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/lit/ - Literature

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3531484 No.3531484 [Reply] [Original]

Post your 5 favorite books, others guess what kind of person you are.

The Brothers Karamazov; Catcher in the Rye; Dubliners; The Trial; Waiting for Godot

>> No.3531499

I deduce that you only discovered /lit/ within the last 6 months.

>> No.3531500

18-25 year old American white male who has had less than 5 sexual partners in his lifetime

Mine: Locus Solus by Raymond Roussel, Being and Time by Martin Heidegger, Nog by Rudy Wurlitzer, Ice by Anna Kavan, The Castle by Franz Kafka

>> No.3531506

18-25 year old American white male who has had less than 5 sexual partners in his lifetime

>> No.3531510

You are a first or second-year college student who has read most, if not all your listed books, for class.

Here are my first 5 books that I can think of...

The Sea of Fertility by Yukio Mishima
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
The Recognitions by William Gaddis
La silla del aguila (The Eagle's Throne) by Carlos Fuentes
Como me hice monja (How I Became a Nun) by Cesar Aira

>> No.3531511

The Adventures of the Ingenious Alfanhui
Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio
Log of the S.S. The Mrs. Unguentine
The Tales of Kenji Miyazawa
Kornel Esti

>> No.3531512

>tfw I've only read 4 books in total

>> No.3531514

lol somone's mad

>> No.3531518

You must be a pleasant person that actually loves to read. :3

>> No.3531521

South American with a lazy penchant for self-improvement.

Mildly dissatisfied drug user, craves a life full of experiences and unique characters.

>> No.3531524

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Third Policeman - Flann O'Brien
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
The Divine Comedy - Dante
The Mayor of Casterbridge - Thomas Hardy

>> No.3531530

Jokes on you - I've had five!
If you count the hispanic man George who claimed to be an FBI agent and gave me a blowjob in an alley on the Williamsburg waterfront after I bought crack from him and we smoked it together... he wanted me to fuck him but I couldn't really get hard because I'd taken a bunch of Vicodin earlier... blowjobs count tho right?

>> No.3531532

The Sun Also Rises-Hem
Stoner-John Williams
This Side of Paradise-Fitzgerald
The Map and the Territory- Michel Houellebecq
The Sense of an Ending- Julian Barnes

>> No.3531541

You must be the person who put me onto Pu Songling a few months ago. Thanks for that.

>> No.3531561
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"Dune" series
"The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings" series
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan series
"A Song of Fire and Ice" series
Robert E. Howard's Conan series

I consider each of the above series, one large "book".

>> No.3531565

thumbs up.

>> No.3531567

You're 40 years old living in your mom's basement; your World of Warcraft clan is ranked number five in the world and recently finished raiding the top dungeon in Pandaria, and your literary ambition does not exceed writing the best LoTR fan-fiction novel ever.
How'd I do?

>> No.3531572

War and Peace - Tolstoy

One Hundred Yers of Solitude - GGM

Shakespeares Imagery - Caroline Spurgeon (It contains an record of the various metaphors used by Shakespeare, a selection according to their themes - what I like the most in Shakespeare are his metaphors, his language; i like them much more than the characters and storylines of his plays)

The Death of Ivan Ilicht - Tolstoy

Kholstomer, the history of a horse - Tolstoy

>> No.3531575

extremely handsome, giant penis, abnormally high iq, charisma jfk would've envied, and the world's largest collection of fedoras.

>> No.3531579

500 here - you're half right - I'm high on opium right now, and I once craved a life of worldly experience - but I've been off heroin for two years and I know longer experience much of an urge to take part in the social world, preferring to spend my time investigating and caring for the garden of my own mind

>> No.3531580


I think you're somebody who enjoys the thought of people reading your insincere posts on 4chan and becoming anally frustrated.

My arbitrary 5:
-Little, Big by John Crowley
-Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
-Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald
-Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
-Moby Dick by Herman Melville

>> No.3531581

The Stranger, Hyperion, The Name of the Rose, Foucalt's Pendulum, and The Future (by Al Gore)

>> No.3531584

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is my favorite

Treasure Island
River of Doubt
Dune series (Frank Herbert)

>> No.3531588

Someone I would go considerably out of my way to avoid interacting with

;) ;)

but really

>> No.3531589

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Marquez
Down and out in Paris and London - Orwell
The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
The House of the Dead - Dostoevsky
Resurrection - Tolstoy (Leo)

>> No.3531592


>> No.3531597
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Wide Sargasso Sea
The Bell Jar
The Canterbury Tales
Dr. Faustus

>> No.3531598

Actually, I'll switch out Hyperion for Les Misérables. Hyperion was pretty mediocre really, it was just the first thing that came to my head.

>> No.3531602

Brothers Karamazov
Infinite Jest
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72
Gravity's Rainbow
Breakfast Of Champions

>> No.3531606

Sheeeeeeet I forgot about Homer

>> No.3531607

Someone who is new to /lit/ and unable to formulate their own opinions

>> No.3531609

Girl doing a degree in Classics.

