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File: 24 KB, 240x339, yellowbluefabio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3546842 No.3546842 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many wish fulfillment books for females, but barely any for men? Lolita ends in tradgedy, and the wish fulfillment turns out to be less than ideal. Imagine if Lolita was actually fun. and went into great description of the tightness of Dolores's twat. Shit would get the country going mad.

INB4 hustler trash, I'm talking about a book for guys that satisfies the fantasies that men would or could have about women.

>> No.3546846

Read true crime shit or Gor, and fuck off with pedophilia for the sake of stirring shit.

>> No.3546877

It's called porn and videogames, OP.

>> No.3546880

Try "Men in Love" by Nancy Friday

>> No.3546892

mens fantasies are about triumphing over other men and finding strength within themselves to conquer challenges. They're not about pair bonding. the girl is the reward for success or the motivation for the act. Read stories where the guy already has a girlfriend he's close to. They're all about problem solving.

>> No.3546901

Projecting much?

What if I wanted to write a story that's pure wish-fulfillment, like say, a man who lives in a remote part of a country (possibly an island), who has internet connection, an obedient anal slave wife who gets shakespeare, and children who are adorable and theatrical.

There is no conflict, just fun, happiness, and pleasure everyday.

Everybody seems to think there has to be some kind of major melodramatic conflict to every story, but you hardly ever see stories that's pure bliss from start to finish.

>> No.3546919

because that would be boring as fuck

>> No.3546925

>obedient anal slave wife

>> No.3546949


>> No.3546952

not projecting really. that's most stories written for male wish fulfillment. try thinking of one that isn't, and isnt porn.

>There is no conflict, just fun, happiness, and pleasure everyday.

this is the very definition of non-story.

there's a reason there's no stories of "pure bliss from start to finish" because that's not a story. conflicts don't need to be major melodramatic things, but they have to be there.

>> No.3546960
File: 35 KB, 500x428, leechild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Lee Child.

His hero, Jack Reacher, is the coolest dude ever. He's the biggest guy around, he's the strongest guy around, he's smart and he doesn't let anything shake him.

He has no attachments, nothing tying him down. He wanders America, hitchhiking around the continent, and fucks up bad guys without breaking a sweat. He meets hot ladies who are all instantly wet at the sight of him, but doesn't hang around, because he roads call out to him, and he starts getting nervous if he spends two consecutive days in the same town.

He is every male wish fulfilled in one package. Freedom born of strength and no attachments or obligations.

>> No.3546976
File: 180 KB, 768x1024, VGFMZgF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stories have to have conflicts or else it's not a story

Wow hahaha.

>> No.3547000

name a story, any story where there is no conflict. where nothing is at stake, nothing is to be overcome, or learned or solved or accomplished. Where the protagonist isn't up against nature or others or society, or his own perceptions or inertia or ignorance or something that he has to struggle with. If there are no conflicts, there are no decisions, and if there is no choice, there is no story.

>> No.3547004

what's with your fascination iwth anal sex? it's disgusting

>> No.3547013

>Heterosexual anal sex is a pleasurable experience that is environmental friendly
What kind of lube are you using?

>> No.3547014
File: 31 KB, 283x340, douche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know what one of these are? They make a very dirty place clean as a whistle, as well as aid in the prevention of colon cancer (that is, if you practice it only occasionally, not too much that your digestive system depends on it).

Douching is an ancient practice, with many health benefits. Heterosexual anal sex is a pleasurable experience that is environmental friendly (no carbon footprinting children to be had from it) and highly pleasurable for its participants.

>> No.3547016

no idea what that is. it seems to be an exclusively male fascination

>> No.3547021

Research a little bit honey, you'll find more boys might be more interested in you if you were into anal sex. But if you're ugly, there is probably no helping you (which is why you're prob on 4chan).

>> No.3547025

>you'll find more boys might be more interested in you if you were into anal sex
What an enlightened individual you are thinking value is derived from the male view.

>> No.3547030
File: 261 KB, 683x1024, 1359712282098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it isn't
Men are far superior to women in every respect. Deal with it.

>> No.3547032

Suddenly its not surprising that you need wish fulfilment fiction.

>> No.3547046
File: 248 KB, 740x1064, Patriarchy Rules!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3547058

Yes, I would totally give up my happy and fulfilling marriage to be a whiny omega like you who needs to fantasise about an imaginary perfect world where everything goes your way.

