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/lit/ - Literature

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3510423 No.3510423 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, academic feels and frustrations.

>tfw professors make a point of using 'her' as their neutral personal pronoun

>> No.3510427

>tfw dropped out after failing a full roster of online classes

>> No.3510431

>tfw I have still have two years of this uni

>> No.3510439

>that fear when about to graduate

>> No.3510447
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>mfw I study at the University of Edinburgh and saw Dave Ward rushing out of David Hume Tower last week
>tfw your university commemorates its greatest alumnus, an aesthetic subjectivist, by erecting a building so ugly it practically stands as a monument to objective unattractiveness, ironically undermining his theory of taste

>> No.3510455
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>your subject has no relevance outside university

>> No.3510473

>that feel when graduated 3 months ago
>that feel when delaying getting a job because I'd rather just sit around doing nothing all day
I wish I lived in a place where the economy was shit so at least I'd have an excuse.

>> No.3510475

>tfw I'm worried that I'm not going to be prepared for real university after two years at community college

>> No.3510482
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>history begins in 1500
>medieval history isn't a real subject

Fuck you. Modern history is journalism by another name.

>> No.3510485

>tfw graduate and haven't been able to get a job, any job, in two years
>tfw considering killing myself

>> No.3510492

Modern historians are so cute. They're like pop.sci. majors or philosophy majors who don't know anything before the 20th century.

>> No.3510498

>tfw I thought General Sociology would be an interesting elective

I was wrong.

>> No.3510505

>tfw 6 months into uni and still have no real friends

>> No.3510517
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>pop.sci. majors


>> No.3510519
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I'm nearly three years in. Lots of acquaintances, no close friends.

>> No.3510580


Oh god that's so disgusting.

>tfw some queer theory major appoints him/her/itself as the class's resident judge and final arbiter of what is or is not offensive, and charges him/her/itself with the duty of verbally abusing anyone who breaks his/her/its arbitrary rules

As a closet GID sufferer, I *love* being lectured about misgendering and my cis male privilege

>> No.3510618

>closet GID sufferer
You get what you deserve

>> No.3510628

you won't make any friends unless you do something different

this is coming from someone who spent 4 years at uni and the only "friends" I made were people I met in group projects that I talked to during class. Needless to say I spent every Friday/Saturday at home on the computer or reading.

I didn't care, but if you do, you should change your behaviour.

>> No.3510631


>tfw i thought introduction to academic writing would be a good idea
>tfw i thought human geography would be a good idea

>> No.3510638

>you won't make any friends unless you do something different

This is true. People are united through two things: daily proximity and common interests. Since the first has pretty much been eliminated by computers and television your only recourse is to seek out the second.

>> No.3510650

I am at my peak, and I am paralyzed with the plague of possibility.

>> No.3510652

>As a closet GID sufferer

i would violate you. no homo though.

>> No.3510678

Pre-modern history seems like less of an ideological battlefield. Something like the Great Leap Forward is still a hugely contentious topic, while no-one's going to get worked up over Song Dynasty foreign policy.

>> No.3510697

once you realize you can anything well, it's hard to choose what to explore and research

i regret now not going into philosophy, as its the only way "we" can "move" "forward"

everything in the humanities depends on the limits of philosophy, it even creeps into the more "scientific" disciplines like pscyhology, psychiatry, and biology

>> No.3510699

>class that only English majors are allowed to take
>two girls every fucking class spend the 3 hour lecture snickering in the back not paying attention

why'd you even fucking major in English if you aren't going to pay attention or don't enjoy it

>> No.3510720


Maybe the broads have got a better lock on the information than your sorry ass?

>> No.3510743

except they don't, since I've heard them talking about the material and they know even less than I do. and even if we suppose for argument they DO have a good grasp of the material, it's disrespectful to go to class just to piss everyone off with constant talking

>> No.3510754

Guy you replied to, I study philosophy at uni. and really it has been the main source. As cliche as it is, philosophy seems to open up every door. Everything becomes interesting.

And though I described my situation grimly, Id rather have this than be paralyzed with apathy.

>> No.3510756
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I'm in the hard sciences. The "social justice" retards don't congregate there, so it's actually a pleasant place to be. The only brand of feminism I deal with is women who are actually involved in the sciences trying to get other women involved in the sciences.

Feels good man.

>> No.3510765


Just a reminder that there are feminists outside the nauseating cult of academia who believe identity politics and blinded social engineering are both distasteful and incredibly offensive.

>> No.3510773

>tfw everyone in your lit course is either an atheist preaching faggot who thinks he's got the world figured out or a 30-something married woman who recently read 50 shades and suddenly wants to study lit
>tfw i hate everyone in my courses except my professor
>tfw my professor trolls basically everyone in a subtle way but they are all too turboshit retarded to figure it out
>tfw people still struggle with understanding the difference between plot and discourse

>> No.3510783

>>tfw my professor trolls basically everyone in a subtle way but they are all too turboshit retarded to figure it out

This. So much this. Fucking laughing your ass off in class to something the prof says, everyone stares at you like youre a madman and laugh nervously to not seem off put, and the whole time the prof just keeps bashing them

>> No.3510788

That building is a masterpiece of uninspired architecture.

>> No.3510789

>realize this halfway through college
>time to look at law schools

>> No.3510802


I'm an architecture student, and I'm in an interdisciplinary class where we're free to come up with some sort of design that takes on a sustainability issue.

All my rage when some two asses are all "we want to fix this poor neighborhood with a community center and farmer's market!"

That only got an eyeroll, some background, I go to a really nice school but come from a pretty shitty neighborhood (i probably only got in because I'm not white) and the city we're in is St. Louis. So when they said "Oh but we don't want to call it a market because it could be confusing and there's negative economic connotations around it." it took all of my will to not stand up and shout "Bitch, you mean we won't fucking know what a farmer's market is?"

ALL OF MY RAGE, this fucking class... it's like an endless circlejerk session of people trying to make themselves feel better for their lot in life. I mean, you got a good life, great man fucking use it, I don't give a fuck, but man if you go around walking on eggshells you made up around "less advantaged" people fuck off

>> No.3510804

what are you studying?

>> No.3510803

You know they're just choosing English major because daddy's paying for college and they're too lazy to do any research and/or math. In all likelihood they don't even read the assigned texts and just sparknote/wikipedia that shit. I hate people like that.

>> No.3510807

I think you'd feel much better about your own life if you concerned yourself less about the lives of others.

>> No.3510818

Ugh, the concept of community centers fixing crime problems in low-income neighborhoods is so 70s. I'm just about as liberal, hippy-dippy as they come, but when I think about some ideas popular in the co-op communities I just struggle to comprehend how some people can imagine that after-school basketball is going to convince little Billy and little Tommy to kick heroin.