>> No.3531610

tepid sci-fi, Dan Brown-esque pap posing as philosophy, and banal politics suggest that the Camus, the only book of any merit on your list, is ill-appreciated in your crude and obtuse mind. heh
just kidding kind of (I feel like I should give you a hug now), I mean the fact that you even read books would be enough in real life to make us sound friends, but, if I had my druthers, in the end, I'd stand by what I say

>> No.3531611

So did I, Anon. But there's no turning back now.

>> No.3531614

pseudo intellectual

>> No.3531615

>Banal politics
lel x 2
>Dan Brown-esque pap posing as philosophy
lel ad infinitum

>> No.3531617

Les Miserables doesn't help your cause at all - honestly Hyperion would probably have been better

>> No.3531618

What cause?

>> No.3531621

the cause of appearing attractive, to me, your anonymous internet literary judge

>> No.3531630

You got the South American part sort of right. But no dice on the second part!

>> No.3531632

College student who has very decidedly not yet "come of age" - still more boy than man, he nurses a nostalgia for childhood simplicity and fantasy which will ill serve him as he passes through his twenties and his face ages - notably early balding is a serious likelihood. How you like THAT Anon

>> No.3531633

Nothing about his five says 'pseudo-intellectual' to me. I am betting you just think that because of IJ and GR's reputation on /lit/, which only really tells us that you need to learn to think for yourself and get out more.

And no, I'm not him.

>> No.3531637

But I enjoy politics, and I enjoy history. I shall enter politics one day. What is wrong with my taste in literature? Do you find me distasteful because my taste differs from /lit/s equivalent of 'Now That's What I Call Pop'? Or maybe you just have no ambition, and because my taste indicates that I do have some modicum of that, you feel the need to put me down?

Or maybe it's none of those things, and you've just confused opinion for fact.

>> No.3531641

>But no dice on the second part!
You have no self-improvement drive?

>> No.3531645

Infinite Jest

The Brothers Karamazov

Sophie's Choice

The Divine Comedy

The Catcher in the Rye

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3531646

You have a tenuous grasp on basic mathematics.

>> No.3531655


oh shit. oopsie.

>> No.3531660

I struggle to name my five favourite anythings.

>> No.3531664


Boring young white middle american.

>> No.3531667
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Sir Orfeo
Oedipus Tyrannus
Watership Down
The House of Mirth

>> No.3531668

How about your five favourite moments of indecision that have contributed to your social and economic stagnation?

>> No.3531670

You are a person who has not yet read Ulysses.

>> No.3531672

I don't consider politics a universally meretricious field, but it must be said that its typical everyday action occurs in a superficiality which is much in opposition to most literary aims. A profound investigation in politics may nonetheless be worthy of respect, but the particular missive you include on your list leads me to suspect you of the very weak-minded populism you accuse me of - I rather suspect most /lit/izens would be inclined to agree with my assessment that bestsellers such as Gore's owe more of their popularity to the worldy success of their author than they do literary merit...

>> No.3531679

Finnegan's Wake
The Recognitions
The World as Will And Representation
The Phenomenology of Spirit
Ego And It's Own

>> No.3531689

I don't particularly enjoy American politics; I find them farcical at the very best. But I found The Future an interesting discussion of politics, society and economics, and their relationships with each other, going into the future. As the future is something I am heavily invested in, I thought it appropriate to read it, and I found it interesting. I was sceptical at first, due to the myriad stigmas associated with Al Gore, and indeed, with American politicians in general, but I was pleasantly surprised by its contents. I would recommend it to anyone (and I would like to imagine anyone can be treated as a synonym of 'everyone' in this context) who cares at all about human progress.

I have not read anything by Gore in the past, it is the subject matter of this work which appeals to me.

>> No.3531692

>I don't consider politics a universally meretricious field
Why ever not?

>> No.3531695


My college days are an awfully long way behind me.

I think you should reread Alice in Wonderland and remind yourself that it's a masterpiece and that judging people as emotionally immature/nostalgiafags for still loving it is as adults is a pretty dumb thing to do.

You're probably right about the earlyish balding though, shit's hereditary and my dad was starting to thin at 35. Shit sucks.

>> No.3531696


You have no life.

You leave your room almost exclusively for food or work/study. When you see people, usually you think of how they waste their lives with things futile and meaningless moments.

>> No.3531701

Don Quixote
The Brothers Karamazov
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Gödel, Escher, Bach
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.3531703

Those are some pretty silly assumptions. Ignoring the subjective "boring" (which I would dispute) only young and white apply.

>> No.3531705

>I don't consider politics a universally meretricious field
I thought I was alone in this

>> No.3531710

You two probably are, because that's an immensely silly attitude to have.

>> No.3531711

Oh I'm sorry - I can't stand it anymore! I'm so critical towards you only for my own predatory pleasure and I can see by your continuing responses the sensitivity and goodness of your heart - and such a vision forbids me from continuing to antagonize you! In fact, I feel compelled to say - with every response you make to me I feel a deeper and deeper affection growing within me and now I recognize it blossoming in to something I can only call - - - Love! I love you, Anonymous...I love you despite and because of your inclusion on your list of you five favorite books and book which was released only two months ago - your naivete and earnestness is melting my icy heart like a nuclear fire!

