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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 282x425, 1361544205340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3495355 No.3495355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Femanons, how the hell am I supposed to approach you without coming off as a pleb on the hunt for poontang?

I like literate girls for obvious reasons.

>> No.3495357

well, it sounds like you are on the hunt for poontang. and there's your problem.

>> No.3495363

He is on the hunt for poontang. I think he's indirectly asking for cunning ways to disguise this.

>> No.3495364

If you're actually on the hunt for poon, just embrace it.

Otherwise, try to repress your animal lust for all things female and try just being friendly to her like any of your other friends.

>> No.3495365



In a recent poll there was like 2 people who 'admitted' to being girls out of a hundred or so who actually took part in the poll.

And those two were probably trolling anyway.

>> No.3495375

How about getting to know them a LITTLE before asking them out? Not just asking the very most physically attractive ones?
>tl;dr: Don't be/act shallow if you don't want to come across as it.

>> No.3495380

/lit/ has a lot of girls. the ones who aren't total newfags just don't go around announcing it (though you can still spot them by their speech patterns).

>> No.3495381

I am pretty certain that this, if it is anything, is the most pussy-barren of all the boards. There's none. No, seriously, no women. Maybe one, but she's probably freakishly weird and demented.

>> No.3495390

Femanons, is it true that girls often idly pull bits of solidified discharge from their pubes, roll into a ball, and then casually flick it away?

>> No.3495397

I'm a sort of /lit/ femanon holy grail.
Literature just love me.

The trick is simple:

Be more concerned about talking about the books you are loving rather than fucking.

>> No.3495422

This. There's quite a few girls here.

yea we do that shit

>> No.3495430

>cunning ways

Well played, sir.

>> No.3495441
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The trick is not to even mention books. If you do, it'll inevitably come up that she reads twilight and hunger games, deflating your boner.

>> No.3495468

>Watch other men interact with women
>Recoil in disgust by their transparency
And this is why I don't even speak to women, unless I have no interest in them. There's just something so degrading and derogatory to be found in the process of courting. Especially so when a man approaches a woman for some tertiary reason, such as seeing her read.

Jesus. Is this all there is in life?

>> No.3495499


How exactly do you know? Just saying 'speech patterns' doesn't cut it.

>> No.3495519
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>tfw going full beatnik and the females just gravitate towards your frantic energy

>> No.3495525
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>> No.3495547

I once read some posts by a woman who's husband had built a shitty bookshelf. No reason to lie about that; she joked about being a gay man when someone questioned her gender.

>> No.3495560
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k gais. howdo i approach her?

>> No.3495561

>find femanon on /lit/
>you both think the other has shit taste in books

>> No.3495574

>ugly shades
>ugly jeans
>shitty flipflops
>shoulder cancer
>no discernible qualities
>shitty bag
>reading non-lit

american tourist/10 would nog bang

>> No.3495575
File: 98 KB, 640x426, 654684768468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 4chan culture is nothing but tired coming-of-age cliches about the opposite sex, physical development, rites of passage and defining oneself with religion and politics
>tfw you all think you're experience is different in spite of this

>> No.3495577

From behind.

>> No.3495581

Push her into the sea.

>> No.3495590
File: 351 KB, 1024x683, 5959120989_7a70a92804_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You: Is this seat taken?
>she doesn't hear you
>wut do?

>> No.3495593

How else do you define yourself?

>> No.3495594

Sit down next to her, don't say anything for a few minutes then point at some dude in the room and say something mean about him to her. Not something horrible just some silly snide remark about what a douche he looks like. Then say "I can't imagine what kind of girls go for a dude like that'

Boom, you are into a conversation I guarantee it. Now she's either going to start laughing and agree with you and start joking around or she's gonna decide to play it like 'and why do you think you are such hot shit?' and give you a bit of an attitude. If she starts laughing with you, it's pretty much a done deal unless you are just completely inept.

If she does the attitude thing say 'no, it's not so much the dude it's the girls who would date that kinda dude who bug me, he is obviously the type who wants a girl to wait on him hand and foot. fuck that, who wants that?'

Talk about what goofballs most women are and how she is so obviously not like any of those types, she is so much more intelligent and independent than the average woman.

>> No.3495595

Tap her on her shoulder and ask her again. Besides, she can see your reflection in the window.

>> No.3495596

Go on and on about how hard it is to find a strong female who does not want to be led by any man. Ask her about whatever stupid art she does and praise it, don't go overboard just look at it and say 'wow, this is really good. wow.' just like that. make it look like you are really thinking about it for a minute or two. then say 'wow' again. Bring it up out of nowhere a little later in the night 'I'm sorry but I was just thinking about that poem you let me read, it was REALLY good' maybe even quote a line and say 'I really like that line'.

Act like you are all into whatever it is...I'm using poetry as an example because poetry is so stupid but it works for anything, painting, sculpture, maybe she molds disney figureeens out of dried cat turds, whatever. Make up a name of an artist and say you are a big fan of theirs and have you read any of their stuff? It's so good, you would love it. 'Oh, Carol Bellpepper is so good it's a shame it's kind of hard to find maybe you haven't heard of her she's just coming up now. I went and heard her speak at (make up the name of a gallery) Eyeball Gallery last year she was so cool. describe in great detail this imaginary evening if she asks, maybe even adding a little piece at the end about a weird cab driver you encountered on the way or something.

she'll say 'oh that name sounds familiar I think I read something about her, it sounded interesting'

From there just ride that out for awhile, use the same formula for restaurants, bands, movies just use different words. You wanna make it seem like you can turn her onto to all these interesting things she's never heard of before.

>> No.3495598

kill yourself

not even going to explain why, this is like a leap of faith kierkegaardian kill yourself. just do it.

>> No.3495599

Work and friends but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
How's the job hunt going? Are you doing anything tonight?