>> No.3510821

>taking creative writing
>peer review with the entire class every week
>first piece is by some kid who's supposedly writing a novel
>piece is the first chapter of his novel
>about kids with 'powers' in a post-apocalyptic, mad-max style world
>main character is a super badass, mysterious, indifferent to the world, gary stu group leader
>side characters are archetype young adult scifi/cyberpunk characters
>there's a love interest
>dialogue sounds reads like it's taken out of English dubbed shounen anime
>cliches everywhere

>second piece is by some chick who just copied down a dream she had and didn't change or remove any unnecessary parts

>> No.3510837

I'm pretty sure philosophy is more related to theoretical physics or pure mathematics (the only kind of "sciences' worth doing)

formal logic etc

>> No.3510849

it's a preventative. of course it won't undo the lives of people already there, but for kids growing up there, they are places to hang out and escape their deteriorated communities

>> No.3510852

>Women's studies Professor corners me for calling another dude a fag
>Yells at me for a solid two minutes
>I'm dating that dude
>"Well, since we're dating..."
>She goes red
>He speaks up
>"Yeah, I don't really think calling the guy who's fucking you in the ass a fag is really homophobic"

God, that was hilarious.

>> No.3510856

Leave, fag.

>> No.3510862

>>second piece is by some chick who just copied down a dream she had and didn't change or remove any unnecessary parts
She is much smarter than you and a future surrealist goddess.

>> No.3510869

It depends.

The "ethic" philosophers, does that usually prefer the continental tradition, favor societal critique and ethical arguments (ie. bullshit) will usually be more interested in those sciences which have something to say about the nature of man and less with those which are relevant to what used to be more traditional philosophical subjects, such as metaphysics and the materialist / idealist debate.

I know a couple of people who went into philosophy and their chief ambitions seems to be to become media intellectual, being major voices in the public "debate".

>> No.3510870

>studying for a bachelor in arts
>have given up for the role of the teacher
>pretending to parents I'm going to finish it but I'm not sure
>pretending to teachers that I'm very interested in the grades when I actually just want to pass
>pretending to the world that this is a serious study thing
>actually just using the amazing studios and libraries of the university, the presses for etchings, ceramics, carpentry, great art books, everything
>not actually wanting to finish it and if I do finish my diploma won't be worth balls

Art degree is useless, but then again that's not a bad thing, because one can do very well without it and actually make some sweet money. I was doing well, until I had to quit my job to get back to my hometown for a while. Now I'm back just trying to get a better job and make some money before I get expelled from college for not doing anything they tell me to do. Then I'll have the moral ground to just tell my parents I quit, but all is fine and I'm making money and doing well.

>> No.3510872

>tfw I wish every class I've ever had started with the material we don't get to until 2-3 months into the semester

If you're in college, learning the introductory shit should be a prerequisite completed on your own time. Dead serious.

>> No.3510875

>not sure of major
>take some philosophy courses, analytic (analytical/modern metaphysics, logic, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind)
>take a religious studies course, 'upper level'
>reading Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Feuerbach, and Schleiermacher
>All religion 'majors' freaking out, don't know how to read this 'philosophy'
>Have no idea what they are talking about
>Don't know shit about anything but claim to have things figured out and be a real major
>Be the only one who can write analytically about the concept of religion
>Be the best in the class

lol religious studies
I know philosophy isn't much better, but come on

>> No.3510877

Being 20 can suck.

>> No.3510885

>mfw this is actually a great thread

>> No.3510888

>college didn't take AP scores so had to take World History with the lowest of the low

>> No.3510893

in situations like this, i find it soothing to ruminate upon the words of Isiah Berlin:

'we are doomed to choose, and each choice may entail irreparable loss'


>> No.3510895

What do you mean?

I'm 23 btw.

>> No.3510901

THIS. I sometimes feel that the seminars I attend are nothing but a circle-jerk of guilt-tripping upper-middle class white kids whining about pretty much everything. ESPECIALLY Approaches to Criticism classes. I also know that I will spend the next two years living in an isolated bubble meeting and talking to the same kind of people.

>> No.3510906

Spent 2 years pursuing a Computer Science degree because it was expected of me. Decided to transfer to a combined degree in Business / Commerce which means I've got another 4 years a head of me.

Sigh, I wasted 2 years of my life.

>> No.3510912

Why did you agree to those expectations? They were never yours, surely

>> No.3510914

So you're the bottom? :3

>> No.3510915


what sort of things were you doing in computer science?

ive heard that theres actually alot of variance these days, between cs at one place being simple code monkey mills, to other places that still teach 'classical' computer science, concerned with applied logic and epistemology.

>> No.3510916

They don't act as a preventative though, in fact, I've seen the exact opposite happen.

A community/youth centre was built near where I used to live with a skatepark as the central focus. It ended up being the place to go if you were after drugs and some people who were just into skating ended up falling in with the wrong crowd.

It might work better in some places, but from what I've seen they only act as a centralised hub of youth crime.

>> No.3510920

Versatile. Depends on my mood, y'know.

Luckily, I've found a guy who's the same way.

>> No.3510925

If it's any consolation, my old driving instructor did CS for 3 years. He left and became a driving instructor because he couldn't find any company to employ him. He recently left the driving school, so he's out of a job.

>> No.3510926

But it's all pretty similar.

Somebody who is concerned mostly with art and music probably won't like comp sci. Not to say all comp sci people are robots.

I'm in that major, and I'm very interested in literature and such. I just think about things a little differently, and that makes me suited to computer science.

>> No.3510938

I wish I'd known before I started uni where my interests lied.

Took until the end of my 3rd year to discover I liked statistical programming which is something I had never even heard of before starting my degree. Now I've graduated and the only jobs available are ones which I have no real interest to pursue, even if they pay half decently.

>> No.3510943
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if theres one thing im grateful to 4chan for, its teaching me the inherent contradictions you inevitably face when you allow insecurity to dictate your actions and morals.

>> No.3510952

Don't really get what you mean...

>> No.3510957

He's saying that he's fully decisive and awesome, and everyone else isn't.

>> No.3510958


I didn't want to disappoint my parents, I guess. They're blue collar workers and when I mentioned I was going to study Computer Science they went weak at the knees.


I spent the majority of my time doing operating system development / software engineering. Although, they just released a new major for Computer Science at my university and you now have the choice between the life of a code monkey and applied logic and epistemology.

>> No.3510963


lol ya man ethic are total BS

>> No.3510967

I'm grateful to 4chan for teaching me that I shouldn't give someone the flick just for liking something I don't (or vice versa).

Unfortunately 'pleb' and 'implying' are now part of my everyday vocab...

>> No.3510973

>the year of our Lord 4026 divided by 2
>using 4chan vernacular on a daily basis

>> No.3510974

My school has us using it/they/their for neutrality.

>> No.3510976

>I didn't want to disappoint my parents
All of my feels man.

I feel this is compounded exponentially for me because my parents escaped a war torn country when I was a baby (Yugoslavia) and worked long hours at shitty jobs to put me through private school.
It's easy for other people to say "fuck your parents, live your own life, you're an adult" etc. but I just don't know how to do so without crushing their souls.

