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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 303x500, nausea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3528341 No.3528341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why am I having a existential crisis when I am 21 years old? Why is the main character in this book almost exactly like me?

>> No.3528353

because edgy

>> No.3528362 [DELETED] 

c'mon dude i got over my existential crisis hurr le stranger french existentialism phase at 14 speed it up

>> No.3528394

You better prepare for round two.

>> No.3528402

It happens man - feeling that a character is like you is a good thing, means that your living the novel - but take a look at Sartre, he wrote a book, got over it, and fucked plenty of bitches and didn't give a fuck about anything

>> No.3528409

>fucked plenty of bitches
any empirical evidence for this?

>> No.3528413


lelele fucking plebe ive had like 6 so far had 2 at the same time

>> No.3528429

This. One existential crisis is babby tier.

>> No.3528426


Haha wow. Are you serious satan?

>> No.3528431 [DELETED] 

i had others, like a big schop phase antinatalist blogger phase efilism etc but never went back to basic bitch ennui

>> No.3528432


kill yourself

>> No.3528439
File: 195 KB, 497x496, 1357236569626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking empirical evidence gained from any source other than your own subject is empirical

>> No.3528440

what are the differences between nausea and the stranger?

>> No.3528445


ennui was never part of mine, lots of drugs random violence and incarceration were.
last one ended with a burglary charge and 6 months jail work camp #yolo

>> No.3528452

the stranger is better

>> No.3528455

wow stank you are a filthy criminal

>> No.3528460


le strange by bert camels is le shittiest tao-lin tier vaginadom as revealed through a post menopausal frog, nausea is the crawling phenomenological sludge attached to your fucking face as you read, eroding your soul 10/10 tier

>> No.3528466



>> No.3528474
File: 8 KB, 200x342, le ataraxia goatdog face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having so many existential crisis that you transcend the crisis/noncrisis dichotomy and live in a perpetual '?' that is also a 'yes'

>> No.3528475

hey you just made me plan on reading nausea. i read the stranger a while ago and i thought i'm too old for being this edgy. but if you say nausea is nothing alike, i'll give it a shot

>> No.3528483

seducing beautiful women =/= actually having sex with them

no pics or vids, no care.

>> No.3528486

I put Nausea down multiple times. Couldn't deal with it, I felt it turning my skin into clammy shivering paste.

>> No.3528487 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 295x362, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stranger is shit nausea's okay
slow down garnier, jesus

>> No.3528490

Teach me your secrets, Goat.

>> No.3528500


damm, goats that goes hard, really hard


>nothing alike

no its like, that times 1000. you'll overdose on edginess, stay away

>> No.3528507

too late i'll give it a shot

>> No.3528510

>not turning your existential crisis into a desire for the destruction of the existent

>> No.3528517
File: 16 KB, 385x253, ss (2013-03-04 at 11.43.11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys referring to the traditional definition of existential crisis? Because this is barely redit tier

>> No.3528522


Nausea had a totally different feel that anything I've read. I can't describe it. I hate that feel.

>> No.3528523

are you talking murder here

>> No.3528524

what's that wikipedia plugin?

>> No.3528527

It's quite normal, it's being a part of growing up. I also had my 'crisis' around 20, it lasted 4 years.
Some people even make a career out of it, they call themselves philosofers.

>> No.3528530

fastestfox i think

It's a firefox addon

>> No.3528537


no that's like the 12 year old level one crisis sitting in church thinking "this is bullshit" tier.
we're talking about complete ego death and utter derealization questioning modes of existence like extension and fucking trying to reverse determinism and pulling knives on your neighbors as ways of saying hello and shit, thats where its at ace

>> No.3528544
File: 86 KB, 337x332, 1358141006072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is, that nothing happened before the invention of the camera? Then of course, every video and picture could just be fake.

