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3562561 No.3562561 [Reply] [Original]

How does one go insane?

>> No.3562567

acid and alcoholism

>> No.3562573

why do you ask?

>> No.3562571


>> No.3562580

I'm looking to heighten my consciousness, and this seemed like the most interesting way.

>> No.3562584

oh then just acid
have you even smoked pot yet?

>> No.3562595

Oh yes, I've smoked pot many times.
I'm trying acid for the first time with a few friends over spring break.

Is there any way without using intoxicants, though?

>> No.3562598

Lovecraft wrote literally hundreds of short stories answering that question.

>> No.3562604

Which are the best?

>> No.3562607

meditation but that's kind of gay
I mean you can apparently release DMT on will, but you know, spirituality

>> No.3562620

Look into a mirror. Look deep into your own eyes. Then remind yourself that one day... nothing's going to be looking back. And that mirror, and everything you know and love, will still be there when you're gone. Nothing will have changed.

>> No.3562627

I went through an existential crisis at the age of 16.
That shit doesn't bother me anymore.

>> No.3562639

>existential crisis
Fuck right off.

>> No.3562641


If absurdity doesn't bother you then you must be broken. Congrats... you're insane.

>> No.3562644
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>doesn't go through an existentialist crisis every day

>> No.3562651

it's called ataraxia you fucking nerd

>> No.3562653

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

I don't understand.
What do you mean by 'absurdity?'

No, I got past it because I realized that we are just like anything else on the planet - we live, we die, and we have no real 'purpose' other than to either serve something bigger than us and live our life for others or be completely self centered and live our life for ourselves.

>> No.3562666
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it's called mono-no-aware you fucking BAKA

>> No.3562670


>Doesn't know what "absurd" means
>Doesn't even have the brains to google it and try to sound like he knew what it means

You must be new here.

>> No.3562678

>implying an agent

>> No.3562681

I won't deny that I'm new.
I've only been here a few months.

And I know what absurd means and I know about absurdism, I just don't understand what you mean.

>> No.3562682
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do a lot of drugs nonstop you shitstain face fucker onomatopoeia-spewing ape machine bipedal transcendental school house mama wanna-be rockstar

>> No.3562684

Absurdity isn't meant to bother you. The absurd is beautiful.

>> No.3562686

shut up with your chink shit it doesnt work

the sublime is dead btw

>> No.3562696


That's more like it

>> No.3562700

>going through an existentialist crisis every day
There are many different kinds of madness and this is the best kind. You will never rest, but that's the price you must pay.

>> No.3562703

ataraxia is absolute peace of mind faggot

>> No.3562709

Now I understand.

Can you give me a list of different madnesses, so I can pick my favorite?

>> No.3562715

yes? get your autism checked you mongoloid

>> No.3562719
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Good acting

>> No.3562725
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how can anything be dead when all i see around me is dying

>> No.3562728

I don't understand, I provided the correct definition of ataraxia. I didn't write anything that wasn't true except, maybe, "faggot".
But that was rhetoric.

>> No.3562734

all of them.

>> No.3562750

>I don't understand, I provided the correct definition of ataraxia. I didn't write anything that wasn't true except, maybe, "faggot".

gee wanna count digits on the P as well?

>> No.3562751

drugs, insanity, etc, are not going to "heighten your consciousness" , they're just going to confuse you into thinking that you've found any sort of meaningful answer.

do something productive instead ffs. I've grappled with schizophrenia my entire life, it's not romantic, it's shitty. This sort of beat culture wannabe bullshit is the most irritating drivel I see on /lit/

>> No.3562760

>do something productive instead ffs. I've grappled with schizophrenia my entire life, it's not romantic, it's shitty. This sort of beat culture wannabe bullshit is the most irritating drivel I see on /lit/

im enjoying my mania quite much so shut the fuck up, not my fault schizo is so shitty

>> No.3562762

Well, I'm not a psychologist, I don't have scientific facts and I don't have a list lol

But I've read about madness, I've interacted with crazy people and I can tell you what I've find.

