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/lit/ - Literature

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3522781 No.3522781 [Reply] [Original]

Does lugging big books around seem pretentious? I'm reading IJ and I'm just trying to get it finished as soon as possible, but I'm still in High School and the literary presence in these people are not very high.

>> No.3522783

"the literary presence in these people are not very high."

hobby novelist detected

>> No.3522789
File: 57 KB, 392x496, 161012_slide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the literary presence
>not reading IJ in the comfort of your own home and finishing within 8 weeks
>caring what others think
>trying to look cultured in high school
>carrying things

edgy pleb teen detected
just finished that shit, I am in junior year of high school fukkin cum at me u cheeky kunt

>> No.3522801

Not in of itself, but the fact that you reveal that you actively judge your peers negatively for not reading (shitty psuedo-intellectual) literature means that you are indeed pretentious

>> No.3522800


>> No.3522821

How is the truth of them not-reading, judging them negatively? I didn't say, "these idiots don't read much".

>> No.3522835

not even remotely possible

>> No.3522858

My english teacher caught me reading The Brothers Karamazov when I was in highschool. He seem to think much of it. On the other hand, this kid who took all AP classes and went on to graduate as our valedictorian romanticized the shit out of me because I was reading for pleasure and not for a class.

>> No.3522886

Just fucking read man.

They will judge you, you will judge them.

I mean if I told you that if people looked at you carrying the book they all thought you were some snob, would you stop doing it?

There are more important things to worry and care about

>> No.3522922

yes I would, because I only read at most 10 pages (these are pretty long pages though).
And the little things add up to become one's personality and I don't want people to think I'm arrogant or something.

>> No.3522936
File: 47 KB, 640x360, 62830_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never get why you guys think being seen in public reading or carrying a book is something important or even a thing. No one cares. You think a cute girl is gonna come up and say 'wow I love that book, lets hang out.' Walking around with a dildo on your head would be more effective.

>> No.3523034

Hahaha. Oh my. I wonder what I would've thought of you when I was in high school.

>> No.3523042

It's fine OP you don't really have any friends there anyway

>> No.3523051

You wouldn't have

>> No.3523084

I read Les Misérables when I was in junior high.
I felt pretty smart lugging that thick book around.
Looking back on it now, I see that I was a pretentious cunt. That's not to say that you can't do it without looking like a pretentious cunt, though.

>> No.3523136


>> No.3523156

I am disgusted.

Let me tell you that everyone will judge you on everything, who you love, what you love, even the fact that you are alive!

Will you betray everything to be accepted? Disgusting.

>> No.3523170

But a person judges himself on similar standards, and how can you tell whether you're doing something because you like it or whether you like being seen to like it unless you ensure nobody sees you like it? And if you ensure that you're not seen liking a thing, how can you be certain that you're not simply doing that to create an aura of authenticity as to your enjoyment in that thing on the off chance that somebody may stumble upon you in the process of enjoying it?

>> No.3523211

>walk through hallway in school
>see group of faggots coming in my direction
>one guy is holding a copy of 1984 with the cover pointing specifically forward
>have to struggle to control rage when passing by


>be at class
>some guy brought a copy of The Game
>keeps talking about it
>pretends to read for like a minute but then stops
>tries to educate people but nobody cares

Don't bring books to public places unless it feels right, you pretentious fuck.

>> No.3523230
File: 466 KB, 384x288, 1360331292243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reading Kafka in highschool
>hey anon
>fuck yes I can finally talk to someone about Kafka
>why are you reading

>> No.3523235
File: 76 KB, 297x333, bel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading when you're in school
>reading when you're in public at all

You're only doing it to be edgy and pretentious, and you know it. How are you even properly able to concentrate in these circumstances? I bet all you can think is, "I hope someone sees me reading this! They'll think I'm some sort of genius for reading The Brothers Karamazov... and I'm only 16! Wow, I'm so much better than everyone else around me that it hurts."

You people are like guitar-players who desperately want to show off at every possible chance. You're annoying as fuck.


>> No.3523240

You're only NOT doing it because people will think you're pretentious. You're just insecure as fuck.

>> No.3523246

He's butthurt because he can't play the guitar either.

>> No.3523244

Jesus mate if you wanna read the book read the book.

The plights of modern day children astound me they really do.

