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3521596 No.3521596 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with smoking and /lit/?

Do you smoke?
What do you smoke?
Do you smoke when you read/write?

>> No.3521599

I don't smoke at all. I especially wouldn't smoke around my books. I already know what they end up looking like even with just a year of being around cigarettes, due to my mom.

>> No.3521602

Because it's chill as hell

>> No.3521609

I smoke

Am. Spirits Perique Blend (the black pack)

Smoke occasionally when reading, and do smoke during writing breaks

>> No.3521632

yea , its all bout dat paul mall unfiltered.

>> No.3521664

Smoker. Camel lights, Pall Mall lights, and Parliament lights. But anything non-menthol is usually ok. I don't smoke when reading or writing because I smoke outside. Not only is my roommate a non-smoker, but smoking inside my apartment would violate the lease agreement and I'd owe a shit load of money in cleaning costs if I moved out or my landlord found out. That said, I do read outside on nice days, and a cigarette usually accompanies that

>> No.3521683

weed erryday

tobacco is for tryhards

>> No.3521752

Weed is counter-intuitive. You'll get tired and distracted after a couple pages and probably not even recall the little you did read. Nicotine is known to increase your concentration and wake you up enough to plow you through a few more pages.

>> No.3521757

Camel 99s. It's pretty enjoyable for reading. Im trying to transition to ecigs. It's not the same but it does let me read and smoke while inside so it's a worthy trade off.

>> No.3521758

Sure thing buddy, rationalize how much you want. For all I care, you can ignore all the negative nicotine effects in your narrative. We both know how things are at the end of the day

>> No.3521760

Who the fuck reads when high? And I can't concentrate without having a cigar.

Fuck off

>> No.3521764

I was suggesting everyone should smoke Dr. anon, I was comparing reading a book while smoking weed and smoking a cigarette. Are you done with your self-righteous PSA?

>> No.3521765


>> No.3521772

I'll assume you replied to the wrong post. Enjoy your cigars! Never got into them myself

>> No.3521778

what's psa?

>> No.3521781

The hottest new drug on the streets! Pick it up, you'll get high as fuck nigga.

>> No.3521784
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>> No.3521788

Haha, it means Public Service Announcement. Like those government sponsored ads for not smoking, not littering, no forest fires, recycle more etc.

>> No.3521791

Oh ok

>> No.3521792

Public safety announcement. Get it together.

>> No.3521808
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I smoke cohiba cigar, but not when reading.

>> No.3521817

It's always gotta be a competition. Can't you enjoy a cigar without needing to feel superior to others? Actually, I think that's mostly what cigars are for.

>> No.3521823

cigars are nice. as are pipes.

Protip: one does not inhale cigar/pipe smoke as one does with a cigarette

>> No.3521838

I smoke mostly hand rolled cigarettes and pipes, supplemented with the odd normal cigarette or cigar. I smoke moderately though.

>> No.3521845

>Do you smoke?
Yes, of course.

>What do you smoke?
Golden V rollies, L&B or Camel cigarettes, Rocky Patel or Cohiba cigars.

>Do you smoke when you read/write?
I smoke while doing everything. I'm smoking right now. I have even been spotted with a can of beer and a cigarette in the shower; beer in the soap dish, right hand held out of the jet stream, left handing rubbing shower gel into myself.

I usually have a cigar while writing, but smoking a cigarette while writing is a practised art. The beginner will either neglect the cigarette, or hold it in his mouth and get smoke in his eyes. It takes a lot of time and effort to learn to hold it in your mouth, smoke away without thinking, and focus on your writing.

>> No.3521867
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>Do you smoke?
I used to smoke, but had to stop because I'm trans; HRT doesn't mix well with it - fretfully high risk of pulmonary embolisms.

>What do you smoke?
Mid-tier cigarettes, they were.

>Do you smoke when you read/write?
Never. I do most of that inside, and stale smoke is unpleasant to have around all-day.

>> No.3521898

>What's up with smoking and /lit/?

nothing special. one in about every seven people (global) smoke. they're bound to be represented in /lit/

>Do you smoke?


>What do you smoke?

amsterdamer. hash. cigarillos every so often. i would have loved to live in a time where opium dens were common.

>Do you smoke when you read/write?

when reading, it's a hassle. when writing, it's part of the ritual.

>> No.3521905

oooh, MTF?

>> No.3521927

>Do you smoke?

>What do you smoke?
I occasionally smoke cigarettes when I drink. I also smoke weed when I have the funds and the fancy, which has basically put me on an unintentional tolerance break this semester.

>Do you smoke when you read/write?
Again, only occasionally. I used to smoke weed and read, and though it was fun and allowed me to think about what I was reading from a different perspective, I'd usually have to reread when I went back.

>> No.3521944


yup, smoke cigarrillos panter blues (which I know are pretentious as shit, I don't like the actual smoke in my lungs, just the taste and cigars are too much.)

I only smoke about 1 every two weeks, more a treat than something to do while I read, though I'm tempted sometimes?