>> No.3547062
File: 182 KB, 900x1005, sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f Sade
>0 results

>> No.3547069

>Why are there so many wish fulfillment books for females, but barely any for men?

The difference is, those designated for males pretend to be non-fiction. Never head about Austrian/Chicago school of economics, neoliberalism, Ayn Rand?

>> No.3547074

Lol pretentious to the extreme.

Rand's novels are female wish fulfillment to the extreme (the most powerful, rich, handsome, and intelligent men in the world of atlas shrugged all want to fuck the Rand-like mary sue Dagney character)

>> No.3547083

I really rustled your panties didn't I?

>> No.3547080



>> No.3547085

It's the closest you'll get to rustling anyone's panties.

>> No.3547088

It's because women are sluts who find fulfillment through their fulled up cunts.

Men find fulfillment in greater deeds.

>> No.3547090

that's pretty fucking close though

>> No.3547094

>Captcha: orientable raperve

>> No.3547096

No, I can't say that I've ever been lying there in the afterglow of making love to my wife and thought '"I wish I hadn't actually done that, but fantasised about it instead." I don't see why you fantasising about an exaggerated version of my life is going to cause me to feel anything for you other than pity.

>> No.3547104

Deny all you like. We don't need that shit. When it comes to visceral draw,

Hemingway is our fulfillment novel.

For lust we've got porn.

>> No.3547110

>that's pretty fucking close though
Oh man, self proclaimed perma-virgin.

>> No.3547115
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 5bt8U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making love to my wife

>> No.3547117

U jelly, virgin?

>> No.3547118

>better call him a virgin. that'll show him

>> No.3547119
File: 56 KB, 331x402, 1354301968001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3547120

Enjoy those chains breh.

>> No.3547126
File: 12 KB, 346x340, 1333112027001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>INB4 anon is made to sleep on the couch because of an argument about bath towels

>> No.3547128

Keeping posting that, maybe you'll eventually convince yourself its true.

>> No.3547131

Maybe one day when you have an adult relationship you won't have to use sitcoms to imagine what they're really like.

>> No.3547135
File: 54 KB, 360x500, tumblr_m98d0p87kX1r8z7ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>INB4 anon has to try and watch TV while his wife and her bff gossip loudly and cackle like hens in the breakfast nook.

Hitting home yet?

>> No.3547141

Not really. And what the fuck is a breakfast nook?

>> No.3547146

>hurr durr adult 1950's dad muh pipe muh paper get a job have kids hurr true adult man reasonable muh lawn
That doesn't work anymore.

>> No.3547150

>implying that I've ever suggested my life is like some American 1950s idyll
Keep trying anon, after a few hundred more random guesses you might come close

>> No.3547158
File: 248 KB, 768x512, 1354078248367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using terms such as 'adult relationship' to shame someone suggests you adhere to the same tactics of enforced conformity. You claim your own lifestyle as that of an adult and thereby imply that any deviations are childish and of lesser value. I was just pointing out that his sort of shaming doesn't work anymore, since a lot of people don't feel obliged to adhere to your standards of adulthood anymore and some of them would even consider your lifestyle downright nightmarish. It's all coming down, everything goes, it's like the sixties without the hope.

>> No.3547160

Because guys won't fall for bullshit

>> No.3547164

I think that's funny if there happened to be such a genre for men, then those books would be viewed as misogynistic and crude.

But they still would probably be miles above the female fantasty books in qualitiy, because they would be written probably by men

>> No.3547166

>You claim your own lifestyle as that of an adult and thereby imply that any deviations are childish and of lesser value.

I implied nothing of the sort.

>> No.3547173


>> No.3547180

HAhahahaha, you are all butthurt losers. You're "realistic" life is nothing but a fictitious illuson then you die and burn in hell where I beat you with a whip and rip your body into two pieces.

THen I take both sides of your face and I twist them while the man with his fantasies who is tortuing you goes off and takes chains and hooks, maybe even a razor and starts to fuck with your body, all of this occurs while your heart is still beating and your eyes are still moving. Scared yet, hellbound retard?

