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/lit/ - Literature

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3496194 No.3496194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

suggest books for a teenager (16 to 19), both male or female

>> No.3496206
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>> No.3496215

it's hard to enjoy rimbaud's poetry once you're past an adolescent stage of intelligence

>> No.3496218

Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche

got me through high school

>> No.3496227
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>> No.3496231

The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius is pretty accessible.

>> No.3496250

thanks, i'll read this and nietzsche

>> No.3496256

>it's hard to enjoy rimbaud's poetry once you're past an adolescent stage of intelligence
you sir, are a stupid faggot.

>> No.3496264
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thanks for proving my point

>> No.3496275

The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.3496295

john green

>> No.3496297
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>> No.3496314

are you kiddingme?

>> No.3496310

Well, judging by your totally illogical response to someone that posted something unrelated to what you were saying (and the fact that you think it somehow proves your point), you still seem able of enjoying his poetry.

>> No.3496358
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On a serious note I'd recommend Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Political ideologies aside, they're both interesting and she's not nearly as bad a writer than people claim.

>> No.3496372

Black rabbit summer by Kevin Brooks. Amazing!

>> No.3496383

My Grandma gave me that for Christmas when it came out. I think my mom secretly threw it out before I could read it.

>> No.3496401

Hemingway is enjoyable and easy to read.
Who doesn't like old men and seas?

>> No.3496408
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If you've got some edgy angsty teenage misanthrope on your hands, this book will sort them right out. Daniel Quinn's other stuff is pretty good too.

>> No.3496456
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stop being a twat. When you're at that age, you're done with the handholding, there's no 'books for you' there's just 'books'

>> No.3496460

Just because it has a razor-edge fanbase doesn't mean it isn't insanely good.
You probably haven't read it, you're just parroting to seem cool.

>> No.3496474

Kerouac, Nietzsche, Hesse, Vonnegut, Garcia Marquez.

>> No.3496501

For a 16 year old? Really?

>> No.3496506

I can vouch for Vonnegut and Hesse, at least.

>> No.3496514

when you're 16 you should be way past the point where complexity or anything else could be holding you back.
I'm not putting up any pretense here, this is what I genuinely believe.

>> No.3496532

The average high school student probably does not read anything past what they are required to in English class (if they even read that instead of scraping by with Sparknotes).
I don't know if those would be great introductions to the wonderful world of Books.

>> No.3496550 [DELETED] 

Love this book. As a 17 year old, I can confirm this book has some pretty good wisdom in it. Very interesting perspectives on emotions.

>> No.3496552


>> No.3496554

>As a 17 year old
good night sweet prince

>> No.3496591
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what is /lit/'s opinion on it?

i think it's great.
especially if you are dealing with loneliness and shit like that.
it's not even a typical war book, it just takes place in a war.

>> No.3496594

You do realize that this board is for 18 and up, right? I'm not one for judging by age, but I find it extremely immature that you would flaunt the fact that you're breaking the rules. As if you're looking for conflict.
You never said these were recommendations for the average high school student.

>> No.3496616
File: 48 KB, 778x248, moot has spoken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do realize that this board is for 18 and up, right?

say that again pls.

>> No.3496664
File: 8 KB, 373x149, THE_LAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really proof, could be a shop, hack or only apply to that board. It could also be altered hence.
I'll say it again, and I'll post a more current and credible source.

>> No.3496669

That's not really proof, could be a shop, hack or only apply to that site. It could also be altered hence.

>> No.3496681

it's not a shop.
i made that screencap myself.

it's from a thread on /q/.

this was said a long time after he implemented the rules.

why do people give so much of a fuck about how old someone is?
you cant prove it anyway, so there is no reason to ban people for it.

like it or not, i don't care.

>> No.3496696

I DON'T give a fuck, I've already stated that. What I have a problem with is that you flaunt it, instigating flamewars and some such shit.

>> No.3496701

you do realize that i am not that underage fag you were replying too?
i am 20 years old fyi.
i didnt read anything of the conversation you were having.

>> No.3496754

No one cares about his age but you, guy.

>> No.3496879
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>> No.3496885
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>> No.3496895
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pls no.

personally op (assuming youre american), i recomend cicero, autobiography of benjamin franklin, John Adams by mccullough, a peoples history of the united states, i am a strange loop, the ascent of money, the truth in money book, democracy and the common wealth, and various things by William James, charles pierce, and alasdair macintyre.

>> No.3496979

Horns by Joe Hill. It has a lot of stuff in it that teenagers can relate to, love, judgment, and desire for justice, also it has a guy who grows devil horns.

>> No.3497009

>American Gods

Only if you really want a lying Scientologist influencing children. .

>> No.3499065

i would ONLY recommend "looking for alaska" & "an abundance of katherines"

likely for "looking for alaska" because the rest of his books are a big freaking pile of shit