>> No.3510981

In your case, I suppose you owe it to them to live up to their expectations and dreams. But even in my case, I had to go to a top uni, or else live in the shame of my parents' disappointment

>> No.3510983
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what i mean is, trolling is not something that happens to us, its something we do to ourselves.

dictating sentiment based on offense in of itself leads to irrationality, it is abstract and of no matter without context, anything has potential to be offensive to something.

this whole privilege/social justice/X* politics thing is simply the natural apotheosis of mans constant attempts to justify his desires for whats 'owed', and inorder to rationalize such sentiments, you get such notions like the idea that words carry inherent meaning (and thus, inherent offense), and other illogical and counter productive sentiments.

>> No.3511008

People actually believing things like this were obviously raised in a middle-class household in a relatively decent neighborhood, never exposed to the personalities that prey on places like these. I just came back from playing basketball at a local rec center and when I left, there were a group of teens near the entrance smoking blunts as if it were legal. Also, the kind of conversations held on the gym floor from kids in their age group reflected the ugly truths of the youth in a common American ghetto: no one gives a fuck, drugs, clubs, sex, and utter recklessness. If only you were there to hear the crap that I did. I wouldn't mention it if it weren't prominent in the usual banter every single time I drive down there.

>> No.3511009

>In your case, I suppose you owe it to them to live up to their expectations and dreams
Well... th-thanks...

Curious though, why do they expect more from you than from themselves? I notice this phenomenon now and again and can't help but wonder if it's just the parents wishing to live vicariously through their children. What do you reckon?

>> No.3511014
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>tfw you stay at school so long that they start paying you to be there

>> No.3511015

Are you me? Although in my case the economy is the shit so I do have an excuse.

>> No.3511021
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>Nobody in your class respects you or listens to your arguments because you didn't enjoy "The Great Gatsby" like it was some sort of godsend.

>> No.3511022

Hmm, I suppose parents love prestige, especially the prestige of saying that their kid went to so and so university. Also yes, a lot of parents live through their offspring. It's a way of experiencing what they have not never experienced in their youth, as a result of their own failure

>> No.3511027

Where can I read more about this.

>> No.3511342

>The "ethic" philosophers, does that usually prefer the continental tradition, favor societal critique and ethical arguments (ie. bullshit)

I actually said "dumbass" out loud.

>> No.3511354

>tfw my poetry prof misreads everyone's poems by constructing elaborate stories out of random word choices
>tfw especially mine

>> No.3511360

>Yet another class of rich stupid undergraduates wasting my time and their money.

I'd rather be working on my next article.

>> No.3511366
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to be perfectly honest im not sure, my views are very much a function of my time on the internet, chans and anonymous culture in particular, and all the wonderful people and things ive run into (even the furries helped in a way, simply by being examples).
tfw the halcyon days of the net are over

however, there are of course plenty of things that touch or intersect on these issues in some ways, plato is as always a good starting point, with Cratylus, gorgias, and protagoras being relevant dialogues. also consider aquinas' commentary on nicomachean ethics, various letters and dialogues by seneca, critique of judgment, Doctrine of Virtue, character strengths and virtues, flourish, and various works by alasdair macintyre.

>> No.3511371

even in the improbable event that you are a professor, you probably just have your fucking grad student teach the class.

>> No.3511373

>doing chemical engineering
>doing well at that, did well at maths and three sciences at school
>give no shits about any of it, not even pop-sci, not even big bang theory, not even on any intellectual level

>kind of wish I was some english literature major patrician but I kind of think it's all bullshit anyway

Just give me a sign of what to believe in, pls.

>> No.3511375

>grad student
Hello clapistani. What is true in your podunk University system isn't necessarily true elsewhere.

>> No.3511381

Leave your current state behind and become less of an asshole, assshole.

>> No.3511385

Truly your post content reflects an intellect worthy of the esteemed universities of what I'm assuming is England.

>> No.3511391

This is the part where you give them a real reason to be outing you.

>> No.3511393

if you're failing out of apathy, take a year off and do something else
go back when you're ready

>> No.3511398

I'm actually very glad that we still call undergraduates on specious assumptions and gross ignorance here, mate.

>> No.3511411

And somehow logic is an "objective" and "real" thing.

get real, positivist.

>> No.3511417



>> No.3511432

I have an M.A. in cultural studies, biggest mistake of my life. I wish I was an engineer, the sad part is I could probably have done it if I didn't make this retarded decision...

>> No.3511839

>disappointing your parents

Closet GID-fag again, that's why am in closet. Luckily my parents not only were okay with me dropping poli sci/law school for creative writing, but they actually encouraged me to do it.

Not big fans of the gay, though...

>> No.3511857

Is this one of those troll quote images? That guy is Sartre.

>> No.3511858

Forgot to mention, the quote is from Bernie Mac!

>> No.3511861
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>mfw Oxford dean doesn't know who Thomas Cranmer is
>mfw she's a woman

This is why we can't have nice things, Britain.

>> No.3511875

Well, you obviously didn't have an interest in engineering so no harm done.

>> No.3511878



The rot set in when we let them into our universities.

>> No.3511917

>Really want to do Ancient History + Philosophy
>Not sure if there's anything to be gained from it
Do I do what I love or go for political science or economics or some shit.

>> No.3511929


if they attract crime, build it and then install surveillance devices (have signs saying there are cameras for privacy issues). the crime kids come, the police take them away. voila, the b-ball court is free to be used by the other kids. I obviously don't think all social problems would be solved with community centers and whatnot, but I think they have potential to help in some degree

>> No.3511930

major in something you enjoy but can still get you a job then minor in what you really enjoy but may not get you a job. this is the ultimate combo, no matter what the two degrees are

>> No.3511941

I'm in the UK man, wish I could still major-minor though. The degree is Ancient Hist
ory and Philosophy, although I may just do Ancient History as any research-oriented degree can get a decent job in the civil service etc.

>> No.3511947

>>dialogue sounds reads like it's taken out of English dubbed shounen anime

my sides

>> No.3511956

>tfw every novel is analysed in terms of how women are represented
>tfw everyone in my class thought that the main point of Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath was to promote matriarchy
>tfw I defended "barely legal" porn and said it that the women who star in the movies where rational agents and that it was patronizing to see them as victims

>> No.3511983

>dickface professor goes on about calvinism and protestant ethics

>> No.3511995

>tfw everyone in my class thought that the main point of Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath was to promote matriarchy

Jesus what

>> No.3512006

So what are you studying /lit/ ?

Electrical engineering at soton here.

>> No.3512012

I think he might have just lied there.

>> No.3512014

My prof. said that the fact that at teh beginning the male truck driver tried to crush the turtle but the female driver avoided it, as well as Ma being the matriarch and Rose of Sharon giving her breast to the poor, showed that Steinbeck was saying that men had ruined society and that women should be in charge.

