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3541861 No.3541861 [Reply] [Original]

There isn't a single decent female novelist out there.

Not one.

>> No.3541864

what about evelyn wa

>> No.3541900

If you don't think Virginia Woolf was a writer of astounding talent and insight, your brain is broken and you should trade it in for a new one.

>> No.3541901
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O rly?

>> No.3541907


This. She's arguably the greatest author in the English language.

>> No.3541911


top lel

>> No.3541916

Zizek thinks she's a frigid bitch, LOL. He prefers Daphne du Maurier

>> No.3541919


I'm being sincere.

>> No.3541922


I know you must be trolling but come on now.

>> No.3541924

I think George Eliot is better

>> No.3541925

I don't give a fuck what Žiž thinks. If he didn't pander to audiences by "psychoanalysing" their favourite films, nobody'd know the twat.

>> No.3541929

i've heard of five of them.read three,two are actually good

>> No.3541933


Who are some authors you find to be better?


She's good, but often mediocre. Her spots of brilliance are inconsistent.

>> No.3541937



>> No.3541952

>what about evelyn wa
She has a penis.

His name is actually Arthur Evelyn Waugh, but he dropped the first name for some reason. He's a good writer too.

>> No.3541959

they're all decent. there are no decent male authors though.

>> No.3542000

Jeanette Winterson
Jean Rhys

>> No.3542019
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there's another part to this too

We should make a third sometime. These sorts of threads are starting to become common again.

>> No.3542025
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Jay Griffiths, her third book is masterful.

>> No.3542027


Sluts. All of them.

>> No.3542037


>implying that's a negative qualifier

>> No.3542043


Poor form, OP.
If you would have said good, or even great, you would have had something to work with.

>> No.3542045

That's because they're all dead

>> No.3542050

Harper Lee wrote one book and it was the fucking shit.

>> No.3542052

I rather like Carson McCullers.

>> No.3542056

Virginia Woolf
Carson McCullers
Flannery O'Conner
George Eliot

>> No.3542062

Pretending to have read even 1% of female contemporary authors.

>> No.3542076


Who would pretend to do that?
Other than homely lithags of course.

>> No.3542080
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>mfw not a single decent author

>> No.3542078

Name 5

>> No.3542097

Olga Tokarczuk
Magdalena Tulli
Liliana Ursu
Tatyana Tolstaya
Jenny Erpenbeck

>> No.3542102

Not a single mention of Mary Shelley?

>> No.3542107


Give me five 'decent' authors

>> No.3542115

Anyone saying all the good female authors are dead, implying there are no good alive ones. There is 99% chance who ever say's this has let many gems fall through the cracks.

I can't name 5 because I don't read many contemporary female authors. Which is different to just saying there are no good ones.
>Jay Griffiths

>> No.3542125
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Tove Jansson!

CAPTCHA. men hlyzaki

>> No.3542623

Women cannot write, just like they cannot do math or science or war.

>> No.3542665

So much sexual frustration ITT.

>> No.3542692

>every criticism is sexual frustration
>no exceptions

>> No.3542699


He never said there were no exceptions.

>> No.3542730

He didn't even imply there were no exceptions.

>> No.3542729

this, where did you even get that?

>> No.3542740

Theres not a single creative troll out there

>> No.3542748

as an example.

>> No.3542761


That's /b/-tier bait.

>> No.3542789

Margaret Atwood.

>> No.3542813

>implying that a list that mentions gloria steinem and fumiko enchi in the same breath can be taken seriously.
>steinem: crap
>enchi: genius

>> No.3542815

Marguerite Yourcenar
Virginia Woolf
Clarice Lispector

>> No.3542868

It was in a thread where a lot of different people were posting. The butterfly guy kept posting shit or blank posts for some reason.

>> No.3542881
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Op was banned for this post

>> No.3542909

Remove Woolf and add Kanoko Okamoto and you've got yourself a solid list there.

>> No.3542972



You might want to learn Jap before you start gargling their balls.

>> No.3543139

Not this dingofucker again...

>> No.3543171

This. What the fuck is wrong with you plebs?

>> No.3543181

Virginia Woolf, Margaret Atwood, Joyce Carol Oates, Sylvia Plath, Zadie Smith, George Eliot, Banana Yoshimoto

>> No.3543207
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>> No.3543215

Dorothy Dunnett

>> No.3543219

>name me 2 great female painters/sculptors without using google or wikipedia

>inb4 patriarchy, men took our paint brushes away

>> No.3543220

Woolf and Plath are both amazing. In the area of lighter reading, I find Barbara Kingslover to be pretty entertaining.

>> No.3543222

Good to see my image is still making the rounds.

>> No.3543229


Name me a great sculptor.

>> No.3543235



Ninja Turtle-Tier
Leonardo Da Vinci

>> No.3543237


It was a trick question. There's nothing 'great' about sculpture, much less the photographic variety you're fond of.

>> No.3543239

B-but muh Donna Tartt

>> No.3543242

>There's nothing 'great' about sculpture

Then why did Rilke say Rodin is our greatest artist? Think about it.

>> No.3543246


I'm unable to spare a shit.

