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3494131 No.3494131 [Reply] [Original]

Teaching high school English is crushing my soul, /lit/. What do? Anyone else try teaching high school and hate it?

>> No.3494140

Maybe because students have to v read fucking to kill a mocking bird again

>> No.3494153

It's better than working as a cashier, buddy. Or maybe it isn't. I have no idea what kind of income teachers bring in. I have to imagine it's better than 8.75 an hour with no benefits.

>> No.3494156
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What is the worst part of it OP?

Would you say that we shouldn't try being high school English teachers?

Genuine interest.

>> No.3494160

Man, the dragon from Merlin was really weird.

>> No.3494164

You should upload some papers here so we can giggle at them.

>> No.3494165


Well, technically I'm a student teacher, and what sucks about it is I'm at a school where a lot of the students are derps and don't do their work, and nearly all the department staff consists of middle aged, crotchety/pregnant females. Maybe it'll get better when I have my own class, I don't know. I also hate being an authority figure; it doesn't suit my personality well.

>> No.3494169


For a question along the lines of "Name a literary device," one of the students put "Drinking and Driveing" (it was an article on the topic, I'll give them that. By the way, this is a NORMAL level 11th grade class.

>> No.3494171

tell us horror stories u faggt

>> No.3494178


My supervising teacher farted about 1 foot from my head today, loudly, and didn't acknowledge it. How's that for horror?

>> No.3494183
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How prepared are these students to write college essays?

>implying college

>> No.3494195
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>tfw quit major in English back in University to major in computer science instead
>tfw making 3500 euros a month now

>> No.3494208


Not very well prepared at all. I'm trying to help them write argumentative papers and many of them still think strictly within the 5 paragraph essay format. I'd say about 6/26 of them will be able to handle college level composition.

>> No.3494215

Is that the guy in Time Bandits, or is it Baron Von Munchausen, or both?

>> No.3494222

how does one into college level composition?

my high school english education consisted of teachers giving up halfway through the year when the class started playing monopoly right there in front of the teacher without a care in the world

>> No.3494224

I remember my High school Emglish teacher OP, she was a pretty blond woman about the age of 25. Used to make me laugh. I can't even look at here now, year after I left she got into an affair with a student, which I don't care about, but it utterly destroyed her. She wanted to stay with her kids and she must've loved her husband but in order to stay together, she was essentially slut shamed and forced to stay in a town that had by this point universally hated her. She was in her 30's now but she's aged 25 years, she looks aweful, she'll probably kill herself one of these days. It makes me very sad, when I think of English teachers now. She had the abillity to put up with so much shit and joke about it, maybe that's what did her in, I don't know.

>> No.3494229

What the fuck is it with that format? I'm in university and every single person I've seen thinks in terms of it, or the "sandwich essay" (intro-body-conclusion) format. I have semi-tutored a few people and had to give up because they simply can't get it into their minds that an essay isn't a book report with a set structure.

>> No.3494230

>not living in a country where teachers are allowed to hit students

top lel

>> No.3494236
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OP have you ever thought about becoming a college teacher?
OP are you teaching in rural areas for gov benefits?
What shit hole are you stuck in?

>tfw major in physics
>tfw making 8000 dollars (not including free housing) at SLAC

>> No.3494237


I'm assuming you aren't a native speaker... Not sure what you mean.

I'd like to pride myself with putting up with shit, but putting up with shit becomes increasingly difficult when no one acknowledges the shit you put up with.

>> No.3494241

>I'm assuming you aren't a native speaker... Not sure what you mean.

i'm a native speaker... "how do i into" is a /fit/ thing i guess

i don't understand the difference between your superior college-level whatever and the standard 5-paragraph format, which the tone of your post made seem inferior

>> No.3494242

>implying drunk driving isn't a literary device

>> No.3494243
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3500 euros is 9500 dollars

>> No.3494245

Yes, I have considered taking the GRE. I'm reasonably intelligent and have a good GPA from a good university. I'm in a heavily ethnic suburb of a major city in the US. I don't want to get into too much detail here. Since I'm student teaching, I'm not getting paid; I'm working toward a certification that I'll probably never utilize.