>> No.3521948

I used to smoke Parliaments occasionally, but now I'm smoking them with a little more regularity. I'm almost a character out of a Bret Easton Ellis novel, except I'm not having sex with anybody.

>> No.3521972

>Do you smoke?
>What do you smoke?
Marlboro Blacks, Camel Wides.
>Do you smoke when you read/write?
Yes for both. It's second nature at this point.

>> No.3521975
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>morning coffee


>> No.3522012

>50 years old
>lung cancer
>teeth are stained brown
not so amazing

>> No.3522014

Damnit, I quit, but I miss this so much. Coffee+Cigarette+Book=God tier

>> No.3522019

Yeah, it's much better to be able to pick the retirement community of your choice and die after 40 years of sitting around in a senile stupor, shitting your pants.

But hey, at least your dentures are white.

>> No.3522039


[the act of] smoking is highly enjoyable

>> No.3522041

The fuck? Way to speak for everybody. Reading high is the wildest shit ever. Love it, but it doesn't work with everything.

>> No.3522053


>> No.3522062


Because that's what all old people do right? I love when stupid teenager smokers make this point like they have any idea how they're going to feel after they've actually grown up and dropped stupid, immature opinions like these.

>> No.3522073


>> No.3522075

Yes, it is.

Old people use up resources and contribute nothing to society. They should all commit suicide.

>> No.3522080

You know the years smoking takes from you are like, the worst ones? You have nothing to say. There you go calling people "kids" like you're above the person you are arguing with. Anonymously. On 4chan. Get fucked kid.

>> No.3522082
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hello hello
i'm at a place called vertigo
donde esta

>> No.3522086

Is there maybe a certain age where people become useless maybe, do you feel? Please share your enlightenment, intelligence gives me such a huge boner.

>> No.3522091

it's pall mall

and unfiltered cigarettes are awful. i hate getting a little speck of tobacco in the back of my throat and then coughing and choking and feeling like it is always there no matter how much i try to spit it out or swallow it.

although getting used to filters again after years of rolling my own or buying luckies/camels without them was weird. felt like i had to pull so hard to take a hit

>> No.3522094

I smoke because it makes me appear cooler and makes me fit in. Everyone loves a smoker.

>> No.3522099


Grow up.

>> No.3522102
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I'd just like to make it known that I have always been and plan to keep on being useless. Age has nothing to do with it.

>> No.3522104

I smoke rarely now, used to do it like crazy though.
Cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, marijuana.
I love smoking any/all of those things while I read/write.

If anything, I think it's because it's an easy habit to partake in while you do other things. You only need one hand to do it, you can take breaks in between each puff; it doesn't get in the way of what you're doing, but it allows you to break up to pace of things enough that you're constantly getting little shifts in focus of attention, which helps you stay more alert and interested.

>> No.3522106

Shouldn't you be harassing an office supply store employee for ink to a pen you bought at the 1968 state fair?

>> No.3522109
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>You know the years smoking takes from you are like, the worst ones?
The second hundred.

“I have something to tell you non-smokers that I know for a fact that you don’t know, and I feel it’s my duty to pass on information at all times. Ready?… . Non-smokers die every day … Enjoy your evening. You’re dead too.”
— Bill Hicks

>> No.3522110
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You sure told him!

>> No.3522120
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I smoke a lot of pot when I write. My word choice becomes much more creative but much less coherent. I wait until I sober up to edit.

I smoke out of a bowl which is, as my friend described it, "Sherlockian yet functional."

>> No.3522127

>Punpun reaction image

Mah nigga.

>> No.3522135


smoking isint some magical process that makes it so people are more likely to up and die one day, there are of course specific mechanisms of action involved.

that is, youre not avoiding the shitty effects to go with your body breaking down and dying, youre exacerbating them.

>> No.3522143

I'm a smoker but I'd definitely like to live as long as possible. I know it's conflicting, but I'm not ready to give it up just yet. Smokers always throw around that "Who the hell wants to be old anyway?" shit. That's just young people with their short-sighted, never planning ahead attitude. I know I felt that way when I first started smoking. And I understand the sentiment, but if I can stay healthy and active I'm shooting for 100.

>> No.3522145

>that thumb
what in the fuck

>> No.3522146
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>> No.3522155


What's wrong with my thumb?

>> No.3522156

>but if I can stay healthy and active I'm shooting for 100.

Fuck that, all I want is around 60. Definitely nothing above 70.

>> No.3522171


>Fuck that, all I want is around 60. Definitely nothing above 70.

Damn skippy. I work in a diner that attracts old people like moths to a fucking flame. Everyone above 65 looks like the feel like shit--all the fucking time. It seriously looks like every minute movement or shift in position causes them immense pain and discomfort.
One guy, who is like 90-years-old, tried to take a piss in the bathroom once. We ended up having to send the bus boy in to help him get his pants back up because they fell around his ankles and he couldn't bend over to fucking reach them.

Fuck. That. Noise.

>> No.3522201

The reason all those old people are in such shitty condition is because they smoked their whole fucking lives.