>> No.3528553
File: 158 KB, 400x389, goatboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>base of rogue eclectic hellenism (sceptic anti-epistemology, cynic/epicurean/cyrenaic hybrid lifestyle, stoic aphorisms for increased autarkeia and taste and flavour while rejecting their dogmatic and metaphysical thought) mixed into a firm dough, use paradox for yeast
>sprinkle adoration towards pan and dionysus
>wrap all in perpetual cultural associations of mischievous poorfaggotry (archetype building indoctrination, study of tricksters, vagabonds, saints, bums, bohemians etc, constant fluctuation of goatlife memetics)
>add beer to mellow it out
>marinate in stirnerism for a while but remove stirnerism before putting it in the oven
>put in oven
>regularly apply nietzsche for that fresh twang where necessary while baking
>afterwards apply pure unadulterated joy as garnish to taste if available

>> No.3528554

are you that devil666 guy or something? he has a similar writing style which i like

>> No.3528556

talkin' bout dat ACTIVE NIHILISM

>> No.3528564


requesting manual on reversing determinism

>> No.3528566

You mean militant nihilism in the wish for nothingness sense. Which is for faggots. Active nihilism also known as action nihilism is life affirming nihilism.

>> No.3528584

Then why you call it _existential_ crisis?

>> No.3528590

Are you looking for a fight or something?

>> No.3528595

I'm just curious.

But I'll fuck you up if you want me to

>> No.3528598 [DELETED] 

god that 16 year old attempt at reversing determinism feel
>maybe if i do what i don't want to do... o-oh wait...
until eventually you just realize you don't even choose the thoughts you think and they aren't even yours and you freak out and go to bed

so many hours spent trying to sort that shit out

>> No.3528603

no, certainly not. you're the one claiming sartre had multiple sex partners during his lifetime. that's called speculation; if you want to justify your speculations the burden of proof is on you, silly!

>> No.3528609

i'm happy i never was stupid enough for this to be more than a couple of minutes long problem

>> No.3528615
File: 26 KB, 431x300, 1300730497-head_explode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3528618 [DELETED] 

bothered me for like a year straight

>> No.3528626

no, he sounds like a faggot


you went about it the wrong way junior basically it involves the active manipulation of the fundamental moment of differance, once you make the non-arbitrary synthesis on past and present, representer and represented you can then make transcendent objects into nothingness, but like, really really tiny amounts oh and you need about at least 6 hits of good acid and possibly someone to keep you from jumping off the balcony assuming you have one

>> No.3528632

I never got the free will/determinism thing in the sense that I can't really feel urgently about it. Doesn't seem to make any difference. Feels false dichotomilly.

>> No.3528639

>until eventually you just realize you don't even choose the thoughts you think
even though i have a toilet, i can spontaneously chose to go outside and take a dump in the bushes.

free will : 1
tripfag : 0

>> No.3528648

>implying you can choose to choose to go outside
>implying you chose to have free will

>> No.3528644

that didnt make sense

>> No.3528649

why not. we're talking free will, aren't we

>> No.3528651

yeah but your example is naive

>> No.3528655

Oh, please. Most readers have already had their existential crisis in their teens. You're pretty late.

>> No.3528674

why can't i hold all these baby proletarians.zip

>> No.3528675


>mfw stan is hilariously making fun of you people
>mfw he's actually the biggest anti-nihilist on this board

Which part of "hurr durr alpha nietzschean ubermensch aryans bla bla" did you people miss?

>> No.3528677 [DELETED] 

lel, i have exactly 6 hits in my bag right now
shit dude thats revolutionary. minds blown : 1 determinism : 0

>> No.3528679

I wasn't even reading at that time

>> No.3528691

within the framework of mythical ego the will is somewhat free

>fails to prove me wrong
>posts a sarcastic comment instead
>zenith of intellectualism

>> No.3528693

>within the framework of mythical ego
stopped raiding thrace

>> No.3528697


haha, it's true that i've done a 180 but two years ago i used to actually be like that.
like, i'm not lying about my arrests and being addicted to drugs and being a general le edgy nihilist psychopath...all shit happened

but then i found freddy neech and all was better.

>> No.3528703

>he thinks his ego is real and not a bunch of prearranged perceptions


>> No.3528704

how old is this guy, how long has he been posting here and what's his major? thanks

>> No.3528705


I like the old you much better. I hate this new "GET RIPPED FUCK SKULLS TAKE STEROIDS" you.