>> No.3494246
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I tried work once—twice actually—and it was the shittiest thing I ever experienced in my whole life. I worked for six weeks in total at two different jobs and then went mad and went home and vowed to myself to never work again even for a day, so far so good, I haven't done shit since, 2012 was half idle at least, 2013 will become my first full year of leisure without any obligations in the sense of work or schooling or other nonsense. I highly recommend it. You'd be much better of having solitary picknicks in the woods reading Huysmans than teaching some shitfaced brats about whatever.

>> No.3494248

lol, I'd agree with that.

I'm no elite essayist, but the state of high schoolers education is horrifying. I'm comparing NY to AZ, and the few kids I'm with are severely underprepared for college. Community college and state college is probably fine, but forget anything else.

>> No.3494250

>3500 euros is 9500 dollars

in what alternate universe?

>> No.3494252

where do you get money from

>> No.3494253 [DELETED] 

>3500 euros
3500 Euro equals 4614.40 US Dollar

>> No.3494256


>> No.3494259

christ I'd hate to be a teacher
I mean, I'd love to teach, but the schools are so fucked it's unbelievable

>> No.3494261

Gubment. I'm European though, not sure about stateside welfare.

>> No.3494262

Did you actually try working, or did you apply for some entry level job and get mad when it sucked?

>> No.3494265

No, you're thinking of Jack Purvis, that's Peter Dinklage.

>> No.3494267


OP here. Honestly, that's what I want to do. I really just want to be isolated, figure some shit out, take the GRE or LSAT, and start the game again. Right now, I'm too worn out and I fear becoming one of the asshole teachers we all hated as kids. Obviously, the money issue is my main problem preventing me from going all Walden on the world's ass.

>> No.3494275

Not really sure what you are asking. I kind of decided that work was shit 10 years before I even attempted it so I may have been prejudiced. All worked out fine though.

>> No.3494277
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My 8000 dollars is an eight week internship.
I wish I had more than the state scholarship though...

I understand your lack of details.
Here in the "south" where I am, you can get benefits for going to rural areas.
How do you run your class room?
I've always wondered what its like to be a teacher.
I've thought about going into the education industry.

>> No.3494279

First bit was met to go to >>3494195

>> No.3494286

I know, right?
3,500 Euros is 137,097 Taiwanese dollars.

>> No.3494289


Well, I try to be laid-back (because that's how I am naturally), but the approach doesn't work with these kids. They're very rowdy and most have little initiative and lack the ability to be quiet for more than 5 minutes. I tried disciplining them today and they ended up laughing at me. I laughed at myself because I realized how ridiculously unnatural it is for me to be an authoritarian figure. My advice-- if you aren't an organized/authoritative person who likes attention, teaching isn't for you.

>> No.3494292

Where I'm from, there are jobs, and then there are entry level jobs. An entry level job would be, say, working as a cashier, or waiting at a restaurant, as opposed to a desk job.

>> No.3494293

teenagers are little cunts?

you don't say

>> No.3494297

I sweated and broke my back in dim lit dusty warehouses full of Sisyphean immigrants with no hope or joy and changed cum-ridden sheets in decadent hotels.

>> No.3494299

Yeah it sucks being a betamale teacher. Also, teaching is pleb tier job, especially fucking ESL.

>> No.3494304

>tfw uni student
>tfw even my AP classes never asked for much more than the five paragraph format
>tfw I don't know any other way to write

fuck "conclusion" paragraphs though

>hurrr restate what you said in the beginning just in case your audience gets lost between the three main points you are writing about.

>> No.3494308

OP, your only choice is to become a pleb tier ESL teacher in Korea or Japan and banging Jap pussies.

>> No.3494316
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>She was in her 30's now but she's aged 25 years, she looks aweful,

That's the fate of most women once they hit their 30s. Women age like milk, men age like wine, remember.