>> No.3495600

She'll throw out some sort of sexual comment at some point just to see how you react. Laugh it off, say something like 'yeah I've been there a few times' and move along to something else, don;t get suckered into all of a sudden talking about nothing but fucking that's the game she's trying to rope you into just to say to herself 'see he just wants to fuck me, he doesn't really give a shit'

By this time you should get her number, don;t wait till the end of the night get it right then. She'll give it to you. Say 'well it was nice meeting you but I gotta blah blah blah it was really nice talking to someone interesting for a change'

She will respect the fact you aren't sitting there all night like a fucking puppydog just because some chick showed a little interest. THIS IS KEY.

Get up and leave once you have that number.

Call her a few days later and tell her some stupid story that makes her laugh and you are in. She'll either invite you over to her house to 'watch a movie' or if she wants to be all civilized about it out on a date.

Do not take her to an expensive place on the first date, you don't wanna set that precedent and it'll backfire because she'll just say 'he'll just take any old chick he dates here? what an loser'

Ok, I got you that far. If you fuck it up at that point you are hopeless.

>> No.3495605

looks like an instruction manual or some shit. not lit

>> No.3495606

She's a tourist, dumbass, and it's a map and/or guide book.
Your observation and analytical skills=D-

>> No.3495610
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She did hear you. She ignored you because you're a mouthbreather and doesn't want a conversation.

>> No.3495613

Tourism is for plebs. Would not bang.

>> No.3495617

Correct. What most of you idiots don't realize is that most females have been trained since birth to pretend not to notice people looking at them. They see you creepily peering at them from the side when you sit next to them, they see you switching seats to get closer to them, etc.

>> No.3495620


Fucking brilliant.

>> No.3495627

People who wear those token artsy scarves around their neck are so lame.

>> No.3495630
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Why do I have a fetish for creeping up on girls in transit?

>> No.3495632

are you japanese?

>> No.3495637
File: 477 KB, 924x1024, 410409103_cb2d6a4bfb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, British

>> No.3495650

So your an island variant of your race that through isolation has developed weird mutations not found in the mainlanders and therefore adhere to bizarre cultural traits? Sounds pretty Japanese to me.

>> No.3495652
File: 505 KB, 1024x768, 3580148499_da5e078e38_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, are japanese more susceptible to perving on girls on trains? Why?

That source could movie was like porn for me

>> No.3495664
File: 425 KB, 769x1024, 6987544605_29e8a718fd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's because being trapped in a metal box is the closest thing to intimate contact you can get in the public sphere.

>tfw no perpetual traveler gf

>> No.3495668

holy shit! why are you writing this here on /lit/? Great perspectives nevertheless!

>> No.3495694
File: 53 KB, 500x270, 1358688927318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actuallly have wider peripheral vision than men, that's why they always see you before you see them, and are much more subtle about ogling. A guy will stop and turn his head to look at a chick like a doofus.

>> No.3495741

True. They also see based on movement, so the best way to avoid being seen by a woman is to sit as still as possible. She'll take a couple of sniffs, decide that you're probably some weird rock or something, and keep moving.

>> No.3495746

I lol'd.

>> No.3495750

>Besides, she can see your reflection in the window.

>you see her roll her eyes in the windows reflection, sigh, and continue to ignore you


>> No.3495753

This is brilliance.

>> No.3495754

Should have them vibrating just from touching him.

>> No.3495765

does this work on bears too?

>> No.3495773

>Work and friends

But that's another cliche.

>> No.3495777

A The Hangover tier cliche, I should add.

>> No.3495783

The animals? No. Large hairy gay men? Unlikely. Works on twinks, though.

>> No.3495786

Speech patterns on a text-based medium of communication.


>> No.3495821


>Is this all there is in life?

>> No.3495869

pretty good chunk of their porn is train molestation. And they have 'women only' trains.

>> No.3495881

lit, you seem practically oozing with wisdom about the female.
So tell me. How do you make a break up as uncomfortable for the other party as possible?

>> No.3495911

>Not just asking the very most physically attractive ones?
This has always bitten me in the arse when I've been drunk. I always think "well, her friend seems into me, but I think I'm just being hopeful with her", and then it turns out to be some kind of test to see if I was hunting for poon. Well, just because I don't just want what's between your legs doesn't mean I don't want what's between your legs. Men can be both sensitive and sexual.

>> No.3495926
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>dat t-centralen

>> No.3495932

ask her if she's an archaeologist

>> No.3495939

>So tell me. How do you make a break up as uncomfortable for the other party as possible?

commit suicide and blame her in the note.

>> No.3495941

Did you just use Kierkegaardian as an insult?

>> No.3495960 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 320x240, daffy duck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the hell am I supposed to approach you without coming off as a pleb on the hunt for poontang?

b-b-but you ARE a pleb on the hunt for poontang you fucking idiot. just be yourself. there is the same variety of women in this world as men. just make friends with one then see if she's interested from there. you've got idealize shit from the get-go as if someone isn't approachable before you even know them. i see idiots all the time trying to treat the girl like some fragile doll or princess from some god awful fairy tale fantasy and i see exactly how she looks at him like the idiot he is. several times out of curiousity i'll go up and talk to her after about something random about school and see how they're totally down to earth more often than not. i'm not saying you should be a "playa" and talk to people like shit to feel cool. i'm just saying talk to people as if they were people. they'll appreciate it.

gotta sage for idiocy. got to be kids itt. there just has to be!

>> No.3495963

this sounds okay as you wrote it out but in real life i imagine this will turn out horribly, like most situations people play in their heads

>> No.3495966


Oh shit, is that correct? I'm constantly staring at people. I thought they didn't notice. No wonder why girls hate me.
I don't look at them because I like them, I do it because I'm curious about them and I have a melancholic temperament that doesn't let me approach strangers.
Now I feel the urge to tell them this, but that would be even more creepy.

>> No.3495974

So the fact that I always catch my coworker staring at me means I should try to hit on her?

>> No.3495982

>OP pic


le why

>> No.3495984

yeah i would say thats a pretty reliable sign shes at least kind of interested.

>> No.3495999


that poor cute white girl. Guarantee a minority killed her. Guaran-fucking-tee it. Does anyone know the details?

