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3543782 No.3543782 [Reply] [Original]

I've read around 10 books on my phone's 4 inch display so far. Have you any comment on this?

>> No.3543783

It's all good if you can handle it, I've read many books on my PSP and my phone.

>> No.3543792

I'm currently reading a book on my 4,2 inch xperia.
This is awesome.

>> No.3543794

I read books on my kindle and read articles and inbetween shit on my phone. Seems like the best balance.

>> No.3543796


>> No.3543798

>not android
Is this a joke?

Read a lot on ny phobe too op. Is good

>> No.3543815

Nope, the iPhone screen is much better than any Android screen for reading.

>> No.3543824

le iOS master race stay poor

>inb4 practical reasons in favour of android
stay lackin aesthetics

>> No.3543826

You guys.

>> No.3543832

>actually owning a virtually useless consumerist device and using it for something that it is shit for

You disappoint me, /lit/.

>> No.3543838


Come on, lud. You can't be serious.

>> No.3543839


Name something that can not be accomplished in a superior manner with other means that a smartphone can do.

>> No.3543842 [DELETED] 

Smartphones are for plebs. That's common knowledge.

>> No.3543846

so you're full of shit?

>> No.3543849

I'm doing the same thing OP, it works surprisingly well.

>> No.3543850

Texting someone while listening to a lecture while taking a stroll registering how much and where I walk and locating the nearest place to buy some smokes.

>> No.3543851

Communicating on the go, idiot.

>> No.3543854

If the format is done right and you arent blind, it can work pretty well. I like reading on my S2 at work, although the battery time can be annoying.

Stop being a nigger. First something like THE android phone doesnt exist and the resolution and screen sizes vary greatly, and second, since the biggest iphone is 4inches, its generally inferior even if the resolution would be a bit bigger.

Name something portable that allows you to listen to music, browse the webz and reading in one.

>> No.3543857

Well, good work you. I'm trudging through A Dance With Dragons on my phone, but that is mostly because a phone is not something you sit down to read with. Mostly it's nice before bed because I end up for at least a couple of hours and I can just drop the phone when I'm to sleepy. No worrying about bookmarks or breaking my device. It's a sturdy year old low end Android so it doesn't give a fuck about anything. I image if I used a kindle the same way I would roll onto it and break it or drop it of the bed.

>> No.3543860

What aesthetics? Phone design is debatable and the iOS UI is one of the most retarded pieces of shit there is and while OSX can be annoying at times too, at least its functional.

>> No.3543861

pls don't create inner division transfuturo-ubers, let's all gang up on the luddite scum

>> No.3543862

>iphone 5

That's not even HD. There are tonnes of Android phones with better resolutions than that. See, for example, the upcoming Sony Xperia Z, with a resolution of 1920x1080.

I sincerely hope that you don't fall for Apple's "hurr looky it's a retina display that means that it's better than everything else" marketing spiel. "Retina display" is a marketing term they coined in order to make their screens seem arbitrarily better than others - all it really means is that it has a big resolution. Even the iPad's ridiculous resolution was recently usurped by the Nexus 10.

>> No.3543864

To be fair, fullHD for phones is retarded as fuck an only wastes battery.

>> No.3543866


Texting someone works fine with any mobile telephone made after the shift of the millennium. Listening to lectures while walking is not an effective method of learning; I would advice against it. If you don't have shit memory or geographical sense then you don't need to register where you are walking for any other purpose than vanity. Smoking kills.


Mobile telephones have been along for a while now, and a regular one is more battery effective and is better suited for mentioned purpose.


First off, let me just imply

>portable music

What type of pleb does this?

Anyway, it's called book+Sansa Clip+ThinkPad. All of the mentioned perform those tasks in a superior manner. If you want to read multiple books then get an ebook-reader. Reading on a 4" screen is fucking retarded.

>> No.3543869


*other than vanity.

>> No.3543870

The horrible thing is that while some others manufacturers excel at some things, Apple is the only one that can consistently deliver non-ugly electronics.

>> No.3543871

At my job I got a separate computer that only handles spreadsheets, then I got one only for text editing, and I got one just for e-mails. They all perform the tasks in a superior manner than if you'd have them on one system.

>> No.3543875

Who cares? I don't get it. If the manufacturer who made your previous phone (which looked good) makes an ugly phone next and you want to upgrade, go to a different manufacturer. There are loads of companies that make android phones, so consistency with one of them isn't an issue.

