channel in the debris to the front door and kitchen.
-There is the desire for self improvement, and I frequently read, watch online lectures, and have bursts of exercise that are maintained for a week.
-Prolonged isolation leads to social anxiety, and even looking at the postman or the supermarket delivery man in the eyes brings intense discomfort.
-My eyes have adjusted to the dark, and sunlight is unbearably bright.
-Full submission to alcohol and drug addiction is kept at bay by an intense dislike of leaving the house to get them.
-I have no real sleeping pattern. I can fall asleep just as easily at 4pm as 4am.
-I am jealous of normal happy people, and tell myself that they are chasing illusionary goals, and I am the only sane person.
-I don't think I can change by myself. The motivation to do it isn't strong enough, so unless my money gets cut off, I'm like this indefinitely.
-All contact with friends and family has died.
-I am alone in my little government funded bubble, and the longer I stay like this, the more detached from society I become.

>> No.3567565

Actually, this is great. Op, I may be drunk, but I love this anon's idea!

>> No.3567567

I've been a shut-in for the last five years and I haven't stooped to that shit.

>> No.3567585

I don't understand you nuNEETs.

When I was a NEET I loved sunshine, always kept the windows open when it was warm. Loved to watch the snow, what I was awake during the day anyway, and the changing of seasons. NEET life is great but it gets boring. You convince yourself that you're happy but really you want to explore the world, and it's a great adventure when you finally do.

Also OG hikki thread (not ronery) that started all the bullshit that's now flooded /jp/, maybe even started the whole >feels faggotry -> http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/965262/

If you don't have those feels, you don't know hikki.

>> No.3567588

>those feels

That's exactly how I feel except all I do is watch video game streams instead of, you know, actually playing the video game.
>associates degree
>moved away home for a semester, but never left dorm and got suspended
>live with father
>pays all the bills; builds up my credit while I do nothing
>math skills eroded, concentration eroded
>try to save up a few hundred my dad gives me and hire escort
>have online search evaluation job that I never do
>browsing l/it/ making list of books to read, but never reading
>living vicariously through others experiences

>> No.3567608

>3) When we have to leave the house for something.

That feel when you desperately need a haircut but you're too anxious to leave the house. You wake up at 11am and tell yourself you will get washed and dressed, gather up your courage, and leave the house at 1pm. Then it reaches 1pm and you tell yourself that you just need some more time to mentally prepare yourself -- and besides, there's a good thread on 4chan you are keeping an eye on -- so you decide you'll leave at 3pm instead. You get fully prepared and put your shoes and coat on in advance and sit on the edge of your bed waiting for 3pm. All of a sudden you feel the onset of a panic attack; your heart seems to be beating irregularly and you find it difficult to draw breath. By the time it subsides it is 4pm. It's probably too late to get a haircut without an appointment now, so you strip all your clothes off and get back in bed. It's OK, you tell yourself, I'll wake up early and go tomorrow.

>this has been happening to me for the last two years

>> No.3567619

Ha.. I'm doing that right. I wish I would change.... almost 1pm. Considering buzzing it instead of suffering through a barber conversation or that awkward silence.

>> No.3567635

Doesn't /lit/ have its own resident NEET? I remember some posts in that vein a while back.

>> No.3567629


You're describing a Hikikomori more so than a NEET.

Not all NEET are hikikomori.

>> No.3567643

Several, I'd imagine. I'm a /lit/ regular and I have been a NEET and a shut-in for years.

I'm >>3567567 and >>3567608

>> No.3567645


This post trying to justify his existence as a NEET:

>I don't have any moral problems with my lifestyle.

>Your fear isn't wholly justified though. There aren't a lot of people on welfare, and only an extremely small minorty is on welfare because they like it. You see, welfare isn't fun for most. You get to live beneath minimum wage. It's poverty, the government is just decent enough to give you a little bit for food, clothes and shelter. A life of such controlled poverty and being a social outcast on top of that is way more hardship than most people can endure. Most people on welfare can't wait to get a job. They are bored, they are poor, they are ashamed and miserable. Life on welfare is basically the life of a monk or a prisoner that gets to go outside. There's nearly no luxuries. You live in gloomy concrete neighbourhoods and you are basically guaranteed no improvement for life. It takes a special kid of person to be able to be happy on welfare. A bit of a Cynic, perhaps. You won't have to be afraid that it becomes the popular thing to do. If anything, most people are simply too vain and greedy and dull for that.

