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/lit/ - Literature

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3500619 No.3500619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

/v/ here. Our boards is going more and more downhill every day.

I consider /lit/ as one of the most polite and intelligent boards on 4chan, can you give any suggestions on how to save our board?

Thank you in advance

>> No.3500636

The problem is that video games are made for the lowest common denominator, and technological advancement continues to lower the bar for that.

Back when I got started, which sounds like ancient history, back then the demographics of people who were into games, was totally different, in my opinion, than they are today. Back then, computers were more expensive, which made them more exclusive to people who were maybe at a certain income level, or education level. So the people that played computer games 15 years ago were that type of person. They probably didn't watch television as much, and the instant gratification era hadn't quite grown the way it has lately. I think in the last couple decades, the demographics have really changed, because computers are less expensive so more people can afford them. More "average" people now feel they should own one.

>> No.3500637

Stop playing videogames and read books.

>> No.3500635
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/v/irgin and /lit/itzen here

this place is no better

>> No.3500638

goddamn the ps4 is going to be the greatest gaming system of all time srsly can't wait

>> No.3500639

Report cross board /q/ threads, hide them.

>> No.3500643

oh man, i remember when i liked video games. I think I grew out of it around age 17.

>> No.3500657
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>The problem is that video games are made for the lowest common denominator

>> No.3500683

>/v/ is dead. Long live /v/. Anyway, you must not have been here very long, OP. Damned if /lit/ isn't full of some of the most pompous dillweeds ever.

I agree that a lot of them—mostly Western-made ones—are indeed just that. Though even the Japanese these days are churning out some horrendous things that ought to rightfully shame them to their very core.

Personally I owe a great deal to video games. Growing up in a time and place where access to high culture was severely restricted by my family's very modest financial status (i.e. working poor minority in Los Angeles), video games were my one window to the sun in an otherwise slate-gray childhood. Games like Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Earthbound, etc. enriched my mental soil; whet my appetite for things beyond the here and now. Had it not been for video games, I highly doubt I would love such things as classical music, foreign languages, philosophy, and prose fiction—among many other things—today.

>> No.3500685

My cat died last year.

>> No.3500691

Now it is free from the mundane, eventless life you forced upon it.

>> No.3500692

It's funny... because it's true.

>> No.3500699

Start by offing yourself

>> No.3500710

My beloved feline was FIV positive and was therefore restricted in his activities but still led a pretty good life.

I don't see why you're being so mean.

>> No.3500714

delete non-literature related threads faster

there are twenty such threads on /lit/ right this very moment

>> No.3500741

you're probably no better. you probably hate games that are 'casual'

>> No.3500773

I think your judgment of video games is akin to someone dismissing literature because of Diana Gabaldon and DFW or film because of Michael Bay. You may want to give them a closer look.

My feeling is that you've only seen the sort of games that teem with steroid-addled marines so popular these days or simply haven't played games at all.

Or you're simply a snobby, pseudo-intellectual neckbeard.

>> No.3500778

>Or you're simply a snobby, pseudo-intellectual neckbeard.

He says he doesn't play video games.

>> No.3500789

I think if you're being honest, you have to admit that, although in principle there is nothing wrong with video games as a creative medium, in reality it attracts the lcd, like that guy said.

> Diana Gabaldon
>Michael Bay
yeah yeah, get the fuck out

>> No.3500796

I stand by my comment, aside from the (possible) omission of "neckbeard".

>> No.3500797


but there's no reason not to hate games that are casual. they are the equivalent of Twilight or Name of the Wind or whatever you kids are reading these days: some of them are better and some of them are worse, but all of them are fundamentally lazy and worth no one's time.

>> No.3500802
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What's your problem, bro? U MAD?

>> No.3500805

and i'm not a guy btw ;)

>> No.3500806

me too bro. so psyqued

>> No.3500818
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So why so angry, sista? Do you find vidya to perpetuate the oppression of patriarchal hetero-normative gender roles?

>> No.3500835

not necessarily
vidya gaem fans typically smell, though
like really bad

>> No.3500862
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>> No.3500882
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>vidya gaem fans typically smell, though like really bad
>13-year-old on /lit/
Perhaps you would prefer it if this thread was about the paranormal romances and other like fanta-crap your gender seems unduly fond of?

>> No.3500973

>they are the equivalent of Twilight or Name of the Wind or whatever you kids are reading these days

no they're not

>> No.3500995

My dear /v/irgin, with all the sincerity in the world, /lit/ is worse than it ever was and we can't even help ourselves. It was slowly getting worse and now it made a nose dive in the last few months and it's just garbage.

>> No.3501037

Of course we know how to help ourselves: kick out all the philosophy fags. Everyone thinks their opinion is valid concerning every conceivable fucking philosophical question, and everyone feels free to pose whatever inane drivel they feel like. If people stuck to discussing books like the board was intended for then we'd have a much greater percentage of literate people who had some actual insight into the topic at hand (i.e. they had read the book). Philosophy fags are the cancer killing /lit/.