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/lit/ - Literature

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3551967 No.3551967 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread

>> No.3551985

cue lots of irrational hate for bookshelf threads from people who think that everything is a dick-measuring contest.

>> No.3551982
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>> No.3551986

Did you like "A Guide to Occult Britain"?

>> No.3552019

I thought it was always a dick-measuring contest.

>> No.3552037
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Basically everything I own, except for a few things, in one place.

>> No.3552044

>owning a television

>> No.3552051


Hardly ever use it. Only at weekends to watch football and to connect my PC to it in order to watch movies on it whenever I have visitors.

I have seriously considered selling it though.

>> No.3552069

I like the Tv, you don't have to get rid of it just so you can prove you're more devoted to literature.

But seriously, move The Killing Joke, you're just asking for it to fall and get bent, there are easier ways to display it,

>> No.3552073

>you don't have to get rid of it just so you can prove you're more devoted to literature.
He does have to get rid of all the shitty books though.

>> No.3552081


Well, it's true that I never really use it so it wouldn't be a big loss. It's nice to have in any case though, in case something special is on TV, for instance. I think the last time I actually sat down and watched something was three weeks ago, because Judit Polgar visited some Norwegian talkshow. I thought that was cool.

And rest assured, TKJ is safe!

>> No.3552123

>King Crimson

my african-american compatriot

>> No.3552413

>inb4 the welcome to /lit/ image

>> No.3552429

Physical books HAHAHAHHAHA

All my books are ePubs that I get for free and read on my iPhone or iPad. I read 2 books every week.

>> No.3552434

>not owning a television
People do this? How do you watch films? How do you watch documentaries?
I seriously hope you guys don't do this on a shitty PC monitor

>> No.3552446
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I don't have a bookshelf you richfags. My books go on the ground.

>> No.3552620

You do realize that most PC monitors have higher resolution than tvs, right?

>> No.3552625

>How do you watch films? How do you watch documentaries?
>being this pleb

>> No.3552629

It that's basically everything you own I have good news for you: It's all superfluous. Discard and you are now practically free of posessions.

>> No.3552632


>> No.3552638

You forgot to say overwrought and purple prose to complete the /lit/ trilogy.

>> No.3552641

That's not how it works, fatty

>> No.3552647

>implying most desktop computers these days do not have at least 23" screens that make watching video stuff perfectly adequate at superfullduperdupy HDXL

>> No.3552650
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That's about it, except for a few TV-series that aren't in the frame and my two guitars.

Most of it is probably superfuous but I wouldn't give up my books. I wouldn't have much trouble giving up the other stuff, though. (Also, I wouldn't give up my guitars.) ((I also like my chess set a lot... :( ))

>> No.3552646

Pray tell how it does work, anon.

>> No.3552670

you are a giant faggot

>> No.3552714

That is absolutely how it works. You don't need a 50 inch screen to watch a documentary the fuck's wrong with you

>> No.3552725
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You also got quite decadent furniture game going on breh. Still, it looks like you're living quite compactly, which is always pleasant. Even stiller, may all your belongings burn to your benefit.

>> No.3552726

I wouldn't call any of that superfluous at all. I can see why a person would, but it's not about owning "things" at all. I wouldn't give up my music collection for the world, nor my book collection, nor my film collection, nor my guitar. I understand that some do not value them the same way I do, but to me, knowing that a person(or persons) put their life into making that work makes it so valuable to me (and knowing how I put time into learning how to play guitar). I think of it as valuable as a relationship.

>> No.3552745


Yeah, as I said, I wouldn't give up my guitars and my books. Only a few of those LPs are mine though; most of them are my dad's. (Worth quite a lot too, I think!) I think you're right though.

>> No.3552762

I'm in a similar position. My guitar and amplifier (not irreplaceable, but close enough) along with a few books and records are the only "things" I would be concerned about losing in a fire or something.

>> No.3552763

How do I out of attachment to material posessions guys?

>> No.3552768

Convince yourself that it'll all be gone tomorrow and then rationalize how it really wouldn't be that big of a deal.

>> No.3552770

I've come to a point where all my possessions are merely practical (disposed of everything superfluous and sentimental) and I would only care about their destruction because of financial reasons but even then not really a lot. Feels good man.