>> No.3494321


Lol I've considered it, honestly. The pay blows but at least the chilluns pay attention. And I like Asian chicks.

>> No.3494322
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>she was a pretty blond woman about the age of 25. ... She was in her 30's now but she's aged 25 years, she looks aweful

Such is the fate of all women. Picture related.

>> No.3494330

How old are you? Enjoy your 20s my nigga. Time to bang bitches and learn Japanese/Korean.

>> No.3494334


22. I appreciate the encouragement, just gotta figure out which Asian race I find the hottest.

>> No.3494338
File: 1.58 MB, 3616x3069, asians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the race chart.


Avoid South Eas Asia
Stick to Japan or Korea
China is pleb tier
Taiwan okay.

>> No.3494340
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>> No.3494344
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>tfw no average corea gf to kiss her vagina good night ;__;

>> No.3494345
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Average corea gf you say?

>> No.3494351

Hong Kong and Taiwanese is mid tier. Pleb tier is Mainland China, or anywhere China.

>> No.3494347

>China is pleb tier
what about hong-kong chinese?

>> No.3494364

>condescending attitude about state college

i'm sure you're a very nuanced and intelligent person.

>> No.3494369

Did you not go to high school, OP?

Seems like you should have noticed this shit back when you were 14.

>> No.3494387

Holy shit. You're fucked dude. You know how many fags like you I've seen student teaching? You're a dime a dozen. You get all introspective and feely about yourselves. If you respect yourself you need to bring the hammer down in your classes. Kick those little fuckers out.

>2nd year full time teaching HS
>60K a year plus student loan debt relief
>I get to bullshit about history all day
>Shit's not that bad

>> No.3494414

fuck mongolian girls turn me on so much holy shit

>> No.3494423

i kind of want to teach high school after i graduate, seems to me like most teachers are pussies
and from what i understand all the schools will want to suck my dick because i have a math degree, but that could be a myth

>> No.3494440

Depends on the State, and you really can't be a pussy. Kids need structure or else they will eat your face. Practice being an asshole.

>> No.3494451

lol, no problem with that
i'm a certified asshole for life

>> No.3494460

Hey OP, if you don't like teaching little bratty Americans kids, consider going to Asia and teaching English in South Korea.
They're super disciplined and eager to learn. Although you won't necessarily be teaching Shakespeare.

>> No.3494463

I was in the same situation. Supervising some prep students in a computer room at nights.

I was really anxious for a while until I just said fuck it and started getting angry and sending kids out for the slightest infraction.

It was easier for me 'cause I didn't have to teach them anything. I just told them to be quiet or sent them out.

Maybe you should practice in front of the mirror. You have to say the right thing without swearing.

>> No.3494477

this is what america is eventually going to be like. A welfare state in which lazy slobs never have to work a day in their life because "they don't like it."

are you fucking kidding me? you have no moral problems essentially stealing money from literally everyone around you while they slave away? kill yourself. I'm serious.

>> No.3494480

Are you angry because we live better than you while actually being able to enjoy ourselves at the same time?

>> No.3494485

Sounds like you are in the wrong line of work

>> No.3494500

I've been looking into this as well, and want to add that one does not need an English degree to qualify for English teaching positions in South Korea. Only a four-year-degree is needed.

The only drawback I see to this is that high school in Korea can last until late at night.

>> No.3494504

no im angry because your monstrously misguided yurosemen wealth redistribution pyramid schemes will probably be implemented here with obongo in charge. Then I will be forced to give 50% of all the money I work hard to earn to Big Brother so that fragile little manchildren like yourself won't have to be uncomfortable.

>we live better

sucking straight off the government tit doesn't qualify as better living, and if it does to you, you're fucking pathetic, so again, kill yourself.

>> No.3494510

Why don't you just go on wellfare and enjoy it? I don't understand.

>> No.3494512

I want more things than I need

>> No.3494556

OP, teaching AP and Honors classes is generally more rewarding. I think for the most part they stick the newfag teachers in shit tier classes like normal english and math and let the more experienced ones go to AP and Honors.