>> No.3531714

Chronicles of Narnia

Peter Pan

The Little Prince

The Bible

Top 500 Poems book.

>tfw you're a pleb

>> No.3531722

The world according to garp, Everything is illuminated, Fall of giants, An idiot sent abroad, Skippy dies. Skippy dies has got to be the all time favourite.

>> No.3531725

It would be extremely creepy if he wasn't.

>> No.3531720

You're a Catholic Priest

>> No.3531726

Because occasionally politics shows itself to be acting on profound insight and vision for the future of the country being lead. I suspect I am being misread here; perhaps a definition of 'meretricious' is in order: "Apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity: "meretricious souvenirs for the tourist trade"."

>> No.3531727

your knees got weak from your 2nd reply actually. you just can't be mean can you?

>> No.3531729


I'm a 28 year old graduate literature student.

>them feels when I'm sad now

>> No.3531733

Then you're creepy, kidding. Why the odd choice in literature, if I may ask of course.

>> No.3531745


I'm in a graduate program for children's lit

>> No.3531747

I mean, not that it's any of my concern. Just wondering.

>> No.3531754

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is an awesome book. Way better than Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.3531750


As I thought: I am mysterious and indecipherable; nobody examined me. It must be because of this aura of mystery that permeates me that I bang so many girls.

>> No.3531756

Ah, I see, well then your choices are great.

>> No.3531758

Borstal Boy
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Old Man and the Sea
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.3531765

Stop being so melodramatic. You're not politically or historically inclined, and that's fine. Not all of us are capable of dealing with reality.

We're all unique, special snowflakes, and let's just leave it at that.

>> No.3531767

Les Miserables
Nation - Terry Pratchett
Mother Night - Kurt Vonnegut
The Neverending Story - Michael Ende
The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy Douglas Adams

I know, I know, but better to be honest than to feign sophistication

>> No.3531774

The Stranger
No Exit
Lord of the Rings
Ender's Game
Heart of Darkness

>> No.3531776

You're a gigantic faggot

>> No.3531778

Someone not inclined towards maths.

>> No.3531783


To compare the two is almost meaningless, obviously. But if I had to state agree or disagree then, yes, I think Carroll's is the greater achievement.

>> No.3531786

The Book of the Law
The Thunder, Perfect Mind
The Birth of Tragedy
Bardo Thodol

>> No.3531788

The world according to garp,
Everything is illuminated,
Fall of giants,
An idiot sent abroad,
Skippy dies

>> No.3531789

Actually I'm going to school for engineering.

Why thank you.

>> No.3531792

The god delusion x 5

>> No.3531797

Well GR was heavily influenced by Carroll. And Pynchon's a /lit/ favourite so I hoped the comparison might convince some of his fans to give Carroll a chance and I was just being needlessly inflammatory.

>> No.3531802

Dialogues with Leucò by Pavese
Hopscotch by Cortazar
Gypsy Ballads by García Lorca
Mambrú by R.H Moreno-Duran
Everything I Possess I Carry With Me by Müller

>> No.3531804

Are there any good translations of Lorca kicking about? I really want to get into his stuff

>> No.3531805

I lol'd

>> No.3531808

Please! I would wager I'm more historically competent than anyone else on /lit/ right now. It's this very historically familiarity which makes me comfortable in denigrating the opportunities for the expression of profundities which politics can offer - that is to say, the lack thereof. Political treatises and and theorizing can not uncommonly be elucidating and worth the read, but all too often political writings take on and attempt to influence the immediate, contemporary political situation, and are thusly compromised by the patronising role they consequently assume. The most eloquent speech of the statesmen pales to banality in the face of a single paragraph of finer literature - the respective demands of genre and audience in each case determine this.

>> No.3531813

Not sure. I read him in spanish. It should be, since he's one of the most importants poets in the XX century in Spain.

>> No.3531811

I don't really gave a consistent set of five favourite books, but currently and in no order: Catch 22, The death of Ivan Ilyich, Peter Pan, Watchmen, and The Dark Knight returns.

I also like any given discworld novel or Bradbury short story.

>> No.3531814

Can you explain the whole Peloponnesian crap to me? I'm interested in it.

>> No.3531816

Ah, I was hoping you read him in English. I find translated poetry, or any work of literature for that matter, is never really as good.

>> No.3531826

How old are you? Seriously

>> No.3531829

I suppose we all have a penchant for self-improvement of some sort, no? Also can you please give me a further explanation as to what you mean by "self improvement"? Whenever that term comes to mind I can't help but think of lousy self-help books.

>> No.3531833

You're getting trolled

>> No.3531835

I'm wading into this thread by defining my own self improvement. I haven't gone out in the town for a year, and haven't ever been in a bar. I gave up my sporting team six years ago. I don't study. I don't talk to women, and the odd time I talk to guys. I'm trying to change all of that right now, and started last week. Strides of self improvement..

>> No.3531845

I'm Forty-two, why do you ask?