>> No.3528712

oh is he deepandedgy?

>> No.3528722


No, He's stan. He's in his early twenties.
D&E is about 35.

>> No.3528724

so he's not majoring in anything?

>> No.3528725 [DELETED] 

ugh, i hate arguing on the internet though, it's so pointless almost every single time
watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6S9OidmNZM
then go away

>> No.3528726


He's about 40 probably. He's le original edgy philosopher trip.

>> No.3528729

I am 26 years old and have been through one for the last 3 years

>> No.3528730


now off to law school

>> No.3528732

you're like the mu trip who majored in music and now he's about to start law school as well

just like him

>> No.3528735 [DELETED] 

who are you referring to?

>> No.3528737

cannabis loving tripfag


>> No.3528740
File: 62 KB, 541x405, goat horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stan, if you're independently wealthy, why would you waste time being employed when you can strive towards excellence like a Greek citizen leaving the work to the slaves?

>> No.3528741

>posts a video in order to escape explanation

that's cute.

>> No.3528743

Since when was that depressed ADD riddled faggot go off to law school?

>> No.3528744

Fuck me, that's a good sentence.

>> No.3528746 [DELETED] 

this is why i don't like arguing on the internet. even when you're proven wrong you refuse to address it and just act petty. fuck off

>> No.3528747

since he realized majoring in music was a childish thing to do. and he likes arguing

>> No.3528750

>tfw OP's books seemed pretty positive to me.

>> No.3528752

Can you show me on the archive? This is the closest I can find.
>I'll finish in history if I go through with applying to law school and becoming a professional arguer (been smoking the practice LSATs), or math/stats if I don't.

>> No.3528754

>Surrounding pressure of social dogma
>Leaving good impression on parents
>Avoiding looking like a failure in front of relatives and friends

He'll probably have a kid one day, too.

>> No.3528756

>not having an ontological crisis

get with the times, existential crises are so mid-20th century

>> No.3528758


i just didnt want to be like my fucking dad who hasnt done shit his whole life except spend money.
plus im like, really fucking intelligent and will most likely be very successful on my own. if that fails i have an entire inheritance to blow on coke and uselessly huge boats and shit

>> No.3528760

This is just new-atheist dogma you dimwitted cunt - If not a troll, then just plain stupid

>> No.3528761

well that's what i was saying, that he's about to start law school, not that he started already

>> No.3528762 [DELETED] 

>not being an ontological nihilist
>implying we exist enough to have any kind of crises

>> No.3528768

did you finish psychology among the top of the class?

>> No.3528772


yeah, actually i will you fucking foul anal seepage, have fun 'gazing into the abyss' like a faggot for the rest of your life..no gains in that life

>> No.3528776

>tfw spending countless moments glancing at the external entities and corresponding phenomena in sheer amazement

>> No.3528779

How tool the tools have toolen.

>> No.3528790

Why all the anger? I'm not against any ostentatious ambitions. Just stating that it is what it is...

>> No.3528791


haha is that you goats?

>> No.3528792

>being Nietzschean
Pleb. Pick one.

>> No.3528806
File: 106 KB, 900x598, rly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just realised I've grown up amongst hard working ambitious people and decided to cling to my welfare check for dear life


I pick drinking, now what freegan?

>> No.3528813

People who have read Nausea and felt very influenced by it: what language did you read it in? I've been taking beginner's French lessons for a few months now with a big motive in this being the reading of French literature, I'm not sure if I should read Nausea now in English or wait until I feel comfortable enough to read through the original text alongside a dictionary.

>> No.3528817

Nah, I'm just an old /lit/ troll, originally by the name of Hannah Cleshspear, although I haven't gone by that moniker for a for some time now.

Incidentally, I find myself in a similar position to you, regarding wealth + being clever. But I decided some time ago that the problem with work is you have a scale:
Those jobs on the left are mind-numbing and usually badly paid, but you're not expected to think they're OMG awesome by a bunch of fucking morons all day. They're dislikable jobs and you're supposed to dislike them.