>If you are worried about your money going to the wrong things, welfare should be very low on your list of things to complain about. You should be worried about tax evasion of the rich, about military spending, about dislocated public funding and mismanagement in government functions. I live on less than €10.000 a year. That's less than half of what a prisoner costs under your inhuman, psychopath petri dish of a prison system. And a little more than one eighth of the cost of a prisoner here. Seeing that I won't and can't work and I'm not willing to euthanise myself for the greater good, welfare really isn't such a bad solution for a lot of cases. I'd be way more expensive as a criminal or institutionalised. Everybody wins, or at least doesn't lose too much. Hell, if I do some decent writing, people might actually get something out of it.

>> No.3567646

Learn to cut your hair yourself, it's really not hard. Fuck leaving the house.

>> No.3567659
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>> No.3567694

It's a small point of pride that most people would probably have gone insane living in the abject poverty and isolation that I underwent as a NEET. I've recently been moving out of NEET life and started working on a GED and getting a job. Not because I want to but out of necessity. Honestly I hate society. I hate the idea of participating in a society that milks us like cows.

>> No.3567771

I'm flattered.

>> No.3567788

honestly, monsieur, we hate you right back, and wish you would just fall off the face of the earth. but in fact you constitute a part of us, and for that reason i hate society too, because i cannot stand you five dollar misanthropes. ah, you are working on a GED? alceste, eat your heart out.

>> No.3567797

Enjoy bombing third world nations and locking half your population in prisons. All my misanthropy doesn't cause half the suffering your own passive acceptance of evil does.

>> No.3567804

Holy shit it's like a Palahniuk novel.

>> No.3567810
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I find the NEET/hikki lifestyle interesting and the "prisoner or monk that can go outside(but never does)" description seems very apt.

My to question is how are the ones who don't live with family able to afford housing? Do they really live in ghetto apartments that have bars on the windows? If a NEET could could share a simple budget of their autismbux, rent, food, etc, I would appreciate it.
I know I should ask on /jp/ but frankly that place scares me.

>> No.3567811

monsieur, before i was blind but now i see. your misanthropy is the cure of all our political woes. until now, i have lived in passive acceptance of the human condition, amor fati, but no more. you have shown me a higher path. the elevation of our species unlocked through the impotent rage and hatred of an insightful NEET misanthrope working on a GED.

>> No.3567817

I was going to be a NEET

But then I learned that my country doesn't have any sort of social welfare infrastructure comprable to what Americans get. So I had to actually get a job, which is unfortunate.

>> No.3567827

This is a bit OT.

But do you guys think that the chans are a good way to learn about people? I mean this from a research perspective; clearly, there's a lot you can learn from a board like /jp/. Surfing /opi/ on 420chan will give you some insights into wtf is going on in the head of someone with an opiate addiction. I think that once you get past all the shitposting, there's a wealth of information about people on these boards

>> No.3567834

lol. The government pays for it. There are various types of allowances, and some even have government housing thrown in. There are over 2 million council houses in the UK, that's government owned houses that NEETs, poor people, and welfare warriors live in. If you fake a disease like depression, you can get signed off working, and the government pays for you to be unemployed.

The government tried implementing a 'back to work' scheme, so people claiming unemployment benefit or jobseekers allowance (not disability) are forced into work, but they just had that shut down by the EU a few weeks ago, as it constituted slavery.

>> No.3567841

I think the chans only attract the social dregs. We don't get normal people here.

>> No.3567843

You enjoy your life being siphoned off for a war machine and I'll live my simple life as someone who dropped out of society at a young age and parasitically leeches off an unthinking and uncaring people. I can tell you for all my misanthropy I'm still happily living life on my own terms.

>> No.3567844

I'm not sure that there is any one reason for people to live as you describe. I have a job, and have had as many as three at a time since i was fourteen. I love work, and do it for fourteen hours a day, as much as six days a week.

However when I'm home I lurk 4chan and drink coffee, read books I've pirated and play my guitar. I have five or six paychecks piling up by the mail bin sometimes because I've never bothered to get direct deposit and just don't need that much money.

I date welfare mothers, who are the forced NEETS of the owrld and they have real problems i can help fix. They appreciate that i can afford to buy them new washers and microwaves and help with their car insurance.

