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3544566 No.3544566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stirner general

>> No.3544573
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>> No.3544574

lel pseudo-slave

>> No.3544590

how so

>> No.3544588

He's the greatest western philosopher, but he seems to fail at certain points. He acknowledges that the mind is created by society and attempts to clean it of society's influence, but he doesn't understand that the ENTIRE mind is created by the society and the only way to escape the shackles (if that's what he's attempting to do) is by getting outside of the mind entirely rather than taking out spooks.

>> No.3544592

>He acknowledges that the mind is created by society

except that's backwards; the mind is created by the brain and the brain was created by evolution.

society is simply a side-effect of evolution.

>> No.3544603

>the mind is created by the brain

>brain was created by evolution
woah, woah, woah! how observable is this?

>> No.3544614

you stupid shit.

>> No.3544617



>> No.3544619

Go away.
I'm not saying society invented the mind, but rather your mind is a product molded entirely by your society. Keep in mind (lel) I'm only referring to the constant flow of thoughts and shit as the mind.

>> No.3544624

>ad hominem, the most bulletproof argument invented by progressive apes

>> No.3544626

>I'm not saying society invented the mind, but rather your mind is a product molded entirely by your society.

it is influenced by society to a certain degree, sure.

What's your point?

>> No.3544628
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>you stupid shit
>go away

therefore mind is created by the brain and the brain was created by evolution!

>> No.3544643

>hurrrrrrr mind is created by brain durrrr
>hurrrr no brain creates mind

are you guys really this simple?

>> No.3544647


>> No.3544653

there's a lot of psychology involved that you guys aren't aware of

>> No.3544658

>is by getting outside of the mind entirely

a) Stirner does talk about 'thoughlessness' as a remedy against spooks.

b) The idea that the mind is 'ENTIRELY' created by the mind is p-p-p-problematic.

>> No.3544659

>there's a lot of psychology involved that you guys aren't aware of

if it isn't biological/empirical, it's shit.

>> No.3544660

it's just the /sci/ troll-babies taking the brain=mind as an axiomatic truth, consistently unable to argument their postulates

get used to it

>> No.3544663


gtfo newage faggut. take your bullshit spiritualism to >>>/x/

>> No.3544667


Nobody said anything about spiritualism.

>> No.3544674

>Nobody said anything about spiritualism.

then don't pretend that the mind isn't created by the brain.

just because this is /lit/ doesn't mean we aren't educated in matters of science and believe in your stupid phenomenology bullshit, kill yourself

>> No.3544684


What's your qualm with phenomenology? Many scientists refer to Heidegger and others in their work. Science and philosophy inform one another.

>> No.3544680

Don't you mean "CR-R-R-R-R-R-RAP!"?

>> No.3544687


i'd say it mostly is an axiomatic truth though

phenomenology is legitimate and doesn't assume that the 'mind' isn't created by the brain

also define mind, that's too general a term to use

>> No.3544697

>He who cannot get rid of a thought is so far only man, is a thrall of language, this human institution, this treasury of human thoughts. Language or "the word" tyrannizes hardest over us, because it brings up against us a whole army of fixed ideas. Just observe yourself in the act of reflection, right now, and you will find how you make progress only by becoming thoughtless and speechless every moment. You are not thoughtless and speechless merely in (say) sleep, but even in the deepest reflection; yes, precisely then most so. And only by this thoughtlessness, this unrecognized "freedom of thought" or freedom from the thought, are you your own. Only from it do you arrive at putting language to use as your property.
>If thinking is not my thinking, it is merely a spun-out thought; it is slave work, or the work of a "servant obeying at the word." For not a thought, but I, am the beginning for my thinking, and therefore I am its goal too, even as its whole course is only a course of my self-enjoyment; for absolute or free thinking, on the other hand, thinking itself is the beginning, and it plagues itself with propounding this beginning as the extremest "abstraction" (e. g. as being). This very abstraction, or this thought, is then spun out further.

>> No.3544699

>Don't you mean "CR-R-R-R-R-R-RAP!"?

ya, but I couldn't find my hume pic

>> No.3544707



>> No.3544737

>anything that doesn't fit my narrow-minded worldview is wrong
>i can blame it on christianity, newage and spiritualism without providing any noticeable argument XDDDDDDDD fug i am so erudite

ah, the classical genealogy of a dogmatic, pop-sci gobbling teenager and his categorically reactive judgment

>> No.3544744
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>stupid phenomenology bullshit

>> No.3544748


Take apart my post if you think it's bullshit. You're not helping anything.

>> No.3544751

>i'd say it mostly is an axiomatic truth though
err, no.
it's a very vague topic

>> No.3544806

>philosophy thread on /lit/
>everything well so far...
>oh, yeah
>motherfucking /sci/
>"derr git dis pseudo shit to /x/ lol"
>thread ruined and derailed

Just leave philosophy threads alone, please.

>> No.3544807

>it's a very vague topic

maybe if u dont read or think
everything that exists is pretty much fundamentally related to psychology and the brain first and foremost. every fucking thing. philosophy, science, and pretty much every other discipline has its roots in it fundamentally in many different ways; as in psychology explains THEM. it's all in the brain

there's so much verifiable psychological evidence out there and it's not hard to interrelate it with everything else, especially phenomenology

i'm beginning to feel like i'm too 2deep and awesome to be using 4chan, probably gonna go

>> No.3544829

but that's exactly what i'm getting at; everything seems to derive from phenomenology, which obscurant STEM undergrads fail to recognize because of their non-existent philosophical depth

the mind/brain dichotomy is still vague

>> No.3544836

>the mind/brain dichotomy is still vague
forgot to mention - it's vague _ontologically_

>> No.3544869

>but that's exactly what i'm getting at;

no it isn't. He said all psychology/mind phenomena are related to the brain directly.

You've been contradicting this basic truth in every post, as if our minds could be rooted in some other organ, some other object or phenomena.

There is nothing else for consciousness/intelligence/mind to be a product of other than the brain.

Of course we accept the fact that your mind is influenced by external stimuli, lights, weather, society, smells, language, etc...

But don't pretend the mind is ontologically rooted in anything but the brain.

>> No.3544876


How can we be sure the mind is a product?

>> No.3544878


stop posting your inane rubbish

>> No.3544881

>How can we be sure the mind is a product?

Making you certain of anything is beyond the scope of good science or philosophy.

End yourself, and quickly.

>> No.3544894


You know what I meant. I wasn't speaking of certain knowledge.

>> No.3544901

Try stabbing your brain and see if you're still good to go.

>> No.3544910


I'm not denying there's a definite and known relationship between the mind and the brain. I'm saying that it's a stretch to say the one is the product of the other.

>> No.3544921

i'm not contradicting a thing. i'm waiting for >>3544592 to argument his standpoint, as of yet he hasn't provided any noticeable reflection

essentially the mind/brain polemic is as pointless as it gets; the topic is vague and it only leads to emotional ill-founded barfs such as


>> No.3544987

>I'm saying that it's a stretch to say the one is the product of the other.

Silly semantics.
To say the brain is a product of the mind is a stretch, of course.

The mind only has a minimal effect on brain plasticity/structure, otherwise the relationship is truly one way. The brain facilitates the mind, completely.

>essentially the mind/brain polemic is as pointless

No it's not. The mind refers to the conglomerate of mental properties from memory, intelligence, to consciousness and sense perception.

It's a useful distinction to make specially for people with memory and perception problems. We know the brain facilitates "the mind" because brain damage/stimulus has specific effects on all types of mind-properties.