>> No.3496000

The problem I have is that my interest in them is just an intuitive thing, like something they said or did or wore or whatever suggested to me that they might be similar to me in some way. And I want to talk to them and get to know them, but when you're approaching a girl you don't know for a conversation, it's really hard to not seem like you're just out for their body, even if you aren't, because they know that their body is all you have seen so far.

What can a person honestly do to initiate a conversation where it's clear that your interest really is in getting to know them? I haven't come up with a solution. I approach girls, but I always feel like a creep even if they respond nicely because it's hard to express that you want to know more about someone when you don't know anything about them in the first place.

Literate girls especially, because they get approached so much by people pretending to care about the fact that they read when really they're just using it as an in for sex.

>> No.3496013

> Read psychology of women
>Still cannot understand them
wat do?

>> No.3496020

It's LA, it was a nigger or a spic.

>> No.3496022

Quit trying to learn human behavior from books. Psychology isn't a science.

>> No.3496024


You expect to understand them when they don't understand themselves?

>> No.3496031

holy fuck same. I stare at them too. I always knew they think I'm a perv. I am but it hurts that they know

>> No.3496042

If I can't understand them, how the hell should I approach to them?

By the way, this is what I have been trying so far:

Every time I get on the bus, I approach to a girl and greet, her asking how's her day, and what she likes, I usually try to take something out what she likes to get a conversation, for example if she likes twilight or some shit like glee I request her to tell me more about it.

I have approached to 9's and 8's with this, and have had mixed results, I think I still behave like a white knight though.

The issue I have is that girls are timesucking vampires, which leaves me with less time to read, something I hate. There aren't many literate girls in this town, I have been searching, but they are hard to find.

>> No.3496043

>Updated 11:30 a.m. Monday: Los Angeles police arrested Charlie Samuel, a 50-year old black man in connection with Burk's slaying.

Feels good to be culturally enriched, huh?

>> No.3496046


Just talking to strangers at all, let alone female strangers, puts you ahead of 95% of 4chan. This board has nothing to teach you.

>> No.3496048

I used to have a bad habit of staring off into space but I'd kinda be staring on someones general direction instead of at a wall or something. Managed to force myself out of it around high school, learned to close my eyes or look way up a wall and pretend to be staring at a sign.

>> No.3496049

Is it possible to understand anyone without getting to know them first?

>> No.3496050

Get over it you stupid racist fuckhead.

>> No.3496052

I tried to do that too. Trouble with me was girls had a preconception that I was always starting at them so unless I stared directly down all day long they thought I was perving and gave me dirty looks.

>> No.3496054


What kind of responses have you gotten? Anyone just tell you to leave them alone, anything like that?

>> No.3496055

Yeah, I often find myself staring straight at someone's groin when I'm sitting on the Tube and it's crowded.

>> No.3496056


Says the anti-science "MUH FEELINGS" blank-slateist.

>> No.3496057

should I ask soc instead?

>> No.3496058

Tell me, /lit/.

When you're reading a book (you do actually read books, right? You don't just pretend to online?) HOW INTERESTED ARE YOU IN STRANGERS COMING TO CHAT YOU UP?

Odds are, zero. You're reading a book, and presumably enjoy it and are interested in it.

So anyone who comes to chat you up is an annoyance.


>> No.3496060

Yes. Or /adv/.

>> No.3496063

Black man robs and murders white girl
> . . .
White man comments that this is bad
>"You're worse than Hitler you fucking racist!!!"

>> No.3496065

That was some amount of bullshit inference from one post there, Nathan Forrest

>> No.3496071


>that poor cute white girl. Guarantee a minority killed her. Guaran-fucking-tee it. Does anyone know the details?

I think you're on the wrong board son, you have to be able to read to stay here.

>> No.3496072

>get over your people being raped and murdered

>> No.3496073

Hurr what are book marks for.

I'd happily put my book down for a minute to speak to someone interesting. Then again I'm not autistic.

>> No.3496074

I tell them something like "Hello are you busy miss" or the like, if she says she is I reply with "Ok would you mind if I spoke with you?"

>> No.3496075


I don't mind at all, especially if they like the book that I'm reading. If you don't want people to talk to you, don't read in public or just tell them that you're busy or something.

>> No.3496080

He was right, though. Why is it okay when black people rape and murder white people in their droves, but any white man who speaks out against this phenomenon is the most evil person ever?

>> No.3496081

Haven't been on /lit/ very wrong? This board is more racist and conservative than /pol/

>> No.3496078

You sound like a shoe salesman

>> No.3496084

No it isn't. Not even slightly.

How about automatically jumping to the conclusion that a black man was the culprit of a murder off the cuff every time? How would every single person doing that sit with you?

>> No.3496088

Sounds really forced and awkward. Instead of explicitly asking for her consent to talk to her, can;t you just start talking and then judge whether she's receptive by her response.

>> No.3496090

this sounds like I should brace myself for what's coming next

my two cents as a lit femme

>> No.3496092

>How about automatically jumping to the conclusion that a black man was the culprit of a murder off the cuff every time? How would every single person doing that sit with you?

HE WAS RIGHT. and statistically, he would be right more often than not.

black people are fucking savages, dude.

>> No.3496093

Why should I tell people I'm busy when I'm plainly busy reading? I mean, I'm not reading SECRETLY so you can't tell. The book is quite plainly in my hands.

I'd guess some sort of missionary, myself. I'd expect someone who said "Ok would you mind if I spoke with you" to try to get me to join some sort of retarded cult.

>> No.3496095

what would you recommend instead?

>> No.3496098

Idiotic post that doesn't even deserve to be dignified with a response.

>> No.3496100

Well, don't ask for permission to speak with people you're already speaking with...

>> No.3496104

>No it isn't. Not even slightly.
So you definitely haven't been here long, then. Missed out on the anti-semitic threads reaching bump limit and the discussions on scientific racism.

>> No.3496105

Don't you think it's weird that you're more outraged by racial profiling than RAPE AND MURDER? You've lost touch with reality, you crazy dogmatist.

>> No.3496107

Because it goes against your world view. Black on white crime is massive, niggers are fucking subhuman animals.

>> No.3496114

Egalitarianism is the religion of the cultural marxist. You can't argue with them about it.