>> No.3494561

Shit hit enter too early

The only real way I know aside from sticking it out for like 10 years is to get lucky and find a bad school in desperate need of one of those teachers, they'll let it slide. Once you have the experience from there you can say you taught AP and get a better job at a better school. My history teacher was 24 and taught AP European History this way.

>> No.3494573

its a 4chan thing.

how do i into dark souls-/v/
how do i into warhammer 40k//tg/
how do i into bleach-/a/


>> No.3494646

The "standard 5-paragraph" format is inferior because its structure is too rigid. It's purely meant to be an introduction to essay writing for high school students who need limitations set for them in order to get anything accomplished.

Once you're out of high school, you should be able to move past that and move to less restrictive formats where a thesis doesn't necessarily have to be explicitly stated in the end of the first paragraph, there doesn't have to be exactly three points, etc. If you read any famous essay, you'll see it's nothing like the typical high school essay. If they were, they wouldn't be interesting.

>> No.3495148
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I'm the guy you responded to originally. I don't have any moral problems with my lifestyle.

Your fear isn't wholly justified though. There aren't a lot of people on welfare, and only an extremely small minorty is on welfare because they like it. You see, welfare isn't fun for most. You get to live beneath minimum wage. It's poverty, the government is just decent enough to give you a little bit for food, clothes and shelter. A life of such controlled poverty and being a social outcast on top of that is way more hardship than most people can endure. Most people on welfare can't wait to get a job. They are bored, they are poor, they are ashamed and miserable. Life on welfare is basically the life of a monk or a prisoner that gets to go outside. There's nearly no luxuries. You live in gloomy concrete neighbourhoods and you are basically guaranteed no improvement for life. It takes a special kid of person to be able to be happy on welfare. A bit of a Cynic, perhaps. You won't have to be afraid that it becomes the popular thing to do. If anything, most people are simply too vain and greedy and dull for that.

If you are worried about your money going to the wrong things, welfare should be very low on your list of things to complain about. You should be worried about tax evasion of the rich, about military spending, about dislocated public funding and mismanagement in government functions. I live on less than €10.000 a year. That's less than half of what a prisoner costs under your inhuman, psychopath petri dish of a prison system. And a little more than one eighth of the cost of a prisoner here. Seeing that I won't and can't work and I'm not willing to euthanise myself for the greater good, welfare really isn't such a bad solution for a lot of cases. I'd be way more expensive as a criminal or institutionalised. Everybody wins, or at least doesn't lose too much. Hell, if I do some decent writing, people might actually get something out of it.

>> No.3495153

Try and find at least one person who really cares. There has to be at least one. Probably the silent dude in the very back of the class. I'm just saying. I never said anything in class unless I really had to, but I was really interested in what my teacher was saying and tried to think all by myself...

>> No.3495154

Holy shit you sound like my teacher. Kids talk and yell all the time in his class and he tries to tell them civilly to be quiet, but they don't listen and then he just kind of gives up.

It sucks 'cause he's a pretty cool guy. Those damn kids just won't listen.

>> No.3495172

are u tryin to get b& son?

>> No.3495205

Same boat, OP. Fuck those kids.

>> No.3495207

every student teacher ever

>> No.3495210

Being a perfectly reasonable and nice guy that can turn into a fascist psychopath with no qualms about ruining lives in the blink of an eye makes for the best educative atmosphere. Make them choose between either paradise or hell. Best trick there is. Courtesy of the big man himself.

>> No.3495216


>> No.3495393

He's right in terms of liberal arts programs. If you can't get into an Ivy for one of those, you really have no business studying the subject (not to mention the fact that you are wasting your fucking time).

On the other hand, most Ivies and many "top-tier" schools have shit engineering programs. In a lot of cases, your local state school will give you an education that is as good or better than the one you'd get at Harvard.

In terms of other sciences or mathematics, how much you get out of an undergrad depends on how much work you do and what opportunities you seek out. Top-tier school are only better because of the networking opportunities. The reputation of all the elite private universities comes from their unbeatable graduate schools and research programs, not their undergraduate offerings.