>> No.3523247


No, I never did it because when I was at school I talked with friends and did schoolwork while I left my books at home, like any normal person not desperately seeking either attention or approval from their peers would do.

Furthermore, I can't concentrate when I read in public, so I don't. I like enjoying my literature at home, on my own.

>> No.3523248


Heh, I've been playing the guitar for 7 years but I'm not one of those faggots who show it off.

>> No.3523249


>I left my books at home, like any normal person

lol he really is an insecure faggot. Good call.

>> No.3523251

>I can't concentrate when I read in public
So I am pretentious because I can?
Makes sense.

>> No.3523252
File: 40 KB, 483x464, locke disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't pretentious like us
>he must be insecure

Oh, /lit/.. never change.

>> No.3523253

Hey man, good for you.

you're an insecure faggot

>> No.3523255


Why are you putting words in my mouth?

Seriously though, people who read in public are usually very obviously concerned about others also seeing what they read. Kind of like people who listen to music with earplugs but deliberately have it on a really high volume so that others can hear what edgy music they're listening to.

And it makes sense too, because such people are completely bereft of social skills, and that makes sense for pretty much all of 4chan.

>> No.3523259

So you're just another bedroom player chugging out power chords, afraid to play in front of others? Half the fun of being able to play an instrument is playing for the enjoyment of others – whether this is on stage in a bar, or with twenty people sat round singing drunken chart songs at the tail end of a party.

>faggots who show it off.
Christ, you're insecure. Playing for "7 years" and won't let anyone listen.

>> No.3523260


If you had a mind, the gentleman correlated leaving his books at home with 'being a normal person', concreting his whiney posts as by an insecure muffin, sacrificing his supposed love for reading for peer acceptance.


You're projecting insecurity onto EVERYONE, and to study your own flaws into other people with supposed superiority, does it make you feel a little bit better?

>> No.3523262


Coming from the faggot with a superiority complex and a desperate need for approval.

>> No.3523261

No, usually, people who read in public do it because they enjoy the book enough to take it to school and read it there.
Also most people in my high school wouldn't know who Kafka or DFW is.

>> No.3523263


I've been playing on and off for around 10 years yet if anybody asks me to play something I can't. Mainly because I'm not a performing monkey, but also because I haven't learnt anything off by heart.

>> No.3523265

Why would you read at school, are you looking for a wedgie

>> No.3523266

I never knew /lit/ had such an unbelievable complex about people thinking they are pretentious or conceited. Was to be expected I guess.

>> No.3523267

>playing for 10 years
>haven't learnt anything by heart

Fuck you must suck.

>> No.3523269

you confuse a superiority complex with self confidence.

Protip: you won't get anywhere in life without selfconfidence.

>> No.3523270


I don't have any trouble playing in front of others and I do on occasion, but only when asked. And I don't agree that half the fun is playing in front of others. Furthermore, I don't "chug out power chords." I mainly play the acoustic anyway.


I have really no idea what you're talking about. I'm not projecting anything and I don't think I'm being whiney. I just think faggots who read in public are, for the most part and very typically, annoying.

>> No.3523271
File: 91 KB, 400x347, reading-on-park-bench-thumb10074620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the middle of summer. I'm sweating like a pig, I have no air conditioning, no garden. I know, I'll go and finish my book in the sun... Maybe I can build up a little tan too.

Oh, god. This is nice. The warm sun rays, the smell of pollen...


W-what? Are you talking to me? What's the matter, I'm just sat in the sun... Wait, are you that crazy guy who was shouting at me on the train for reading"

>> No.3523273


Haha, yeah, well I get high and play chords and sing. I'm in no way a technical guitarist, I just really enjoy creating things like little folk songs.

Learning my keys and writing songs at the moment.

I gain more pleasure listening to Bob Dylan than Steve Vai, if you see what I mean.

>> No.3523279

>I've been playing on and off for around 10 years
>but also because I haven't learnt anything off by heart.

I hope you are kidding. Even after 2 years you should be able to play the average radio song just by hearing it once. Hell, apart from the middle 8, you should be able to play it after hearing the first verse and chorus.

>> No.3523277

>I'm not projecting anything and I don't think I'm being whiney
Stage one: denial

>> No.3523275


I chuckled.