I have always hoped to find a little ready-made family of a woman with a couple kids who i could marry and then just work and support them, but girls these days arent interested in a guy who is gone all day working, theyd rather have someone NEET or a criminal who can stay up late and party or at least be with them more than the fifteen or so hours a week i can manage, so its probably not going to happen.

I have a lot of deadbeat friends however, who are happy to let me buy them drinks and dinner and we go places on sunday so theres some social life i guess.

Point being, working doesnt solve the NEET-related problems as well as you might think.

>> No.3567845


The problem here however is you cannot take what anyone posts here as factual statements.

It could all be an elaborate ruse, fantasy, or online persona etc.

>> No.3567850
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>The government tried implementing a 'back to work' scheme, so people claiming unemployment benefit or jobseekers allowance (not disability) are forced into work,

Why is the britbong government so incompetent?

>> No.3567851

>I have a lot of deadbeat friends however, who are happy to let me buy them drinks and dinner and we go places on sunday so theres some social life i guess.

Got room for one more?

>> No.3567856

Behead those who insult the merciful britbong caliphate.

>> No.3567857

No, they succeeded in setting up the policy, but the European Court of Human Rights told them that forcing people into supermarket jobs was a breach of human rights, and they were ordered to stop.

>> No.3567860

sure. I'm building a deck on the back of my house. Some of the welfare girls want to put in a hot tub. we're having a picnic to plan it. Then going out for st patricks day green wings and beer. I have to get done with work though. be at my house at five...or just meet us at Mccauleys. tell them you're on my tab.

>> No.3567868

That's true. But I think you could still be pulling at important parts of the human experience related to that subculture, right?

Maybe this is all just a result of my cognitive dissonance about spending so much time on here, and is just me telling myself it's actually productive.

>> No.3567869

While no gf might be a problem shared by workaholics and NEETs, it's for completely different reasons. I'm not a NEET as I'm in school and work like 10-15 hours a week, but honestly even that is a fucking chore and just being at work makes me depressed and gives me a headache. It's the idea that I'm expected to work in some big box retail outlet for shit pay and am required to show camaraderie with my coworkers unless I want some private pep talk with the Carnegie-worshipping douchbag of a manager. All while baking under the pressure of the flourescent lighting and the Top 40 radio while being made to prostrate myself to every obese materialist who can't be bothered to search for their own DVD's. All to try and make the international corporation I work for happy enough that they don't decide my job isn't necessary anymore.

Yes this is very specific to retail, but working in an office is no better and if anything is worse due to the expectation that you'll stay there for 10+ years.

>> No.3567885


Why don't you capitalise I's and the first letter of each sentence? It would legitimise your little act a little more.

>> No.3567893

Yeah, you sort of do have the worst of both worlds. I have all the money and benefits i need, and i love work, so i've done it so much I'm in charge of two departments and have two offices, three desks and can work alone as much as i want since I'm so productive nobody wants to interfere.

The problem with work for a lot of people is that if you don't like it for the first three or four years, you never get to do the stuff that"s really fun and involving.

I've also found that if i take a "what i don't know won't hurt me" attitude to my girlfriends dating other guys, I can keep them longer. But it does always devolve into a "show up, get money, leave' relationship eventually and i can't really tolerate that very long.

>> No.3567897

legitimacy, monsieur? ah, now THAT is a good one.

>> No.3567902

That way you make your life sound (supporting and keeping friends with beer and food, maintaining girlfriends that cheat on you while you spend all day at work) makes me want to work even less. I don't how you deal with it because, if I was put in your situation, I would say fuck it immediately and just abandon everything. My desire for friends and sex isn't high enough for any of that.

>> No.3567929

it's not a question of desire, it's a question of apathy. If you have money you're not using, these people will find you. It's not the best kind of social life, but if you work as much as i do, its at least one you have time for. Real friends and relationships demand more attention and time than i can give them. i have to be content with the ones who just want money and a good time. I deal with it because most of the time i'm doing something i like, which is working. And i like to think i'm helping out a few people by buying them the luxuries that food stamps and WIC checks won't purchase. Honestly some of the women wouldn't be doing anything except watching their kids all the time if it wasn't for me. kids are expensive.

>> No.3567930

incredible statement, monsieur. incredibly unwise. women cannot be kept. it is 2013. if you want a woman, you have to take her on loan from her family, friends, and other lovers. i would be seriously disturbed by a woman who wanted me to have her all to myself. 'what? has she slept with all the world and is now ready to give it all up? is she all fucked out? and i, last of all, am to be the caretaker of her stds?'