>> No.3531848


>> No.3531851

Okay, so how the fuck is age relevant on the internet in any way?
It isn't, so don't go all seriously on him.

>> No.3531854

>I would wager I'm more historically competent than anyone else on /lit/ right now.

Post credentials

2nd year history graduate at top 10 program in the country reporting in

>> No.3531859

White Noise, Blood Meridian, The Metamorphosis, The Castle, A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.3531860

sophomore babby in top 10 uni from your country? if your country isn't us or at least uk, there's no reason to mention such triviality

>> No.3531867

Dutch high school.
My fucking sides when I'm twenty years old, and in my last year of high school.

>> No.3531874

babby doesnt into biased rankings by US media magnate

>> No.3531877

ok pal, post legitimate rankings then

>> No.3531882

My credentials are decades of attentive and insightful awareness of contemporary global maneuvering and conflict, and shelves upon shelves of historical texts and political theory. I regret to reveal to you that a slip of paper from even the finest institution of learning is indicative of very little beyond placement in a certain social and economic milieu.

>> No.3531891

Please tell me you are just doing a very good parody of a pretentious self aggrandising cuntbag.

>> No.3531909

One Hundred Years Of Solitude
Blood Meridian
The Stand
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

>> No.3531956

If I were to tell you such a thing, I would no longer be actualizing a very good parody, now would I be?

>> No.3531974
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>> No.3532042

I need friends please

>> No.3532066

The Brothers Karamazov
No Longer Human
Mother Night
The Sound and the Fury
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.3532106

There's no such thing as a legitimate ranking of university. Ranking universities is a childish fantasy made up by people who think world company rankings can be applied to anything. What matters is first you dedication and learning discipline, second your own talent and intuition, third your teacher (quality of teaching hasn't much to do with the credential of the teacher, or even his quality as a researcher in his field) and equally your classmates and close fourth what you're doing outside of your studies.

>> No.3532109 [DELETED] 


Never change, /lit/.

>> No.3532112

heard this story too many times. get real kid

>> No.3532133

>favourite books
>Waiting for Godot

>> No.3532135

No seriously. Do you really need a ranking to tell you Harvard is third best university in the world for law but only fourteenth while Yale is fourth in the world for physics but eleventh in law ? Bullshit. Go speak to the students, the teacher, look at the exchange programs, the courses, the major, the campus and student life. Get informed about really relevant things. World rankings will never give you that. If you think no university is good outside of Britain or America because you read in some ranking than Todaï (university of Tokyo) is only ranked twentieth in whatever-the)newspaper ranking table, then you clearly don't get it. Real researcher work with colleagues all around the world. And if you fear for your children, well, I guess you can telle a shitty community college in ghetto area from a upper-tier university without any ranking, right ?

>> No.3532224

Kafka- The Trial
Hemingway- Farewell to Arms
Camus- The Stranger
Kobo Abe- Beyond the Curve
Kobo Abe- Woman In the Dunes

>> No.3532249

Go to bed, CLT

>> No.3532287

Antonin Artaud - The Theater and it's Double
Frederich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil: A Prelude to the Philosophy of the Future
Sir William Glock (ed.) - Ligeti in Conversation
Samuel Beckett - The Unnameable
Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra & Simulation

>> No.3532295

Breakfast of Champions; The Third Policeman; An Béal Bocht; The Catcher in the Rye; A Farewell to Arms

>> No.3532330
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> How'd I do?

I'm 45 and I own my parents home, my parents having passed away.
Otherwise, you're way off the mark.

>> No.3532341

A Clockwork Orange, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Homage to Catalonia, Walden

I could put 1984 or Fight Club as the 5th but i'd be lying to myself.

>> No.3532347

The Road, Siddhartha, The Satanic Verses, Still Life With Woodpecker, East of Eden

>> No.3532349

>Breakfast of Champions

Mah nigga.

>> No.3532363

The Old Man and the Sea -Hemingway
Cat's Cradle- Vonnegut
Being there- Kosinski
The Painted bird- Kosinski
The Prophet- Gibran

>> No.3532394

The Blind Assassin
The Demolished Man
The Big Nowhere
Absalom, Absalom!
Snow Crash

>> No.3532397

Night Train
The Information
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Moby Dick
Lucky Jim

>> No.3532417


Male, progressive, modern not postmodern. Likely American/Canadian. No older than 30.

>> No.3532423

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
Finnegans Wake
The Sound and the Fury
As I Lay Dying

>> No.3532436 [DELETED] 

Don Quixote
Memoirs of Hadrian
Little, Big
To The Lighthouse
The Passion According to G.H.

>> No.3532443

the catcher in the rye
madame bovary
the idiot

I'm almost done with the heart is a lonely hunter, and i think that might be one of my favorites when i'm done with it too.

>> No.3532448

You live in the Pacific Northwest

you are a graduate student

you have dealt with depression in your life

>> No.3532453

Southern California, actually. Nice try.