Notice that I said that they are for the most part and *typically* annoying. There's a difference between someone who takes Infinite Jest with them to school (or on the train) and half-heartedly reads it in order to seem cool and someone who takes George Martin with them on the train to read it and actually quiet enjoy it without caring what others think. (You and I both know you would look down upon such a person for not reading "proper" literature, because you're all elitist cunts.)

>> No.3523276


Yeah, that's great and all but Jesus if you're playing for 10 years and don't know a single thing by heart you should be thinking of selling your guitar. Even a cheap ass folk song should be easy.

>> No.3523282

And just to contribute to the theme of the thread, there's nothing wrong with insecurities. They're a natural way of telling you things, an absence of something you desire, a means to self development. They are ideas or messages of progression.

Cracks are there to be filled, lest we all be perfect and live terribly boring lives. Or, what is worse, the conviction of perfection without even having worked for that conviction.

>> No.3523285

>Or, what is worse, the conviction of perfection without even having worked for that conviction.

This is 90% of /lit/.

>> No.3523286

that guitar guy is probably the bbomb, creating stuff is way cooler than memorizing covers, so shut up

>> No.3523287

>implying you can't read Infinite Jest and quietly enjoy it without caring what others think.

>> No.3523292

There is absolutely no way anything he can create is good if he can't play a single thing on guitar.

>> No.3523293


I haven't really studied as such. I enjoy playing guitar and I don't make it a chore.

I might exaggerate in saying I know nothing off by heart, for example recently I've started playing with a friend and that's required me to learn several songs off by heart, but If ever I'm at home and want to play a song i'll just get it up on the internet and play it off a tab.

It seems this last 6 years or so has been spent curating an artistic voice, rather than learning licks and sonic alphabets. That's my excuse anyway. Whether it's a fruitless endeavour I certainly couldn't say. Meditated misery sounds more like it to be fair.

I certainly will not be selling my guitar.

>> No.3523294


How often do you really see this? You do it to feel superior. You're on the train and you think to yourself, "lol, that bitch over there is reading Game Of Thrones... pleb. Why isn't she reading western canon, on the train, like me? What a dumb cunt. I'm so much better than anyone. Jesus christ I want to suck my own dick so bad."

This is /lit/.

>> No.3523295

>that guitar guy is probably the bbomb, creating stuff is way cooler than memorizing covers, so shut up

You don't need to memorize covers. If you can play an instrument, you can transcribe by ear. It becomes impossible to turn on the radio, hear a contemporary song and not hear Am,F, C, and know that a G is coming next. If you can play an instrument well, you can play covers.

>> No.3523304

I like Game of Thrones, even though I know it's pleb-tier.
I don't judge people if they read it, because I know it's entertaining.

>> No.3523306

>tfw i was seeing The Trial as a play in a theater last thursday, with my gymnasium friends

>> No.3523310


The radio is a literal cancer.

Too often I go about my day and my mind is assaulted with that filth. And I go home and lie in bed and that filth is still repeating at the back of my mind.


>> No.3523312


Good for you. But it doesn't take a lot of time on /lit/ to see that most people don't approve of what other people read. It's automatically shit-tier because it's not what they would read. And most people on /lit/ judge, and they know they are being judged. So even if they like Game Of Thrones, they sure as fuck aren't taking that with them out to public to read, especially not if they have the option to take, say, Ulysses with them instead. Even if this /lit/izen actually enjoyed Game of Thrones much, much more than Ulysses... he would still take Ulysses.

>> No.3523314
File: 122 KB, 333x500, infinite-jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait, are you that crazy guy who was shouting at me on the train for reading

>> No.3523317

So because some people do this, automatically everybody that reads in public is pretentious?

>> No.3523324


No, actually, what I said should only be restricted to /lit/izens and obvious hipsters.

>> No.3523327

Not true at all

>> No.3523330

Actually it's very true. Without knowledge of some more intricate chord progressions and playing styles that only come with learning an array of different songs and soaking up their essence, you will always use the same motifs and rely on fundamentally the same songwriting principles.

>> No.3523331

>Learning my keys
The only good thing about keys is learning how to play outside of them. An ex of mine used to be pretty good at gradually working out what chord she wanted by adding single notes, and that kind of melody driven/note leading type of composition is a lot less rigid and a lot more interesting than chords in a certain key. I understand what you mean with Steve Vai. I find a similar thing with Van Halen, but to a lesser degree. I don't think the issue is complexity, though, but rigidity: I'll happily listen to stuff like Ederlezi, which isn't a simple folk song, and it's enjoyable because there's like this sense of freedom or naturalness, whereas listening to that kind of straightforward poppy folk music bores me to death.