Those jobs on the right are populated with cheery cunts who don't realize what they are doing is pointless. You have to pretend to enjoy being a petty functionary, doing pointless/mildly shitty deeds, or otherwise bullshit yourself into becoming a believer.

So I've mostly given up on the world of work and am concentrating on making films instead. Mainly because it is sometimes renumerated, and involves some pretty useful + saleable technical skills.

>> No.3528827

To believe that wine was exhilarating, I should have had to be a Christian-in other words, I should have had to believe in what, for me, is an absurdity.
-Ecce Homo
Enjoy the greatest European narcotic since Christianity, fegit.

>> No.3528830

How many bottles of beer do you jug a day?

>> No.3528836

>existential crisis at 14
forever stay pleb

>> No.3528840


The Stranger is some guy fucking some chick and killing people.
Nausea is some guy being sad and going to the whores fucking a fat hairy whore and meeting a paedophile
you choose.

>> No.3528855



no,none of that noise though i could actually see myself on a law professorship writing articles on the new haven convention of human rights while still harboring the most corrosive non-cognitivist immoralism. there's something about paradox which engages me. something in the bad faith of the falling tyrant, the two facedness of the daytime nun nightime stripper, something in the well do to husband with three kids who's also part of a satanic cult which fascinates me.

>> No.3528858


Thats not what theyre about at all.

>> No.3528860

I've never really gotten this about Nietzsche though, to be honest. I understand that his weak stomach and drink would not have mixed, and it would have disagreed with his opiate use and other medications, but he liked a drink when he was young (the follow up of your quote: "Strangely enough, whereas small largely diluted quantities of alcohol depressed me, great quantities made me act almost like a sailor on shore leave. Even as a boy I showed my bravado in this respect. To compose and transcribe a long Latin essay in one night, ambitious of emulating with my pen the austerity and terseness of my model, Sallust, and to sprinkle the exercise with a few strong hot toddies this procedure, while I was a pupil at the venerable old school of Pforta, did not disagree in the least with my physiology, nor perhaps with that of Sallust-however badly it may have agreed with dignified Pforta.") and as a self-proclaimed Dionysian he should have been able to see the benefits of boisterous intoxication. I would say that drink like all other things can be used in a life affirming or denying matter, and that it is precisely that which should decide the verdict for or against it.

>> No.3528861

That is.
>not reading the text
>looking for higher meanings

>> No.3528862

>and as a self-proclaimed Dionysian he should have been able to see the benefits of boisterous intoxication
Only Nietzsche plebs on /lit/ think this is the case. His beliefs are much more refined than kids like goat would have you believe.

>> No.3528864


Youre an idiot, hope that helps.

>> No.3528872
File: 949 KB, 500x307, JOdREcW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go home satan. Spaghetti on an image board ..

>> No.3528873

You are the dumbfuck for failing to grasp the symbolism of Meursault fucking Marie in the warm sea and Roquentin comparing the fat matron's cunt to a beetle nest, but then that was kind of expected, stay retard, retard.

>> No.3528878


true ontological nihilists would never comment anything

>> No.3528881


i am home you idiot african american

>> No.3528883

"Tonight I shall take so much opium that my reason will go astray" - Nietzsche, personal correspondence, 1882

>> No.3528884


>> No.3528886


You're just incurable.

>> No.3528894

He also self-medicated with hashish, potassium bromide, chloral hydrate and God knows what else. Nietzsche was no stranger to intoxication, it's just that alcohol wasn't his intoxicant of choice. It didn't agree with him. But as he himself mentions (Twilight of the Idols, The Four Great Errors, #1) it's the constitution of a person that dictates the diet, not the other way around. His dismissal of alcohol was, I believe, just highly personal shit talking.

>> No.3528895

Quarter-life Crisis.

>> No.3528897


Get a load of this idiot.

>> No.3528899
File: 56 KB, 357x539, i71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a daily reminder that sartre was a subpar writer whose talent was ruined by his bourgeois commitment 'hur dur flaubert is a shitty writer he doesnt do revolutions like i do while im comfortably sat in the café de flore'

pic related

>> No.3528900

Nope, that would be scepticism. Nihilism is scepticism that loses it's temper and throws a tantrum and shouts "NO!".