>> No.3532460

The Trial by Franz Kafka
V. by Thomas Pynchon
Faust by Goethe
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig
The Plague by Albert Camus

>> No.3532466

Hagakure, Anarchism and Other Essays, Tao Te Ching, The Spider vs. the Empire State (trilogy of books from a pulp series), The Dispossessed

>> No.3532467

Minima Moralia - Theodor Adorno

The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil

A Picture Of Dorian Grey - Wilde

Nausea - Jean Paul Sarte

Molloy - Samuel Beckett

>> No.3532474

Cujo, Stephen King
Paranoia, Joseph Finder
Grotesque, Natsuo Kirino
The Hobbit, Tolkien
His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman. I know it's a trilogy but I don't give a fuck.

>> No.3532486


>> No.3532490

Very reclusive.

You've thought about killing yourself before.

>> No.3532505

The Brothers Karamazov
The Luzhin Defense
2001 A Space Odyssey
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy


>> No.3532515

You like things that are shit

>> No.3532528

bit vague but alright.

Oooouu, you nasty man!
tell someone who cares, buddy.

>> No.3532537

Queer by William Burroughs
Crime and Punishment
Invitation to a Beheading
Offseason by Jack Ketchum

>> No.3532538

Orwell - 1984
Caro - The Path to Power
Conrad - Lord Jim
Silverstein - The Giving Tree
Hurston - Their Eyes Were Watching God

>> No.3532540

>18-25 year old American white male who has had less than 5 sexual partners in his lifetime
That describes me perfectly!

>> No.3532568
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100 Years of Solitude by Marquez
How to Philosophize with a Hammer by Nietzsche
Invisible Man by Ellison
The Stranger by Camus
Faust by Goethe
King Lear by Shakespeare


>> No.3532588


If I had to guess I'd say that you're the kind of guy who is too fucking retarded to count to five.

>> No.3532593
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>> No.3532639

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
L’Étranger by Albert Camus
The Road by Cormac McCathy
Siddharta by Herman Hesse

>> No.3532664

East of Eden
The Hobbit
The Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick
Crime and Punishment

>> No.3532679
File: 202 KB, 1381x874, Albert Camus, L'étrager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say you're a woman or rather young, early 20s... you're optimistic and have an open mind.

I would respect you more if Life of Pi wasn't the first one on your list, but that's only my opinion.

(in no particular order)

The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien
Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
The Myth of Sysiphus - Albert Camus
La Soledad de las Vocales - Jose Maria Perez Alvarez
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens

>> No.3532699

Don Quixote
For God, Country, and Coca-Cola
The Art of Computer Programming
The Catcher in the Rye
Going Bovine.

>> No.3532707

the hunger games, harry potter, percy jackson, star wars books and the hobbit but i only read 1/2 of it

>> No.3532710

You probably don't get out much, but you're not fat or unattractive. Just not outgoing.

>> No.3532714


I bet your 12 and a girl

>> No.3532716


>> No.3532736

Maybe. I do go out, have friends, all that jazz, but most of the time I'm most comfortable chilling at home.

You think too much, though that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Have you watched Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters? If you haven't, do! Bet you'd like it.

>> No.3532741

Night watch series by Sergei Lukyanenko
Homage to Catalonia by Orwell
Pillars of the earth by Ken Follett
Walden by Thoreau
Prey by Crichton

>> No.3532789

They're not in any particular order, haha. More like in the order I discovered them.

>> No.3532797

I enjoyed the Life of Pi, but felt the whole "religious" spin that it implies was kind of unnecessary.

>> No.3532929

Journey to the End of the Night
Brothers Karamazov
Master and Margarita
The Stranger
Death in Venice

>> No.3533299

Of Human Bondage
Confederacy of Dunces
Lucky Jim
A Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.3533353

Old Man and the Sea
The Hobbit
A Separate Reality: Further Teachings from Don Juan

>> No.3533360

Suttree, In Search of Lost Time, Infinite Jest, Watership Down, Solaris

>> No.3533408

>i'm so edgy and sexist why wont my mom do what i tell her! wahhhh

>> No.3533417

Journal by Sandor Marai
The Emigrants by WG Sebald
His Master's Voice by Stanislaw Lem
The Enigma of Arrival by V. S. Naipaul
Light by M. John Harrison

>> No.3533428

Starship troopers
The great gatsby
The hobbit
To kill a mockingbird
All quiet on the western front (that's the english title right? )

>> No.3533683

Infinite Jest
The Virgin Suicides
No Country For Old Men
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
Pop Art (short Story)

>> No.3533688


19. White. Middle-Class. Virgin. College student. Facebook user. Twitter user. Mild bisexual tendencies in private.

>> No.3533701
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Pale Blue Dot; Carl Sagan
The Things They Carried; Tim O'Brien
My Man Jeeves, Wodehouse
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche
Light in August, Faulkner

>> No.3533726
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Now you I like.

>> No.3533733

Im going to guess you're the sort of person who goes to /lit/ and cherry picks books that are regarded as good by the majority of the board to be his favorites. except you threw CITR in there in an attempt to seem original.

