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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 500x500, 517+yH9pylL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3544488 No.3544488 [Reply] [Original]

looking for a pdf of this :

Daniil Kharms - Today I Wrote Nothing

>> No.3544504

Is asking for this a meme? Or are you the same guy everytime?
I know that this book is in Essential List of /lit/, but it seems very difficult to find, isn't it?

>> No.3544521
File: 39 KB, 309x400, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3544522


I scanned and uploaded my copy for you. Why are you still asking?

>> No.3544533
File: 449 KB, 1594x2480, supabdul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will upload it on the condition that you renounce Allah, admit that Muhammad was a charlatan and a paedophile, and convert to Christianity.

>> No.3544549


where did you upload it ?share the link please man !

>> No.3544581
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>> No.3544599
File: 63 KB, 204x253, Hegel stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3544623

Agreed, what the fuck is this shit. I remember the last guy I saw posting this said he went out and bought it. I are confused. Someone upload this to #bookz already.

>> No.3544677

why don't you buy it from amazon and scan it yourself? I could even slip you an amazon gift card for it. You're acting like its expensive. How old are you?

>> No.3544689


he cant, he says hes from iran. no delivery from amazon to iran though.

>> No.3544720

Oh, I would honestly get it for someone who scans books. It's like what £6-10

>> No.3544732

An Iranian is spamming an American board dedicated to Japanese cartoons, for an English translation of an obscure Russian book.

>> No.3544741


Welcome to 2013.

>> No.3544747

Find me a trustworthy man who knows how to scan books and I'll give him an amazon gift card.

>> No.3544750

globalization was happening much sooner. there was even a joke about it in 1997

>Question: What Is The Truest Definition Of Globalization?

>Answer: Princess Diana's death.

>Question: How come?

>Answer: An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, while in a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi on Japanese motorcycles; treated by an American doctor using Brazilian medicines.

>This is sent to you by an American, using Bill Gates's technology, and you're probably reading this on a computer that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexican illegals.

>> No.3544798

i really have respect for this guy. hes never gettin tired of posting this. he believes he will succeed one day. thats the spirit.

>> No.3544814


i dont think he wants it

>> No.3544819


why are you saying that ? i feel the opposite way

>> No.3544852

Because I'm offering to buy the book for him and he isn't responding.

>> No.3544888


OP here, dude if there was an ebook version of this book on amazon then i could use this opportunity. but unfortunately its not there. i have the money but i cant get the book because they dont deliver books to iran.thank you for that offer thats really kind of you. thank you man. still looking for the pdf.

>> No.3544903

I'm not the guy that posted the other scan, but I'll give in and upload the scan one day.

>> No.3544935

What if one was to buy it in the UK and then send it to your house?

>> No.3544937

I'll do it next week for you. Honest.

>> No.3544947
File: 67 KB, 624x390, Pedro-Juan-Gutierrezs-Dirty-Havana-Trilogy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we are in the process of begging. Has anyone got any English translations of anything by Pedro Juan Gutierrez?

>> No.3544967

Someone please help this guy out, I feel bad.

>> No.3545077


OP here,when something comes from another country to iran it first goes to censorship committee . theres a very very little chance for anything like this book to get delivered from there . i cant get the physical book.feels bad man.

>> No.3545140

It took me forever to get this properly formatted but I am proud with the finished file.
Here you go everyone.


>> No.3545160

how do I open an .EPUB file?

thanks by the way

>> No.3545165

download calibre and open it using that

>> No.3545164


is this legit ?

>> No.3545170
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>> No.3545171
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>> No.3545181

Thanks, based Anon. I've become quite interested in this book because of these threads.

>> No.3545188



>> No.3545189

again, many thanks

>> No.3545194


stop samefagging asshole, you think he will stop just because of your stupid trolling ? get a life

>> No.3545201


>> No.3545215

مرگ بر آیت الله
خدا خدا نادرست است
پیامبر اساسنامه خوک است
امریکا لطفا به ما آزاد

>> No.3545228
File: 70 KB, 500x487, 1340151777798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright dude. I just opened the book and realized it was a different book. I just came onto this board looking for suggestions so I saw this thread and downloaded the file. I ask how to open the .EPUB and somebody tells me. While I'm downloading I realize it is the wrong book. (It's actually a book called "the Satanic verses".) Then you come along and call me a troll.