She says stupid shit all the time and I'm the only one who disagrees out loud with her and she just smiles in a really patronizing way ans says "maybe"

>> No.3512018


Also people shit on materialism as if it's some inherent evil. I bring up Orwell and his essay on the beneftis of materialism (to an extent) and they say that the American Dream is a failure and that people should have stayed in a pastoral setting on farms etc. It's real stupid shit

>> No.3512020

Psychology at Swansea here, fresher

>> No.3512025

math @ nyu

>> No.3512026
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Nice try, Goyim

>> No.3512032

Well the American might not be a failure, but it is a losing battle from the outset

>> No.3512039

I realize that, placing that much faith in any ideal is bound to leave you curled up in a foetal position clutching some Schopenhauer to your chest and sobbing, but materialism (that is the desire for material goods) isn't inherently evil.

>> No.3512050
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English literature at the University of Edinburgh.

By the way, if there are any Edinbros on here (there tend to be), there's a storytelling event at the Forest Cafe tonight. If you feel like meeting up and going along, let me know.

>> No.3512052

>storytelling event

Will there be blankets over the heads and flashlights in the faces to make it extra spooky?

>> No.3512065

That's why I make it a point to say "him or her" or "he or she." In the case that I wish to mix it up, I usually just put "[him]," using the brackets to indicate the fact that it could be replaced by "her" or even "it." I seldom use the masculine personal pronoun as neutral and when I do, it's usually just because I don't give a shit. When speaking or discussing with females, however, I try to keep my neutral personal pronouns gender-neutral as well. It is a subtle allusion to gender equality that may appeal to the female. Either that, or just use "she" and "her" instead.

>> No.3512066
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There'll be self-entitled, middle-class girls from London affecting beat poet characteristics while the rest of us drink cheap lager and feign interest as if it'll get us a sophisticated suckjob.

>> No.3512073

>tfw philosophy is no longer valued in society
>tfw psychology is still considered "not a real science"
>tfw people are still ignorant of both and no one understands you because of it

Fucking plebs. Plebs everywhere.

>> No.3512079


I've made a point, since my first year, of using the gender specific to the philosopher or writer I am discussing. I used to add it as a footnote, now I just mentioned it to them briefly at the end of an early tutorial.

>> No.3512080

The Forest Cafe hasn't really been the same since it moved. It's a bit shit now.

>> No.3512081
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Nice. I'm currently dating the girl who's treasurer (she does absoilutely nothing but it looks good on her C.V.) of my uni's poetry and creative writing society.

I go sometimes and we sit at the back and giggle at the hipsters speaking as if it's 1856. It's really terrible and she says I should write something but I don't like writing poetry, and I barely like reading it any more

>> No.3512082

How come everyone has such neat horror stories from Women Studies courses? My intro/course everyone takes because its part of the GE reqs WS course amounted to


In fact, we didn't even touch all that gender bullshit until this one social justice brigade tumblr girl decided to talk about it one day, and it amounted to "yeah, you should take this class we offer"

>> No.3512085

>tfw philosophy is no longer valued in society

was never.

>> No.3512086

That's retarded

Do you even Bentham, Hume, >de Greeks, etc.?

>> No.3512087


Well, anyone whose opinion is worth a damn knows that intellectual pursuits are justifiable in their own right.

>> No.3512088

In this situation, I tend to use "they" and "their." Yes, it's not proper, but what's proper in a language evolves over time depending upon cultural context, and in the 21st century, English needs a 3rd person singular pronoun that can refer to someone of either gender, and "they" is the most functional one available.

>> No.3512092

>tfw I anonymously sent one of the chapters from my novel to a creative writing professor at my university and they came back to me earlier on asking me to send the rest and to meet up with him and if the rest of hte book's as good I could get published and he could help me out

I've been pacing around my house all morning and I feel like throwing up

>> No.3512097


Just do it, friend.

>> No.3512099


Congratulations, pal. What, if you don't mind me asking, motivated you to send it anonymously? Don't you value your own work?

>> No.3512101

>taking creative writing
>Time to turn in an assignment
>Get a F because the papers sexist
No. Fuck you. Just because a female character isn't the main focus doesn't make it sexist.

>> No.3512107

>because the papers sexist

Fuck me, is it really that bad? Stories like this just seem so unreal to me.

>> No.3512108

I haven't responded yet , I think I'll leave it until tomorrow

I have confidene in myself up until the point where I read over my work. I've read over the novel like 10 times to the point where I'm convinced it's utter shit, hence the anonymity. Also my writing style and general outlook has changed so much over hte last two or three years that I feel like having this published will kind of tie me down to this writing style or will restrict any future ambitions of trying post-modern writing techniques or styles.

>> No.3512109

I screencapped this.

>> No.3512111
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Jesus, is that true?

>> No.3512113

>defending barely legal porn to die-hard neo-feminists

You are my new hero

>> No.3512116


Pretty girl.

Do you write at all? Short stories or something?

>> No.3512118


The truth is in between two extremes. Your female characters probably were shown in a negative light and your professor overreacted.

>> No.3512119

>tfw you see the sexual allusions in a reading but no one else has noticed and you don't want to be the one to raise your voice and say, 'i think here it's suggesting that the brothers had sex'

>> No.3512120

Yeah I write short stories and am planning a novel (aren't we all?) that probably will never get written.

I try to write around one or two thousand words a day but I don't have the confidence to submit them anywhere, and don't know where to submit them even if I wanted to. And thanks, yeah she's great

>> No.3512125


THen again I am a horny degenerate, so I tell myself that I'm just looking for euphemisms where there aren't anyto be found.

>> No.3512127

>English/Creative writing major
>second semester senior
>In my third "advanced" writing workshop (I can either take an advanced poetry workshop and an advanced fiction workshop both once, or take one twice)
>Nearly everyone submits "genre-less" stories loosely based off their own experiences that revolve around a relationship or drug use
>Someone writes a story different from this, people don't know how to read it so they just restate what the first person said in another way
>People sugar coat all criticisms, afraid of having their own stories harshly critiqued
>My first story this semester is about artificial intelligence

I know I'm really fucked

>> No.3512128


We had to come up with a story for the class, so I wrote some simple bullshit mystery story with a female character in a supporting role. Got my paper back and got the F.
The girl was a fucking child

>> No.3512134

>because the papers sexist

You have my condolences regarding your moron of a professor

>> No.3512135

I know a guy who took a creative writing module in my university, and he basically said that the proffesor had only published some shitty collection of poems way back when and shat on anything that he read.

He also said that everyone had to write a chapter from a novel that they had to imagien they had written, and that most of it was about suicide or post-apocalptic autist shit

>> No.3512139

Mileage may vary. My uni's English department is really good, and my professor is exceptional. He's written a novel, a bunch of short stories, and a book about the fiction writing process. He's basically the only one (and I include myself in this) in the room that understands every story and tries to provide good feedback about them.

>> No.3512146
File: 20 KB, 147x218, Horrifi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking creative writing
>Hunger Games ripoff
>bad Goosebumps story
>a five page long penis joke
>a shitty Fifty Shades of Grey premise
>"gritty" 2deep alcoholic story
>wordy "inspired by David Foster Wallace" story about date rape
>pleb fantasy shit with mindblowingly cliche lines
>pleb fantasy shit with minblowingly bad info dumping
Kill me.