>> No.3567933

You have a very metro modern lifestyle. I have to say, it's pretty cool, bro.

>> No.3567969

There are sad aspects though. I used to think there was a welfare mom out there somewhere, sitting in bed crying after her kids went to bed because she couldn't afford toys and clothes and things for them like the other kids had, and had to buy second hand clothes for herself and get handouts from her family. I was going to find her and sweep in and solve all her money problems and take her and the kids out on the weekends to chuckie cheese and her to restaurants and bars and shopping and we'd have dinner together and watch movies.

I thought i had ait a few times, even for as much as three or four months. Then the old boyfriends or the new guy, or the babies father would notice she was happy and had money and would come creeping back, either to mooch off her or to try to cut me out and spoil her new relationship, or whatever. She'd get colder and more distant and be busy all the time and just take money for things, and wouldn't even want to go shopping with me.

She'd break it off, and the old boyfriend would be back for a couple months and then I'd start getting long texts about the mistake she'd made, and whatever. But even taking them back doesn't really work. It's not guys like me they want. Most of these are pretty, nice, smart girls. If they really wanted a family with a nice, well mannered dad who works and a house and car and family life they could probably get it. But they want to stay out all night and hang out all day, and go wild on the weekends and I get home at seven thirty, go to bed at eleven and get up at six. They get bored and they go back to guys with time on their hands that share their habits and lifestyle.

my life is a compromise, not entirely my choice for what I'd like to be doing.

>> No.3567975


Why don't you just work less?

>> No.3567976

Keep your relationships and your charity separate. Help out the less fortunate by all means but don't do it on the provisio they sleep with you. You're not having relationships with those women as equals, you're providing them with money to keep you company for a while.

>> No.3567994

We are the neets,
We are the neets,
We are, we are, we are the neets

We are the neets,
We are the neets,
We are, we are, we are the neets

>> No.3568024

My mother did it up until the day she died. You'd be surprised how little the officials who run these sorts of programs do to prevent fraud.

>She was a licensed R.N.
>She just didn't want to work
>Retired when she had me
>Claimed her Diabetes prevented her from work.

Of course the fact that she died because of a diabetic coma kinda cemented the fact that it was a major health issue for her...

I also knew a black girl in community college who was on disability because she was depressed.
>She explained it to me while she was laughing.

But you know, emotions are hard to really have in a fixed place on your face.

>> No.3568036

>having worse welfare than Murrica

Say hi to Satan for me.

>> No.3568059

>go to shrink
>be honest
>free money for life

Based Europe.

>> No.3568066

The one thing that keeps me coming back to 4chan is how people change when given anonymity. Some open up and show you their true selves (something that you will never see in real life). Others construct fantasies about how they wish they were living showing you their deepest desires. A third group resorts to trolling as a simulation of actual human contact, you can feel their loneliness through the screen. I have learned far more about people from this website than i have in real life. Once you get used to it, its easy to see the elaborate ruses people construct in real life to delude their friends, their family's and most of all themselves.

>> No.3568082

that doesn't sound like fraud is she had terminal diabetes TBH.

>> No.3568094

Presumably the diabetes was more in control then she made out and she could have easily kept working. Of course living with diabetes is risky and it only takes one slip up to fall into a coma.

>> No.3568120

i never make helping them contingent on sex, And i continue to help when they need it long after the sex stuff stops. I'm no trying to control these women.

However, a lot of them see sex as the only thing they have to offer, or worse, the easiest thing they have to offer, since actually hanging out with me and doing stuff would create conflicts with the other guys they're trying to get.

In fact one of the things that irritatres me is that after we break up, they won't come and ask for stuff that they really need (such as back to school stuff for the kids, or money to fix their cars) because it would look weird to their deadbeat boyfriends or it would feel bad because I'm not getting anything out of it.

They actually get the idea that sex is all they have of value I think. takes them awhile to get used to the idea that a day at the park with the kids and helping me shop for a new bed is fun too.


The nature of adiction, i guess. And i really don't like anyone else trying to do my job when i'm gone, though that may just be a rationale.

>> No.3568124

>>She explained it to me while she was laughing.
That's how I explain my mental problems to people. Either laughing or crying. Doesn't mean it isn't real, it just means that one either has to frivolise it for self-protection or is broken down enough to be truly honest.

>> No.3568126

is that you, woodthrush?