>> No.3497324

>implying stealing isn't the foundation of civilization

>> No.3497350


>Complaining about teaching English.

Maybe because 99% of teachers only teach what's on the next text or homework sheet rather than genuine information that would legitimately help an future adults understanding of the world, but no, all you care about is them circling the correct letter on whatever shit you give them no matter how useless it is.


>> No.3497353

Teaching English in Japan is the shit anons. Gov't will provide you with housing if you get into a good program.

>> No.3497360

I taught physics and chemistry for 7 years and then had enough. The kids were fine, but I hated the administration and the shit-tier fuckpig parents.

>> No.3497413

>and the shit-tier fuckpig parents
Got some nice entitled indignation stories?

>> No.3497428
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I have a relative who does this, though I've never met him.

What kind of qualifications do you need? Do you need to be fluent in Moonspeak?

>> No.3497466
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>> No.3497532

This is what I'm about a year out from doing.

can't fucking waaaaiiiitttt.

>> No.3497550 [DELETED] 


>> No.3497585

College student here

5 paragraph format paper is most used

If you can learn to use that as a stencil, colleg become ceasy

>5 paragraphs is easily 1-2 pages, can easily get your point across

>need more pages?

doulbe it

2 for intro
2 for first body
2 for second

/v/ here btw

>> No.3497590

but it is

Why go beyond when that will do.

>> No.3497643


We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.

>> No.3497659


I'm American so it might be different here, but how were you able to get welfare and is it enough to allow you to eat well?

>> No.3497693
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>but how were you able to get welfare
Being unemployed.
>and is it enough to allow you to eat well?
Well enough, as far as I know. Not full special organic everything and supplements everywhere but I eat my fruits, vegetables and meat and proper carbs. Most people aren't willing to make the sacrifices to be able to do so though. You get plenty of people whining about how they aren't able to live properly on welfare while obviously wearing needlessly expensive clothes and getting professional haircuts and smoking and chewing gum and things like that. Some even have cars and pets. Then you get to their house and they have snacks and a big tv and all kinds of furniture and ornaments and other shit. People have no business complaining about poverty when they don't first secure proper nutrition before splurging on marble dogs and fake nails.

>> No.3497713


You know, I think I could do it. I hardly ever buy new clothes, I cut my own hair (I tried it once when I was younger and found out I was good at it--haven't had it done professionally since), and, aside from food and utilities, all I ever buy is books.

>> No.3497749

There's also a lot of social pressure and once you properly get in you'll have a hard time getting out. You'll also severly lessen your romantic chances and general social life. It's not for everyone.

>> No.3497756
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This is not true at all. It all comes dow to how much work the woman is willing to put into keeping herself hot.



>> No.3497770

No but it's a definite bonus. It's not a requirement for actually teaching though. You'd be stupid not to learn it anyway though in anticipation. I picked a lot of it up just from watching anime. You'd obviously need to study it as well though.

Don't expect to be immediately accepted by all your peers and score a 10/10 J-Pop idol in the first week though. Japs are pretty racist, seeing as how over 97% of their population is Jap.

>> No.3497818

My gf is korean. I fucking love koreans. Best looking and best fucking out of all asian women.

>> No.3497831

I doubt that you've had sex with a large enough amount and a wide enough range to make a statement like this.

>> No.3497840


Damn, how would you even go about fucking a statistically significant sample of Asian women?

>> No.3497841

Maybe I'm an idiot, but I like your train of thought.

>> No.3497845

10/10 good looks, time, and money.

>> No.3497849

I'm an English teacher as well, OP.
The problem is you go frm studying literature at university level to teaching HUNGER GAMES to fifteen-year-olds.
And then you have to sit in the staff room and listen to all the middle-aged female teachers talk about how interesting HUNGER GAMES is, and how it has deep themes, and how it's relevant to society. Then you have to go into a classroom and try to take yourself seriously while you talk about struggling for survival and the power of human relationships in the HUNGER GAMES. Then you have to read out a quote from the HUNGER GAMES and ask the students how they respond to it.
And the whole time you're standing there thinking why can't we at least do 1984?
And then you realise, these cocksuckers couldn't even read HUNGER GAMES - they only watched the film.