>> No.3547188


>> No.3547192

To tell men that life is pointless is to give them hope. These men don't need hope, they just need to wake up and realize they are in hell already. Their pride is what did them in, a couple years from now, they will take their own lives because a hilly billy and Russian dolt sell their kids into sex slavery, all of this will occur when they leave their kids on a dinner table and fart while enjoying their wifes salad.

Do me a favor you self righteous cunts, you are not smart, your life is pathetic. Even the notion of having your future destroyed makes you scared for your life.

Quit making me life so hard, you will never amount to anything great in life so quit pretending to be important because you're not. if anything you are the most pitiful wretched human being to walk this face of the planet. You are born, you believe in a lie to give yourself a false sense of hope and then you die only to burn in Hell for all eternity where you are tortured.

That's how we role, lol.

>> No.3547193

lol I is gramatically incorrect

also torturing*, there are a few errors but don't get me off on another tangent. My point is, their lives are pointless, their suffering is great. They lie about their wives being great in bed all to hide their insecurities about why they will never be great in life.

Let's face it, if they died now, no one would care, not even You.

>> No.3547194
File: 1.79 MB, 1366x768, 3DPD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're called Visual Novels.

>> No.3547195

you all make a good point, why give hope to someone who has everything and never uses it? After all if a Hell does exist, it solely exists for those who never suffered on Earth.

After all, only a stupid rich person who never suffered a day in his/her life could ever amount to being such a big social reject and social tard. Wealth isn't bad rather what is bad is the misuse of wealth and misconstrueing material objects as signs of actual achievements. Buying a 20 million dollar sofa is not an achievement, stealing 20 million dollars off the backs of hard workers is quite an achievement, see the difference?

>> No.3547197

It's time for your medicine

>> No.3547198

there*, lolz.

>> No.3547202

hahahaha, you can't say anything else to not sound like a complete butthurt loser.

let's face it, rofl. I am the sock puppet that has been fucking with you since numero uno, lolz.

I gonnna kills u and raep ur babies and then fart on ur ass. lolz.

>> No.3547207


>> No.3547210

sir, please cut it out. This is death row here, you have no rights to speak.

Just play along damnit. Remember we are all spooky ghosts here, woooh spooky! XDXDXDXD

>> No.3547248

If you see men as so much superior to women as potential sex partners though, why do you care if the women are ugly? I'm missing something here.

>> No.3547285

fyi, being a smartass isn't the same as being smart

>> No.3547289

Yes you did, almost as a reflex. Stay 'adult' though.

>> No.3547294

It's just the theme of the thread: there's a sense of a general dislike of women, the outright statement that men are far better for every purpose than women, an emphasis on the mechanics and virtues of anal sex, and a lot about happy, peaceful wish fulfillment for men. It's hard to escape the whole "gay" thing reading this. It just bleeds off the screen.

>> No.3547323

Nope. I stated clearly that the person I was responding to had never had an adult relationship. I said that I had. I implied nothing about anyone else's relationship, so stop projecting.

>> No.3547324


okay, let's stanch the flow here then: women are inferior to men, and homosexual relationships are superior to heterosexual relationships. I am an old man and have experienced lots of both and if you disagree with my opinion I suggest you try both alternatives and find out, but just remember, I'm right.

>> No.3547333
File: 318 KB, 1600x1200, konachancom-2373-loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are more simpler, they just need pictures to get aroused, that's how the fulfill their wish.

In any case, we have other media for that.

>> No.3547334

How can a sexual relationship with someone I am not attracted to be superior to a sexual relationship with someone I am attracted to?

>> No.3547340


> I stated clearly that the person I was responding to had never had an adult relationship. I said that I had.

That's his point. By using the word "adult" you are strongly implying that no other lifestyle is worth living, and that those who aren't living this way aren't deserving of respect. But the fellow you are arguing with is saying that, in view of the total loss of ethical centralization in society, this is a meaningless thing to say since in this relativist era there is no reason to prefer any one way of life over any other.

if you don't agree with that then perhaps you two were not meant to be able to argue.

>> No.3547342


find prettier boys. i hear they hang out around college campuses

>> No.3547347

I'm not implying that at all. I am implying that people who haven't experienced a particular type of relationship - which I described as adult - should not try and claim thet they know what its like to experience such a relationship. Its like a virgin trying to claim that sex doesn't feel good.

>> No.3547352

But they already implied that all homosexual relationships are better, not just ones with pretty boys.