>> No.3533768

Jane Eyre
To The Lighthouse

>> No.3533785

Here are mine:
Journey to the End of the Night
Madame Bovary
Bohemian Lights
Infinite Jest

The fact that you used a semicolon to split the books you've read instead of a comma reveals your pseudointellectualism. I don't blame you though, I love semicolons myself.

>> No.3533789



Missed a hyphen.

>> No.3533792


>reveals your pseudointellectualism

le epic Infinite Jest face

>> No.3533794

No love for my post?

You are a disquieted history professor and you have the urge to flush one of your colleagues down a toilet.

>> No.3533795

And yet you don't know how to use them.

>> No.3533799


I also didnt get any love for my post.

>> No.3533804

I would comment, but I haven't read any Tolstoy. I suppose you like Russian novelists?

>> No.3533807

>dat filename.
Oh yeah, I love your post anon.

>> No.3533815


Yes. I'm a big fan of the Russians, but especially Tolstoy. Works are simple to read, but that demosntram a great knowledge of human beings, the language is very simple, but the scenes and people are all presented with amazing details.

Please read Tolstoy, you will not regret it: start by tales! I'm sure you'll love it.

>> No.3533822

Oh shite, sorry. I think I missed it since pseudo-intellectualism is written without any hyphen in my mother tongue (pseudointelectualismo). Pardon me, sir.

IJ rocks. Deal with it, sport.

In what sense do I ignore how to use them? Was my sentence badly punctuated? I'm intrigued.

>> No.3533827

You separated two independent clauses with a comma. You can't do that.

>> No.3533883

>muh prescriptivism

>> No.3533895

basically i'm not the type of person who dwells on what my favorite 5 books are

>> No.3533899

>muh inability to adhere to basic grammar

Tenuously trying to justify our shitty writing, are we?

>> No.3533908

Why'd you post in this thread, then.

>> No.3533992

Grand Strategies ( Charles Hall )
A Song of Ice and Fire ( No, I'm not trolling. )
The House of Scorpions
My Side of the Mountain

I have coffee and sublime truffles; I'm ready for your opinions.

>> No.3534053

Of Mice and Men
Beautiful Joe
Alice in Wonderland
Clockwork Orange
The Things They Carried

No particular order.

>> No.3534065

sure why not
1. one flew over the cuckoos nest
2. the illiad
4. illustrated man
5. brave new world

>> No.3534072

The Hobbit
Sideways Stories from Wayside School
Book of the New Sun
The Colour Out of Space
The Rubaiyat

>> No.3534081

>don't judge any post prior to theirs
>expect to be judged

>> No.3534090

Wow, it seems 100 years of Solitude is really popular with /lit/ users.

>> No.3534154

The Lord of the Rings
The Odyssey
Oedipus Rex

>> No.3534162

you're ugly

>> No.3534169

As I Lay Dying
Under the Volcano
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3534170

u are borderline retarded

>> No.3534182

>Actually I'm going to school for engineering.
and yet you cant count.

>> No.3534186

>why can't everyone obey the rules like me :(?!!

>> No.3534198

My all time favorite book is a wizard of earthsea. I cant be bothered to rank my other favorites so instead here are the four most recent books i have read.

Anna Karenina
Heart of darkness
The trial

And yes i was following /lit/s recommendations.

>> No.3534225

"Kafka on the shore" -Haruki Murakami
"The Ea cycle" -David Zindell
"With the old breed at Penelelu and Okinawa" -Eugene Sledge
"Fear and loathing on the campaign trail 72" -Hunter S. Thompson
"Requiem for homo sapiens" -David Zindell

>> No.3534236

Having a Murakami book among your 5 favorite books is like chocking on a fair amount of black cocks

>> No.3534237

I wish it was that good.

>> No.3534238

how do you chock on black cocks?

>> No.3534240

Notice how the question is asking for peoples favorite books, not the best books. Whether or not its a classic its still a good book.

>> No.3534243

>Requiem for homo sapiens


>> No.3534246

How'd you get to that conclusion?

>> No.3534250

You dweeb, want some Keruac and Irving? Ok fine, once you go black...

>> No.3534261
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>> No.3534265
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This thread=Trophy bookcases full of halfread classics

>> No.3534303

Count of Monte-Cristo
The Humument
War and Peace
sir gaiwan and the green knight

>> No.3534305

Actually swap Sir Gaiwan for one flew over the cuckoos nest and that'll do me

>> No.3534332

The Murders in the Rue Morgue - Poe, Berenice - Racine, Meno - Plato, Pensees - Pascal, Atala - Chateaubriand.

>> No.3534374
File: 433 KB, 977x1335, jeff magnum scoffing at lesser beings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit a backwater bored to hopefully garner some lulz

>they arbitrarily demean superb works of modern literature if they happen to be popular

>they can't even come up with their own memes and piggyback on ones that I invented

I see there are 15 year olds here, huh?

>> No.3534375

The picture of Dorian Gray.
Crime and punishment.
Juliet. by the Marquis, should anyone doubt.
The metamorphosis.
All quiet on the western front.
And other pretentious works of crap.

>> No.3534378

>begging for meme credits on 4chan
oh wow

>> No.3534408

>journey to the end of night
>teh brothers Karamazov
>teh elementary particle

just three.