>> No.3523339

It is possible to be good at guitar without knowing any covers by heart, got it yet?

>> No.3523336


Your post made me sad. Who would want to live among such layers of thought?

Surely books serve different roles, different things can be gleamed from different books and one should go with what he feels like reading at that time.

If i'm horny I don't start reading The Republic, i go porn hub.

Does that devaluate porn hub, because it is not The Republic? Because they offer different things, one should not qualify one as 'better' than the other, rather it was more suitable and served the right function at that exact time.

>> No.3523343

Except there is no possible way you can be playing 10 years without knowing anything (and he said ANYTHING) off by heart.

Do you even play guitar? I feel like I'm wasting my time explaining this to you.

>> No.3523351


Both of you are annoying cunts and you should feel bad.

>> No.3523357

Yeah, its possible, because I'm there. I couldn't play a song by heart right now except the ones I've created.

>> No.3523360


>You will always use the same motifs and rely on fundamentally the same songwriting principles

Are you suggesting people don't do this already?


Maybe your ex is above me still. I don't add single notes to chords but work out what chords go in a set together, and then build a progression on that. I like words mostly.

The music is mainly a vehicle for me to explain my woes and gripes in an artistic manner.


I think you should calm down. I've always played songs at a computer so haven't had to remember them. I don't play for other people, so I've not had to remember them.

Maybe you've put a lot of time into learning stuff and that's good, but there's no need to say someone isn't 'good' at guitar (whatever constitutes 'good' on the grand scale that is creativity/talent) and argue about it like it means anything much.

>> No.3523362

Upload one for us to listen to.

>> No.3523364

Hi me again, yeah I see what you're saying, it is different, the only way it can be settled is if the guitar guy posts some of his jamming on vocaroo and we can judge whether he's good.

>> No.3523370
File: 55 KB, 800x600, Kelli-Garner-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have my mic set up and I'm actually sequencing a piano piece right now and you homos are distracting me.

>> No.3523380



That's one of mine. Continue arguing by all means, if you can hear the guitar. Both your arguing is a little redundant.

>> No.3523386

Is pretty good. You should de-ess your vocals and roll off the highs a little, its too trebly. Obviously the guitar's too quiet.

>> No.3523387

I used to read those trashy erotic novels that my mother bought from a friend at the hair salon when I was at school. Carried them everywhere. I did so because I enjoyed them.

>> No.3523393


Appreciate it. It's not produced at all, but it helps if I have solid ideas in the ether so that they don't get lost in the swamp.

>> No.3523394

Goddamn, you guys are more insecure than /fa/. If you're all being serious this thread is hilarious.

>> No.3523397

Of course they're insecure, they're readers. Nobody reads anymore unless they want to seem smart, it's pretty sad

>> No.3523398


Where smart people read from mainstream media and watch the big bang theory, amirite?

>> No.3523406

There are no smart people.

>> No.3523407

Well if it makes anyone feel any better or worse, the only reason I ended up getting put into an AP English in high school was that my English teacher saw the amount of outside reading I did.

I also made friends with a kid in high school because we saw the books each other read.

Stop being so concerned about what other people think and carry a book wherever you want to.

>> No.3523408

Which one's yours? The Strokes cover?

>> No.3523413


There's a bunch tracks but they're all original material? What strokes did you hear?


This is pretty deep.

>> No.3523431

the type of people who would negatively judge someone for reading are the type of people whose opinion doesn't matter to me.

>> No.3523436

Giant books like that and my copy of Gravity's Rainbow almost make me wish for an ebook reader. But instead if I'm going portable I'll just bring something else instead.

>> No.3523437


But also,
the type of people who lug around a crappy tome like "Infinite Jest" for a few months of attention-garnering aren't the kind of people I'd like to associate with, either.

>> No.3523441

But now you operate under the assumption that anyone you see who's reading Infinite Jest is doing it for attention.

>> No.3523444

Probably because it's not a book that one can read casually, in 10 minute snatches while waiting for a class to begin or waiting for a bus.

>> No.3523445

Most people have these things called "breaks" throughout the day, in which they're presented with the opportunity to get a bit of reading done.