>> No.3497858

In what backwoods school is Hunger Games part of the curriculum?

>> No.3497863


I only socialize because I feel obligated to. The few close friends I do have wouldn't be surprised if I were to live off of the government, and romance has never been the driving force that it is in so many others' lives. If I were to meet a woman I liked and who accepted my situation, it would just feel like a bonus. It's not something I would expect, though. The amount of free, solitary time I would have make the whole thing seem worth it.

>> No.3497878

A mid-high level state school in Sydney.

>> No.3497934

The public school in my town had to do Twilight for year 11 Literature.

>> No.3497965

> Australia

There's your problem. That level in the US teaches The Scarlet Letter, Huck Finn, Things Fall Apart, Pride and Prejudice, and Hamlet. And those are just the ones I can recall off the top of my head. It was middle class public school, too.

>> No.3497966

A moment of silence for those poor children...

>> No.3497970

>If you read any famous essay, you'll see it's nothing like the typical high school essay. If they were, they wouldn't be interesting.
Because those essays were not forced upon the writer.

STEM major here who writes A+ essays in Comp I and II here, stick with the five paragraph for all required writing. You don't have to follow the style by the bullet point, but there is not much reason to use anything else. My professors kept saying it was bad to use and then their syllabus check list was:
3 Contents.
Why It Matters.

>Wow, that is not like the 5 paragraph structure at all.

I also write in my free time, hence why I am on /lit/. Do I ever follow a real structure when I write in my free time? Hell no. But that is because I am not trying to get through a required course that is high school AP English all over again (it is actually easier in college).

>> No.3498000

>get degree in education
>want to be history teacher
>prepared to pay dues
>school system gives me full time substitute position
>for in school suspension
>yell at animals all day
>do this for a year
>no spots open up, told I would continue this, except on fridays I have to carry a kid with muscular dystrophy around
>ask head of history department if they see any jobs coming up
>"no jobs in history anon, have you considered special ed?"

And thats how I became a spammer, and sell business lists to indian call centers.

>> No.3498010

I heard you can make a lot of money teaching in Nunavut
but internet up there is, like, $15/GB. Fuuuuuck that.
wait I missed the point

>> No.3498014

Normal means autist classes in highschool.

>> No.3498079

My English teacher takes her lessons form spark notes. Spark notes is a website used to cheat in English class with. Kids go on the site and read her lesson and the answer to tests.
Fuck this shit.
At least we're reading okay stuff.

>> No.3498093

Bravo anon, bravo.

I recently read an article on Wired about how it's hard for people to grasp that 1) We have robots/tech that will eventually take almost all the jobs we do now and 2) That perhaps, in some amount of relatively short years, basically no one will *need* a job. But those 2 things are so far from the present and what we, as a society, have been doing for so long that no one wants to accept it.

>> No.3498121


not to take anything away, but hes quoting someone, cant quite remember who off the top of our head.

>> No.3498552

Well in that case you're all set for the good life, I guess. Although I've heard plenty of horror stories about the American variant. Not sure if that's because it's so much worse or because Americans can't into frugalism though. Probably a little bit of both.

>> No.3498559

Goddamn. American High School teaching sounds so bad.

>> No.3498577

I'd argue more prepared than you think. Writing for a bachelor's degree is pretty much a joke.

>> No.3498579
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There is a long tradition in the world for people to try teaching, hate it, and go on to something else. Philosopher Wittgenstein comes to mind. It's really not an easy job, and it takes a particular kind of person to find long-term satisfaction from teaching.

>> No.3498588

Well, both are good formats. The problem that I recall with both however is that neither really seemed to comment on useful topoi to use within each paragraph. So students understand that they are supposed to have an introduction, a few body paragraphs, and a conclusion, but they don't quite know what to include in those paragraphs or how to structure them logically beyond knowing that the thesis statement is contained somewhere in the introduction and the conclusion restates that thesis somehow. The problem I see is that very few college English teachers seem particularly interested in teaching these topoi.