>> No.3496115

Rape and murders will always happen in society.

More worrying is the rising notion among white conservatives that there is any credence to the idea of racial superiority, since they take up a much bigger number of people.

Easy enough for you?

>> No.3496117


Yes, but most people are not that uptight about it. I read before class because I don't just want to stare at the wall while I wait, but if someone wants to chat with me, the book can wait. Most people are that way, so it is hardly absurd for someone to start talking to you while you're reading.

>> No.3496122

>rape and murder is okay, hurting poor little niggers' feelings is wrong.

okay, I see where you're coming from.

>> No.3496120

>More worrying is the rising notion among white conservatives that there is any credence to the idea of racial superiority
More worrying for you, because it's right, and your beliefs are being challenged. For the rest of us, the prevalence of rape and murder by non-whites is a much more sickening issue that must be dealt with.

>> No.3496125

>cultural marxist
I love it when people use this word, it's a nice and up-front warning that they will never, ever in their lives say anything worthwhile.

>> No.3496129

You are a fool. You would make an offhand judgement of a person because of racial statistics, without any prior knowledge of them.

>> No.3496130


>> No.3496135

>Rape and murders will always happen in society.

They would happen a lot less frequently if there were no blacks around. And that's a fact.

>the rising notion among white conservatives that there is any credence to the idea of racial superiority,

The notion is rising because niggers keep proving them right.

>> No.3496136

Ah, the good old strawman. Trot on home now Ron Atkinson.

>> No.3496137

What is a cultural marxist anyway?

>> No.3496142
File: 40 KB, 282x425, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are thinking too hard. Everything is cool as beans bra.

>> No.3496147

Just you, apparently.

>> No.3496143

Jesus, how many of you maladjusted simpletons are there on /lit/?

>> No.3496144

>Someone labeled and attacked my beliefs? Nice, everything they say is wrong
The Cultural Marxist, ladies and gentlemen.

You're really doing a good job of alleviating that comparison to religion.

>> No.3496148
File: 29 KB, 482x526, 1354003465410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than there are leftist anti-intellectuals like you.

>> No.3496150

It's a right-winger form of Tourettes Syndrome where they have to start talking about how commies are behind everything, no matter what the subject of discussion is. Something is bad? MARXISTS!!!

>> No.3496152


Anti intellectuals.. haha. Go back to your hovel and scream at blacks from your window.

Judging a black person you have never met before on statistics is idiotic.

>> No.3496153

You don't even know what the word means.

At least start with some reading on Cultural Marxism and Frankfurt School Marxism so that you sound like less of a misinformed idiot.

>> No.3496155

>Cultural Marxist

Get back to /pol/ or stormfront or wherever you come from.

>> No.3496158

>Judging a black person you have never met before on statistics is idiotic.
Thinking that this is what we're actually doing is idiotic.

The egalitarian denies evolution, denies science, denies all logic in reason if it flies in the face of his religious belief system. You are anti-intellectual.

>> No.3496160

How is that even when black people are raping and murdering white people at utterly horrifying rates, they're still somehow made out to be the victims by leftists? The figures for black on white crime are fucking shocking, something needs to be done.

>> No.3496161

And should I read about it on Conservapedia because it's the only place you can get the REAL SCOOP on the marxist plot to get at our precious bodily fluids?

>> No.3496163

Only sometimes
This is one of the best boards for non-racist stuff, along with /fit/
If you're not a pseudo-intellectual who employs meretricious sesquipedalianism though, then you might not like it here

>> No.3496164

Ge back to leddit.

>> No.3496166


Not even slightly.

>logic in reason

>black people are inferior because a bigger percentage of them have committed crimes

That sure as hell isn't logic.

>religious belief system


>> No.3496167

It's a generic insult/dismissal to label people who question racism, capitalism, misogyny, eugenics ... anything like that. I think in its original sense it came from people arguing that a "melting-pot"/mix of many cultures is a good thing. Cultural marxism.

>> No.3496168

>Judging a black person you have never met before on statistics is idiotic.

Racial profiling has been proven to be a reliable preventative measure against crime time and again.

>> No.3496170

Leftists look at the black as a dumb animal who has no control over his raping and murdering. They just see it as "what blacks do", so Whites must adjust. It's always the white man's problem, because even leftists know that niggers are too dumb to solve their own.

>> No.3496173

Haha. When did they start letting /pol/ on here?

>> No.3496178

>not even bothering to do even a basic level of fucking wikipedia research so that you sound like less of a complete fool

>> No.3496179
File: 709 KB, 250x141, my daily life.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here i was thinking, yay, critical theory is getting popular.

>> No.3496180

When did leddit leak into /lit/? I thought we had that shit confined to /b/ and /soc/.

>> No.3496181

It's scary how much you people are willing to forgive, just because you can't accept that the ideological dogma you identify with may be faulty. The phenomenon of white on black racism is nowhere near as urgent an issue in modern America as black on white crime. You have some serious cognitive dissonance.

>> No.3496183

>supporting critical theory
Please get murdered by a spic.

>> No.3496185

Sorry, I can't hear you over the surgeon stitching my sides back together after you implied that "leftists" see egalitarianism as having sympathy for blacks as though they were a rogue animal.

>> No.3496187

So a label that the right throws about like the left would Nazi?

Thanks anon.

>> No.3496188

Dude, "Cultural Marxism" is a right-wing bogeyman. No marxist talks in those terms. Same with "Frankfurt School Marxism". People talk about the individuals involved, i.e. Marcuse or Habermas or Adorno, or they talk about the institute itself. There wasn't really a totalizing system of thought produced by the institute as a whole

>> No.3496191

Why do you have no response to the actual issue at hand, black on white crime rates? Is it because it's indefensible?

>> No.3496192

Rape and murder as committed by whites is fine though.

>> No.3496193

Of course leftists don't identify their own terms, that would be admitting to the propaganda and subversive forces that created our modern society.

>> No.3496195

Rape and murder as committed by whites is less frequent.

>> No.3496196

>What is a cultural marxist anyway?
It's actually a Marxist critique of cultural and social interaction, though it's rarely used that way now. Especially online.