>> No.3522206

I used to work in a cinema and one of the regulars was so old he'd piss his pants every time he went to go see a movie (which was about every other day).

It got to the point where all the employees would stand and watch as the movie he went to see let out, to wait and see if he'd shuffle out with an enormous wet spot dripping from the fly of his pants down to the hems.

How come the people with the shittiest qualities of life are the ones who cling so hard to life?

If I was that guy I would have committed suicide long before that point.

>> No.3522237


Want to explain to me why assisted suicide still isn't universally legalized? There are too many God damn people to begin with. Why are we force people to carry out lives they're just too old and sick to enjoy?

>> No.3522236

>not knowing that we'll have fully working avatars in 30 years and can finally ditch the unreliable flesh bags we live in for good

>> No.3522245

Indica fag detected

>> No.3522249

I played 18 holes of golf with my 82 year old grandad last weekend. We walked. That's how he says he stays in shape. Never takes the cart, always walks. If it were up to me we would have taken the cart. Funny that I'm more reluctant to spend a few hours walking than an 80 year old man.

Needless to say, I have some reservations about this idea some of you seem to have about euthanizing our seniors. I think life can be enjoyed at any age.

>> No.3522253


>You'll get tired and distracted after a couple pages and probably not even recall the little you did read.
>Has clearly never read while high.

Weed and coffee while reading is fucking awesome.

>> No.3522262


I have...this idea...about euthanizing our seniors

Hey, great idea Anon!

Creative quoting FTW

>> No.3522279

I really wish I could have one of those.

>> No.3522287

>killing yourself

>> No.3522330
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>Do you smoke?
Hell ya, I fucking smoke.
>What do you smoke?
Man, smoke weed all day every day, other than that I'm certainly a nicotine addict, smoke DMT whenever my tryptamine tolerance is good for it, always try to keep at least a ball of opium around, smoke some freebase coke,
smoked meth a few times, chase the dragon occasionally. Mostly just smoke drugs, you know, that shit's good for your mind.
>Do you smoke when you read/write?
Hell ya I smoke when I read and when I write, words are meaningless without drugs. You try reading 'The Critique of Pure Reason without a joint in hand, you're not likely to get very far. Want to finally "get" Nietzsche do as the man himself did, to quote an 1882 correspondence with Lou Salomé, “Tonight I will take so much opium that I will lose all reason.” The line between genius and madness not only no longer exists, but it never did, now go out and loose all of your reason, dear reader-friends.

>> No.3522407

Believe me I've had my go around with weed. It's not something I'm ignorant of. I think above all we can agree it affects people differently but with some basic fundamental tendencies. The Indica vs Sativa distinction, for me, always seemed like overblown hype. Yeah I could feel subtle differences but a lot of times it wasn't strictly consistent to what strand I had. I could just as easily have the hyper, thoughts racing high from what was indica as with sativa and get really drowzy couch lock from sativa as indica. Regardless, however, eventually after an hour or so I'd always end up in the same place: feeling exhausted and lazy; a combination that won't allow me to read. Taking caffeine would sometimes help, yes, but during those energetic highs I'd be too distracted to read, instead preferring to put on some music and let my thoughts wander for a bit, writing the good nuggets down in a notebook. Then there's the whole ability to recall things from a minute ago which was always hindered while high. Overall, weed was not something that worked well for me when reading no matter how I tried. You may have different experiences and if so more power to you.

>> No.3522431

I want to kill you.

>> No.3522452

Sativa v indica only becomes a distinction depending on how it's prepared. If the leaves are harvested at the wrong time for the strain you won't notice the difference.

>> No.3522465

>what's up with smoking and /lit/?
smoking is a cheap-ass way to get some focus
>do you smoke?
>what do you smoke?
hand rolled american spirits
>do you smoke when you read/write?

>> No.3522472

That's the spirit, this thread was so boring before you and I arrived. Frankly, I expected more of my fellow smokers and /lit/izens than pointless conversations about brands they consume or the perceived hazards of breathing smoke. It was as if instead of literates who inhale in the face of death that I've come to respect here were replaced with something sedentary and civil. You, my friend, though, you and I, together we brought a great thumos back to the /lit/ boards in one in one fell swoop!

>> No.3522482

smoke weed perpetually
no but i preferably get high beforehand, if you don't do that you are severely missing out, sorry for the truth

>> No.3522483
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It's hitchhiker's thumb. Pretty common.

>> No.3522491

I love your demeanor

>> No.3522494

^^^ ^^^ ^^^
The truth is here! The truth is here! This man knows, knows the truth.

>> No.3522502

and then apologized for it

>> No.3522534

Not the same guy, but when i tired read Troutfishing in America while high, i literally stared at one sentence for 10 minutes trying to understand if i was missing anything

>> No.3522556


>> No.3522576

got a thing of tobacco and paper yesterday, and I don't see me going back soon
cigarillos sometimes
smoked e-cigs when I was underaged
might get into pipes though, they seem fun