One kind of madness is reiterative, the person has a recurrent idea which he can never resolve. It is the kind of madness of the quote: "Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results." It's like living like a ghost. You should avoid becoming one of these guys.

>> No.3562771

Before answering that we must go really deep in the rabbit whole, and question our own sanity

how could you be sure that you aren't mad?

>> No.3562774

Quite much. Nice rebuttal. lrn2write

>> No.3562783

>2014, the year of Finnegan's Wake
>still believing you have to adher to formal language structure
>not realizing the Forms died a century ago

be careful to not fog up those glasses, kiddo

>> No.3562788

Doubt everything, trust nothing.

>> No.3562796

OP. I did a bunch acid when I was younger and now I have to take a medication to stop me from hallucinating every day of my life. Just tossing you a heads up.

>> No.3562799
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"I deny nothing, but doubt everything."

- The 'mad, bad and dangerous to know' Lord Byron

(capticha: byorsed discovery)

>> No.3562801

How old are you now? I have done fucking tons of acid and haven't had any problems. What age did you start getting these hallucinations?

>> No.3562802
File: 733 KB, 500x2404, tulpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does one go insane?

Even /a/ and /x/ could answer this better than any plebs here.

Follow this guide.

>> No.3562805

>If I do drugs once a month and act wacky I'll write like Bukowski

I'm not even denying the validity of the premise, I just don't know why anyone would aspire to that dross.

>> No.3562812

20s. I think I had a genetic predisposition on my dad's side. I didn't even do a lot of acid. One night I did 3 tabs in a night and I haven't been the same since. I've always been weird and had paranoid thoughts though since childhood. Still I would generally recommend somebody not to do acid. Especially if they're not familiar with their own family history.

>> No.3562825

true that
nor shroms, nor alcohol, nor lsd, nor any substance will give you something you don't have
you must cultivate your talent before ruining your mind

>> No.3562826

Oh I'm in my thirties now. I started manifesting symptoms in my 20s. I don't hallucinate as bad as other people I'm just schizoaffective not full blown schizo.

>> No.3562827
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>not working for functional streng-er-insanity (pic-related)
>not walking the line between insanity and genius

>> No.3562829

and this is why, ladies and gentlemen, psychedelics should be treated with respect, and you should do your research before doing them.

you just don't play with that stuff

>> No.3562837

Yeah, I wouldn't want to be one of them.

I'm looking for more of a Jeff Mangum sort of insanity.
When you can tell there is something going on inside your head, but you don't quite know what - but it isn't a bad type of insanity, in fact it's more of an eye opening insanity, letting you into a different mindset.
One day, I sat and listened through Neutral Milk Hotel's discography (demos, EPs, LPs, etc) and I could tell there was something wrong with him. But the odd thing was, I felt like it kind of rubbed off on me. I just want to experience that again for the rest of my life. Because it wasn't an insanity like schizophrenia or anything like that. It felt like my mind was being stripped away. Like there was someone inside my head stripping away the layers of my mind, like an onion. But it was an opening experience. I was having crazy dreams that I can't even begin to explain and I was having fucked up thoughts about how I was going to be the king of another race of people but they were inside my head, and it was just weird.
I want to feel that again, because it was the most interesting two or three days of my life.

And no, I was not on any drugs at the time. This was 100% music induced.

>> No.3562853

what is this /x/ faggotry?
Go directly to the sources, op; read the books of Alister Crowley and other occultists, join a magick order, become a chaos magician, dunno... I assure you you'll lose little bits of sanity eventually.

>> No.3562883

>psychedelics should be treated with respect
I've never liked that word when speaking about drugs.
It sounds like you owe respect to the poison you're taking when, actually, it is your body what deserves respect.

"Respect your own body", that's what we should be saying.