America seems to have warped it (the same as the word Liberal) and it's often thrown around as a slur, having dropped it's tie to a Marxist critique. The 'Marxism' denoting egalitarian or uniform equality has become synonymous with cultural relativism, and it's used as a negative, or the idea that everyone - race, religion, intelligence, gender..., should be subjected to some tyrannical forced equality.

>> No.3496198

No, that's terrible too. But it's no where near as big a phenomenon as black on white rape/murder. Obviously there's something cultural or genetic that makes blacks more likely to do these horrible things.

>> No.3496202

Because you're using the wrong statistic. If you want to say that "black people are evil" then you should have statistics that say the majority of black people commit these crimes. Also you refuse to address issues of culture like the unscientific shithead you are. You inconvenience your own opinions. Now get the fuck back to your echo chamber on /pol/.

>> No.3496204

>Lily Burk, a 17-year old white girl, was found slain in her car in a parking lot
What, did someone tell her a good joke?
For gods sakes, who the fuck uses 'SLAIN' anymore? It doesn't even make sense. you slay with a weapon, she was bashed against a window.

>> No.3496205

The ducking and dodging and obfuscating by left-wingers ITT is gob-stopping, it really is. What will it take for you to admit that there's a problem with niggers? Your wife being raped? Your daughter murdered? We need to take the kid-gloves off.

>> No.3496207

So it's fine.

>> No.3496208

They take solace in insults and herd mentality.

>> No.3496210

None of these things are true though you psycho. Calm your shit.

>> No.3496212

No, I accept that black people's culture is the cause of their tendency towards violence. I also suspect that their culture is inextricably linked to their genetic make-up. I just want them gone, because they are more trouble than they're worth. Horrible bestial things.

>> No.3496213

Much like conservatives, as evidenced in this thread.

>> No.3496214

/pol/ get out pls

>> No.3496216

There's only two mentions of the term "cultural marxism" on that page and one of them is the reference for the other. I made up the original sense on the spot, which is why I prefixed it with "I think". You're an idiot.

Yes, pretty much. It gets used a lot more online these days, it's been a while since I saw as much of Godwin's Law as there used to be.

>> No.3496217

Check out black crime rates in any white country. They are raping and killing at a hugely disproportionate level.

>> No.3496221

>I also suspect that their culture is inextricably linked to their genetic make-up

Suspicion is not enough.

>I just want them gone, because they are more trouble than they're worth. Horrible bestial things.

Maybe you should just like not encourage racism? Maybe that will fix your problems?

>> No.3496222
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>> No.3496224

>Maybe you should just like not encourage racism? Maybe that will fix your problems?

Are you suggesting that niggers rape because whitey be keeping them down? Jesus Christ...

>> No.3496225

>Obviously there's something cultural or genetic that makes blacks more likely to do these horrible things.

Yes. Less emphasis on genetic though. Tere isn't a 'rape' gene hiding in black chromosomes, but definitely culture/class. You can see a clear link between use of certain drugs, robbery, education/IQ levels, rape statistics, all in class and financial status.

It isn't the fault of the 'blacks' though. It's social programming and the tendency of issues surrounding parental class to influence the child. Unfortunately blacks tend to be in the lowest economic group.

>> No.3496226

No, they're getting blamed for these crimes at a disproportionate level. Find me statistics that say any majority of black people commit these crimes.

>> No.3496228
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>> No.3496229


>> No.3496232

Seconded. besides, it's awfully unambitious. Psychologists are just inferior psychiatrists.

>> No.3496235

do you seriously think all black people are criminals from ""da hood""?

we /pol/ now

>> No.3496236

it's quite worrisome to see this kind of racism, because it is a reflection of the sad state of education in this country. america is highly segregated, so life experience and knowledge of how the other side lives, has to come from education. if the schools contributed an understanding the daily and historical struggle faced by the black community, rather than reenacted Lincoln every single year, it'll be much better. then again, easier to run a police state in the ghettos if the problems are rendered invisible behind concrete walls.

>> No.3496238

>Going on /lit/
>see OP
>see this comment

Well this thread veered wildly off track, didn't it?

ps a vaguely-/lit/ /adv/ thread , turned /pol/fest, should not be on the front page.

>> No.3496241

Fuck you, you fucking nigger. I went to school with your people. Animals, almost every single one of you.

If you want to know who has no experience with niggers, take a look at the liberal whites in middle class suburbia.

>> No.3496242

you are more dangerous than any immigrant.

>> No.3496244

Hi /pol/, welcome to /lit/. On this board you can articulate your arguments for a rational debate, instead of spamming meta-images for ineffectual shock value.

>> No.3496245

A poor black man is still far more likely to commit crime than a poor person of any other race.

We've invested decades and millions in currency and our lives in extinguishing white on black oppression and it hasn't made a dent in their crime figures. Multiculturalism just doesn't work, we need to segregate them. I don't see why their well being should take priority over ours.

>> No.3496247

You've stopped making sense. Marxists are open about everything, you can go to a bookstore and buy books written by them etc. There's no cover up involved here.

>> No.3496248

Thank you.

>> No.3496249

Nah, the immigrants are more dangerous.

Non-whites deserve to be lined up against the walls. White Nations would be better off.

>> No.3496251

I'm from inner-city London, actually.

>> No.3496252

Self identified Marxists. The majority of Leftists follow Marxist ideologies without realizing it.

>> No.3496253

get out british scum

>> No.3496254

>cant attack facts
>go back to /pol/!

>> No.3496255

Statistically, you are wrong. Unless you consider "mean words directed towards minorities" a more heinous crime than RAPE and MURDER, you deluded cunt.

>> No.3496257

This guy has had no experience with black people:


He thinks he's some other guy on /pol/ who said he has had those experiences.

>> No.3496258

Your progressiveness is astounding, m8.

>> No.3496259

This doesn't make much sense. The Southern US is less racially segregated than any part of the country, yet it is the center of racism in the US as well.

>> No.3496260
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>thinking Democrats are Marxist

>> No.3496261

>blacks committing more murders than whites

>> No.3496262

Statistics don't determine who is more dangerous you fucking moron. They document the past.