>> No.3512147

That's pretty cool.

Do you do straight creative writing as your major, and is it true creative writing courses hook you up with publishers and people who can help you out?

Also, are there competitions or prized for fiction written by people your course?

I've been reading about DFW and his experience studying creative writing and it seems cool, though I'd never do it

>> No.3512150


From what I understand that's mostly from MFA programs at prestigious unis. Even then you get a bunch of kisasses gunning to get on the professor's good side.

>> No.3512151

>Nearly everyone submits "genre-less" stories loosely based off their own experiences that revolve around a relationship or drug use

>> No.3512157


Literary life in the wake of the Beats.

>> No.3512159

>People sugar coat all criticisms, afraid of having their own stories harshly critiqued
>not being honest in class so that you can set a precedent and make others more comfortable to speak their minds

>> No.3512158

>tfw still in high school because too lazy to learn uninteresting shit
>tfw teacher says evolution is just a theory like the big bang theory
>tfw when she says we don't know if it's true
>it's just a theory

>> No.3512160

No. You're just 16.

>> No.3512162

>I don't think community centers alone will solve black people problems
>you need a surveillance state, too! Just like we have, in Britain

Yeah, problem is cops in ghettos are too busy investigating drive by shootings and sex slavery to concern themselves with shooing away humble blunt-smokers

>> No.3512164

It IS just a theory you stupid cunt. A probable one, but a theory nonetheless.

>> No.3512169

At my school, creative writing is a sub-major of the normal English degree. Outside of the requirements for all English majors (i.e take 2 courses regarding literature before 1900) you get 5 English electives to take. You can basically form your degree around any specialization if you want (have your 5 electives be about British literature, asian literature, post-colonial, etc.) and one of the specializations is creative writing, where you take 1 theoretical course on writing, 1 normal fiction workshop, 1 normal poetry workshop, and then either two advanced poetry/fiction workshops or one of each.

There's a student journal published twice a year with short stories, poems, etc. and the professor usually lets us know of any writing contests on the horizon. If you go into graduate school for creative writing, usually your master's "thesis" will be to write a novel and have it published, and I'm sure that the good graduate programs have a lot of contacts in the publishing world

>> No.3512171


>not knowing the difference between scientific theories and laws

That was the first thing we covered in my intro to philosophy class. The professor explained to us how there's both a law of gravity and a theory of gravity and it just amounts to explaining different shit

>> No.3512173

U wut?

Evolution is an observable fact, natural selection is the theory with which we explain evolution.

Seriously though, we need some /sci/entists in here.

>> No.3512174

I do. There's one other guy in the class of 15 that usually speaks his mind (not outright being a prick, but not saying stuff like "Well this is ok, but it might be better if you considered...".

That's probably why half the class doesn't really like us

>> No.3512180

>creative writing major
>senior workshop, most advanced class you can take in major
>professor won't let anyone say anything critical about anyone's work
>we get long ass lectures about respect anytime someone offers anything that isn't outright praise

>> No.3512184


>> No.3512188

>a five page long penis joke
That's actually pretty witty.

>> No.3512192

I'll try to remember the stories from last week (we read 3 per week)

>2emotional4you story about a guy breaking up with his girlfriend. Cliches out the ass (which the author tried to defend the use of after the workshop). Main character was borderline Marty Stu
>story about a 2tuff4you female main character written by a female that was pretty much a Mary Sue
>decent story about a guy stuck inside during a storm trying to save a flock of geese

>> No.3512196

No. It could've been told in a page. That was the first thing that I wrote for criticism

>> No.3512197

>criticize students for their pleb writing
>show them my story
>they can hardly find anything wrong with it
Fucking worthless. I came to this class to improve my writing, not boost my ego.

>> No.3512198

I think he means that the story opened with or contained a 5 page long penis joke that had nothing to do with the actual story.

I read a peer story last semester which had nothing but drug use and sex for the first 10 pages (out of a 30 page story). The drug use and sex had no relation at all to the overall plot

>> No.3512202
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Does anyone have any positive experiences with creative writing classes? It seems to me as if you're basically paying for structure, for rigid and terrifying deadlines. Is that all it amounts to, the compulsion to write*?

*Though it's not as if that isn't valuable in itself

>> No.3512206

My bad. I thought it was some kind of shaggy dog story with the punch line being a penis joke.

>> No.3512207

That's why I took it. It's more helpful than you'd think, especially since it's getting judged by peers. Really pushes you to produce better stuff.

>> No.3512211

>paying for your studies
This is why I can't relate to /lit/. You're too American for me.

>> No.3512212


Then it's worthwhile. Too bad you have to deal with the 'my feminism', 'my drugs' lot.

>> No.3512213

At the very least, it forces you to stop being lazy and get on with your projects. At the best, you'll get with a good group of good writers and an experienced professor who'll give you very constructive, if critical, feedback.

Your experiences will depend on what level the course is, how good the professor is, and how non-cancerous the other students are. For me, it's a high level course and the professor is god tier, but most of the students happen to be massive assbags. I still find the class a lot of fun and helpful though

>> No.3512216

Commy scum.

>> No.3512217


Actually, I'm Scottish. I just take it for granted that most of our community are American. Free tuition is the best.

>> No.3512220
File: 31 KB, 331x473, all smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle english lit
>history, etymology, linguistics, hermeneutics

>american lit
>evolution of the definition of african-american womanhood
kill me

>> No.3512222

Has it occurred to you guys that most people actually think like this but can't voice their true opinions aloud due to peer pressure?

>> No.3512231

Think of it this way:

At least you think the stories in your class are bad. It shows that you're a little ahead of the game.

>> No.3512249

Don't know where most the people in this thread studied, but my experience with a creative writing degree was almost entirely positive. Profs were rarely mind-blowing but always helpful. Peer editors were generally useful. Writing to deadlines tended to bring out the best in me. Also, there was a general lack of writers trying to be 2edgy and/or political preachers, which is good.

>> No.3512270
File: 45 KB, 950x726, color051.sJPG_950_2000_0_75_0_50_50.sJPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Studying English literature, one of the top fifteen undergraduate courses in the world
>Final year of studies
>First day of the semester, professor goes round the table asking us what our favourite book is, breaking the ice

>Harry Potter
>Lord of the Flies
>Great Gatsby
>Crime & Punishment (doesn't speak Russian)
>The Catcher in the Rye
>Lord of the Rings
>Great Gatsby

I'm trying not to be judgmental, but it's so hard.

>> No.3512272

For those in creative writing classes currently, what sort of stories do your classmates submit? For me, about 75% of them are 2something4u stories, but I'm curious as to whether this is the exception or rule.

>> No.3512277

>Crime & Punishment (doesn't speak Russian)

Almost got me there

>> No.3512278

Slice of life.

It's all Slice of Life.