I simply cannot comprehend this idiotic brand loyalty to Apple.

>> No.3543874

So, uhh, what kind of books to you like, guys?

>> No.3543873

>portable music
Oh yes, we all live 10 minutes away from school/college/uni/work.

>Anyway, it's called book+Sansa Clip+ThinkPad.
Dat portability and comfort.

Everything under iphone i5 isnt buttfugly? Oh boy...

>> No.3543876


I highly doubt that unless you are using a time machine to communicate with us from the 80's. The analogy does not work because smartphones make compromises on every department and desktop computers do not.

>> No.3543878

So you're telling us we should carry around a large bag or rucksack filled with stuff instead of one device roughly five or six inches across in order to do those things?

I don't disagree with you on the point of reading - I hate reading on regular screens - but carrying around a smartphone, even if you decided to take an ereader with you, too, is still way more convenient than those things.

>> No.3543879

>name something
>hurr what you named is invalid because i don't like it myself

Nice try. Also, texting with a full keyboard whether it is virtual or physical is more efficient than typing on an oldschool phone. Listening to lectures entertains me. I like to register physical activity to make sure I get the proper amounts of exercise. Moderate cigar smoking isn't lethal.

Your reasoning is bad and you should feel bad. Enjoy carrying a 1000 page book, an mp3player, a dumbphone and a fucking thinkpad with you everywhere you go you gigantic impractical neckbeard.

>> No.3543880


I sincerely hope troll.

>> No.3543882

Doesn't matter. Even if desktop computers were slightly worse for what they're supposed to do than the specialized ones, it would still take way too much space to use separate computers. Same goes for the smartphone thing.

>> No.3543886

>Everything under iphone i5 isnt buttfugly? Oh boy...
They weren't ugly compared to the other phones out at the moment, but yes, the 5 is the most beautiful one yet.

I'm not brand loyal at all but I care deeply about aesthetics. I simply haven't seen an android phone yet that rivals the iPhone. Maybe it's the asian designers behind them or something but they all look tacky as fuck.

>> No.3543887


I can text faster on a regular mobile telephone than you can do on your smartphone (unless you are some type of superman), and I'm not a unique case. Either way, I do not see why anyone needs to save tiny fractions of their time when conducting such operations.
Good that listening to lectures entertains you. You can also do this with a lot of other devices, most of which do it in a superior manner (better sound quality, better battery life etc.) if you are so inclined.
You need to MEASURE the amount of physical activity you have performed to make sure that it is adequate? Allow me to laugh in your face. That is utterly pathetic.
Moderate cocaine consumption is not lethal, and neither is moderate sleep-deprivation or stupidity.

>> No.3543891


Did you read my post at all? I was saying that desktop computers are not specialized for specific tasks like the ones you mentioned; they can perform them all equally well. That is not the case with a smartphone.

>> No.3543893

I take it I didn't make myself clear. I'm saying that if we act like they wouldn't be as good at performing specialized tasks, and three separate systems will do the job better, It would STILL be fucking retarded to have three systems.

It takes more purchases, more devices to take with you, more space taken, it effectively costs more money, and rather than just conveniently using one thing you'll have to switch between devices.

YOU don't have to read on a 4 inch screen, but it's quite convenient for some people.

>> No.3543894

>They weren't ugly compared to the other phones out at the moment
This might be true for the majority but IMO they all (Samsung, Sony, HTC, Motorola) had a better looking phone, although its a taste thing either way.
The current htc pretty much perfected the design of i5 too Id say but copycat levels are disgusting.

>I can text faster on a regular mobile telephone than you can do on your smartphone
But thats physically impossible if you have similar "texting skills" One has to type much more on a dumbphone.

Sound quality is an even more retarded argument, specially talking about lectures. I can see why the typical kids with smartphones makes one to hate the shit but youre being just plane irrational about it and pulling negative points out of your ass.

>> No.3543898

What you don't seem to understand is that the very benefit of the smartphone is that it does all these things to a degree that I find satisfying while being a single device that fits into my pocket. That's the whole point of the thing. Nobody ever said it's the best solution to every single thing, but it's the most general solution to a lot of little needs. It's the same reason why most people don't keep a truck, a formula 1 car and a dune buggy around but go for a single more general purpose type of vehicle.

Also, proper physical activity does not equal average minimal required physical activity, silly. There's nothing strange about keeping track of your exercises. In fact, it's practised by nearly anyone half serious about it.

I also hope you're not dismissing occasional cocaine consumption, sleep deprivation and stupidity. It's the spice of life.