>> No.3498598

Go to bed Fuller.

>> No.3498602

I tend to look at all critical writing as falling broadly under the rubric. I think the trick is to take the five-paragraph essay form and slowly expand on it as you become a more competent writer.

>> No.3498605

The best English teachers are obviously going to be either European or English. Have you ever taken a lesson in Chaucer from an American?

>> No.3498616

What would you say is an improvement on the 5 paragraph format?

A more freeform structure?

>> No.3498621

Obviously. You have an introduction, and then you get into the main discursive section of the essay. You make a point; you evidence with quotations and critical material; you move on to the next. Then, you write your conclusion.

It's completely up to the author how long each point is. However, one point does not necessarily equal one paragraph. A paragraph should, ideally, be about 300 words. This is for the sake of both coherence and the page format. You can split up a point into multiple paragraphs.

>> No.3498624

Ok so the only thing resembling a rigid structure should really be something like

>your points in some form

Cheers for this, I've been thinking of applying to a university course which involves physics and philosophy so I'll need to get my humanities writing mind back into shape.

>> No.3498627

Yeah, that's it. Our lecturers advise us to read and reference many critical sources. Even in an essay of about 1000 words, you'd probably need to at least acknowledge about 3 or 4 pieces of critical material.

>> No.3498632


Are there any particular essays that I should read to get an idea of how it's done? I know that's quite a vague question but I haven't really thought about reading essays until recently.

I'm going to read DFW's essays some time soon as a kind of jumping off point, I know opinions of him are pretty polarised here but I like his other work.

>> No.3498637

The Casebook essays tend to be quite formulaic; they're direct literary analyses of various texts. The last one I read was on Tess.

I could post one of mine, I guess. Maybe it would help to see what an English-standard 1st class essay looks like.

>> No.3498696

When I was in secondary school, we did some awesome books, off the top of my head we did Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, along with a bit of Shakespeare.

I've never been a good writer, I always struggled with essays, so it put me off studying English further, I love reading, and try to do at least an hour a night.

>> No.3498702

>tfw on my at becoming a teacher
>tfw reading this thread.

>> No.3498703

What where you thinking?
How could you at any point in time have thought that teaching in high school was a good, if even sane ambition to have?

>> No.3498704

how old are people in high schoolsß

>> No.3498705

Teach what you want, the way you want. Just make sure you finish what's supposed to be done, you must be very organised to get it done the right way.

>> No.3498709

13-18 depending on birth date

Agreed, but when a country goes into decline, so does its infrastructure. My kids will be receiving a private primary and secondary education no matter what, hopefully in an institution that teaches Chinese and Spanish

>> No.3498711

You gotta remember that shit in American education is changing at light speed. Every politician thinks that they are a goddamn Ed.D., and everyone wants their name on a "core curriculum". Teachers cant just teach anything anymore.

>> No.3498720

you broke your back? well shit, you deserve some time off.

>> No.3498748

In other words the exact same level of shit?

>> No.3498749

Why are you bitching about being a teacher when you can get away with anything considering you are so highly unionized

>> No.3498751
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>> No.3498758

We did the Scarlet Letter as part of our 2nd-year American Lit module at uni. Our tutor told us it was commonly taught in high school. It was okay. I didn't really like Hawthorne's reliance on overly-romanticised symbolism or his melodramatic style of narration. He often spends around a page explaining the preceding symbol he just used. It got a bit tiring after a while. It really reminded me of Tess, mostly because Hawthorne ostensibly white-knights Hester the whole way through.

>> No.3498766

If you can get students reading and writing regularly, you've won at high school English. You're meant to spread enthusiasm for written word; if you no longer enjoy 'entry-level' work, do something else.

>> No.3498773

>"Working in a high school sucks"
>Not sucking it up to ogle and have control over hot teenage girls