>> No.3512279
File: 193 KB, 437x600, GunandMicrophone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have DFW as an instructor in your creative writing course and be in class with this cuty and have DFW leave you messages on your home answering machine


>> No.3512282


Was that the only reason it got an F? doesn't seem fair unless your sexist assumptions/statements weren't backed up/well articulated.

>> No.3512283

Drugs. Tornados. Life stories. Drugs. Sex. Drugs. 2deep4you fiction dream shit. Death and suicide. Drugs. Fifty shades of something I don't give a fuck about. Romance

>> No.3512291

It was all a dream.

Seriously. Why is everyone opening with dreams and shit?

>> No.3512295

Yup, that basically describes my class. On one hand it's a relief to know that I didn't get stuck with a really shitty group of writers. On the other hand, it's depressing how limited the imaginations of "future writers" are

>> No.3512294

I hate to sound like an out-of-touch old man here, but are drugs really that prevalent in the lives of kids these days?

I mean I'm in my early 20s and the only people I knew who took drugs don't deserve to have novels written about them because they wer just so fucking boring and disgusting.

I know a lot of Americans take medicinal drugs when they're kids and that leaves them stolid etc, but it seems that every young adult fiction book these days or any book written about hip young precosiocus kids has them taking a shit load of drugs.

>> No.3512296

It isn't even that they're doing drugs, it's just a way to feel edgy.

>> No.3512299

I get the urge to end my short stories likethis sometimes. It seems like a postmodern, lynchian thing to do but I always laugh out loud when it happens

>> No.3512300

It's just a way to tone up the "mature" factor in a lot of the bad short stories I read for class. Instead of having good dialogue or dynamic characters, it's easier to make the story revolve around college age drug use to make it feel more "mature"

>> No.3512301
File: 93 KB, 720x960, altlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we don't already know the spokesman of our generation

pic related

>> No.3512304

I wrote something that opens with a dream; tell me what you think:

They break under the crack of the waves. Powdery rocks splitting and smacking, tumbling up the foam, miniature octopi thrashed up and swooshed. Packed up on the beaches, silvered indigo leaking off their scalps, oozing out their spitters, hung slack – astonished – the dead monsters chew rocks and bubble in delight. Autumn, is it? Little Marcial de Saquis, sucking on a girly cigarette, climbs into the ocean, thick hunks of seafood strangling his purply limbs, and buries his body nipple-deep in the slurry. Black chunks of thunder roll like coals through the daylit six o’clock, their greasy lips aglow. The pale shallows fill with galloping Pelicans, feathers melting, and they shiver, naked, slow-cooking in the popping ink. A tentacle slips over Marcial’s ankle. It squeezes.

His quilt’s dripping wet. Icy as it smoothes around his shins – he’s shivering, splashing desperately in his sheets. There’s a single, white rug on the floor – it’s a cabin, lit blue and capped with metal that isn’t painted. A box heater makes chewing sounds in the corner, spits, and keeps grinding. All the buttons but ‘on’ are sitting quiet and dark. Marcial’s on his toes. Exactly tired enough for paranoia, he keeps right where he is, knowing better than to turn the hatch on that door. It turns for him, spinning freely, on freshly oiled sills.

>> No.3512305


And a reflection of their marked propensity for the writing of the Beats. Recreational drug use has been covered, done to death.

>> No.3512313

But it still sells.

Doesn't Tao Lin write about Xanax and stuff all the time?

People lap that shit up. All the alt-lit I've read and the alt-lit girls I've looked up all seem to base their life around drug-taking

>> No.3512314

It was the only reason she gave me an F.
For fucks sake the character in question was a child. Was she supposed to be some "I don't need no man" archetype when shit hit the fan?

>> No.3512315

>miniature octopi

Good apart from this
You're all easy germanic words and then suddenly latinate
It interrupts the flow

>> No.3512328

post it.

>> No.3512331


>> No.3512333

That's sad man. At least where I study some Medieval history is part of the curriculim for anyone and you can get a minor and a master's in it.

But things are moving in the wrong direction. I've been forced to attend some lectures of a recently hired stereotypical American academic who can't shut up about enviromentalism and how bad we should feel about negroes and indians. I wonder how long it will take until everything is about 'class' and 'gender'. Not too long I'm afraid.

>> No.3512336



>> No.3512339

What could I replace it with? Itsy squids? I should note that my thinking was that there had to be something special about the octopi, to give them an alien quality.

>> No.3512344

Too stream of consciousness for me.

>> No.3512349

>having "fun" with language
No. Stop. We aren't poets. This is just getting in the way of the point we're trying to make.

>> No.3512350

Has anybody read DFW's Broom of the System?

He wrote it when he was 22, 23 and the reviews I've read said it's amazing and has multiple layers of meaning etc.

>> No.3512353

How are your dissertations coming along third years?
What are y'all writing them on?
How fucked are you?

>> No.3512354

>fishes flailed and floundered

gettin' dat alliteration in there
but don't let me tell you what to do

>> No.3512360

3,500 words into an 8000 word dissertation. Done a hell of a lot of pre-reading, have it all planned out, another two months to submit

Prof. be 'mirin, bitches be jelly

>> No.3512361

>I wrote something that opens with a dream

>> No.3512364

I threw away that paper in rage and had to rewrite that shit to make her "a stronger character". That all happened last week.

Does word save your old versions of stuff?

>> No.3512370

Yep. run %appdata% and look at your word autosave folder

>> No.3512374

It's done so for me. I can't remember how I got a hold of it, though; I had to ask google.

>> No.3512383

My original idea was that that form of language would only be used within dreams. You'll see that there's some grammatical skeleton on the far side of the ellipsis.

>> No.3512386


Another victory for teh gaze.

>> No.3512390

It's incredibly annoying, it just shows someone's trying to be pompously politically correct and it just distracts me.

>> No.3512410


Early history, and medieval history especially (where records are fewest and conjecture is most common), is absolutely brutal when it comes to historiography.

Seriously, those historians will utterly tear each other apart over the smallest detail.

>> No.3512412

>The Year Of Our Divine Creator Six Hundred And Fifty-Three Add One Thousand, Three Hundred And Sixty
>Implying favouring the female pronoun over the male is politically correct

>> No.3512416

And it's a debate without end usually because different sources on the same issue usually contradict each other if they are available. Especially if we're dealing with early medieval history.

>> No.3512425


They're not above just insulting each other, either.

>'He was blessed with a brain too small to impede the natural vigour of a big, powerful and tireless physique'

- Georges Duby on William Marshal

>'He seems blessed with a brain too small to impede the natural facility of his tireless pen.'

- John Gillingham on Georges Duby

>> No.3512444

>tfw 5 months into uni and friends with half the uni

but then again, i don't want "real" friends. i don't need close mates to share my thoughts or whatever the fuck you do with real friends. i'm a private person

>> No.3512448 [SPOILER] 
File: 312 KB, 640x960, nicetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3512452

>Not checking your privilege
>The year of our lord and saviour 2013 CE

>> No.3512476

> someone mentions a funny part of the assigned novel.
> that autistic rage when everyone puts on a laugh, as if the joke/irony was so funny that even the memory of it is chuckleworthy.