>> No.3543902

You mean the new HTC one? It's close to being acceptable but still fails in a lot of ways for my tastes. The tacky beats logo (putting colours on a smartphone I shiggy diggy), the lack of symmetry, the indiscreet speakers, the prominent htc logo on the front, the ugly lines on the back. It all reeks of Koreans trying to into aesthetics but failing as always. HTC is still okay though, I think Samsung phones show everything that's wrong with Asian electronics aesthetically speaking. The Galaxy SIII embodies everything that is wrong with phone aesthetics. They somehow managed to make all the separate elements slightly off resulting in an abomination of a phone as a whole. Add the overly saturated screen and the horrors of touchwiz to it and you have frankenphone.

>> No.3543911

I've read a whole bunch off of my Nexus 7.

>> No.3543923

Totally agree about the logos and colors (specially the beats logo looks so disgusting cheap) although the HTC logo is tolerable and lines/speakers are "kay"
Generally logos seem one of the most prominent problems with android phones, though I still like the One, One X or DNA.
Nexus 4 had potential too if the horizontal bezels werent so fat. Experia S looks pretty interesting, the new seems pretty dull on the other hand and there are countless of chinaphones that range from utter shit, 1-1 copy to luxurious.

S3 was really messed up, true but S2 in black is still pretty classy though people love to hate on the plastic, personally I like it.

Wouldnt say that ANY phone currently out there is looking like a must have.

>> No.3543939

I guess I ended up with Apple because my sense of aesthetics when it comes to tools is one of negation. The iPhone 5 is the only one that I can't really find anything on that I dislike, so therefore it wins for me. It's minimal and gets out of the way without any distracting features. It's beautiful by the virtue of not being ugly, if that makes sense. I'm quite obsessive about minimalism in everything though, which often leads to me dismissing designs on the basis of things that others often not even register.

>> No.3543942

Can't read for more than half an hour on my nexus 4. It's just too stressful for the eyes.

>> No.3543946


What about no multitasking, no customization, being spied on and censored by apple and everyone apple loves (including the feds and other nice people), lack of control over your own device, no proper userspace control etc etc...?

>> No.3543961

Personally I love minimalism too but sadly the Apple minimalism goes further than design. The potential to control your own phone is just frustrating for me. OSX manages the balance but IOS just doesnt IMO.

Oh and I dislike the round button.

>> No.3543964

Nook Simple Touch, with Android, rooted, no refresh hack. It's practically a tablet. It even has games.

Feels good mang

>> No.3544047
File: 42 KB, 300x237, swedishprison3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All matters way less to me than aesthetics. Sounds shallow but is actually very deep after a few more cycles of reasoning. The phone functions almost perfectly according to my needs as well. I was going to go android first because of muh freedom, but ultimately I decided that not feeling disgust towards something I use everyday is of greater importance.

It does get a bit restricting at times, but for me it's the lesser of evils. I think I'm going to go Apple in the computer department as well, since Windows is a constant clunky torment as far as aesthetics are concerned and I'm not inclined to tinker enough to use linux for any long period of time. It's a tough choice but in the end I think I prefer a fabulous jail over filthy freedom as far as technology goes. Pic only remotely related.

>> No.3544066


Get a load of this guy claiming he isn't shallow.

>> No.3544072

The golden cage doesnt even apply on Apple computers that much because you can tweak surprisingly much having the knowledge but its such a weird mix between two extremes. The granny and the advanced users who is able to use command line, everybody in between is pretty fucked. Just google how much trouble it is to change simple bar colors...

Though while I wouldnt use iOS even for monthly payment, I totally dig my MBA...and I still havent figured why.

>> No.3544082

>hasn't realised that life is best approached and justified aesthetically

I think what helps make the lack of options more bearable is that Apple is relatively good at making the defaults less shitty than the competitions defaults.

>> No.3544083

I read the entirety of The Count of Monte Cristo in my physics class.
Got an A in that class, too.

>> No.3544108

Meh, this rather applies to Apple vs Linux but then again, OSX is just a more polished version with lesser options.

No idea about W8 but 7 is pretty decent from start, its just a shame not to adjust some of the defaults because its so simple. Same with Android, unless it has some extremely retarded shit added to it, (looking at you TouchWiz)

Though Apple defaults are really a strong point, its just not that prominent anymore IMO.

>> No.3544859

Look at you guys discussing consumer electronics and saying you aren't shallow.