>> No.3545232

what would Kharms think of these threads

>> No.3545251
File: 83 KB, 447x332, Frankenstein-Monster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd have Daniil Qualms

>> No.3545249
File: 113 KB, 720x720, 1352528418860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vexed, compatriot?

>> No.3545252

Well, to clue you in, OP is some Iranian guy who's been looking for a PDF copy of Daniil Kharms' book and has been posting threads to that effect for months. Were it really posted ITT, it would have been an enormous shakeup in the world of /lit/.

>> No.3545254

Not the troll, but The Satanic Verses is worth reading. As long as it is actually the Salman Rushdie book.

>> No.3545260

Bro this is the satanic verses. If you're in Iran you'll get in trouble for downloading this!

>> No.3545265

Rushdie is awful. Spend your time reading better authors.

>> No.3545267

Bro, the guy who insulted you is obviously OP, aka the iranian autist who cant help but samefag his own threads for hours on end.

اوباما قوی است
او به آیت الله العظمی سید علی حسینی خامنه ای و کشتن و تجاوز به مادر خود

>> No.3545274

Are you genuinely trying to troll, or just blindly shitposting?

>> No.3545272

OP because of your threads I decided to read Daniil Karms and discovered a great writer. Thanks OP, hope you get your book one day.

>> No.3545276

Salaam OP, chetori?

>> No.3545277

Nah bro, Rushdie is shit. He created buzz with his book but on merit alone he would have never been popular without the controversy. He's a bore.

>> No.3545283

You think that fatwa was based on insulting Islam? The Ayatollah wanted him dead for his purple prose.

>> No.3545289
File: 119 KB, 775x553, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3545297

Rushdie was great before the Satanic Verses. Midnight's Children was one of the defining books of my youth. Shame is pretty good too.

>his purple prose.
Okay, I know you have seen that word thrown around on this board, but directing it at Rushdie confirms that you haven't read him. His prose has a deliberate simplicity. It's not minimalism, but he's eloquent without using unnecessary words and stacked clauses.

>> No.3545301





>> No.3545305

He's boring. He's a pompous ass too but that's nothing to do with his writing.

>> No.3545308


Rushdie puts me to sleep and I love "boring" books.

>> No.3545311


Would you say he is more boring than Naipaul?

>> No.3545317


i really feel sorry for OP, you assholes ruined this thread.

>> No.3545326

>you assholes ruined this thread.
There will be another one tomorrow.

>> No.3546646

This thread is delicious.

>> No.3546725

so we've confirmed that we'll never post this book
in return, iranman has a confirmed /lit/ meme on his hands
i think everyone wins

>> No.3546727

>so we've confirmed that we'll never post this book

>I'll do it next week for you. Honest.

>> No.3546735

anybody who points out their honesty is a liar

>> No.3546737

Are you being honest?

>> No.3546746

>eating 4chan threads

I bet you're a "voracious" reader

>> No.3546770


>> No.3547027

This Site will breakdown when the scans are posted

>> No.3547041
File: 36 KB, 460x276, 2684_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3547577

>I bet you're a "voracious" reader

I simply love to devour books.

>> No.3547779

>book is in /lit/ essentials
>guy ask a million times for a pdf
>trolls derailing every thread

what the fuck is wrong with you ? is this /b/ or /lit/ ?

>> No.3547807


آمریکا کمک خواهد کرد که مبارزه با دولت شیطانی شما
ارتش متجاوز از اوباما تمام زنان مسلمان خود را ابستن خواهد کرد
مایع منی آمریکا باعث می شود کودک نژاد قوی
مرگ بر آیت الله

>> No.3547815
File: 85 KB, 178x188, 1336586183386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3547816


fucking 12 year olds . why did i always thought theyre not on /lit/ ?