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/lit/ - Literature

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3537492 No.3537492 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an eastern canon?

picture unrelated

>> No.3537498

Canon just means 'my favourite books' by snooty old white guy.

>> No.3537497

bhagavad gita
tao te ching
tale of genji

4 big chinese novels:
romance of 3 kingdoms
water margin
journey to the east
story of the stone/dream of red mansions

>> No.3537503

yeah it's better to get random books

>> No.3537508

Or, you know, books that are relevant to your interest.

>> No.3537525

The Tale of Genji (11th century) by Murasaki Shikibu
The Pillow Book (1002) by Sei Shonagon
The Tales of Ise by Anonymous
Hojoki (1212) by Kamo no Chomei
Essays in Idleness (1330) by Yoshida Kenko
The Tale of Heike (1371) by Anonymous
Edo Period (1603-1868) The Life of an Amorous Woman (1686) by Saikaku Ihara
Hagakure: the Book of the Samurai (1716) by Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Four Major Plays (~1720) by Chikamatsu Monzaemon
Chushingura (1748) by Takedo Izumo, Miyoshi Shoraku, Namiki Senryuu
Tales of Moonlight and Rain (1776) by Ueda Akinari
The Dragon King's Daughter (Tang dynasty) by
Six Yuan Plays (Yuan dynasty) by
Three Kingdoms (14th century) by Luo Guanzhong
Outlaws of the Marsh (14th century) by Shi Nai'an
The Story of the Western Wing (14th century) by Wang Shifu
Journey to the West (16th century) by Wu Cheng'en
Creation of the Gods (16th century) by Xu Zhonglin
The Peony Pavilion (1598) by Tang Xianzu
Stories Old and New (1620) by Feng Menglong
The Plum in the Golden Vase (17th century) by Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng
The Carnal Prayer Mat (1657) by Li Yu
Strange Tales From a Chinese Studio (1740) by Pu Songling
The Scholars (1750) by Wu Jingzi
Story of the Stone (18th century) by Cao Xueqin
Six Records of a Floating Life (1808) by Shen Fu
The Bamboo Grove: An Introduction to Sijo edited by Richard Rutt
Samguk Yusa (13th century) by Iryeon
Virtuous Women: Three Classic Korean Novels
The Cloud Dream of the Nine (17th century) Kim Manjung
The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong (18th century) by Lady Hyegyeong
The Tale of Kieu (1820) by Nguyễn Du

includes no modern works, but there's those on the recommendations wiki

>> No.3537529

It doesn't work like this idiot

>> No.3537536

Tao Te Ching
The Art of War
The Analects
The Vedas
The Incoherence of the Philosophers
The Ramayana
The Book of One Thousand and One Nights
The Mahabharata
The Quran
the Dharma
Egyptian Book of the Dead
Keep in mind historical empires in your definition of 'Eastern'. The same geographic regions could have drawn on the same texts, but more modern writing from, say, the Qing dynasty is totally different to what came from the Ottoman empire.

Also, something like the Epic of Gilgamesh would be claimed by both East and West.

>> No.3537537

thanks guys

>> No.3537541

>implying you'll read any of these books ever

>> No.3537550

It does. I've been reading what I want all my life, served me well.

>> No.3537554

>implying I won't

I'm thinking about studying something like that

>> No.3537557

sure bud

>> No.3537559

>hurr i like cars let's read a book about cars, i'll like it because it has cars~

>> No.3537567

What's wrong with that?

>> No.3537570

some of us care about writing style and don't give a shit about plot, but this is already way over your head

>> No.3537578

>some of us care about writing style and don't give a shit about plot

No, only the undergrads completely reject plot, pretending that they only read for prose. Everyone else thinks both are important.

>> No.3537585

you're so stupid it's boring

i don't read books about "what's relevant to my interests" because there's as high of a chance to hate a book about my "relevant interest" as it is to like a book about something that i don't give a fuck about. just fuck off already with your bullshit

>> No.3537589

What if my only interest is books?

>> No.3537591

>i don't read books about "what's relevant to my interests" because there's as high of a chance to hate a book about my "relevant interest" as it is to like a book about something that i don't give a fuck about

I couldn't parse that comment. Could you rewrite it correctly?

>> No.3537596

you're slow and boring

>> No.3537621

>you're slow and boring

>> No.3537631

implying i'll pause my to check your bullshit after you proved you're retarded

>> No.3537637

Depends on what you mean by Eastern, but yes.

>> No.3537645

"After you proved you're retarded," said the twelve year-old, after posting an unreadable comment:

>i don't read books about "what's relevant to my interests" because there's as high of a chance to hate a book about my "relevant interest" as it is to like a book about something that i don't give a fuck about

>> No.3537652

what's wrong with that sentence?

>> No.3537658

>i'll pause my to check
>what's wrong with that sentence?

>> No.3537667

*my music

is that your gimmick? cherry picking irrelevant shit after you out yourself as a retard?

>> No.3537670

>still using the term 'retard'

what is this 90s revival day

>> No.3537671

apparently i got your gimmick right

>> No.3537673
File: 66 KB, 480x320, blind-man-walks-with-a-cane-on-a-street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't read books about "what's relevant to my interests" because there's as high of a chance to hate a book about my "relevant interest" as it is to like a book about something that i don't give a fuck about

>what's wrong with that sentence?