>> No.3528903

oh wow that's some good argument there, well done! you called me idiot eeeexdeeee

now kill yourself

>> No.3528905

had my first existential crisis at 8, u pathetic fags r so sad

>> No.3528906


You're an idiot because you got caught being an idiot and had to switch your entire view to not be an idiot which made you an even bigger idiot.

>> No.3528914

> /lit/ deludes them self thinking that a existential crisis is a teenager thing

Wow, keep that delusion and live a shitty life.

>> No.3528915
File: 16 KB, 375x281, 1362162368847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I didn't know how edgy this nigga was, shit dawg

>> No.3528916

>suggest that there is a different in the tone of existential crisis in The Stranger compared to Nausea, that the former is more epicurean while the second more of a negative-neurotic nature
>be called idiot by some clueless faggot who doesn't ever bother to argue
>tell him to read the text more closely and to take into account the different symbols
>be called idiot by some clueless faggot who doesn't ever bother to argue
>point out that the random dude isn't even try to argue
>you're an idiot because you're an idiot because you're an idiot
>American dialectic

>> No.3528917


such a plebe for not understanding the purposeful hypocrisy of john paul, hence bad faith. he fed off the marxist student movement like a baller, he was as committed to "the marxist cause" as to that vapid feminist slut with the huge ass.
the man had impressive dualities

>> No.3528921

not really. he spent twenty years kissing the arse of the French communist party while the commies didn't even give a fuck about him.
That's not alpha, at all.

>> No.3528933


What board are you posting in you idiot? None of that happened.

>> No.3528935

read again, dumb faggot

>> No.3528941

Are you seriously implying Sartre wasn't an honest commie? Do you have something to back this up with?

>> No.3528944 [DELETED] 

so what's the true, non-deluded view on existential crises, then?

>> No.3528945
File: 133 KB, 400x300, 461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fucking bitches

>> No.3528947

quite the opposite. he, along with his existentialist crew, was the only honest (& dumb) commies.

>> No.3528956
File: 72 KB, 500x632, tumblr_lwh4luEvGL1qgquvwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge ass

Not THAT big, but I'd hit it nonetheless

>> No.3528972

that's a nice plump ass. would chastise.

>> No.3528975

beware of the castration

>> No.3528978
File: 13 KB, 219x262, algren-nelson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3528983
File: 16 KB, 340x297, phil-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I watch?

>> No.3528989
File: 7 KB, 260x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo jean paul, you know I can't have an orgasm with you in the room

>> No.3528998
File: 102 KB, 390x597, es-wwwsartre1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never did see eye to eye.

>> No.3529252

>back up
apart from him ultimately abandoning marxism on some bullshit pretext to become an 'anarchist' (how convenient, now that he's too old to run after jumped up little commie college girls)? yeah, read the road to freedom,the first book is semi-autobiographical and mathieu is the direct reflection of sartre, a bourgeois who wanted to feel alive by associating himself with radical ideas. why do you think he came up with the concept of bad faith?

>> No.3529803

Human, All Too Human (BBC) - Jean Paul Sartre http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFPKNIIRGhA

>> No.3529816

>any empirical evidence for this?

He's French.

>> No.3529823

I've tried reading this book 4 or 5 times and I can't get past a few pages.

Anyone else find this EXTREMELY difficult to read for some reason?

>> No.3530831


>> No.3530909

>not having so many crises that your soul has been split apart and even in your brightest moments, even under the warmth of the sun, you can still feel that piece of you dangling into the depths of nonsense and despair

>> No.3531154

Babby tier. You're not even halfway.

>> No.3533611

elaborate please

>> No.3534032

Bipolar Disorder can cause such thoughts to occur in severe forms.

>> No.3534071

>having a existential crisis

some day I hope you will realize what a retarded fucking try-hard you sound like

until then stop posting please, stay away from /lit/ cause you are ruining it with your idiocy and pretense

>> No.3534550

>implying it's either strange or special to have one
You just outed yourself as le plebe superieur

Because you're not healed yet.

>> No.3536463

retarded because he has questioned life?