Any of you been to the new Bongo yet? Thoughts?

>> No.3512526

>tfw no Feminists in your Liberal Arts college
I feel like I'm missing out on the true college experience

>> No.3512533

>no feminists in liberal arts college
>no feminists
>in lib arts
Bullshit. Such Utopias do not exist.

>> No.3512535

Lisbon is far from being an Utopia

>> No.3512537

Oh, we are there. Not all of us our outspoken megaphone feminists.

>> No.3512540

I guess that's a better way to put it.

>> No.3512553

>He or she
or even worse

This is almost never appropriate. Stop doing it. Almost every language worth mentioning defaults to the masculine form.

>> No.3512566

I don't see anything wrong with the list. Whats your favorite book?

>> No.3512578

Uni of Liverpool
Hoping to do a Medieval MSt at Oxford
Managed to get a 1st last semester.

>tfw A*AA at A level and you still get 4 rejections

>> No.3512617

>beat poet
even self entitled american middle class girls should not and cannot pull that shit

>> No.3512625

>hip young precocious kids taking a shit load of drugs
yeah it happens, usually more around college age, more likely to happen in urban/wealthy areas

>> No.3512627

>I don't see anything wrong with this list

>> No.3512632

I know that feel anon.

Deciding what degree to take in the next month or so.

I dont have the money to do degrees which won't help me get a job, so reading and /lit/ is all I have.

Has anyone gone "fuck it I'll do lit anyway"? How'd it go?

>> No.3512673

I was really caught between many subjects. I wanted to study French, Italian, English Lit, Classics; I wanted to go to RCM. Geez. I went with lit in the end; I do enjoy it. It does have good job prospects, you just have to get good grades. The lelnojob thing is a derisive trope that only applies to the retards with 3rds. The same applies to any degree. There are many, many options out there, you just have to do a bit of research. I was planning to do postgrad, but I'm still thinking about it.

>> No.3512678

Every /lit/ Uni thread makes me more certain that its worthless for an artist of any kind.

>> No.3512683

Not really. Many contemporary writers have ostensibly honed themselves during their uni careers. Jeanette Winterson's probably the prominent figure.

>> No.3512686

Yeah, in my experience, nearly everyone is taking drugs. The middle class kids tend to 'experiment' lightly, more with psychedelics, while the working class just get stuck in.

I go warehouse parties every weekend, a handful of hundreds around, and whichever one I decide to go to, it's a huge container filled with under 25's, at least 2000 people at any given time, all wired to the gills on a spectrum of drugs.

Outside of that, every park within a 50 mile radius of my house has 13yo's smoking weed and drinking cheap no-brand alcohol, every student house is filled with impressionable young freshers taking their first hit of DMT or first line or mexxy, every club, pub, dingy bar has a coke dealer lurking in ready to swap a small bag of white powder for 50 quid.

Yeah, everyone is taking drugs, it's just usually hidden under a layer of outward social perception. We don't have the hippies publicly expressing their love for LSD in tie-dye shirts, we have top-shop kids listening to dubsteb while snorting ketamine in terraced houses. More teens than ever are using, you just wouldn't suspect them of doing so.

>> No.3512699

Nabokov too

>> No.3512764

That reminds me of some of the plot in The Corrections...

>> No.3512843
File: 17 KB, 360x480, 00008f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tears are streaming down my face as I type this. How fortunate you are to have known him. I only began to research him after his death- I love to read & somehow had never heard of him. After reading 30 pages of Infinite Jest, I realize what a genius he was. I also just listened to part of a speech/interview that he did in Italy in 2006 (here on youtube). What a charming, seemingly so sweet & caring kind of person he must have been. To lose such talented artists, such as DFW & Kurt Cobain, hurts.
>To lose such talented artists, such as DFW & Kurt Cobain, hurts.

>> No.3512867


Lord of the Rings is my favorite book. That doesn't mean I think it's the greatest book ever written, or an artistically magnificent masterpiece. It means I can pick it up and read it once year and still feel the sense of wonder and joy that I did when I first read it 12 years ago, the same feeling I got when I read the hobbit at age 6. I wouldn't be a writer if it wasnt for people like Tolkien.

>> No.3512878

>chose literature into film as a module for third year, the best of a very bad bunch of options.
>meh, might be alright. After all, most of kubricks films were adaptations, maybe there will be a few of them on the course material list. At the very least there will be a week on heart of darkness/apocalypse now. There always is...r-right?
>get reading list for the semester.
>every single text is by a female author, apart from the hours, which is a text about a female author.
>this is what happens when a female tutor is course leader.

First day of term
>get put into groups with a mixture of film and drama students - I'm the only lit major.
>"what's your favourite film anon?" The one with the beret asks.
>erm, I don't know, 2001 a space odyssey maybe?
>"is that like Star Wars? Cause I love Star Wars".
>thanks Obama!

>> No.3512880

>tfw top 100 university
I don't give a fuck, I'm awesome

>> No.3512892

>setting work for us to do
fuck off nerds

>> No.3512897

Yeah, I what-the-fucked at that part too.

>> No.3512904


>tfw top 20

>> No.3512906

>tfw you don't have to actually read text to dominate discussion
Actual intelligence and the illusion of it are effectively the same. Only those who are trying to hard put too much work into things. Truly the man's world is seeing how far you can stretch one hour of work over a semester, or three months of real work.

>> No.3512907

which one? and what major

>> No.3512917

You just described consumerism, not materialism...

>> No.3512919

Tell your professor that zhe should be using 'zhe', 'zher' and 'zhey'.


>> No.3512924

>tfw top five

Honestly where you go does not fucking matter. Sure, it'll get you a shiny piece of paper, but you know matters far more than what you know. College is more about connection than education. Once you have the basic tool set for your profession your time should instead be spent garnering individuals in the industry who like you and will either hire or recommend you. All specific things needed for whatever job you are thrown at can be learned in 2-3 weeks of personal study.

Sure, some colleges are easier to garner a reputation at than others, but no matter where you go there will be professionals knocking about who at least know those who you need to talk to.

>> No.3512930

Absolutely fucked off with this article. Their is a perfectly acceptable 'gender neutral' pronoun and only introduces 'linguistic confusion' into the minds of simps.

>> No.3512932

>tfw top 1
>tfw everyone on 4chan is learning at the top universities, have genius iq, 190 height and 20cm penis

>> No.3512933

>tfw can't get connections
How do I into social skills

>> No.3512940

My point was it doesn't matter where you go. I'm over at Berkley, but honestly the education was no better than what I got when I was going to some no name shithole. It's a fancy name and no more.

The only thing it provides which are better is research opportunities and connections. Basically building oneself a contact web, but as long as you aren't going to a junior college or some other bullshit you can do that at any college.

>> No.3512941

What one are are you referring too. Using 'it' is derogatory and 'they' is confusing because it can be both singular and plural.

>> No.3512944

Observe other people and imitate them until it comes natural to you.