>> No.3552783

why do you want to

>> No.3552787

It really does. And now that I think about it, I do have a couple sentimental things, but they're some pens and a watch--not something that really takes up a lot or space or anything. Moving to a small place (1 bedroom with 2 people) really helped with this

>> No.3552792

>How do I out of attachment to material posessions guys?
Don't do it. It's what poor fags do, and they preach a simple minimalism life only because they have no money.

>> No.3552797

I do pretty well and I think it's still easier to live minimalistically. I spend most of my money on alcohol and other recreations.

>> No.3552800


>> No.3552807

It's more the attachment than the space that bothered me. Not that it isn't nice to be able to move house in a single car ride though.

>> No.3552810

Zizek isn't poor, he's "minimalist" guys

>> No.3552815

There's also rich people that live out of a bag to spend their lives travelling and living wherever they want for how long they want without any fuss. Seems a pretty good life to me.

>> No.3552818
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>t's still easier to live minimalistically.

What's the idea? I mean you can be rich, have a decent house and still be 'minimal', but I thought the idea was to rebel against money. With physical objects you outsource emotion – if you crash your Bentley it causes you pain, so you get a shitty car or use public transport to prevent this. Likewise, if pic related, although 'minimal', burns to the ground and you have no insurance, it will cause a lot more suffering that a one room rented flat going up in flames.

Do you live minimally for aesthetic reasons, or ideological reasons?

>> No.3552819
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This is about a third of it.

>> No.3552838

Your picture is aesthetic minimalism according to some (I find it cluttered as fuck) which is an entirely different thing from minimalism in the sense of few possessions.

>> No.3552843

Third option: Practical reasons.

>> No.3552847

Christ that looks comfortable.

>> No.3552852
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>Practical reasons.
So more like this?

>> No.3552849


some people, like myself, just get no pleasure from unnecessary material shit and that's all there is to it.

>> No.3552861


"material shit"

stay edgy poorfags

>> No.3552881


>and that's all there is to it

This is the argumentative equivalent of yelling out "LALALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING!".

Stay buttvexed.

>> No.3552880
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Contributing even if shitstorm is inevitable. Oh well. Still somewhat new to reading but I'm slowly branching out. I love my books.

>> No.3552891
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>may all your belongings burn to your benefit.

I like you.

>> No.3552894
File: 146 KB, 467x350, Thoreau_Cabin_Walden_Pond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but minimalism allows me to be less concerned about stuff, invest less money in stuff, have to look at less stuff (I like aesthetic minimalism as well) and generally manage/curate less stuff. It's a very stress free, easily managed way of living that frees up time and space for other things. Cleaning is easy, moving house is easy, finding things is easy (I know exactly where everything I own is at this moment and can get to it within a second) and I now actually exhibit a sort of reversed hoarder behaviour where I get actual pleasure out of having very little.

>> No.3552895

My bookcase is getting out of control.

>> No.3552902

>Do you live minimally for aesthetic reasons, or ideological reasons?
Probably more ideological. I also don't like the idea of being in perpetual debt.

>> No.3552909

More like being able to live comfortably in 250 square feet apartments or cheap little rooms and the like. Having just a few things means cheap living and mobility.

>> No.3552917

I'm working my way into minimalism. Made about $3000 at this point selling old video games, action figures, books, clothing, and etc. I cancelled all services but my internet and even the cellphone I use prepaid. If I fire was ever to burn down my house all I'd grab is my leather jacket, my wallet, two books, and a file I keep all of my financial information in.

It's amazing how there are valuable trophies you convince yourself you can't live without, and then once they're gone you don't even care.

>> No.3552935

I'm the opposite. I have a constant need to do stuff, so I accumulate. I work with wood so have a workshop full of tools, I paint and have hundreds of paints, spray cans, brushes, utensils, I love electronics and have half soldered boards and components ready to be turned into something. I have just restored a car – both reupholstering the interior and rebuilding from the chassis up. I have a lot of musical instruments, and have a lot of hobbies on top of this. I just couldn't live minimally. To me there is no activity in the minimal. It's too calm. Like a finished state and not the journey.

>> No.3552993
File: 36 KB, 500x373, bedroom with books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cozy looking bedroom.