>> No.3496265

>A poor black man is still far more likely to commit crime than a poor person of any other race.

You are correct. The majority of blacks are in a lower economic bracket, have less access to decent education, and are stuck in a self-perpetuating cycle. The overwhelming numbers means that some crimes are statistically far more likely to be perpetrated by a black person.

>> No.3496266

Desperate to confirm your own beliefs. There were 3 white kids at my elementary school and my high school was 70% black.

>> No.3496267

Proportionately, yeah.

Refer to this: >>3496222

>> No.3496268

Even the Lincoln shit focuses on the role of well-off white dudes. It's frightening how few people know of Frederick Douglass.

Our education system is in shambles

>> No.3496269

Poor white people aren't exposed to the same culture as a poor black person. You have to be shitting me.

> I don't see why their well being should take priority over ours.

I don't see why your well being should take priority over theirs

>> No.3496270

>m-muh statistically fuelled prejudice against people i've never met or lived near

>> No.3496272

And can be used to predict the future. Your wilful ignorance is truly Orwellian.

>> No.3496273

Leftist insanity right here. This is what happens you you cut off your own human instinct and become a robot.

>> No.3496274

>Money fixes anything

The nerve.

>> No.3496276

doesn't really prove anything, except for the fact that white women are more attractive. I don't think anyone was disputing this.
And even if 99 percent (and I'm not finding the claims that convincing, by the way) of blacks we're criminals, I don't see that as a reason to judge individuals.

>> No.3496278

Sure thing buddy. :)

>> No.3496280

>actually thinks we need more niggers shoehorned into the education system
Frederick Douglas is taught as early as elementary school in the US.

>> No.3496281

>I don't see why your well being should take priority over theirs

cuz I'm not a rapist? I actually contribute to society (believe it or not)?

>> No.3496282

>referring to a chart with no sources
yea good one mate

>> No.3496283

southern racism is a bit different from northern racism. it's still about a separation of life experience. dumb hicks may see blacks everyday, but they don't have the necessary background knowledge to contextualize that experience.

>> No.3496285

I'm from inner-city London, I told you. I grew up in Edmonton -- no shortage of blacks there, trust me.

>> No.3496287

yes, that's why i said lincoln as an insult.

>> No.3496289

They can be used to make predictions but you can't determine if an individual is more dangerous based on race-wide statistics. I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

>> No.3496291

Yeah, that's not discrimination.

Goddamn, the cognitive dissonance from leftists is astounding.

>> No.3496292

racist because they were raised that way. confederate shit is everywhere in the south.

>> No.3496293

No you don't. You end your statements with question marks in a valley girl fashion.
You don't contribute shit.

>> No.3496296

A lot of black people aren't racists and they contribute to society as well. Also the point is to not make them rapists or non-contributors. Get that fallacious shit out of here. This is a reading board.

>> No.3496298

You've never lived in the South, how do you manage to judge those individuals?

That's not what it's like at all, for the record, you're completely off based. The reason that there's more racism in the south is because it's impossible for a decent and reasonable person to live around niggers and not hate them.

>> No.3496299

stupid british scum can't understand that living nera someone doesn't mean you understand her

>> No.3496301

Buzzwords don't impress anyone here.

>> No.3496304

Do some of your own research then and see what you find. I'm confident it will back me up.

>> No.3496305

>statistics predict the future
>being this dumb
I realize math (and basic reasoning) isn't your strong suite, but please realize that determining a probability != prediction. Then, consider the difference between correlation and causation. Finally, kill yourself.

>> No.3496307

but i have.

>> No.3496309

No it isn't.

>> No.3496311

That racial profiling has been proven to be an effective preventative method. Explain that.

>> No.3496313

>Do some of your own research then and see what you find

Lazy intellectual confirmed.

>> No.3496317


>> No.3496321

Where are these proofs?

>> No.3496322

Hahaha. This climbdown.

>> No.3496323

>stupid british scum can't understand that living nera someone doesn't mean you understand her
>living nera someone

>> No.3496330
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>> No.3496332

You people are obviously willing to justify anything your precious little niggers do. Why? What do you owe them? Or is it just that you've invested so much of your wafer-thin identity into your politics that they actually take precedent over real life now?

>> No.3496339

A doop a waw a waw a ha hey a woopy doopy do. Flip floopy walla wing wang hallabaloo?

>> No.3496340

Leftists confirmed for rape apologists.

>> No.3496341

How long have you been in this thread spewing out this same tired rhetoric with a slight change to the phrasing each time?

>> No.3496344

Sorry, I don't speak ebonics.

>> No.3496347

Because I haven't been refuted, and I'm actually amazed at the depths of your denial. The hard evidence is on my side.

>> No.3496350

He has probably been doing this ever since being red-pilled from /pol/'s fallacious presentation of arguments, thinking he's at all distinguishable from anyone else who has as equally limited insight into anything he's talking about.

>> No.3496351

None of this is helping me get the poontang.

>> No.3496357

You have but you conveniently don't acknowledge it. Don't flatter yourself. Everyone says "I haven't been refuted" when they have after engaging damage control move. It's better for you to just take it and move on. No one knows who you are and you won't be so mad.

>> No.3496365

Hey /pol/ on /lit/, i'm a black post-teen and I can confirm that i'm neither a criminal nor a rapist.

Nothing of any significant will ever happen in your life, no need to be afraid. Your impending struggle for validity will never be met. Please go back to your board and leave us to our literature discussions.

Have a nice day :)

>> No.3496369

I've never been on /pol/ m8, I just have a low tolerance for bullshit. The fact that people ITT are apparently more concerned with protecting their pet niggers' feelings than the widespread phenomenon of black-on-white rape and murder just astonished me. This thread has really been an eye-opener.

>> No.3496373

So what do you propose then dickweed? Lock up blacks on sight? Allow police to discriminate against innocent blacks?

>> No.3496375

How dumb and brainwashed are you, /pol/?