>> No.3568127

anonymity doesn't change people at all. they are the same people. they are just in a different context. that context forces them to act in mind-fuckingly predictable ways. a few variations on an old air. there is not three, or four, or six types of 4channers. there are as many kinds of lonely people as there are as many kinds of loneliness. one will only learn what one wants to learn. an endless stream of data can be interpreted however you like. the great irony of 4chan is that, as reflexive as it is and people like you are or pretend to be, it never changes, monsieur.

>> No.3568136
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Oh God, this is me.

>> No.3568174
File: 168 KB, 500x750, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be relatively recent NEET semi-hermit
>get enough money to have a healthy lifestyle and compute and read
>finally don't have to struggle anymore
>haven't been this happy since childhood
>catch myself smiling every night when I go to bed, grateful for my life as it is
>quite frequently driven to tears of happiness by the beauty and sweet sadness of things
>feel a warm glow of contentedness most days
>be observant sagely do-nothing of life

I don't get depressed NEETs. Depression is a symptom of work.

>> No.3568195

>Depression is a symptom of work.

This so much.

>> No.3568205

Well, imagine you had never worked in your life. You've shut yourself off from the world for a long long time. You feel like everyone else is experiencing something that you'll never get.

There are NEETs and there are hikkis. The hikkis are the depressed ones.

>> No.3568206

>is that you, woodthrush?


>> No.3568208

how do you explain guys like me who love work though and are all antsy and nervous when we take a day off? It's not just the job either. I've run hotels, done field research, built houses (well, framed houses, mostly roofs) worked in libraries and trained horses to gaits. Right now I do custom leather work for the track. It's all good.

>> No.3568216


I think that you're an addict, and that you may hate yourself deep down.

>> No.3568220

Addiction. You've got something worse than work you need to get away from. If you can't stand being alone and doing nothing you might be in bad company.

>> No.3568230

I think i like myself fine. but yeah, i think i'm an addict, drop me on a desert island and I'd build a castle instead of a hut, and instead of a raft I'd make a schooner. Just to keep busy. A friend of mine said I'd be a good slave, since i didn't let anybody else do any work when we went camping.

>> No.3568233
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I dunno. Not everyone who is NEET is like this. Look at me.

>-There are three things that scare a NEET.
>1) having our government funds cut off.
I don't claim benefits.
>2) when the doorbell wakes us up at noon and we have to answer the door.
I...can answer doors.
>3) When we have to leave the house for something.
I go out into town twice a week (on average), and it's good exercise as well. During the warmer months, I'm in the garden most days, plus walks in the countryside.

>> No.3568239


How are you supported?

>> No.3568245

Ask /jp/, they have the answers you seek.

They even have guides on how to fake autism so that you can collect autism bux

>> No.3568251

So, that would be you if your parents didn't look after you then?

Also, just leaving the house twice a week doesn't constitute 'good exercise'.

>> No.3568252

If you like yourself, why can't you spend time with yourself for it's own sake? Why do you need activity to distract you from any interior dialogue? When people really like each other they practice being with each other for the sake of being with each other. When people really like themselves they do this with themselves.

>> No.3568266


Savings. Which are nearly gone, sadly.


I have to walk about a mile and a half into town, so 3 miles round journey. Plus I walk about for a while, obviously. I get some exercise.

I did actually use to jog, but got fed up with it after a while.

>> No.3568274


Do you have a plan for when your savings are gone? Sorry if I'm prying, tripfag, but not living this way myself I'm unironically quite curious about how those who do conduct themselves.

>> No.3568277


Kill myself. I won't have anywhere to go, and I'm not the happiest person anyway, so there we go.

>> No.3568288

Are there any professional criminals on /lit/? I paid for most of the books and 'whatnot' I bought during college with money acquired from dealing drugs for my cousin's friend.

>> No.3568296

Killing yourself is harder than it sounds. You'll probably end up just being a broke NEET rather than a NEEt with savings.

>> No.3568297
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>> No.3568309

I used to sell weed but it got to be too much of a hassle and I almost got busted so I stopped. I don't really want anything so I don't shoplift.

>> No.3568315

I wish I could empathize and feel bad about your potential suicide...

But you've shitposted and systematically made this board at least 5 times more mediocre than it needs to be, and when you finally stop posting I will be very, very happy.

>> No.3568497

Please spend faster.

