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/lit/ - Literature

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3556235 No.3556235 [Reply] [Original]

In the mood for something non-fiction.

No other preferences.

Fav non-fiction read of all time?

>> No.3556593

>The Unthinkable - Amanda Ripley
About people's behaviours and motivations during disaster situations, some interesting anecdotes

>A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
Broad, enjoyable history of science. Covers most areas of science.

>Catching Fire - Richard Wrangham
About the theory that cooking was the key development in human evolution. Less time chewing/food is easier to digest = more energy for the ol' brain.

>> No.3556608

Read "Born to Run" if you haven't already.

It's nonfiction but reads like an adventure novel.

>> No.3556631
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America - Baudrillard
Culture in a Liquid Modern World - Bauman
The Red Book - Jung

>> No.3556632


Just finished this.

>> No.3556651

Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan

It's a late 90's auto biography of an American Reporter as he works in the Vice department for one of the biggest newspapers in Japan, where his focus is drugs, sex, human trafficking, and the Yakuza.

Crazy shit.