Can't you see that the 'problem with blacks' is an economic one? They have been shovelled into ghettos, have worse job opportunities, horrendous education, collectively reside in the lowest economic group, and are conditioned by socio-economic factors to be the lowest of society. Yes, of course the crime statistics and rape figures show 'blacks to be worse than whites'. But any kind of final solution segregation by the extreme right will exacerbate the symptoms and make the problems worse.

You need to 'red-pill' yourselves to the situation, see how blinded you are by your racist dogmatic ideals and fucking read something.

>> No.3496377

Sorry, I must have missed it. Where did you rationally prove that blacks are not more inclined to commit murder and rape than any other race? What was your response to my astonishment at people treating racism as a more heinous crime than rape or murder?

>> No.3496379

how many rapes by white males go unreported or aren't taken seriously by the justice system?

lol she was askin for it bro rite?!

>> No.3496380

Segregation and increased racial profiling.

>> No.3496381

You sound far more concerned with your own paranoia and the thought of a long black penis entering a white woman than the reality of blacks being stuck in a cyclical pattern of low socioeconomics and thus being less educated and more likely to commit crimes in general

>> No.3496382

>I just have a low tolerance for bullshit.

Then how the fuck do you believe yourself? You're not as intolerant as you think.

>The fact that people ITT are apparently more concerned with protecting

Interesting interpretation of the thread, junior.

>> No.3496384

Most white women I know were molested at an extremely young age or raped by white men. You can't be serious.

>> No.3496385


Good luck with that, jackass. Why did I even waste my time asking.

>> No.3496387

Why are they less capable of adjusting to civilised society than any other immigrant group? The Jews inhabited the bottommost economic group once -- didn't last for more than a generation, and their crime rates were never comparable to blacks'. There is a racial element to account for here, that much is plainly observable.

>> No.3496389

When we dismissed statistics as a crystal ball.

>> No.3496390
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Purists are the curse of /lit/

>> No.3496392

That's a great leap of faith Soren.

>> No.3496395

That's not the issue and I actually consider myself a feminist. Real tolerant of you to just assume that because I don't like blacks I must be a sexist and a homophobe and whatever else Colbert told you racists are uniformly guilty of.

>> No.3496397

Your argument stopped when I asked you where these 'proofs' were that racial profiling was 'effective'. You conveniently not responding to a point doesn't mean you haven't been refuted.

>> No.3496405

It is the issue you fuck. You are going by crime statistics which can only be measured by incarceration rates, not some magical crime confirmation machine. White people not being convicted of their crimes is a valid explanation for the disproportionate rates of conviction between blacks and whites.

>> No.3496403

>That's not the issue and I actually consider myself a feminist.
>I don't like blacks
Confirmed for /pol/ retard.

>> No.3496404

>the thought of a long black penis entering a white woman

If there's not consent, then yeah it does concern me. Well done for stooping to fallacious character assassinations so quickly, though.

>blacks being stuck in a cyclical pattern of low socioeconomics and thus being less educated and more likely to commit crimes in general

You;re ignoring the fact that they still commit more crime than any other member of the bottom economic group. They have low social status because of the way they act.

>> No.3496406

I must say, I love the Kierkegaard references ITT

With that said, come on /lit/. Some /pol/smoker rustles you jimmies and you make 200 posts about it? Let nature take it's course and he'll die of a heart attack at 35.

>> No.3496407


>> No.3496410

People have addressed this very argument like ten minutes ago. Don't just keep throwing your racist pamphlets at people hoping it will work on them the same way it worked on you.

>> No.3496412

Because I read them once and can't be arsed to trawl through the whole internet in search for them again. Do your own research if you're not too afraid it might contradict the shit your Sociology professor told you.

>> No.3496416

LOL no it's not.

>> No.3496418

What. A. Climbdown.

>> No.3496420

If you make an argument, you back it up with proof. Otherwise we're just stuck with this bullshit.

You are dismissed.

>> No.3496423

Okay? You'll have to explain.

>> No.3496424

>upset with fallacious character assassinations
>is a racist

Oh boy. By the way, how are you measuring crime rates, arrests? lawl

>> No.3496426

>no it's not.
>providing no valid information or argumentative reasoning
you serious?

>> No.3496427

>They have low social status because of the way they act
No, I guess you don't understand what 'social status' is
>You;re ignoring the fact that they still commit more crime than any other member of the bottom economic group
Statistics please. I doubt any country with a very similar judicial system has a low economic class that commits far less crimes than blacks in America

>> No.3496428


>> No.3496431
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>> No.3496434



>> No.3496435

>b-but muh institutional racsm.........

>> No.3496441

>I doubt any country with a very similar judicial system has a low economic class that commits far less crimes than blacks in America

america has higher crime rates than any other first world country on earth...

>> No.3496436

How do you know that your interpretation of the evidence is accurate? You've put yourself in a bad position by saying you have all this super-objective hard evidence somewhere on the internet, but you are unable to present it.

>> No.3496438

I'm fine being asked what I'm reading, as long as the guy has an actual interest in it. Or is at least very knowledgeable about literature.

Otherwise it's just another conversation with the guy answering "cool" and then telling me how much he loves science fiction and fantasy. It's someone going up and interrupting someone else just to tell them a bunch of shit about themselves no one cares about.

Make sure not to do that OP. Also don't "quiz" the girl by giving misinformation and seeing if she notices - if she knows a lot about lit, she'll just think you're an idiot for it, if she doesn't know then she's not even going to notice.

>> No.3496439


Oh boy. Back to /pol/ now.

>> No.3496443

>How do I percentages?
/pol/, misreading charts since 2004

>> No.3496444


>> No.3496445

>*as described by victims, witnesses

Anyone in a hoodie at night can be called a 'black person', especially when it is culturally ingrained in you that blacks are more susceptible to crime. Anything better?

>> No.3496446

>called on skewed statistics
>t-typical white apologists holy shit cry more go kiss a monkey lolol

Good effort, but I'm the patty cake champion

>> No.3496451

bring real information next time.

do you know you can become a felon by having a substantial amount of marijuana on your person?

yeha violent blacks hurr durr

>> No.3496452

citation needed

>> No.3496455

itt: racists getting owned

>> No.3496448

so gracious of the white man to free his noble slave, now everything is okay. there are no racial problems at all, except criminal ones.