>> No.3568499


Before your savings are completely depleted do one last journey - take out all your cash and just go somewhere, to another country, hitchhike, wander around - don't blow it, but just enjoy the freedom of knowing once the final banknote is gone you can finally pass on.

I'd hate to be draining away at my savings in the same manner right down to the end.

>> No.3568873

Yes. I also love lurking strange online communities in general. Things like Stormfront, Revleft, Hipforums, Bluelight, christian youth stuff, buddhist forums, neopagan stuff etc. It's amazing to enter a little microcosm where people of a certain disposition dwell and spend their time reaffirming eachothers views in relative anonymity They're cultural petri dishes.

>> No.3568877

Have you ever considered buying a boat?

>> No.3568882
File: 42 KB, 300x237, swedishprison3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crime's not worth it, causes way too much stress and anxiety. Unless you're a Swede or something. I wouldn't mind going to jail for a year there, I'd catch up on my reading and write short stories.

>> No.3568892

I'm going to write a story about a guy named Fronz Küfke. who has a pathological hatred for sleek minimalist modern interior design to the point of murdering the head designer of Ikea ending up serving life in a jail cell designed by him.

>> No.3568894

Damn, that's better than my place in every way.

>> No.3570909


Where are these guides you speak of?

>> No.3571617

it's in this thread, bro

i had to go through 3 captchas to write this you better go find it

>> No.3571946


>> No.3571965

As someone who's in the middle of finding a publisher, make sure you're able to write a novel. They rely more on sub-plots and setting than short stories do.

I find it hard to write short stories because I feel they're most often too direct.

>> No.3571993

I've never written a novel before but I think this is an interesting subject.

The whole NEET part is just for the character, but there's going to be a plot and subplots and everything. I'm going to be alternating chapters from two people's perspectives. More than likely two brothers.

I haven't really thought it all out yet but I think it should be pretty good.

I was thinking about doing it kind of Murakami style in Kafka on the Shore, where there's two different stories that alternate chapters, but the characters never really meet; however, the stories somehow intertwine and are reactant upon each other.

>> No.3572001
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If you want information about NEET's you'll actually probably have better luck asking /a/ than /jp/.

Just find a thread where people are posting pictures of their rooms or something (pic related) and ask whatever questions about the NEET lifestyle you want answered.

>> No.3572002

Alright then, what sort of word length are you looking at? I reckon you could get 50k to 80k out of a story about a NEET and his brother.

>> No.3572011


Yeah that sounds good. Like I said it's my first work that I'm actually considering going novel length at all. I gotta come up with a plot and setting, etc that I'm satisfied with though before I do too much thinking about that stuff.

>> No.3572012

I think it's a bit dumb to assume that all NEET faggots are the same as those you find on 4chan. There must be some socially adjusted NEETs.

>> No.3572015

I recently finished my first novel length work at 110k words (but I'm planning a trilogy)

Just, the best advice I received and I can give is to think of it in very practical terms. I think newbies get caught up in their own fantasies.

That said, you've written short fiction so you aren't exactly a newbie.

>> No.3572019

I'm best friends with a socially adjusted NEET.

Thing is, most of them end up being reclusive due to people working or going to school while they're sitting at home.

>> No.3572044

Of course there are. There are loads of NEETs in Europe at the moment due to the lack of work. But the term is typically used on 4chan as a synonym for 'hikikomori' or 'shut-in'.

>> No.3572061

I think it's a bit dumb to assume that all the NEETs on 4chan are maladjusted socially.

>> No.3572061,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.3572061,2 [INTERNAL] 

Hmmm, what?

>> No.3572061,3 [INTERNAL] 

thanks for linking to the EPIC thread OP ^_____6

>> No.3572061,4 [INTERNAL] 

Wow acting like going to /jp/ is some kind of "going down the rabbit hole" matrix bullshit
This guy needs to get the fuck over himself

>> No.3572061,5 [INTERNAL] 

It's amusing how they treat /jp/ like it's the zoo or museum.
``Look at these extensive doll collections.''
``Daddy, I'm scared of the onaholes, can we go back to the idolmaster thread?''
``I happen to be an expert on online cultures, and it is of my opinion that /jp/ users are in fact closet homosexuals.''

>> No.3572061,6 [INTERNAL] 

>go to /lit/
>think its a board for smart and educated people
>see this thread

I want to raze 4chan to the ground.

>> No.3572061,7 [INTERNAL] 

fucking normalscum...