>> No.3547350

this misogynist shit..


>> No.3547355

Maybe they object to the idea of a woman having a job, even if its being paid to fuck.

>> No.3547356


Maybe he means that the average woman is inferior to the average man, and the average homosexual relationship superior to the average heterosexual relationship?

>> No.3547379

Not at all. Porn is fitting because it doesn't require too much intelligence. It's a shame they can't act so they have to rely entirely on their cunts to provide quality content.

Oh well, can't ask too much from women I guess.

>> No.3547395

i've never met a man my equal

>> No.3547399


i've never met an equal of any sort, so you must tell me all about your womanfriends

>> No.3547401

At least you can admit it.

>> No.3547450


dont be so hard on yourself onion

>> No.3547460

Not lit related and feeling unusually benign so Im going to tell you of a good way to meet girls. This of course does not apply to you pulsating gelatinous neckbeards and sunhawks and whatnot.
During rainy weather, always keep a large umbrella handy and be on the lookout for hot girls stranded under some outside rooftop, college breezeway, etc, who cannot into their cars since its raining. Drop the hauteur, flash your best smile and offer to shelter them from the weather as you walk them to their cars--Im at work and I just sat down after such an episode and I can only admire my chameleonic countenance as I think back on her arm clenched around mine, chest swelling, breathing faster and faster as my mirrored aviators (today was one of those peculiar raining while sunny days) hid my laser like glare shooting through her cleavage and into her left or right ventricle, I can't be sure which. I live in florida and I've already done it twice this week, allowing me to meet the oh-so-fucking-fit colombian Pilar and delicate swiss-origin Fabienne. under my umbrella of rampaging testosterone i plant my seeds, medicine for sorrow, summons to my blood.
do it.

more adv. on life and death to come.

>> No.3547470


>pilar and fabienne

wow that feels like years ago, im so awesome.

>> No.3547496

anxiety out of fucking nowhere waiting for Ethical Theory at 11 15 stream-of-consciousness thread leading me way deep into the soft fibrous brain matter entangled down my ribcage melting frontal lobes onto my onion soup drowning 16 babtist preachers and one transvestite leaking blood over the ceiling is cracked and i cannot fix it. mind you minding my own business is failing like the economy giving birth to karl marx shitting turnip farmers fucking their neighbors sheep envious they do not have any. what are you not even starting to become yourself in its own pool of tribal cunt spattering blood stained bloody bits i ate for breakfast were nice and not too salted.not one bloody bit.
where is it that i wasnt even looking for it before it found me masturbating softly onto my sixthgrade algebra teacher's body is ready to bless her soul in hell where she's burning and smiling the way weird fucks smile when they smell oranges from that tumor growing larger than life. the tumor is growing larger than life and life is lifer than tumor hiding the rumor down to the last Norman.
foreman's foreskin crackles like toast and maybe i'm just more normal than most.

>> No.3547589

>lelele people haven't personally experienced something so they can't have an opinion about it
>pedophilia can only be dismissed by a pedophile
>only satan can judge evil
>stroking my mystic in service of proof
>only jewels here, no trickle to tickle

>> No.3547607

you're literally a pedophile dude

>> No.3547610

technically he's a hebephile

>> No.3547648


i don't really think anyone cares what degrees kidfuckers sort themselves into to feel better about their choices

>> No.3547675

I care

>> No.3547679

Actually it has been proven that douching can cause medical problems such as infection. Women nowadays are told not to douche.

>> No.3547683

>i don't really think anyone cares what degrees kidfuckers sort themselves into to feel better about their choices


>> No.3547693

This guy is obviously a massive troll whom wants to feel superior to over half of the world's population. His life is unfilled on many levels and that is why he is taking it out on you.

>> No.3547702

/r9k/ took over this particular thread. How non-shocking.

>> No.3547846

Didn't say they can't have an opinion on it. But why should that opinion be valued?

>only pedophiles have experienced pedophilia
>only evil has experienced evil

Whole lotta derpin' goin' on.

>> No.3548477

I think it's safe to say only a person attracted to children has ever been attracted to children, yes.

>> No.3549863

This is kind of totally unrelated, but I started reading a book called Diary of a Beatnik and it's prime jacking material, in case any of you were wondering.

>> No.3549920

>I really rustled your panties didn't I?
Totally. Le epic trell, lol.