>> No.3534424
File: 6 KB, 276x183, baldfoucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Protagoras by Plato
The Archeology of Knowledge by Michel Foucault
The Rhetoric by Aristotle
Philosophy in the Bedroom by Marquis de Sade
The Laws by Plato

judge me

>> No.3534448

>The Rosy Crucifixion - Henry Miller
>L'cume des jours - Boris Vian
>The Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger
>Moravagine - Blaise Cendrars
>Desolation Angels - Jack Kerouac

>> No.3534478


You want to do a lot in life, but feel restricted

Of Human Bondage
Confederacy of Dunces
Lucky Jim
A Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.3534479

The Catcher in the Rye is shit m8.

>> No.3534481

The Fountainhead
The Count of Monte Cristo
Emotional Intelligence
Enders Game

>> No.3534491


>> No.3534492

your a faggot

>> No.3534493

>Dharma Bums
>Invisible Monsters
>On The Road
>The Naked and the Dead

>> No.3534497

You better be a girl

>> No.3534499

urite tho

>> No.3534537

The Interrogation
Autumn in Peking
Infinite Jest
A scanner darkly
American psycho

No shame.

>> No.3534551



>> No.3534636

Fahrenheit 451
Do Androids dream of electric sleep
Slaughterhouse #5
The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.3534668

The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
The Divine Comedy
The Shining

>> No.3534716

This applies to most people in this thread. Rate to be rated.

>> No.3534733

The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann
Discipline & Punish - Michel Foucault
The Kalevala - compiled by Elias Lonnrot
Society of the Spectacle - Guy Debord
Eyeless in Gaza - Aldous Huxley

>> No.3534737

Foucault's Pendulum
Master and Margarita
Chesterton's Autobiography
Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.3534764

What do you think of my AWESOME fanfic? Tell me via reviews!


>> No.3534768

You seem like an interesting person. Would have a coffee with you.

>> No.3534826

Ezra Pound - The Cantos
James Joyce - Ulysses
Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quijote
Bending the Bow - Robert Duncan
The Mercy - Philip Levine

>> No.3535028

listing the author first instead of the book makes me think that you care more about the people themselves rather than their messages. 2/10 would not bang.

>> No.3535249

The Phantom of the Opera
Of Mice and Men
Brave New World

>> No.3535280

But that's the correct way. He cares more about writing style than plot or "message." 0/10 pleb

>> No.3535282

The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Master and Margarita
Fluke Or, I know Why the Winged Whale Sings
Sunset and Sawdust
The Bluest Eye

>> No.3535288

oh my god. just... holy shit.

>> No.3535292

Moby-Dick, The Cement Garden, Notes from Underground, The Plague, The Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.3535339

Are you afraid of the evil that lurks inside the human heart?

>> No.3535345

Fictions - Jorge Luis Borges
Any of the works by Julio Cortázar, maybe Historias de Cronopios y Famas on top.
Demian - Hermann Hesse
La Revolución Perdida (The lost revolution) - Ernesto Cardenal
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

And a short story that I'm going to add anyways:
The Last Question - Isaac Asimov

>> No.3535351

Choke, Candide, Do Androids Dream od Electric Sheep?, Ficciones, Gulliver's Travels

>> No.3535355


Spic weeaboo with horrendous hygiene.

>> No.3535363

You are an sensitive man, disheartened by a world you can't seem to grasp. You have lived your life in a distant manner and you are in a reflective mood most of the time.

>> No.3535369

Both far off.

>> No.3535372

Americhump angry that his whore mother gets plowed by spic cocks on a daily basis.

>> No.3535381

Have you spent your entire day making these up?

>> No.3535844

Dat Duma Key reference.

>> No.3535852

American Psycho
The Count of Monte Cristo
Brave New World

>> No.3537404

Ah, another friend who has read the Bardo.
Did it help you?

Reading about the Hungry Ghosts and their sphere really made me reflect about some of my worse characteristics.

>> No.3537428


new to literature.

>> No.3537449

Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
Women in Love - D.H. Lawrence
Naked Lunch - William S. Burroughs
Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity - Richard Rorty

>> No.3537502

Fear and loathing on the campaign trail
Dead souls
What then must we do?
Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum

>> No.3537538

The Foundation Trilogy
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Wheel of Time series as a whole
Where the sidewalk ends

>> No.3537885

Alan Moore's Promethea
Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot
Vladimir Nabokov's Laughter in the Dark
Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions
J. D. Salinger's Franny & Zooey

>> No.3537895

Someone do me, please

>> No.3537900

Someone I'd probably enjoy tripping with.

>> No.3537902

American Psycho - Ellis
Blindness - Saramago
The Corrections - Franzen
East of Eden - Steinbeck
The Sound and the Fury - Faulkner

>> No.3537904

Sure; bend over, darling.
You have glasses and a unadventurous haircut.

>> No.3537905

You haven't fully grown up yet

>> No.3537908

You're currently in grad school or considering it

>> No.3537910

You graduated high school recently or are going to this year

>> No.3537913

You are an extremely pessimistic person

>> No.3537916

You're an insufferable prick with few friends

>> No.3537922

You think you're smarter than you actually are

>> No.3537923

You're a pretentious sack of shit

>> No.3537924

I like this.