>> No.3537674

chinese classics and buddhist canon

china was like the centre of writing in 'the east'

>> No.3537677

i'm not the same person hence the change in typing style, 'retard'

>> No.3537680

>i changed my typing style to trick into thinking there's other person, please believe me now

>> No.3537683

you actually think this?

>> No.3537692

>"I can't tell that there are multiple people laughing at me."

>> No.3537693

yeah, unless it was a conscious choice, it's unlikely for you to mention the writing style difference

>> No.3537688

So caring about writing style prohibits one from reading what one wants to read?

>> No.3537695


>> No.3537704
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outta here w/ ur bullshit now junior

>> No.3537709
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it took you a while to delete a simple word

>> No.3537710

It's all screwed up,
people will talk "western canon" and include eastern books and books that don't have anything to do with any sort of western zeitgeist or philosophy,
so the term's degraded and basically just means nothing more now than "These books are good!"

It really should be sorted and stratified, into books that are good, books that are fundamental to western philosophy,(whatever one imagines that to be) and books that are fundamental to western cultural heritage.

The whole east and west thing is starting to become less and less useful, when so many philosophies find roots in so many different cultures and re-purpose so many historical events and texts to fit with their worldview.

I Occidentally the whole thread.

>> No.3537712

>no! Stop liking things!

>> No.3537713

are you clinically retarded?

>> No.3537714

>i'm this dense!

>> No.3537717

sure bb

>> No.3537718

oh my god you seriously believe yourself right now

you literally think you are important enough that someone would go through great lengths just to trick you into believing they were someone else... for what reason? why would i bring it up at all if i was the same person as the other guy? why would i pretend to be someone else? so i can point out that you're using the term 'retard'? get some sun

>> No.3537720


>> No.3537727

not the most graceful of concessions ;o

>> No.3537731

This is a great thread. Let's keep it going please.

>> No.3537732

conceding what? assuming you're the first guy who said it's better to read books that pertain to your interests, you lost the argument long ago. this is just me alt tabbing and playing with you

>> No.3537746

not the same guy chief

>> No.3537752

then conceding what broski? what's your story? i have all the time and patience in the world

>> No.3537753

Son, you have been responding to at least 3 different people.

>> No.3537756

your point?

>> No.3537763

that you were wrong about me being the same guy as before... duh... it's actually like insane that you honestly believe that

>> No.3537769

i was actually just fucking around with that, you're all anon for me. and i can accuse you all i want about being the same guy as there's no way to prove me wrong, so "conceding" after a tldr post which i ignored makes little sense

>> No.3537773

>prove me wrong

>> No.3537775

>I was just joking guys.

>> No.3537774

How insecure do you guys have to be to continue such a pointless anonymous argument? You can just leave, you know.

>> No.3537777

>i was actually just fucking around with tha

is that your gimmick?

and do what?

>> No.3537779

no i wasn't joking. you're all the same person. prove me wrong

>> No.3537782

hey is that you? my old loyal friend? have you concede your argument yet? inb4 >i'm not anon i'm his brother :P

>> No.3537783


>> No.3537786

what are you even talking about

>> No.3537787

you're acting like that's a counter argument or something

>> No.3537788

We are the same person, but they're all different.

>> No.3537790

if you can't keep up, go away

>> No.3537795

and do what?

>> No.3537796

it is. prove me wrong

but you in not having any of which that you can only say is something solely being in one cause a way in which you according to all of the contexts and the things that those contexts affect cannot say that in fact you aren't? KEEP UP.

>> No.3537799

ITT: Some Anon claimed that plot is completely irrelevant, got schooled by someone else, then went on a 30 post samefagging spree.

>> No.3537800

so deep

>> No.3537798

i am reading. some guy is posting his insane ramblings in this very thread. it's interesting to see a mental breakdown in action

>> No.3537804

this never happened

>> No.3537808

Samefag. Stop bumping the thread.

>> No.3537809


>> No.3537812

Fuck that autistic fuckface for ruining the thread

>> No.3537814

the thread was done here >>3537525

you got your recs, the thread has been solved. now fuck off and read

>> No.3537819

Will do, cap'n.

>> No.3537881

This cant be your real opinion.
You know the rest of /lit/ is JOKING when we hint at that right?
Dont try so hard to fit in.

>> No.3537897

enjoy your ender's game in silence

>> No.3537907
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking we read ONLY for prose.
>parroting back our joke as your own opinion.

>> No.3537909

is this you and your highschool book club?

>> No.3537919
File: 49 KB, 486x473, Get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3537931

let me break it down for you: you're just a buffoon

>> No.3537940
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>> No.3537941


>> No.3537944

camedy geld

>> No.3537945

lelele you're the /lit/ equivalent of the fat t-rex mode ss gomad le epic tricked cunt

>> No.3537948


>> No.3537952
File: 169 KB, 310x325, 1360371092460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever know that you're my hero?

>> No.3537955

you can stop now sport