>> No.3496449

Prove that they're skewed with hard evidence, please.

>> No.3496458

>prove that god isnt real

>> No.3496465

I'm proud of you, fellow /lit/izens. We may argue about texts, but we join together to push /pol/ back to the fringes.

Well done, now lets kill this thread.

>> No.3496469

There's only a solitary moron.
He's probably feeling astonished at how what delusional sheep the people arguing with him are. You don't "own" racists, lrn to pscychology.

>> No.3496470

She might think I'm trying to rape her if I touch her. Fuck that shit.

>> No.3496475
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>> No.3496480


>> No.3496488

Fun thread, though.

>> No.3496490

Same here, I stare at girls and guys, just people. I'm straight.

>> No.3496492

RACISM: When you can't understand math, science, or history, but are still better than everyone else because you've just got a hunch.

>> No.3496499

Proud of /lit/.

>> No.3496523

>bumrush solitary unprepared racist with ad homs and pedantry after he condemns the rape culture that's most statistically prevalent amongst african americans
>celebrate great victory for the left

>> No.3496528

Dry your tears

>> No.3496531

No one said anything worthwhile in this whole thread.

>> No.3496534

we discussed the statistics already champ

>> No.3496542

Please. Isn't it funny how leftists start shitting on IQ testing as soon as it provides hard evidence of the stratification of intelligence by race? I wouldn't exactly call myself a racist, but most you "anti-racists" do some insane manipulation of the facts to get them to agree with your world-view. It's a bit rich for you to labelling other people anti-science.

>> No.3496546

I'm glad it wasn't just me this time. Well done whomever it was that could be bothered.

>> No.3496551

>Isn't it funny how leftists start shitting on IQ testing as soon as
I'd shit on IQ tests even if it didn't do/show a number things. It's fundamentally flawed as a measure.

>> No.3496561

>hey look another nonliterature shitpost

can we stop bumping this thread, ok? take it to the other boards (there are several)

>> No.3496568

Let's be honest, though, /lit/ is full of the kind of pretentious, unaware pseudo-intellectuals who study liberal arts at state colleges. What more can you really expect?

>> No.3496570

It accurately predicts things like future income salary and likelihood of going to prison, though.

>> No.3496576

Blacks constitute ~10% of USA's population and commit over half of its murders. Is this not a teensy bit worrying?

>> No.3496579

Oh, do tell. Please, give me some hard evidence that this is the case. The only counter-arguments I've ever head have either been "muh cultural differences" (despite the fact that asian americans score better than white americans), and arguments that start with the assumption that their anti-racist world-view is correct and IQ is flawed because it disagrees.

>> No.3496597

When they cite "cultural bias" as an argument against IQ, what they really mean is that black culture is dumb.

>> No.3496695


>White people not being convicted of their crimes is a valid explanation for the disproportionate rates of conviction between blacks and whites.

Tell me, did you have a hard time typing this with a straight face?

>> No.3496761

The best indicators of whther you will go to prison are: do you smoke? Do you have tattoos? Do you stay up past ten at night? People who match none of these criterion are the least represented in prison populations. If you also are an atheist, don't drink, and particpate in a field sport you will probably never even be arrested.

On topic for the thread, I'm attracted mostly to short, chubby girls with short hair and glasses. any special tips in approaching them? I already know the "cargo shorts and a ball cap= lesbian" rule.

>> No.3496832

>wahhh I don't want to intimate that I'm potentially just using somebody

You kant live your life in fear, bro.

>> No.3496876

"Slain" has a specific connotation legally and in court, they're not just saying it to be fancy.

>> No.3496899

>interactive homicide report

I know a lot of people are killed in LA but fuck.



What are you talking about? Why is the fact that he's black significant? Black people don't have a monopoly on murder.

>> No.3496908

>because it's right

You're joking, right?

It's what their Viking forefathers did.

>> No.3496924

Your rape would be sufficient.

>> No.3496929

>horrible bestial things

Are you a 19th c. social darwinist?

Seriously, I'm not even offended by the racist troglodytes anymore, that was just ridiculously effete.

>> No.3496953

Well, this is a place where literally every white person I know holds a conception of black people almost entirely based on The Chapelle Show.

>> No.3496962

Yeah, except he's mentioned as a passing footnote, nobody actually reads his autobiography.

I mean, what about Phyllis Wheatley? Or slave narratives? I never read a single slave narrative in elementary, middle, or high school, and some of them are amazing, way more insightful than secondary textbook sources.

>> No.3496966

Did you have a hard time writing a legitimate response to that explanation?

Oh wait you didn't write one at all.

>> No.3496971

Speech patterns? Christ, that's rich.

>> No.3496975
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This, I mean honestly people. I don't even care when/why this devolved into /pol/ but cut it out, I'm trying to get my dick wet with a literary qt3.14.

>> No.3496981

Yeah, no one is suggesting that black-on-white violence isn't a problem, as violence on the whole is generally bad, in case you didn't get the memo.

And you'd do the exact same shit if you were subject to the same kind of abject poverty by default.

>> No.3497007

>You sound far more concerned with your own paranoia and the thought of a long black penis entering a white woman

Ring ring ring, we have a winner.

Also, why are black people still considered the ultimate sexual transgression? How vanilla is imagination that that's the final frontier.

>> No.3497016

The Jews kind of won on the melanin count -they could pass, hide their names, etc. (which they did) for as long as it took to be incorporated into the culture at large. Blacks have no such luck, and the few that do write fascinating book about it, a la Wheldon's "The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man."

>> No.3497035

It's the final push, like the penultimate scene in a Power Rangers battle.

>> No.3497046

This, for a little while /tv/ was having field days every time someone posted that screenshot from the new Von Trier movie, with Charlotte Gainsbourg in a mandingo sandwich,

>> No.3497461

>and doesn't want

Excuse me, you're on /lit/ right now, not /v/ or whatever other shithole you trailed away from. I'd like you to use proper English here, please.