>> No.3537927

You really don't enjoy life

>> No.3537953

"Michel Foucault has a head like a fucking orange." - Daniel Day Lewis

>> No.3537965

That's completely true, omg

>> No.3537980

Waiting for Godot
Catch 22
A Wizard of Earthsea
The Clockwork Bird Chronicles
Einstein's Dreams

I hear the trumpets of /lit/ish judgement as I type

>> No.3538004

You want to be in a great adventure, but you're also grounded and enjoy your current reality.

>> No.3538020

not a bad description, from where I'm standing.

>> No.3538061

Breakfast of Champions by Vonnegut
One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations
Mark Twain's Letter's from the Earth.
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.

Cliche? maybe. still don't give a shit, these are great books.

>> No.3538072

You have a tendency to read things that you have heard others refer to as good, rather than making your own decisions. That said, the aforementioned system has worked for you so far, so why fix it?

>> No.3538141

Have I looked up things like banned book lists, reading reccomendations by people I respect as book readers? sure, who hasn't. How do you make a decision on what to read without input? Unless you're running around a library with a blindfold, every person who reads regularly does what you just described all the time. just sayin.

>> No.3538168

Dragons of a Fallen Sun: Weis and Hickman.

Talon Of the Silver Hawk: Raymond E. Feist

Silverwing: Kenneth Opal. ( childs book still love it though.) read it when I was young.

The Golden Compass : philip Pullman

The rest is anything from Isaac Azimov

>> No.3538245

Sometimes a Great Notion
A Confederacy of Dunces
Labyrinths (Borges)
The Trial
Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass

>> No.3538269

You take an escapist approach to your problems. geddit?

>> No.3538292

for whom the bell tolls.
The count of montecristo.
No country for old men.

>> No.3538456

I'm graduating high school in three months haha you got me

>> No.3538484


Hm. Maybe. My brother committed suicide a year ago, my dad had a heart attack half a year ago, my first major (nursing) didn't work out, I lost my religion a few years ago, I've started realizing the flaws in my positivist view fairly recently and I'm nearly convinced that I cannot truly love any woman I'm sexually attracted to.

tl;dr--yeah, you got me.

You do well in your science classes.

You smoke weed.

You're a very nice and understanding person.

You are vain, but you're at least AWARE that you're vain which makes it a littler better until you become aware of that awareness and became vain about that level of introspection, etc.

>> No.3538535

The Periodic Table by Primo Levi
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Oblivion by David Foster Wallace

so much post-modernism. damn.

>> No.3538588
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>so much hipster bullshit. damn.

>> No.3538589

You enjoy Mind Fucks, and always want to feel on the edge of reality.

>> No.3538592

Blood Meridian by McCarthy
The Stranger by Camus
As I Lay Dying by Faulkner
Moby Dick by Melville
The Book of the New Sun by Wolfe

>> No.3538606

You're unconventional. You eating habits are either extremely healthy or extremely unhealthy. But you detest exercise.

For me:
Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Flow My Tears the Policeman Said by Philip K. Dick
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
The Electric Kool-Aide Acid Test by Tom Wolfe

>> No.3538609


Y-y-y-yeah? Well wh-what b-b-b-b-books do you like, f-f-faggot!?

>> No.3538627



>> No.3538639

Not the guy that posted the list, but you seem like a total prick.

>> No.3538657

Petty Demon (read this, if you like Old Russian literature!), Devices and Desires, The blade itself (love me some pulpy fantasy lit), The Fountainhead (I know, I know) and Fight Club

>> No.3538685

>reading a Faust novel
>not von Goethe
You don't belong here

>> No.3538694

1. Copleston - History of philosophy (11 vols.)
2. Homer - The Odyssey
3. Plato - Complete works
4. Homer - The Iliad
5. Rushdie - Midnight's children

>> No.3538711


>> No.3538725

And I'm sure you're a mama's li' darlin' that happens to have shitty taste in books. Why so butthurt, bro?

>> No.3538741


White Noise by Donny D
The Sound and the Fury by Bill Falcon
The Things They Caried by Thomas O'binkers
Grapes of Wrath by Julius Steinway
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernst Von Hemlock

>> No.3538754

No response?

>> No.3538763

You're a white kid who lives in Portland Oregon, you have a beard and like to draw comics. You are currently half heartedly attempting to become a local hipster rapper with your black friend on keyboard.

>> No.3539486

I know a guy like that

>> No.3540467

My post recieved no love, so I'll post again.

A Clockwork Orange, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, Homage to Catalonia, Walden

>> No.3540592

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee (LOVE)
Oblivion by David Foster Wallace
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling (yes)

>> No.3540604

You love greek philosophy, baby.

>> No.3540735

Rate to be Rated.

>> No.3540741

You like Tim Burton movies, and read fantasy as a way of escapism. Though you enjoy literature, you can't stop enjoy the not-very-respected YA genre.