>> No.3562906
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oh boy

>> No.3562947

Continually question your sanity.

>> No.3562984


>> No.3562989

This is your daily reminder from those of us with tendencies towards insanity to check your privilege.

>> No.3562990
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Don fuck wit essay meng.
Essay loco.

>> No.3562991
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Pour libations for and worship Dionysus.

>> No.3563020


>so I can pick my favorite

How about you pick a personality, for fuck's sake.

>> No.3563045


>> No.3563054
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>not worshiping Apollo

>> No.3563066

>not living through both

>> No.3563067
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>people so uninteresting that they must try and induce themselves with a mental condition because they figure that since their usual mindset is so boring then "insanity" must be totally awesome

Luckily you will grow out of that a couple of years from now.

>> No.3563077

>making both gods angry by worshiping their respective rivals instead of just picking one

Stay plen.

>> No.3563081
File: 12 KB, 179x282, thoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not worshiping Thoth

It's like you're not even trying.

>> No.3563087
File: 27 KB, 550x535, sad-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never shipwreck on an island and then be taken as a slave by a sorcerer and fall in love with his beautiful daughter who's never seen civilization.

>> No.3563096

>not appreciating the dionysian/apollonion duality
Enjoy your neuroses

>> No.3563129
File: 11 KB, 389x324, 1317428252817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're nuts OP. Going insane is my worst fear.

>> No.3563140
File: 24 KB, 310x310, eris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apollo? Dionysis? Both?
Positive? Negative? Neutral?
You boys are so binary.
Can't step to this.

>> No.3563150

Has anyone actually tried this? A photographic memory would be nice... However, I doubt this would do it.

>> No.3563181

>implying being binary is a bad thing
>not worshiping Janus

>> No.3563196
File: 102 KB, 450x551, engseppuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever think about eating some pasta?

>> No.3563203

>worshipping a god whose name has anus in

>> No.3563221

He's the god that the month of January is named after.

>> No.3563945

Well, I'd avoid booze or the more "traditional" psychedelics. Unless you happen to be predisposed to mental instability, they're not likely to reveal much.

In terms of the reiterative madness and infinite self-referential idea that anon above hinted at, you could go with a dissociative like moderate to high doses of Dextromethorphan (cough syrup).

DXM is highly unpredictable, and you're not likely to remember - much less describe - your (completely disrupted) thought processes after the fact. But, you'll kinda remember that 3rd/4th plateau *feeling* and it feels pretty much like you went nuts for a few hours then woke up.

>> No.3563949
File: 79 KB, 666x666, builder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the Cult of Saturn:

I heard you can add them on skype by adding 'rabbit.correspondence' and some weird person called Frank does all these rituals which make you insane and turns you into a slave.

>> No.3563996

They are harmless. The only way one can die taking LSD is if they take a mega colossus retard dose. (I'm talking hundreds of hits when 3 will get you tripping balls)

>> No.3563999

Um, no. You have HPPD.(Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder)

>Look into it.

>> No.3564056

>I'm trying acid for the first time with a few friends over spring break.
Cheers. A mind is a wonderful thing to lose. Though you'll return to baseline within 12 hours.

If you're serious about insanity...um....well there are a lot of ways to completely abuse psychedelic drugs and enter psychosis

>> No.3564066

its a /x/ circlejerk
I had email contact with frank for over a year before he invited me to the skype chat. He asked me if i believe in any paranormal /x/ shit. We then talked about peanut butter for 20 min then he removed me from the chat.

>> No.3564106

Don't sleep for a few days.
Drink lots of coffee or do other stimulants.
You'll regret it, trust me.
Make sure you have the means to support yourself once you'e no longer able to function.

If you're just in it for a one-time experience, do some acid in a safe environment.

>> No.3564138

Excessive vitamin D, I believe.

>> No.3564145

insane is a buzzword

not so long ago you were insane if you didn't believe in god and shit

>> No.3564152

Aren't we all insane? Isn't that inherent with the ability to reflect upon oneself?