>> No.3543247


point flew over your head bro; point was people have at least heard of master painters/sculptors (van goh, picasso, rembrandt, dali, da vinci, michaelangelo, etc)

it's really not much different in literature, or science, or any field that requires skill and creativity

>> No.3543250


Yes. Men have praised men throughout history.

>> No.3543259


men are more extreme on the intelligence/creativity scale, more prone to being retarded and more prone to genius

females are much more normalized in the center, plus their testosterone is so low it's amazing they have motivation to do anything at all

>> No.3543261


Men have greater spatial reasoning and intelligence. Women have greater emotional intelligence. Men are much more dramatic, theatrical and temperamental.

>> No.3543269
File: 136 KB, 500x375, do u even....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women have greater emotional intelligence

Women are more prone to being controlled by their emotions, is what you mean. And they don't have much to show for this other than being labelled "unstable" by men.

If women had better emotional intelligence they would have some great philosophers or artists, and it would be evident in their work. It isn't.

men have the great philosophers and artists.

>> No.3543276



>> No.3543278



might as well link me an Oprah Quote.

>> No.3543282


article actually shows men being more emotionally "intelligent". while women are more subject to being controlled by their emotions and the emotions they observe in others---

>> No.3543285


Feel free to critique the content.


That's not what it says at all. You clearly don't know what emotional intelligence is.

>> No.3543302

>That's not what it says at all.

>"Here's where women differ form men. If the other person is upset, or the emotions are disturbing, women's brains tend to stay with those feelings. But men's brains do something else: they sense the feelings for a moment, then tune out of the emotions and switch to other brain areas that try to solve the problem that's creating the disturbance."

so basically women are going to be useless and just dwell on their problems, while men try to resolve the issues.

this is actually kind of true, while the rest of the article basically just makes hasty generalizations about shitty psych experiments. and it concludes women aren't "better" at anything but that different situations call for different responses.

>> No.3543306
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Antonia Canova.

>> No.3543303

>just makes hasty generalizations about shitty psych experiments

I don't see any reference to actual experiments. It seems like Pop-psych bullshit by anecdotal studies done by some psych profs..aka pseudo science

>> No.3543307

Because men are greater when it comes to rational thinking. Therefore are able to take what emotions they do use and explore them at greater depth.

>> No.3543313

That's because women realized the novel was a dead form long ago.

>> No.3543318

>Because men are greater when it comes to rational thinking.

Maybe. But I don't think that's the reason they excel so much.

I think it has to do with motivation and their competitive drive. They had to be problem solvers to survive, they needed great imagination and creativity as well as energy to compete with other males.

Women don't compete or do shit, they were just selected as mates and stayed home, and they were happy with that

>> No.3543322
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>> No.3543327

Does anyone have statistics on female literacy before the 20th century? That might explain something.

>> No.3543346


Diogenes was illiterate and homeless and still clever as fuck.

Socrates was the ugliest person in Greece.

Cervantes kidnapped by pirates, got shot in the chest twice, lost his left arm, and wrote Don Quixote in prison.

No excuses. Women, are you even trying???!

>> No.3543348


Carson Mccullers
Carson Mccullers
Carson Mccullers

can't stress that enough.

youre an idiot OP

>> No.3543374


>> No.3543395

Patricia Highsmith is playing the criminal genre far more superior than Chandler for instance. Also - i know what you're talking because most of the women writers are describing men like they were women with suits but Highsmith overcome this.

>> No.3543418

>Patricia Highsmith is playing the criminal genre far more superior than Chandler

this is false.

>> No.3543430

I like Patricia Highsmith's work, and admire many of her novels as crime/noir masterpieces, but there's no way her novels are better than Chandler's (except for Playback, which is fun but weak).

>> No.3543680

Why all the hate for women? Did your mommy not fuck you hard enough?

>> No.3543683

evo psych bullshit

>> No.3543700

Kate Chopin

>> No.3543707

>Not acknowledging that the lack of studied female artists is a product of patriarchy.

>> No.3543706

Iris Murdoch

>> No.3543725
File: 75 KB, 358x312, get+the+shotgun+_d21a76743e261702c4799a24b3262930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3543745

The most known edition of Frankenstein was mainly written by her husband. Only recently they started publishing her true version.

>> No.3543795

I agree with you, but please, let's not.

>> No.3543807

Two of these men didn't write a single word available to us today. It was the handsome devil Platon that gave us some of their words.

>> No.3543813

For whatever it's worth, K.J. Parker is my favourite novelist of all time. (I know, I know, genre literature doesn't count, even though she's as much about the human condition as any dead Russian I've ever read.)

>> No.3544685

bullshit to you too sir. Oh no, I'm not a sock puppet or anything, lol. Wait guess what? You're dead wrong, evo psych is much more sophisticated than what the whore just told you, that woman is a whore, an ugly whore who can't do evo psych to save her life.

>> No.3546255

Djuna Barnes, Angela Carter, Pamela Zoline.

It wasn't 'mainly written' by PBS. If you compare the two editions, the collaborative efforts of (Percy) Shelley and Byron are quite easily discerned. Their edits mainly involved making her language a little more 'flowery'. You can't say that he mainly wrote it, that's ridiculous. Also, back then, it was near on impossible to be a female author and have your work published without a man's revision.