>> No.3512947

Ignore all that retard fear in your stomach and simply keep speaking. If you say enough fast enough you can glib anyone out of a position. Most professionals are even worse with this because they are used to those who slowly speak and carefully choose their words. Instead overwhelm them with a tide of average speech and watch the poor boys drown.

However the reverse tactics work with another glibber, and you will been to adjust yourself for them. Also, walk with a straight back, make eye contact, call those in a superior position to you sir or ma'am, and always shake their hand.

No fear, no retardation, only connections.

>> No.3512949

Singular they > catering to bitches.

>> No.3512959

Singular they is plenty proper, Australian manual of style up in this bitch.

>> No.3512967

>tfw you know a certain piece of grammar is correct
>tfw you will never use it because you feel it sounds bumfuck retarded.

>> No.3513008

community centers are awesome... when there's already a healthy community in place


Also this

...yeah, you do that buddy, you do that. Make sure you go around the neighborhood asking for signatures for your cancer walk while you're at it.

Arch at Washington University in St. Louis

>tfw they poisoned Socrates
I could see the argument either way

congrats man

This, my professors have been really good, usually there's only like 1 or 2 bad stories in the lot, most are decent if not pretty good. Not the shit I'd read, but good. Though my standards may be pretty low.

One thing I REALLY like about my workshops though is that the writers aren't allowed to speak at all about their story, except to ask (and I mean ASK) a question or two at the end. The prof figures if we misread your shit that's your fuck-up, and it works great, people can actually talk about a story without worrying about stepping on toes.

I answered "hitchhiker's guide" because lawl. Favorite book doesn't mean it has to be the most mind blowing influential shit you've ever read, just what you like man. I like vanilla over chocolate icecream 9 times out of 10, not a big deal

so far this semester we've had,
>1 irreal/haunted story
>3 slice of life stories concerning relationships (one about a girl and her boyfriend, with a weak metaphor about water tying it all together, the relationship being so flat and cliche I was going to ask the girl if she had ever been in one, but the prof beat me to it hahaha) and two about college student's inability to stay in a relationship, but they were decently cool.
>1 autobiographical (not great, written in 2nd person for some reason, from the perspective of a korean immigrant girl who is learning english, very hard to relate)
>2 stories dealing with depression/anxiety (one in an office setting, was actually lulzy because of coworker talking about DP)
>My story

>> No.3513012

Are you a writer?

>> No.3513014

>are you a writer
Not exactly hard to get into that category, so I assume he is.

>> No.3513016

wow no one cares

>> No.3513023

I meant professional or published though.

>> No.3513024

>no one cares
No one cares about anything on 4chan, we read it out of boredom. Stop Sperging and move along.

>> No.3513025

That would be an author, not a writer.

>> No.3513027

If the class you took was required, then you probably took a class that was designed not to be offensive to the government/the board of trustees.

>> No.3513035

you dropped your name

>> No.3513037

>tfw I suspected that, but you have just now strongly confirmed said suspicions

Shall I slit my wrists or go out with a bang, anon?

>> No.3513044

Oh no man, I'm p, though feel free to think I have a sockpuppet, it's all good

>> No.3513048

Yeah, if you think it requires you to be the one targeted by Sperging to identify it then you are exemplifying the shit hole /lit/ has become.

>> No.3513050

Singular they works brilliantly when talking about an unknown individual from a group. It works less well when talking about a specific person, particularly a named person. Consider:

When a student enters the University they must ensure their enrolment is correct.

I don't know if Pat is a boy or a girl. Their hips give me no clue.

And you can get over the second through possessing a strong enough character that you make people retreat before your magnificence in public.

>> No.3513056


>not a single clue what are you talking about

>> No.3513060

>Author: A writer of a book, article or report.

>> No.3513061

oh man shit can be funny as fuck, I work at my local council and the local chinks decided they wanted their own community centre. now at ths point we hadan asian cultural centre of which they pretty much already had the run. except for a load of sikhs who used the place to pray once a week. so you know what they did? they bought the place and kicked their turbanned asses into the street.

say what you like about the straight white shark, given the chance any group will fuck over any other group if it will benefit them and they feel they can get away withit

>> No.3513062

just look at his post

if you have any common sense, you'll realize how narcissistic and deluded he's being

>> No.3513094

I don't think I've said anything that someone else hasn't either, but then again this is 4chan and if we're not at least a little bit narcissistic then I don't know what the fuck we are,

Also, how in the fuck did I make you rage without even meaning to man? The fuck? you trollin yourself?

>> No.3513114

It doesn't stop you from being a Sperglord. Just because he is being one as well doesn't warrant you to do it. Ignore and move on, attention whores like him die out.

>> No.3513124

hahaha disregard that I suck cocks

>> No.3513135

I always make sure to use their. It's neutral so why not.

>> No.3513136

oh hey, I was wondering how long it'd take you to realize you could just fucking change your name and like mock me and shit. Also you didn't answer my question anon, should I slit wrists or pull the trigger?

Apologies man, I was just picking up the thread from where I dropped off a while back, just read through it and answered what I thought was relevant and shit.

>> No.3513142

hahaha I'm an idiot, second comment was meant to >>3513114

Their seems like the safe bet for me, though it doesn't really matter to me either. I've seen some where they just switch off every other paragraph/chapter, but that seems like a bigger pain in the ass than s/he

>> No.3513178
File: 84 KB, 622x491, you are a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I answered "hitchhiker's guide" because lawl
you are almost certainly a terrible person

>your subject has no relevance

>> No.3513179

The question was favorite book not greatest book. Hence the book is chosen subjectivly and for reasons such as nostalgia, familiarity and resonance with ones own life. Under these criteria any one of those books is a good choice. In all likelihood the books listed are what got them into literature and studying the books that you consider "patriciancore".

>> No.3513192

you're the sperglord tho

>> No.3513198

Yes, very convincing argument right there. You could sway nations with that.

>> No.3513204

that was your argument as well

>> No.3513207

ur gay

>> No.3513291

>tfw going to community college
>tfw studying just to get a degree for work
>tfw I'll never pursue intellectual interests in a university setting and I fit most pleb stereotypes

>> No.3513314

>law schools
my sides. Try 20 years ago.

>> No.3513411
File: 22 KB, 279x284, 1361128141065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5th semester - in a class about new American literature
>Class mates come from different parts of the humanities
>tfw during evaluation, a fellow student complains "I would really like to know just how one actually read a book"

Teachers face when

>> No.3513492


i have once watched a professor intellectually crush a student who raised a terrible point in class. i was in awe, i loved every moment of it even though i felt embarassed for the student. i'm too used to seeing the accomodating and generous mode professors usually give, which is like

>well that's an interesting point and i'm sure we could think about that more, but if you look at the evidence and logic, blah blah blah-[re-rail to class material]....

i want to see more unthoughtful people ruthlessly defeated in class

>> No.3513569

trying to get through four years of undergrad with pretty severe mental illness. (social anxiety,gad, depression)

constant dropping of classes, avoiding profs, missing deadlines, not doing assignments.