>> No.3564163

>Aren't we all insane?
Subjectively, maybe.
>Isn't that inherent with the ability to reflect upon oneself?
Lots of mental illnesses cause the sufferer to be unable to examine their own behaviour, hence
>Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.
Which is a bit vague, but having discussed it with a psychologist friend and experienced the mindset myself, part of the paranoia/conspiracy theorist thing is the result of spotting patterns and coming to conclusions without being able to reflect on how you got there, what the supporting evidence is.
Talking about what is or isn't "sane" is as nonsensical as talking about what is or isn't "moral". It doesn't refer to anything specific or real.

>> No.3564167

Interesting - to say the least.

What really caught my eye is this Tulpa stuff.
I'm making it a point to create one - if I haven't already. I'm not entirely sure what makes a tulpa - but I think I am my own Tulpa - and have been since I was around 13-14.

>> No.3564168

So, how do you trigger it?

>> No.3564243

ooo congis cove oo

>> No.3564299

If not lamenting what you can't change no matter how you try is insanity, then I too must be insane.

>> No.3564318

one goes insane, monsieur, after one has endured an unbearable quantity of sanity.

>> No.3564338

You want to be incapable of consistent rational thought? I think you might already be insane.

>> No.3564357

It's possible, the mind is a very flexible thing. Good luck to you but I like being me.

>> No.3564374

i have a high probability to get schizo, my biological father had it.
I've heard smoking pot/doing lsd in one go can trigger the disease.

am way too perfect to waste it on that.
Please god if you read this post suck it up and let me have this one, spill your jizz on my preciously arranged neurons.

>> No.3564414

How insane would you be after taking 500 times the usual LSD dosage? You could try that.

>> No.3564419


I wonder how many dedicated copycat monsieur guys we have had so far? It's an interesting phenomena since the only thing actually uniting the different stand-alones are the phrases "ah!!!" and "monsieur".

Everything else is in the hands of the creator of that specific MG.

>> No.3564424


>> No.3564427

By completely isolating oneself.

>> No.3564434

There are many more mg themes within the fuukwa /lit/ archive which emerge after study. The wit displayed by MG of (around) Dec 3rd, 2012, is simply divine.

>> No.3564515


4th-3rd does indeed seem to be the peak..

>> No.3564521

Read each thread diligently, post for post, and repeat five hours a day for a year.

>> No.3564522

I don't seem to know how the internet works. Polite sage.

>> No.3564524

>The wit displayed by MG of (around) Dec 3rd, 2012, is simply divine.

I was there, it was cool. I've done the 'monsieur' thing once or twice, with limited success.

>> No.3564540

I have gone insane. To the point of impaling oneself in the yard with a kitchen knife.

Contrary to what movies may indicate, it's not glamorous. I already had a history of depression. I began drinking heavily; this only exacerbated matters. I began suffering panic attacks. The terror of suffering more panic attacks led to more and more severe panic attacks. I began to suffer vivid hallucinations, figures with empty white faces in my own house, around every corner. I also suffered some hallucinations of hearing, though they were far less severe; I'm told this is unusual.

If I had taken responsibility for myself much earlier on, I never would have had to spend years recovering from both severe depression and a chest wound. I chose to ignore my responsibilities to myself.

Don't be like me. There were too many nights where my girlfriend awoke with me screaming at invisible murderers in the walls.

>> No.3564543

The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without a fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.

>> No.3564597


I am also tempted to think this is true, but am at a loss as to what justification I can offer for my point of view. When you have repudiated all of society as wrong and evil, what leg do you have to stand on when it comes to invoking notions of wrong and evil?

>> No.3564644

Read some Fromm.

>> No.3564744


But you can only have a bacchanal with Dionysus.

>> No.3564777


That was a quote from Aldous Huxley, but I agree--read some Fromm.