>> No.3552998

have you ever lived with another person, not a roommate in an apartment with separate space but shared everything with someone else? minimalism is a different game then, not only because most people will clutter your pure space with their shit just because they can but also because you accumulate relationship heirlooms that are difficult to purge without offending the significant other. With the exception of books - and I have far too many so it's a major exception - I own almost nothing but my apartment still looks fully furnished and decorated thanks to my gf's efforts.

>> No.3553010
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I've had trouble throwing things away, but once gone I have never regretted any of it. I still have a few things to get rid of to get to the level I want. Some books that I will discard of after reading. But apart from my bed and my chair and table, all my stuff about fits into one of these old captains chests. I've tried to do with just a little mattress and no furniture but that's still a little to Diogenean for my tastes. For now I'll take monk levels of simplicity.

I can see how minimalism doesn't work for people with those kind of interests. I'm mostly an idler myself though, I just sit around and browse or read or something or get my flâneur on. I try to avoid activities that need too much stuff or hassle. Doing nothing is my art.

>> No.3553015

Wow, looks really comfy. Is there any way you could post more pics?

>> No.3553025


He was just being an edgy Buddhist/Communist

>> No.3553034
File: 56 KB, 500x500, frolic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried prolonged periods of having my ex over, got into shit throwing contests rather quickly. Most women can't into minimalism for shit. Or frugalism for that matter. Or any form of spartan living or austerity or Ordnung, Gründlichtkeit und Pünktlichkeit . Which leads to all kinds of horrible expensive filthy mess lying about fucking with my ataraxia. I guess I won't ever attempt such a thing ever again unless I meet a Hipparchia tier woman.

>> No.3553058



>> No.3553093
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The light's too poor for my shitty webcam, but here's an older pic from a different angle. I got rid of the typewriter because it plus the record player just made me too much of a goddamn faggot hipster.

When it comes to books, I'll admit I'm a terrible materialist, but at least books are material things you can use to build yerself a soul.

>> No.3553111
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Judge at your will.

>> No.3553112
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I pretty much just started doing this the last 2 years.

>> No.3553124
File: 45 KB, 620x413, WestHamSimpsons_1636160a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air,
They fly so high,
nearly reach the sky,
Then like my dreams they fade and die.
Fortune's always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.
West Ham.

>> No.3553144

So /lit/ it hurts

>> No.3553168

Only keep non-fiction on shelves. All my /lit/core shit is on my kindle.

>> No.3553166

I'm pretty sure he's deliberately put those books together to look like /lit/.

>> No.3553165

I've been wanting to throw away my bed entirely and get one of those Japanese futons, but I'm going to wait until it's completely worn out, I can't afford to just go throwing away that much money.

>> No.3553169

dat thesaurus.

>> No.3553174

We should be bros.

>> No.3553184

nigga did you even touch that Crime and Punishment?

>> No.3553186
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I wish it looked as nice as it did in the picture.

>> No.3553187

resale value

>> No.3553200


>> No.3553277

What do you guys plan on doing once you get married? I'm obviously asking the people who plan on getting married.

>> No.3553284

request books as wedding presents

>> No.3553296

I was talking about the minimalism aspect, but interesting...

>> No.3553345

>tfw have sixteen boxes of books in my closet because I don't have the shelf space for them.

I still have around 300 books despite getting rid of around 100.

I am not a happy man. I'm a librarian who cannot read books from the library.

>> No.3553362

Anyone else think these threads are the most meaningless of all habitual /lit/ threads?

I find little to no reason for them at all.

>> No.3553383

You're learning already!

>> No.3553396

puisqu'on est jeune et con
puisqu'ils sont vieux et fous
puisque des hommes crèvent sous les pontes et ce monde s'en fout

>> No.3553410

Something has to dull the pain and emptiness. I'm not hardcore enough for heroin.

>> No.3553570

>I find little to no reason for them at all.
A good portion of e/lit/e's membership is people who don't even read at all. They just collect books because it's the cultured thing to do. These bookshelf threads are a way for these kinds of people to validate their shitty lifestyle.

>> No.3553628

John Dies At The End, you have my approval. Have you read this book is full of spiders?

>> No.3553644

>directionless stoner music

>> No.3553653

I don't want to believe that

>> No.3553735

The last one made me laugh.
Thanks, Anon.

>> No.3553741

What's that giant Feynman book?

>> No.3554511

It's just book porn. Nothing wrong with that.

I don't think that's actually the case.

>> No.3554592
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